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T cell factor which can replace T cells in vivo   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
M J Taussig 《Nature》1974,248(445):234-236

It is generally accepted that T lymphocytes recognize antigens in the context of molecules encoded by genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). MHC class II-restricted T cells usually recognize degraded or denatured rather than native forms of antigen on the surface of class II-bearing antigen presenting cells. It has recently been shown that short synthetic peptides corresponding to mapped antigenic sites of the influenza nucleoprotein (NP) can render uninfected target cells susceptible to lysis by NP-specific class I-restricted cytolytic T cells (CTL). These and earlier experiments that showed specific recognition of NP deletion mutant transfectants suggest that class I-restricted recognition might also involve processed antigenic fragments. One important issue arising from these studies is whether the model applies not only to viral proteins that are expressed internally (such as NP) but also to antigens normally expressed as integral membrane proteins at the cell surface. We have recently isolated class I-restricted mouse CTL clones that recognize class I gene products of the human MHC (HLA) as antigens in mouse cell HLA-transfectants. Here we show that these anti-HLA CTL can lyse HLA-negative syngeneic mouse cells in the presence of a synthetic HLA peptide. These results suggest that the model applies generally.  相似文献   

CD8+ T cells have a crucial role in resistance to pathogens and can kill malignant cells; however, some critical functions of these lymphocytes depend on helper activity provided by a distinct population of CD4+ T cells. Cooperation between these lymphocyte subsets involves recognition of antigens co-presented by the same dendritic cell, but the frequencies of such antigen-bearing cells early in an infection and of the relevant naive T cells are both low. This suggests that an active mechanism facilitates the necessary cell-cell associations. Here we demonstrate that after immunization but before antigen recognition, naive CD8+ T cells in immunogen-draining lymph nodes upregulate the chemokine receptor CCR5, permitting these cells to be attracted to sites of antigen-specific dendritic cell-CD4+ T cell interaction where the cognate chemokines CCL3 and CCL4 (also known as MIP-1alpha and MIP-1beta) are produced. Interference with this actively guided recruitment markedly reduces the ability of CD4+ T cells to promote memory CD8+ T-cell generation, indicating that an orchestrated series of differentiation events drives nonrandom cell-cell interactions within lymph nodes, optimizing CD8+ T-cell immune responses involving the few antigen-specific precursors present in the naive repertoire.  相似文献   

The problem of scalable classification by clustering in large databases was discussed. Clustering based classification method first generates clusters using clustering algorithms. To classify new coming da-ta points, it finds the κ nearest clusters of the data point as neighbors, and assign each data point to the dominant class of these neighbors. Existing algorithms incorporated class information in making clustering decisions and produced pure clusters (each cluster associated with only one class). We presented hybrid cluster based algorithms, which produce clusters by unsupervised clustering and allow each cluster associ- ated with multiple classes. Experimental results show that hybrid cluster based algorithms outperform pure ones in both classification accuracy and training soeed.  相似文献   

M Londei  J R Lamb  G F Bottazzo  M Feldmann 《Nature》1984,312(5995):639-641
The first step in the induction of immune responses, whether humoral or cell mediated, requires the interaction between antigen-presenting cells and T lymphocytes restricted at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). These cells invariably express MHC class II molecules (HLA-D region in man and Ia in mouse) which are recognized by T cells of the helper/inducer subset in association with antigen fragments. Interestingly, in certain pathological conditions, for example in autoimmune diseases such as thyroiditis and diabetic insulitis, class II molecules may be expressed on epithelial cells that normally do not express them. We speculated that these cells may be able to present their surface autoantigens to T cells, and that this process may be crucial to the induction and maintenance of autoimmunity. A critical test of this hypothesis would be to determine whether epithelial cells bearing MHC class II molecules (class II+ cells) can present antigen to T cells. We report here that class II+ thyroid follicular epithelial cells (thyrocytes) can indeed present viral peptide antigens to cloned human T cells.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the hypothesis that T-cell effector mechanisms are required for protective immunity to malaria sporozoites. Administration of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against gamma interferon (gamma IFN) to immune hosts, reversed sterile immunity to sporozoite challenge, by allowing the growth of exoerythrocytic forms (EEF) and thus the development of parasitaemia. Immune animals also developed infections when depleted in vivo of their suppressor/cytotoxic T cells expressing the CD8 antigen (CD8+) but not when depleted of helper T cells expressing CD4 antigen (CD4+), before sporozoite challenge. Passive transfer of immune immunoglobin alone, or adoptive transfer of immune T cells alone, conferred partial protection to naive recipients. Transfer of both immune components resulted in significantly greater protection. This transferred immunity was reversed by the in vivo neutralization of gamma IFN. Thus, sterile immunity to sporozoite challenge requires the neutralization of sporozoites by antibodies and the inhibition of EEF development by gamma IFN with the participation of CD8+ cells.  相似文献   

