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Riassunto Mediante gel-cromatografia si è confermata la presenza di -glucosidasi e l'assenza di -amilasi nel siero di cavallo. La -amilasi è anche assente nelle ghiandole salivari ma presente nel pancreas dello stesso animale.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Thymozyten-Agglutinations- und Zytotoxizitäts-Titer von Kaninchenantiseren gegen Rattenthymozyten sanken nach erschöpfender Absorption mit Nieren- oder/und Leberzellen oder/und Organperfusionen stufenweise bis etwa 11 ab. Suspendierte Makrophagen, Thyreoidea-, Hoden- oder Ovarialzellen von Ratten wurden nach Inkubation mit diesen Antiseren fast ebenso rasch abgetötet wie Thymozyten.  相似文献   

Résumé En recherchant une action des anticorps antiFab sur la réaction primaire des cellules immunologiquement compétentes, on a mis en évidence une inhibition de la réaction du greffon contre l'hôte par du sérum de Lapin anti-Fab de Souris: cette inhibition n'est cependant pas liée aux anticorps anti-Fab, mais à la cytotoxicité des sérums de Lapin aussi bien anti-Fab que normal.  相似文献   

Successive injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) either intravenously (i.v.) or intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) induced pyrogenic tolerance to LPS in rabbits. Tolerance was shown by a decrease of the magnitude of the fever response to repeated doses of LPS, irrespective of the route of pyrogen administration. A significantly greater and more dramatic decrease of the fever index, however, was observed in rabbits made tolerant to pyrogen given i.v. than when the pyrogen was given i.c.v. Transmission of the pyrogenic tolerance between brain and peripheral tissues, however, has not been ascertained.  相似文献   

Summary Successive injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) either intravenously (i.v.) or intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) induced pyrogenic tolerance to LPS in rabbits. Tolerance was shown by a decrease of the magnitude of the fever response to repeated doses of LPS, irrespective of the route of pyrogen administration. A significantly greater and more dramatic decrease of the fever index, however, was observed in rabbits made tolerant to pyrogen given i.v. than when the pyrogen was given i.c.v. Transmission of the pyrogenic toleraance between brain and peripheral tissues, however, has not been ascertained.  相似文献   

Construction of causally and structurally adequate simultaneous equations models can be accomplished by determining causal relations between potential variables and balancing these statistically derived inferences with economic theory to relate behavioural or technological forces among the variables. An appropriate lag structure for each of the equations can be determined by a two step multiple transfer function approach involving reduced form equations. Testing the specification of already existing simultaneous equations models is done by constructing multiple transfer function models of the reduced form equations of the simultaneous equations models which permit incorporation of lead cross correlations.  相似文献   

Optomotor nystagmic activity has been elicited in the "encéphale isolé" cat during repetitive electric stimulation of selective oculomotor regions of the frontal cortex and superior colliculus. These regions were nystagmogenic only when facilitated by a cortical arousal or a vestibular activation.  相似文献   

Résumé Divers auteurs ont supposé récemment que la pratique journalière d'exercices physiques peut abaisser le taux du cholestérol du sang. Cette hypothèse a été testée chez des souris normales et chez des souris représentant deux classes d'obésité: des souris porteuses du syndrome héréditaire d'obésité-hyperglycémie (qui est accompagnée d'une hypercholestérémie génétique), représentant l'obesité «de métabolisme», et des souris rendues obèses par les lésions hypothalamiques causées par l'administration d'aurothioglucose, représentant l'obésité «de régulation». Trente jours d'exercice (une heure de course sur tapis roulant par jour) n'eurent aucun effet sur le taux du cholestérol du serum ni chez les souris normales, ni chez les deux groupes de souris obèses, et ceci en dépit du fait que la durée et l'intensité de l'exercice quotidien étaient suffisantes pour réduire de façon significative le poids des souris obèses.

This work was supported in part by grants from the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases (grant No. A-49), National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, Bethesda; and the Fund for Research and Teaching, Department of Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston.  相似文献   

Summary A number of proteins, poly-L-amino acids, oligopeptides and lipids were tested for neutrophil, cosinophil and macrophage chemotactic activity. One myoglobin preparation was active. Based on the negative findings for all other substances, primary structure, secondary structure, degree of hydrophobicity, size and charge of a molecule, could be ruled out as structural features recognized by chemotactically responding phagocytes.I thank Dr J. H. Wissler for suggesting the reported experiments and Dr M. Landy and Prof. E. Sorkin for advice and criticism during preparation of this article. The excellent assistance by Mrs J. Kerschbaumer-Bech and Miss Margrit Bühlmann is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research, grant 3.8750.72, and by Sandoz-Stiftung, Basel.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die chemotaktische Aktivität von Kaninchenplasma und -serum für neutrophile Leukozyten und Makrophagen ist verschieden. Normales Serum enthält im Gegensatz zum Plasma chemotaktische Faktoren für Neutrophile und Makrophagen. Inkubation von Serum mit einem Immunkomplex bewirkt einen erheblichen Anstieg der chemotaktischen Aktivität für Neutrophile, dagegen eine Verminderung für Makrophagen. Die Inkubation von Plasma mit Immunkomplex bewirkt einen starken Anstieg für beide Zelltypen. Nach Inkubation einer Granula-Fraktion aus Neutrophilen mit Plasma — nicht aber mit Serum — entstellt chemotaktische Aktivität für Makrophagen. Diese Befunde lassen einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen Chemotaxis und Koagulation vermuten.  相似文献   

Differences between plasma and serum mediated chemotaxis of leukocytes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
J F Borel  E Sorkin 《Experientia》1969,25(12):1333-1335

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