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在固体地球的假设下,从电子在转动参照系中的Newton运动方程出发,运用经典的电子气模型,指出了地球在自转发生变化时将产生惯性电流,从而影响地球磁矩.由此推论:地磁场有可能因短暂时间内地球自转角动量的变化而受到影响,而小行星、陨星等与地球的天体碰撞,对地磁场有着重大的直接影响,包括地磁场的反向.  相似文献   

落石法向恢复系数是运动轨迹分析的关键参数。为研究碰撞速率和材料参数对落石法向恢复系数的影响,基于球板碰撞模型,在考虑材料弹塑性基础上建立岩石球砾法向恢复系数理论模型,并利用ABAQUS模拟球板碰撞过程,监测岩石球砾碰撞前后速率的变化。研究结果表明:数值模拟结果与理论计算结果吻合较好,最大差值在5%以内。随着碰撞速率的增大,岩石球砾法向恢复系数逐渐降低,且下降速率逐渐减小;球砾法向恢复系数随着弹性模量的增加而减小,随着弹性极限的增加而增大,且均呈线性关系;泊松比对球砾法向恢复系数影响较小。  相似文献   

We have examined the Wind data in 1996 and identified 21 small interplanetary magnetic flux ropes(SIMFRs),and all the 21 SIMFRs have boundary layer structures.The durations of the boundary layers varied from several minutes to 30 minutes.These boundary layers also have properties of high proton temperature,density,and plasma beta.These boundary layers are formed by magnetic reconnections.In addition,in three events magnetic reconnections were occurring inside the boundary layers.It indicates that the flux rope structures have propagated for some period of time,and their boundaries were still evolving through interaction with the background solar wind.Namely it is very possible that the SIMFRs came from the solar corona.  相似文献   

碰撞逃逸船舶的认定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从海上碰撞事故调查的角度,分析和阐述了在认定碰撞肇事逃逸船时应考虑的因素。这些因素包括碰撞事故发生后的报告,通报,肇事嫌疑船的特征,碰撞事故的时间,地点,肇事嫌疑船的触损部位和油漆样本,肇事嫌疑船在碰撞前后的航向及航速等的推算,港口船舶通航记录以及相关海区雷达站的记录等。  相似文献   

Dynamical resonances in the asteroid belt are the gateway for the production of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). To generate the observed number of NEAs, however, requires the injection of many asteroids into those resonant regions. Collisional processes have long been claimed as a possible source, but difficulties with that idea have led to the suggestion that orbital drift arising from the Yarkovsky effect dominates the injection process. (The Yarkovsky effect is a force arising from differential heating-the 'afternoon' side of an asteroid is warmer than the 'morning' side.) The two models predict different rotational properties of NEAs: the usual collisional theories are consistent with a nearly isotropic distribution of rotation vectors, whereas the 'Yarkovsky model' predicts an excess of retrograde rotations. Here we report that the spin vectors of NEAs show a strong and statistically significant excess of retrograde rotations, quantitatively consistent with the theoretical expectations of the Yarkovsky model.  相似文献   

为了研究液滴与球形颗粒的碰撞规律,建立了正确反映液滴与颗粒间相互碰撞的物理模型.利用所建模型模拟了液滴与颗粒的动态碰撞过程,进而对液滴半径铺展系数及液膜中心高度系数进行分析,研究了液滴与颗粒间的撞击速度、湿润角、粒径比等参数对碰撞结果的影响.结果表明:在一定条件下,撞击速度的提高会增大液滴的最大铺展半径系数,当撞击速度...  相似文献   

 针对车辆与护栏的实体碰撞试验难度大、经费高、周期长、数据不易获取的情况,基于LS-DYNA 有限元软件,在分析实际碰撞试验的基础上,建立了碰撞车辆仿真模型和护栏仿真模型,优化碰撞过程,最终形成了车辆-护栏碰撞仿真模型;同时,与实际试验数据进行对比,分析了误差形成原因。结果表明,仿真模型试验结果与实车试验结果基本一致,验证了仿真模型的正确性。  相似文献   

TC-1 observational results clearly indicate that the velocity of the flows in the near-Earth region is dependent on the satellite location. The flow speed decreases while satellite moves close to the Earth. The plasma flow in the region close to the Earth tends to drift into the midnight region from the dawn and dusk region while the flow in the region away from the Earth shows an opposite drift. The observational results also show that the tailward flows are mainly located in the plasma sheet boundary while the earthward flow becomes dominant in the plasma sheet. It is found that both the strong tailward and earthward flows are distributed in the region around X= -11 Re, which coincides with the trigger region of the substorm onset. Hence, it may suggest that the flows are related with the trigger of the substorm onset. In addition, the BBFs coming from the mid-tail maily distributed in the region where X〈-9R E a n d |Z| 〈 3 R E that differs from the convection.  相似文献   