D S Ucker 《Nature》1987,327(6117):62-64
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) induce a cytolytic process in target cells which, like the glucocorticoid-mediated cytolysis of immature thymocytes, effects a rapid and characteristic degradation of chromosomal DNA. I have explored the possibility that these two lethal processes share a common pathway by studying the susceptibility of glucocorticoid-resistant mutants to CTL-mediated killing. Here, I report that an unusual thymoma mutant, which has normal hormone receptor activity, is resistant to both glucocorticoids and CTL. The failure to be killed by CTL is not due to an inability of this 'deathless' mutant to be recognized. Further, a single-step reversion can restore sensitivity to both glucocorticoids and CTL. The genetic locus thus identified may reveal one element of an endogenous suicide pathway that can be triggered by different effectors. Unlike complement-mediated lysis, the processes of glucocorticoid- and CTL-mediated cytolysis seem to require that target cells be active in their own death.  相似文献   

I Schechter 《Nature》1970,228(5272):639-641

HLA-A2 peptides can regulate cytolysis by human allogeneic T lymphocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The class-I and class-II molecules encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are homologous proteins which allow cytotoxic and helper T cells to recognize foreign antigens. Recent studies have shown that the form of the antigen recognized by T cells is generally not a native protein but rather a short peptide fragment and that class-II molecules specifically bind antigenic peptides. Furthermore, the three-dimensional structure of the human MHC class-I molecule, HLA-A2, is consistent with a peptide-binding function for MHC class-I molecules. An outstanding question concerns the molecular nature and involvement of MHC-bound peptides in antigens recognized by alloreactive T cells. In this study the effects of peptides derived from HLA-A2 on cytolysis of alloreactive cytotoxic T cells (TC) cells are presented. Peptides can inhibit lysis by binding to the T cell or sensitize to lysis by binding an HLA-A2-related class-I molecule (HLA-Aw69) on the target cell. Thus, allospecific TC cells can recognize HLA-derived peptides in the context of the MHC.  相似文献   

Human spontaneous killer cells selective for tumour-derived target cells.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
M Jondal  C Spine  S Targan 《Nature》1978,272(5648):62-64

P Marrack  J Kappler 《Nature》1988,332(6167):840-843
In the response of T cells to foreign antigens, the ligand for the T cell alpha/beta receptor is presented on a cell surface as a fragment of antigen complexed to one of the membrane molecules encoded in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The receptor apparently interacts via its variable elements (V beta, D beta, J beta, V alpha and J alpha) with residues within both the antigen and MHC portion of the ligand. The frequency of T cells responding to a conventional antigen plus self MHC is usually quite low, presumably reflecting the relative rarity of receptors with the particular combination of variable elements to match the antigen/MHC ligand. T cells also respond to allogeneic forms of MHC molecules in the absence of added antigen. In this case the frequency of responding T cells is very high. One hypothesis to explain this observation is that, in the absence of foreign antigen, MHC molecules are complexed to a large array of peptides derived from self-proteins. In this case the combination of the polymorphic MHC amino acid residues and many different self peptides presents so many possible ligands that the likelihood of recognition by a given T cell receptor is quite high. The recent crystallography experiments which revealed a dramatic binding cleft on the face of a human MHC molecule have given impetus to this view, but as yet there is no direct supporting evidence. We have recently described a close association between murine T cell receptors utilizing the V beta 17a element and reactivity to various allogeneic forms of the murine MHC molecule, I-E (ref. 8). In this paper, we show that this I-E ligand is detected on B cells, but not on I-E+ macrophages or fibroblasts expressing a transfected I-E gene. These results strongly suggest a B cell specific product combines with I-E to form the allogeneic ligand for V beta 17a+ receptors and thus support the concept of alloreactivity described above.  相似文献   

