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Summary Bacterial polysaccharides, which exhibit an intense specific stimulating effect on the migration of leucocytes, provoke no trypan blue reaction on the intracutaneous vesicle. Certain mucoproteins show both effects, others only provoke the formation of vesicles. Both reactions are thus separable components of the phenomenon of inflammation.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of freezing on the peptidase activities of some bacteria and their cell-free enzyme preparations has been studied. Significant differences were found in the activity of peptidase and in their temperature coefficient.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of hexokinase has been determined in the presence of different metal ions. Besides Mg2+, the ions Co2+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ show remarkable activation. The differences are explained by superposition of an activating and an inhibiting function. The specifity problem is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Pied flycatchers (Ficedula h. hypoleuca) possess at least two releasing mechanisms for triggering the mobbing response to predators near the nest, namely for shrikes and for owls. This is demonstrated by the fact that body size, which was varied in dummy experiments, enters into these mechanisms differentially.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary (-)-Emetine, as prepared by total synthesis, has the same antiamebic activity and toxicity as the natural alkaloid. On the contrary its antipode and rac. isoemetine are not active and practically non-toxic. A relationship between configuration and antiamebic activity has thus been demonstrated for various representatives of the emetine series.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments on kidney homogenates from rat and pig showed that 50% of the renin-activity was localized in the mitochondrial fraction. The mitochondria and microsomes together contained 10 times as much hypertensinase-activity as the supernatant fraction.  相似文献   

Summary Using the phenol method described byGierer andSchramm, preparations of infective ribonucleic acid were prepared from tongue tissues of cattle infected with the virus of foot-and-mouth disease.  相似文献   

Summary Newborn lizard (Anolis lineatopus) individuals differ clearly by their acceptance of 5 different prey items; there are 7 etho-types of differential acceptance which after 5 weeks of feeding have become reduced to only 3.  相似文献   

Summary Some analogues of bradykinin, especially with replacements by other amino acids of phenylalanine in position 8, have been investigated for enzymatic stability against kininase II from rat duodenum microsomes and rat uterus plasma membranes, respectively. As compared with bradykinin, two of the analogues, [8-erythro--phenylserine]-and [8-erythro--Amino--phenylbutyric acid]-Bradykinin were stable to enzymatic degradation. Therefore, the latter may be used for studies in hormone-receptor interaction.

Mitteilung: Untersuchungen an bradykininbindenden Zellfraktionen.

Frau Dr.M. P. Filatova aus dem Shemyakin-Institut für Bioorganische Chemie der Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR, Moskau, danken wir für ihre Mitarbeit bei der Erstellung der Arbeitskonzeption. Für die Präparation der Membranen sei FrauT. Jankova, HerrnC. Liebmann und HerrnH. Steinmetzger herzlich gedankt. Wir danken Frl.R. Raspe, Frl.B. Schilling und FrauI. Agricola für die gute technische Mitarbeit bei der biologischen Wertbestimmung und der Präparation der Membran — bzw. Mikrosomenfraktion.  相似文献   

Summary The inorganic salts of bone tissue are, owing mainly to their contents of tertiary phosphate, strongly basic. A quantitative evaluation of these base equivalents can be performed through simple titration with acid after solution of the bone salts in a chelating agent (e.g. citrate). Referring to an endpoint of pH 7.40, one finds that per mMol Calcium 0.82 mEq base is set free. With regard to acid-base metabolism, the results indicate that bone phosphate, whichin vivo can be mobilised through osteoclastic resorption, forms a remarkably big base reserve in the animal organism.

Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde mit der Unterstützung des Schweiz. Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Summary Interpretations regarding the structure of the bone mineral, based on quantitative data as to the basicity of calcium phosphate, have been complemented by X-ray and electron microscopic investigations. The chemical nature of the bone material is thereby thought to be substituted apatite.

Ergänzende Bemerkungen zur Arbeit vonJ. Raaflaub, Exper.17, 443 (1961).  相似文献   

Summary Fresh tissues from sea fishes show much higher activities of cathepsins than the corresponding mammalian tissues. The significance of these findings is discussed. There is no indication for the presence in fresh extracts of fish muscle of either proteinases with a pH optimum near neutrality or of decarboxylases for glutamic and aspartic acids. The activities of glycylglycine dipeptidase in fish muscle are found to be at the upper limit of the values obtained by other workers with mammalian tissues.  相似文献   

Summary The hyaluronic acid content of leucocytes from the peritoneum of rats shows a significant concentration when measured either turbidimetrically or oxydimetrically, the average value calculated for wet weight being 0.7–0.8%. The hyaluronic acid break down capacity of the leucocytes is not a specific enzyme action but can be attributed to their high ascorbic acid content. The phenomenon has no well defined pH or temperature optimum and can be inhibited by oxine and by semicarbazide.  相似文献   

Summary A modified technique for the estimation of insulin-like activity of serum, using the glucose-uptake of isolated rat epididymal fat tissue is described. The method seems to be reliable, accurate, relatively specific and — in our hands — superior to the diaphragm method.  相似文献   

Summary The existence of phosphoribomutase and 5-phosphoriboisomerase has been demonstrated in isolated cellular nuclei from rat liver and swine kidney. Phosphoribomutase has been shown to require Mg-ions for optimal activity.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper describes a new method, which permits an accurate determination of capillarity in very narrow and very short capillaries.

Meinem FreundeA. v. Muralt zum 60. Geburtstag.

Die Siemens-Werke hatten uns freundlicherweise eine grosse Zahl von Quarzröhrchen, die bei ihrem Elektrokardiographen-Direktschreiber verwendet werden, zur Verfügung gestellt. Sie besassen Längen bis zu 30 cm. Aus diesen konnten sehr gleichmässige Stücke herausgeschnitten werden.  相似文献   

Summary Water or buffered extracts from tobacco seeds (Mont Calme brun) showed both cresolase and catecholase activity of tyrosinase, which was inhibited by 10–2 M thiourea. No difference of activity could be observed in extracts from old and fresh seeds. Unexpectedly, chlorogenic acid is not oxidized by this tyrosinase.  相似文献   

Summary In the leaf-hopperEuscelis, the spatial sequence of germ band segments can be reverted partially or completely by translocation of hind pole material to the front end of an egg fragment. Head and prothorax are suppressed by this operation.

Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft danke ich für weitgehende Unterstützung.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli autori studiano l'utilizzazione del ferro esogeno da parte del tessuto eritropoietico. In base ai dati relativi alla velocità di immissione in circolo dell'Hb marcata, dopo somministrazione enterale di55Fe, essi stabiliscono che: 1. la massima quota di ferro viene utilizzata dal tessuto eritropoietico il primo giorno; 2. il 50% della quantità totale destinata all'emoglobinogenesi viene utilizzata in 1,5 giorni (=semiperiodo di utilizzazione); 3. l'assunzione di ferro da parte dell'eritroblasto è un processo continuo, che una volta iniziato, si svolge durante tutto il rimanente periodo di maturazione (3 giorni); 4. la quantità di ferro utilizzata dall'elemento cellulare decresce con il progredire della maturazione: il 50% viene assunto in circa 15 ore.  相似文献   

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