Chang HK  King SK  Liang JS  Wu PS  Lin LC  Chiu JL 《Nature》2006,442(7103):660-663
Since the discovery of the trans-neptunian objects (TNOs) in 1992, nearly one thousand new members have been added to our Solar System, several of which are as big as--or even larger than--Pluto. The properties of the population of TNOs, such as the size distribution and the total number, are valuable information for understanding the formation of the Solar System, but direct observation is only possible for larger objects with diameters above several tens of kilometres. Smaller objects, which are expected to be more abundant, might be found when they occult background stars, but hitherto there have been no definite detections. Here we report the discovery of such occultation events at millisecond timescales in the X-ray light curve of Scorpius X-1. The estimated sizes of these occulting TNOs are < or =100 m. Their abundance is in line with an extrapolation of the distribution of sizes of larger TNOs.  相似文献   

Rabinowitz D  Helin E  Lawrence K  Pravdo S 《Nature》2000,403(6766):165-166
Near-Earth asteroids are small (diameters < 10 km), rocky bodies with orbits that approach that of the Earth (they come within 1.3 AU of the Sun). Most have a chance of approximately 0.5% of colliding with the Earth in the next million years. The total number of such bodies with diameters > 1 km has been estimated to be in the range 1,000-2,000, which translates to an approximately 1% chance of a catastrophic collision with the Earth in the next millennium. These numbers are, however, poorly constrained because of the limitations of previous searches using photographic plates. (One kilometre is below the size of a body whose impact on the Earth would produce global effects.) Here we report an analysis of our survey for near-Earth asteroids that uses improved detection technologies. We find that the total number of asteroids with diameters > 1 km is about half the earlier estimates. At the current rate of discovery of near-Earth asteroids, 90% will probably have been detected within the next 20 years.  相似文献   


Using in situ observations from THEMIS A, D and E during the 2008-2011 tail season, we present a statistical study of the evolution of pressure gradients in the near-Earth tail during bursty bulk flow (BBF) convection. We identified 138 substorm BBFs and 2,197 non-substorm BBFs for this study. We found that both the pressure and the Bz component of the magnetic field were enhanced at the arrival of BBFs at the spacecraft locations. We suggest that the increase of Bz during non-substorm BBFs is associated with flux pile-up. However, the much stronger enhancement of Bz during substorm BBFs implies the occurrence of magnetic field dipolarization which is caused by both the flux pile-up process and near-Earth current disruption. Furthermore, a bow-wave-like high pressure appears to be formed at the arrival of substorm BBFs, which is responsible for the formation of region-1-sense FACs. The azimuthal pressure gradient associated with the arrival of substorm BBFs lasts for about 5 min. The enhanced pressure gradient associated with the bow wave is caused by the braking and diversion of the Earthward flow in the inner plasma sheet. The results from this statistical study suggest that the braking and azimuthal diversion of BBFs may commonly create azimuthal pressure gradients, which are related to the forrnation of the FAC of the substorm current wedge.  相似文献   

介绍了减温减压器的工作原理,以及在蒸汽小流量工况下进行的减温过程和减压过程的实验研究。实验结果表明,在蒸汽小流量下减温减压器对蒸汽的减温减压作用明显,工作性能稳定,能够获得需要的出口蒸汽参数,可以为今后的蒸汽排放系统的设计和优化工作提供参考资料。  相似文献   

复杂背景下的物体轮廓提取是一个实际的图象处理系统必须面对的问题,而传统的轮廓提取方法在此情况下往往因为大量的噪声而失效,本文所处理的胃部的SDC图象中物体的边缘就处在与边缘的斜率和灰度梯度极为相近的噪声中,所以较难提取,我们利用UBF图象已提取的轮廓建立弹簧模型,根据两种图象中胃部的形变关系,较好的提取了SDC图象中的胃部轮廓,该方法对其它复杂前景下的图象处理有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

该文研究了定子磁链暂态过程对双馈感应电机接入系统的小干扰稳定的影响情况。首先建立了描述双馈感应电机电磁过程的8阶详细模型,并进一步推导了它的小干扰稳定的计算公式。根据Lyapunov特征值理论,对单个双馈感应电机经过传输线接入无穷大母线系统进行了数值分析。结果表明:无论是控制器参数变化还是传输线路电抗变化,6阶模型的稳定边界范围都比8阶模型更大。采用简化6阶模型不利于系统稳定性分析。  相似文献   

引入了模糊弱-稳定完全分配格的概念,证明了模糊序半群的下集格带有合适的运算是模糊弱-稳定完全分配格,给出了模糊 Quantale 是模糊弱-稳定完全分配格的充要条件;讨论了模糊 Quantale 中的投射对象,证明了模糊 Quantale 中的 E-投射对象恰是模糊弱-稳定完全分配格。  相似文献   

针对工程中土压力计算的方法及目前的研究现状,讨论了经典的Rankine和Coulomb理论的局限性,推导出任意位移和土压力的关系,最后关于土压力计算提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Millman PM 《Nature》1971,232(5307):161-164

守护地球生物的责任   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在中国即将进入农历虎年之时.一项来自环境组织的报告却使人心情陡然沉重:世界自然基金会公布了2009全球十大濒临绝种动物名单,野生老虎赫然列于名单之首。由于偷猎和自然栖息地遭到破坏,全球老虎数目在过去一个世纪以来大减95%,目前全球仅余约3200只老虎。而中国的野生虎仅剩50只,并面临着灭绝的危险(1月19日英国《每日电讯报》)。  相似文献   

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