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This paper discusses the cultural differences on politeness between western and Chinese by means of contrast, indicating that due to different cultural background ,historic background, traditional customs and so on, there are many differences on politeness in daily communication Today, etiquette becomes the reflection and manifestation of one country 's politics, economy, culture in people 's social contact.And it includes the principal and moral that people should obey in daily life.So it is important for us to learn western culture.This paper also will discuss how to learn western culture.There are many ways for learning western culture.Therefore, It is practically useful to know and study the differences, thus promoting the cultural communication.  相似文献   

This paper aims to observe euphemisms and its translation from cultural point of view.As euphemisms are,more often than not,the reflection of a certain culture,it is advisable to take into consideration their cultural connotation in understanding and translating euphemisms.And the thesis itself is probe into the translation methods and skills of euphemisms,via the origination of euphemism and the analysis of the relationship between euphemisms and culture to reflect its cultural connotation as far as possible.  相似文献   

This paper shows that people lay special emphasis on difference aspects of "cooperative principle" or "politeness principle" in the light of their own culture in cross-culture communication. And it analyses what the differences of PP in the language using in Pragmatic are, and why? It deals with the differences between English and Chinese cultures.  相似文献   

朱禹驰 《科技信息》2009,(33):I0171-I0172
This paper focuses on the relationship between culture and translation research which aim of communication activity cross culture , and the effect of cultural difference to words translation. The focus is not only on theory, but also studies used as illustration. First, this paper analyses the development and effect of Nida's translation theories. It is then analyzed the problems in words translation caused by cultural differences and the methods which can be used to solve these problems. At last, this paper also prospects the effect produced by translation research which under the condition of cultural research to the world.  相似文献   

于国芳 《科技信息》2007,(10):116-117,42
In social anthropology,"culture"is a catch word for all those patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting. It is always a collective phenomenon, because it is at least partly shared with people who live or lived within the same social environment. Culture can be classified into several layers of which historical, regional, religious, and social cultures are discussed in this paper. Language and culture are closely related. Certain language reflects certain culture in which the language is used. As two different languages, Chinese and English have their own cultural characteristics and connotations. This paper compares the cultural connotations of Chinese and English color words to see how important the cultural background of a language is in cross-cultural communication.  相似文献   

孙昌娟 《科技信息》2012,(15):278-279,332
Color is perception of people to the objective world.In human language,there are great numbers of color terms recording color of the world.These color terms are often used in human language.Gradually,they are endowed with rich emotional elements and cultural connotations.In cross-cultural communication,different nations with different cultural backgrounds or people of the same nations with the same backgrounds but belonging to different social classes have different perceptions of various colors.The different perceptions of colors result in a series of associative meaning of color terms.This thesis intends to discuss color terms from the following five aspects.Firstly,it deals with the relationship between language and culture.Language and culture are connected with each other.So the understanding of a culture requires the understanding of the corresponding language and vice versa.Secondly,it aims at the contrast of cultural connotations of basic color terms in English and Chinese.Thirdly,it is devoted to a discussion of the possible reasons for the diversity of cultural connotations in the two languages.Fourthly,it focuses on the influences on the cross-cultural communication.  相似文献   

陈月仙 《科技信息》2009,(14):122-124
With international trades become more and more popular, cultural conflicts and shocks appeared in our life more and more frequently. We have to begin to pay attention to the differences of a lot of aspects and professions in different cultures. Because agriculture and farmer are the basis of every country, it is necessary to compare them in different culture and different nations. Except being industrious, hardy and brave, what differences there are between them? And how to treat these differences correctly are becoming especially serious and necessary.  相似文献   

As the China-western cultural exchanges of in recent years strengthen day by day,the diet used to be simple in our daily life is becoming more and more abundant,and presents the trend of the pluralism.This paper studies on Chinese dietary cultural and foreign dietary cultural,letting readers have a clear understanding of the effects of western dietary culture on Chinese people's life and Chinese economy.How to lead people to establish a correct consumption view is an important problem,throwing away its dross,picking up quintessence,and using western culture to improve people's life and China's economic development.  相似文献   

石德平 《科技信息》2010,(2):160-160
There are great differences between eastern culture and western culture.Communication and understanding are crucial to global business in diverse cultures.In this paper,the author discusses cultural diversity and communication in the context of business,especially examines the conduct of business,including protocol,negotiation in a variety of cultures.  相似文献   

