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We study an M/PH/1 queue with phase type working vacation and vacation interruption where the vacation time follows a phase type distribution. The server serves the customers at a lower rate in a vacation period. The server comes back to the regular busy period at a service completion without completing the vacation. Such policy is called vacation interruption. In terms of quasi birth and death process and matrix-geometric solution method, we obtain the stationary queue length distribution. Moreover we obtain the conditional stochastic decomposition structures of queue length and waiting time when the service time distribution in the regular busy period is exponential.  相似文献   

考虑一类有正、负顾客, 带启动期和有备用服务员的M/M/1休假排队系统. 负顾客一对一抵消队尾的正顾客(若有), 若系统中无正顾客, 到达的负顾客自动消失, 负顾客不接受服务.系统中两个服务员, 其中一个在岗工作时另外一个备用.上岗服务员若因为某种原因休假, 备用服务员立即替换上岗.当系统变空时, 系统关闭.用拟生灭过程和矩阵几何解方法, 得到了稳态队长的分布, 此外, 证明了稳态条件下队长的条件随机分解并得到了附加队长的分布. 最后, 通过两个数值例子说明该模型可以较好的模拟一些实际问题.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a finite-buffer renewal input single server discrete-time queueing system with multiple working vacations. The server works at a different rate rather than completely stopping working during the multiple working vacations. The service times during a service period, service time during a vacation period and vacation times are geometrically distributed. The queue is analyzed using the supplementary variable and the imbedded Markov-chain techniques. We obtain steady-state system length distributions at pre-arrival, arbitrary and outside observer’s observation epochs. The analysis of actual waiting-time distribution and some performance measures are carried out. We present some numerical results and discuss special cases of the model.  相似文献   

The authors discuss a discrete-time Geo/G/1 retrial queue with J-vacation policy and general retrial times. As soon as the orbit is empty, the server takes a vacation. However, the server is allowed to take a maximum number J of vacations, if the system remains empty after the end of a vacation. If there is at least one customer in the orbit at the end of a vacation, the server begins to serve the new arrivals or the arriving customers from the orbit. For this model, the authors focus on the steady-state analysis for the considered queueing system. Firstly, the authors obtain the generating functions of the number of customers in the orbit and in the system. Then, the authors obtain the closed-form expressions of some performance measures of the system and also give a stochastic decomposition result for the system size. Besides, the relationship between this discrete-time model and the corresponding continuous-time model is also investigated. Finally, some numerical results are provided.  相似文献   

In this note, we consider an M/G/1 retrial queue with server vacations, when retrial times, service times and vacation times are arbitrary distributed. The distribution of the number of customers in the system in stationary regime is obtained in terms of generating function. Next, we give heavy traffic approximation of such distribution. We show that the system size can be decomposed into two random variables, one of which corresponds to the system size of the ordinary M/G/1 FIFO queue without vacation. Such a stochastic decomposition property is useful for the computation of performance measures of interest. Finally, we solve simple problems of optimal control of vacation and retrial policies.  相似文献   

This paper studies the operating characteristics of an M/G/1 queuing system with a randomized control policy and at most J vacations.After all the customers are served in the queue exhaustively, the server immediately takes at most J vacations repeatedly until at least N customers are waiting for service in the queue upon returning from a vacation.If the number of arrivals does not reach N by the end of the J~(th) vacation,the server remains idle in the system until the number of arrivals in the queue re...  相似文献   

AnM/G/1QueueingSystemwithDelayServerVacations⒇TANGYinghuiTANGXiaowo(DepartmentofAppliedMath.,Managementcolege,Univer.ofElectr...  相似文献   

1 IntroductionDuringrecentseveraldecadesmanyauthorsstudiedM/G/1queueswithdifferentservervacationregimes(seeRefs.[1~6]).Theynotonlystudiedthestochasticdecompositionpropertiesofthequeuelengthandwaitingtimewhenthesystemisinequilibrium,butalsostudiedthetransientandequilibriumdistributionsofthequeuelength.InRef.[6]theau-thorsstudiedM/G/1queuewithdelaymultipleservervacationsinwhichtheserverhasthreestates:vacation-preparation,vacationandbusyperiod.InthispaperwefirstdiscusstheM/G/1queuewithdelay…  相似文献   

在一些关于N-策略休假的M/G/1/∞排队模型研究中,由于顾客的等待时间与该顾客到达时刻以后的输入间隔时间不再独立,因此对顾客的稳态等待时间分布的讨论较为困难,更多是集中在系统的稳态队长和附加队长的讨论上,很少有文献讨论顾客的稳态等待时间及其随机分解.本文首先考虑经典N-策略休假的M/G/1/∞排队系统,讨论了顾客的稳态等待时间分布,给出了顾客的稳态等待时间的随机分解结果和顾客的附加延迟时间分布的显式表达式,同时,指出了已有结果的错误.其次,我们考虑在多重休假和单重休假下具有Min(N,V)-策略控制的M/G/1/∞排队系统,给出了顾客的稳态等待时间的随机分解结果,获得了顾客的平均稳态等待时间和平均附加延迟时间表达式.特别地,通过本文可直接获得一些特殊排队系统的相应结果.  相似文献   

