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Zusammenfassung Die von früheren Autoren als «Chromatoidkörper» bezeichnete Struktur der Spermatozoiden von Skorpionen,Palamnaeus bengalensis, ist kein wirklicher «Chromatoidkörper», sondern ein Hilfskörper lipoprotonischer Natur ohne jegliche RNA.  相似文献   

My principal aims are to show that holding, adopting and endorsing (definitions of which I provide) are distinct cognitive attitudes that may be taken towards claims at different moments of scientific activities, and that none of them are reducible to acceptance (as defined by Jonathan Cohen); to explore in detail the differences between holding and accepting, using the controversies about GMOs to provide illustrations; and to draw some implications pertinent to democratic decision-making concerning public policies about science and technology, and to the responsibilities that scientists thereby incur.  相似文献   

Résumé L'examen histochimique des spermatides du bouc et du buffle montre que le «complexe de Golgi» des auteurs comprend l'idiosome constitué par des protéides et des lipidoprotéides, les bâtonnets et granules constitués par des phospholipides et peut-être des protéides et enfin les vacuoles.  相似文献   

Summary A method for detecting signal in the presence of noise in a highly specific was is described. Using action potential interval data from 12 neurons in rat cerebellum, we have demonstrated that the sequential ordering of spike intervals contains both noise and signal. We have identified and quantified the magnitude of relative entropy (uncertainty) for specified sets of interval patterns, ranging in length from 3–5 successive intervals. Some of these sets have exceptionally low entropy and thus seem to be especially meaningful as a set (word) to the brain.  相似文献   

Paget’s disease of bone is a chronic focal skeletal disorder characterized by increased bone resorption by the osteoclasts. Paramyxoviral gene products have been detected in pagetic osteoclasts. Paget’s disease is an autosomal dominant trait with genetic heterogeneity. Several mutations in the ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domain of sequestosome 1 (SQSTM1/p62) have been identified in patients with Paget’s disease. Similarly, mutations in the valosin-containing protein (VCP) gene have been shown to cause inclusion body myopathy associated with Paget’s disease of bone and frontotemporal dementia. In addition, gene polymorphisms and enhanced levels of cytokine/growth factors associated with Paget’s disease have been identified. However, the etiologic factors in Paget’s disease remain elusive. A cause and effect relationship for the paramyxoviral infection and SQSTM1/ p62 gene mutations responsible for pagetic osteoclast development and disease severity are unclear. This article will highlight the etiologic factors involved in the pathogenesis of Paget’s disease. Received 6 October 2005; received after revision 2 November 2005; accepted 24 November 2005  相似文献   

It has been proposed that neuroinflammation, among other factors, may trigger an aberrant neuronal cell cycle re-entry leading to neuronal death. Cell cycle disturbances are also detectable in peripheral cells from Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. We previously reported that the anti-inflammatory 15- deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J 2 (15d-PGJ 2) increased the cellular content of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27, in lymphoblasts from AD patients. This work aimed at elucidating the mechanisms of 15d-PGJ 2-induced p27 accumulation. Phosphorylation, half-life, and the nucleo-cytoplasmic traffic of p27 protein were altered by 15d-PGJ2 by mechanisms dependent on PI3K/Akt activity. 15d-PGJ 2 prevents the calmodulin-dependent Akt overactivation in AD lymphoblasts by blocking its binding to the 85-kDa regulatory subunit of PI3K. These effects of 15d-PGJ 2 were not mimicked by 9,10-dihydro-15-deoxy-Δ12,14- prostaglandin J 2, suggesting that 15d-PGJ 2 acts independently of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ activation and that the α,β-unsaturated carbonyl group in the cyclopentenone ring of 15d-PGJ 2 is a requisite for the observed effects. Received 14 July 2008; received after revision 2 September 2008; accepted 12 September 2008  相似文献   

This re-examination of the earliest version of Maxwell's most important argument for the electromagnetic theory of light—the equality between the speed of wave propagation in the electromagnetic ether and the ratio of electrostatic to electromagnetic measures of electrical quantity—establishes unforeseen connections between Maxwell's theoretical electrical metrology and his mechanical theory of the electromagnetic field. Electrical metrology was not neutral with respect to field-theoretic versus action-at-a-distance conceptions of electro-magnetic interaction. Mutual accommodation between these conceptions was reached by Maxwell on the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) Committee on Electrical Standards by exploiting the measurement of the medium parameters—electric inductive capacity and magnetic permeability—on an arbitrary scale. While he always worked within this constraint in developing the ‘ratio-of-units’ argument mathematically, I maintain that Maxwell came to conceive of the ratio ‘as a velocity’ by treating the medium parameters as physical quantities that could be measured absolutely, which was only possible via the correspondences between electrical and mechanical quantities established in the mechanical theory. I thereby correct two closely-related misconceptions of the ratio-of-units argument—the counterintuitive but widespread notion that the ratio is naturally a speed, and the supposition that Maxwell either inferred or proved this from its dimensional formula.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachweis, dass ein frei transplantierter Rattenmuskel besser regeneriert, wenn er 14 Tage vor der Transplantation denerviert wurde.