This thesis is a study on the close relationship between EFL Learning in China and the acquisition of culture of English-speaking countries. First,it analyses the inticate relationship between language and. cultrue,then the causes of typical cultural mistakes made by EFL learners in China , and the goals of acquisition of culture of English ?speaking countries. Lastly, this paper puts forward four tenta tive approaches to this culture acquisition in EFL learning in China.  相似文献   

语言与文化存在互动关系 ,广告语言与消费文化同样存在互动关系。广告语言反映并推动了消费文化的发展 ,消费文化塑造了广告语言的表达模式。广告创作必须遵循语言与文化的互动规律 ,准确、精炼地运用语言 ,契合主流文化的价值判断 ,同时又要充分反映区域文化的心理特征 ,使受众产生共鸣和向往  相似文献   

苏舒燕 《科技信息》2012,(4):172-173
This thesis aims to exhibit deep-rooted origins of cultural differences and their influences on advertising translation. The definition of the advertising and the importance of the advertising translation will be introduced. And then, five aspects of cultural differences and their influences upon English-Chinese advertising translation are fully discussed with the help of relevant examples of English and Chinese advertisements. There are different values, different patterns of thinking, social norms of the society, different cultural connotations of the same word and different national aesthetic psychology.  相似文献   

对"文化软实力"作出合理界定,关键在于要对它进行多维度的全面透视:第一,把握行为层面,要把文化软实力与文化资源或文化产品区分开来。文化软实力体现为行为层面的一种能力,是主体对对象的行为施加影响以实现自己利益的能力。第二,把握资源层面,要理解并非所有的文化资源或文化产品都具备软实力。文化软实力只是文化生产力中价值观层面的、具有内驱力的、"软"的方面。第三,把握构建层面,要懂得价值观层面的文化本身并不是软实力,价值观成为软实力是需要条件和环境的。根据对把握文化软实力概念的几个维度的分析,从行为学和文化学的角度对文化软实力的概念分别作出了界定。  相似文献   

文化是一种客观存在,它对广告活动的策划、创意及运作有着很大的影响,甚至对商务促销的效果产生决定性的影响,它是现代广告活动的外部制约因素。广告是文化整体的一部分,是文化的传播者和创造者。应充分研究文化背景、语言文字、风俗习惯、民族情感等文化因素对广告的影响。  相似文献   

我国城乡体育文化发展的不均衡性是显而易见的,无论是城乡体育意识文化、体育行为文化还是体育物质文化都存在很大的差异.本文主要运用文献资料及归纳演绎与实证分析等研究方法,从六个方面分析了我国城乡体育文化差异的原因,并提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

体育彩票作为国家公益彩票,不仅为国家公益事业做出重要贡献,而且也日益丰富着人民群众的精神文化生活,其蕴含的丰富文化内涵不容小觑,它不仅在票面上具有体育文化、历史文化、中国传统文化等,还具有极其深厚的内涵文化,其中包含彩票的科技含量、公信力及玩法创新所蕴含的智慧力量,彩票的警示和启发作用及其公益性文化和慈善文化等。本文采用文献资料法和专家访谈法,从各个角度较为深入地剖析这些文化内涵,具有一定的研究价值。  相似文献   

依据文化人类学家霍尔对语境水平的高低界定,以中美广告实例为分析对象,探讨了广告在高语境文化传播与低语境文化传播中对文化同一性的差异性体现。  相似文献   

文化信息资源共享工程是在文化发展的新形势下构建的一个公共文化服务体系,西藏文化共享工程的建设借助网络等现代化服务模式,将全国乃至全球的数字化文化资源推送到西藏基层老百姓身边,是惠及西藏特别是基层群众的一项文化基础工程。文章通过分析西藏自治区文化信息资源共享工程实施以来遇到的困难和存在的问题,阐述了若干相应的改进措施,旨在使共享工程起到打破本地区基层数字文化资源缺乏的现状,缩小城乡文化差距,进一步提高广大人民群众的科学文化素养,丰富基层群众业余文化生活等作用。  相似文献   

纵论京口文化的发展,最辉煌的时期当属六朝。这一时期,在移民文化的影响下,先进的中原文化和土著的江南文化实现了互融互惠,推动了整个京口城市的进步和发展,这里成了江南有名的政治和经济中心。而政治和经济中心的要素又进一步促成了京口文化的繁荣。当时的京口人文荟萃,群星闪烁,取得丰硕的文化成果,在经史研究、文学创作、书法雕刻等多方面均有建树,甚至在全国都有相当大的社会影响。  相似文献   

文化建设是我国现代化建设的一个重要组成部分。总结和把握我国文化建设规律,继续坚持和运用这些规律,对兴起社会主义文化建设新高潮、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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