N P Franks  W R Lieb 《Nature》1985,316(6026):349-351
A longstanding and unresolved problem in general anaesthesia is the so-called 'cutoff' effect; as one ascends a homologous series of anaesthetic agents, the potencies progressively increase with anaesthetic size but then, rather suddenly, anaesthetic potency disappears. Curiously, this cutoff in potency occurs at very different points in different series. Various explanations have been offered, usually based on the notion that lipid bilayers are the primary target sites in general anaesthesia. However, accumulating evidence now suggests that proteins are the primary sites of action. Here we demonstrate cutoff effects for the anaesthetic inhibition of a soluble protein (firefly luciferase) which mirror those found for general anaesthesia, and we describe how the molecular architecture of the binding site accounts for the different cutoffs in the different homologous series. We show that this behaviour is a natural consequence of anaesthetics binding to an amphiphilic protein pocket of circumscribed dimensions. When general anaesthetic target sites in animals and the luciferase protein are mapped out using the fine details of the potency data, remarkable similarities are revealed. Our results thus suggest that the target sites in general anaesthesia are amphiphilic pockets on proteins.  相似文献   

Kronenberg M  Rudensky A 《Nature》2005,435(7042):598-604
A basic principle of immunology is that lymphocytes respond to foreign antigens but tolerate self tissues. For developing T cells, the ability to distinguish self from non-self is acquired in the thymus, where the majority of self-reactive cells are eliminated. Recently, however, it has become apparent that some self-reactive T cells avoid being destroyed and instead differentiate into specialized regulatory cells. This appears to be beneficial. Subpopulations of self-reactive T cells have a strong influence on self tolerance and may represent targets for therapeutic intervention to control a variety of autoimmune diseases, tumour growth and infection.  相似文献   

T cells with receptors for IgD   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
R F Coico  B Xue  D Wallace  B Pernis  G W Siskind  G J Thorbecke 《Nature》1985,316(6030):744-746
The role of IgD in the immune response has been elusive, although its predominance on the cell surface suggests a receptor function. We have shown previously that euthymic but not athymic BALB/c mice, injected with IgD before antigen, exhibit enhanced antibody responses which can be transferred by T cells. Isotype-specific T cells have been reported to have both upward and downward immunoregulatory effects. Here we demonstrate the existence of T cells with receptors for IgD, and show that exposure to IgD in vivo or in vitro significantly increases the number of T delta cells in the spleen and lymph nodes but not in the thymus. The kinetics of T delta-cell appearance in vivo parallels that of the immunoenhancing effect which occurs after injection of IgD. These T delta cells are of the Lyt 1+2- T-cell phenotype.  相似文献   

L Lefran?ois  M J Bevan 《Nature》1985,314(6010):449-452
Plasma membrane glycoproteins of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are involved in the binding to and subsequent destruction of appropriate target cells. The electrophoretic profile of surface proteins of mature CTLs, particularly those of high relative molecular mass (Mr), is markedly different from that of naive peripheral T cells or non-cytolytic T cells, suggesting the possible involvement of these molecules in the activation of CTLs and/or in the lytic process itself. By generating monoclonal antibodies to cell-surface proteins of CTL clones, we have now detected CTL-specific modifications in one of these high-Mr membrane proteins, T200. Although forms of T200 are found on a wide variety of cell types, the neoantigenic determinants recognized by our antibodies are present exclusively on activated T cells and in high concentrations only on CTLs. Furthermore, the expression of the modifications recognized by our antibodies is influenced by soluble factors and also seems to have functional significance, as monoclonal antibodies specific for these novel epitopes block cytolytic activity.  相似文献   

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