Work performed during an exchange between the Czechoslovak and US Academies of Sciences and supported in part by a grant from the MDAA.  相似文献   

Summary The applicability of the direct linear plot is compared with that of the Scatchard plot for the estimation of protein binding parameters. Only, if one class of binding sites exists in the system tested, binding parameters may be estimated by use of the direct linear plot. On the other hand the Scatchard plot also provides estimates in systems with more that one class of binding sites.  相似文献   

In this paper I direct attention to one feature of Hacking’s recent work on styles of reasoning and argue that this feature is of far greater philosophical significance than Hacking’s limited discussion of this suggests. The feature in question is his use of ‘legendary beginnings’ in setting out a given style, viz. the method of introducing a style of reasoning by recounting a popular and quasi-mythical narrative that ties the crystallisation of that style to a particular person in a particular place and at a particular time. Whilst Hacking both deploys and discusses this method, his comments suggest that this is primarily a stylistic device employed for reasons of expedience. In contrast, it is argued here that recounting the legendary origins of a style of reasoning affords a distinctive way of vindicating that style, a vindication from within the style itself.  相似文献   

It is well documented that activation of calpain, a calcium-sensitive cysteine protease, marks the pathology of naturally and experimentally occuring neurodegenerative conditions. Calpain-mediated proteolysis of major membrane-skeletal protein, αII-spectrin, results in the appearance of two unique and highly stable breakdown products, which is an early event in neural cell pathology. This review focuses on spectrin degradation by calpain within neurons induced by diverse conditions, emphasizing a current picture of multi-pattern neuronal death and a recent success in the development of spectrin-based biomarkers. The issue is presented in the context of the major structural and functional properties of the two proteins.Received 7 March 2005; received after revision 22 April 2005; accepted 13 May 2005  相似文献   

Historically, Nelson Goodman’s paradox involving the predicates ‘grue’ and ‘bleen’ has been taken to furnish a serious blow to Carl Hempel’s theory of confirmation in particular and to purely formal theories of confirmation in general. In this paper, I argue that Goodman’s paradox is no more serious of a threat to Hempel’s theory of confirmation than is Hempel’s own paradox of the ravens. I proceed by developing a suggestion from R. D. Rosenkrantz into an argument for the conclusion that these paradoxes are, in fact, equivalent. My argument, if successful, is of both historical and philosophical interest. Goodman himself maintained that Hempel’s theory of confirmation was capable of handling the paradox of the ravens. And Hempel eventually conceded that Goodman’s paradox showed that there could be no adequate, purely syntactical theory of confirmation. The conclusion of my argument entails, by contrast, that Hempel’s theory of confirmation is incapable of handling Goodman’s paradox if and only if it is incapable of handling the paradox of the ravens. It also entails that for any adequate solution to one of these paradoxes, there is a corresponding and equally adequate solution to the other.  相似文献   

According to recent commentators, medieval natural philosophers endorsed immanent teleology, the view that natural agents possess immanent active powers to achieve certain ends. Moreover, some scholars have argued that Robert Boyle, despite his intentions, failed to eliminate immanent teleology from his natural philosophy. I argue in this paper that it is not at all clear that immanent teleology was widely endorsed in the medieval period. Moreover, I argue that a proper understanding of immanent teleology, and why it was rejected by mainstream medieval natural philosophers, reveals that Boyle did not fail to eliminate immanent teleology from his natural philosophy. I conclude that any attempt to describe the break between medieval and early modern natural philosophy in terms of a break with immanent teleology is likely not on target.  相似文献   

Two months before the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1859), Scottish geologist Charles Lyell announced a consensus on ‘the antiquity of man.’ Although stemming from separate intellectual traditions, human antiquity and natural selection had such a powerful influence on nineteenth century science that the former is often thought to be an inevitable conceptual and chronological consequence of the latter. Various scholars have argued it was in fact the acceptance of human antiquity that provided a foundation for the intelligibility and eventual acceptance of evolution by natural selection. This article investigates how these two interwoven theories affected understandings of human antiquity in Australia; itself an under-examined topic in Australian scholarship. Indeed, most historians maintain Australia's human antiquity was not ‘discovered’ or broadly understood until the advent of radiocarbon dating and professional archaeology in the 1960s. This over-simplified narrative has only recently begun to be reassessed. To contribute to this reassessment, and to the broader reclamation of human antiquity as a historical subject, this article focuses on the early decades of human antiquity's dissemination in Australia, examines its complex relationship with natural selection, and ultimately challenges narratives of its ‘recent’ discovery.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nach Verabreichung von Vincamin sinkt bei akuten Versuchen an Ratten der Blutzuckerspiegel. Die nach Dextroseverfütterung verursachte Hyperglykämie wird durch Vincamin verhindert, der Blutzuckeranstieg jedoch bleibt nach Adrenalin unbeeinflusst.  相似文献   

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