This paper examines an M[x]G/1 queueing system with an unreliable server and a delayed repair,in which the server operates a randomized vacation policy with multiple vacations.Whenever the system is empty,the server immediately takes a vacation.If there is at least one customer found waiting in the queue upon returning from a vacation,the server will be immediately activated for service.Otherwise,if no customers are waiting for service at the end of a vacation,the server either remains idle with probability p or leaves for another vacation with probability 1-p.Whenever one or more customers arrive when the server is idle,the server immediately starts providing service for the arrivals.The server may also meet an unpredictable breakdown and the repair may be delayed.For such a system the authors derive the distributions of some important system characteristics,such as the system size distribution at a random epoch and at a departure epoch,the system size distribution at the busy period initiation epoch,and the distribution of the idle period and the busy period.The authors perform a numerical analysis for changes in the system characteristics,along with changes in specific values of the system parameters.A cost effectiveness maximization model is constructed to explain the benefits of such a queueing system.  相似文献   

考虑单重休假、Bernoulli反馈和可变输入率的离散时间Geo~X/G/1可修排队.顾客的批到达速率与服务器的休假有关.刚服务完的顾客以概率1-θ进入队列寻求下次服务.服务器在服务过程中可能故障需修复后再继续工作.借助更新过程理论、z变换和一种分解法,研究了时刻n+位于服务器忙期的条件概率、服务器的瞬态和稳态不可用度以及(0~+,n~+]时间内服务器的平均故障次数和稳态故障频度,揭示了这类离散时间可修排队中服务器可靠性指标的结构,得到了一些特殊可修排队的可靠性结果.最后通过数值实例分析了系统参数对服务器可靠性指标的影响.  相似文献   

延迟多重休假MX/G/1排队系统的队长分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑延迟多重休假的M^x/G/1排队,在假定延迟时间、休假时间和服务时间都是一般概率分布函数下,研究了队长的瞬态和稳态性质、通过引进“服务员忙期”,导出了在任意时刻t瞬态队长分布的L变换的递推表达式和稳态队长分布的递推表达式,以及平稳队长的随机分解.  相似文献   

运用全概率分解技术和拉普拉斯变换工具,研究了基于服务员多重休假的min(N,V)-策略M/G/1排队系统,其中N是预设的休假终止的门限值.讨论了从任意初始状态出发队长的瞬态分布,获得了队长瞬态分布的拉普拉斯变换的递推表达式和稳态队长分布的递推表达式,同时求出了附加队长分布的显示表达式.进一步讨论了当休假时间V分别服从负指数分布和定长分布P{V=T}=1,以及当N=1,N→∞,P{V=0}=1与P{V=∞}=1时的特殊情形.最后,通过数值实例阐述了获得便于计算的稳态队长分布的表达式在系统容量设计中的重要价值.  相似文献   

The policy of synchronous vacations of partial servers is considered in an multi-server queuing system with balking and reneging. Some fixed partial idle servers take synchronous multiple vacations when these servers become idle at an instant that a customer leaves the system. In this article, by considering the two cases that the partial servers are on vacation and not on vacation, the distributions of the conditional waiting time for customers who join the system when all the available servers are busy and eventually acquire service are obtained. Based on these, the distribution of the conditional waiting time of customers given that they join the system when all available servers are busy and eventually acquire service is derived.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionRecently,singleserverqueueswithvacationshavebeenstudiedextensivelyfromtheirowntheoreticalinterestaswellastheirapplicationstomanyengineeringsystemssuchascomputers,communicationnetworksandmanufacturingsystems.FOrtheM/G/lqueueingsystemswit...  相似文献   

We study a single-server queueing system with state-dependent arrivals and general service distribution, or simply M(n)/G/1/K, where the server follows an N policy and takes multiple vacations when the system is empty. We provide a recursive algorithm using the supplementary variable technique to numerically compute the stationary queue length distribution of the system. The only input requirements are the Laplace-Stieltjes transforms of the service time distribution and the vacation time distribution, and the state-dependent arrival rate. The computational complexity of the algorithm is O(K^3).  相似文献   

1  IntroductionIn Ref.[1 ] some queueing indices of the Mx/ G( M/ G) / 1 repairable queueing system withsingle delay vacation were discussed,and the transient solution,stationary solution andstochastic decomposition of the queue length were obtained.Butwhile the service stationis up and operating,it is subject to breakdowns.Once the service station breaks down,there is a repair operation that bring the broken service station back to a new state andoperation immediately.So it is important to…  相似文献   

考虑N-策略M/M/1排队,休假期间服务员并未停止工作而是以较低的速率为顾客服务.系统的决策主体是顾客,基于"收益-成本"结构,利用马尔可夫过程理论,采取均值分析的方法,以顾客追求利益最大化为出发点,分析了全可见和几乎可见两种情况下的顾客行为.通过求解平衡方程,得到几乎可见情况下系统的稳态概率,进而求得几乎可见状态下顾客的期望逗留时间.构建均衡社会收益函数,并通过数值模拟,分析系统的各个参数对社会均衡收益的影响.  相似文献   

In this paper we study a queueing system with state-dependent services and state-dependent vacations, or simply G/M(n)/1/K. Since the service rate is state-dependent, this system includes G/M/c and G/M/c/K queues with various types of station vacations as special cases. We provide a recursive algorithm using the supplementary variable technique to numerically compute the stationary queue length distribution of the system. The only input requirement is the Laplace-Stieltjes transform of the interarrival distribution as well as the state-dependent service rate and state-dependent vacation rate. In a subsequent companion paper, we study its dual system M(n)/G/1/K queue with statedependent vacations.  相似文献   

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