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The Ackoff–Gharajedaghi Model of System Types distinguishes 3 fundamental empirical systems: deterministic, animate, and social, with regard to their purpose. It has been formulated as a meta-model to support understanding, selection, and formulation of management models and theories. It is argued here that this model is also valuable for the interpretation and design of actual, empirical business systems. A study of a malfunctioning business is presented and interpreted with the Ackoff–Gharajedaghi Model, which supports this argument. Additionally, the study shows a pragmatic value of the proposed Imperative of Goals Alignment for the design of business systems, which is an operationalization of the Ackoff–Gharajedaghi Model. Furthermore, the investigation illustrates the importance of clear goals and incentives in business design; and it supports the thesis of the Ackoff–Gharajedaghi Model that management models and theories, founded upon empirical observations of deterministic and animate systems, impose limitations on the design of business systems.  相似文献   

The relation between theory and practice is explored in this paper with respect to an examination of various systems approaches. It is argued that the moment of knowing already contains practical implications in that comprehensiongears practice in certain directions. Practice/application can fulfill the demands of theory through the operation of a self-fulfilling prophecy effect. The way in which theoretical conceptions of systems researchers may constrain practice is explored with reference to the work of Beer, Checkland and Scholes, and Ulrich. In the course of this exploration, alternative views of the way in which viable systems diagnosis, soft systems methodology, and critical systems heuristics may be utilised, are offered.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSince 1987, the first symposium on Artificial Life held in the Saga Fe institute in U.S., theresearch on complexity has combined with the research of artificial life[1--3]. Essotially, atffectal life concerns those atiflcial systems in competers that possess a pat of the characteristicsof life in the natural world; for example, they have reproduction, metabolism, and evolutionwithout protein. Some papers cajl them Digital Life; here we call this class of systems ArttheialLivi…  相似文献   

The paper discusses Swedish experiences of applying living systems theory within geoInformatics, urban management, rescue systems, software engineering, and modeling. In assessing these experiences it is found that a sound base has been established but that further development and research are needed. Finally, three current projects for making the theory more operational are briefly presented.  相似文献   

The (n, f, k): F(G) system consists of n components and the system fails (works) if and only if there are at least f failed (working) components or at least k consecutive failed (working) components. These system models can be used in electronic equipment, automatic payment systems in banks, and furnace systems. In this paper we introduce and study the (n, f, k):F and (n, f, k): G systems consisting of weighted components. Recursive equations are presented for reliability evaluation of these new models. We also provide some conditions on the weights to represent weighted-(n, f, k) systems as usual (n, f, k) systems.  相似文献   

In this paper six scenarios for the future of systems problem solving are investigated in order to ascertain whether an approach can be identified (a) that offers prospects for the long-term survival and success of systems problem solving in practice and (b) that does this without incorporating theoretical contradictions. The six approaches come under the four class headings pragmatism, isolationism, imperialism, and pluralism. The theoretical foundations of each approach are explored in a discursive fashion. This makes explicit to systems practitioners the underlying principles on which their activities are overlaid and puts such approaches into the theoretical context of the six approaches identified herein.  相似文献   

A Maturing of Systems Thinking? Evidence from Three Perspectives   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper reviews trends in systems theory/thinking from the 1970s to the early 2000s. It proposes a maturation of the field based on certain conceptual and methodological advances that have sought to liberate systems thinking from earlier strictures. An edited dialogue among three prominent systems thinkers from different systems schools—Merrelyn Emery, Bob Flood, and Eric Wolstenholme—provides evidence. Similarities and differences are identified, complementarities among the schools are derived and analyzed, and trajectories for future research are indicated.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a breakthrough in thinking based on 33 years of field practice-based inquiry and previously published studies. It brings together several bodies of established and emerging thought including systems thinking, epistemology, psychology and sociology, in a way of thinking about the living fabric of complex human systems-in-process. It is offered here as a kind of transdisciplinary ‘Rosetta stone’ to those working around the world with one or more of these bodies of thought as a way of making some critical connections between them. In summary, an integrating ‘mental architecture’ is proposed whereby inquiry (research as an evaluative dynamic act of seeking) may be seen as the way by which living (notably human) systems come alive, and which is incorporated, organ-ised, ‘structured’ and relationally embodied in an individual and their psychological mind as personal process, and in social collectivities and their sociological organisation as cultural process.
Yoland WadsworthEmail:

IfSystems Practice is to serve the cause of socially rational decision making, its understanding of systems approach must open itself up to the communicative dimension of rational practice uncovered by contemporary practical philosophy. This programmatic paper argues that building the bridge between the two traditions of systems thinking and practical philosophy is a key challenge to be faced by the systems community. A three-level framework of rational systems practice is suggested as a point of departure for a program of research.  相似文献   

Sustainability has been introduced at Ithaca College as a potential guiding theme for a wide range of development efforts. How these efforts will shape the institution's future is unclear, particularly when one places them in the context of recent changes in the College's approach to governance and planning. Countering rather primitive applications of systems thinking in the popular literature on sustainability, a case is made that sustainability principles can be reframed within Banathy's [Banathy, B. H. (1989). Syst. Res. 6(4), 289–296.] notion of an evolutionary guidance system, and this could lead to the next evolutionary stage of the institution.  相似文献   

In response to the call that systems practitioners need to produce a second epistemological break corresponding to a shift of interest from systems science to systems rationality, it is submitted that the preparation for this break has already been carried out. It is shown that systems rationality is firmly established and central to the French school of thought in systemics and that the philosophical groundwork has been extensively laid out by Edgar Morin. A very limited exposé of Morin's work is presented in support of this claim.  相似文献   

结合系统论的观点,从战争系统的元素以及元素之间关系两方面讨论了战争系统的系统论模型.从组分复杂性、结构复杂性和功能复杂性三方面阐述了战争系统的复杂性本体论模型.分析了战争复杂系统不对称性、远离平衡态、自组织、不可逆不可重复性、记忆性和局域作用效应等特性表现.最后,从建模与仿真的角度对战争系统的复杂性能否被简化以及人的因...  相似文献   

Dealing with a Differentiated Whole: The Philosophy of the WSR Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper seeks to explore a philosophical ground for the formulation and practice of an Oriental systems methodology, the wuli–shili–renli approach (WSR). Drawing insights from ancient Chinese thought, WSR contends that, in sociotechnical systems design/management, we should investigate and follow wuli, shili, and renli, which constitute a differentiable, dynamic whole. Wuli, shili, and renli condition and determine the fate of our projects, meaning different methods are needed to deal with each differentiable aspect. It also points out that, to deal with wuli, shili, and renli properly, we need to engage in encounters with the "dark side" of Confucianism and with the contemporary tendency of scientism.  相似文献   

This article aims at introducing concepts related to the systems approach applied to the international system. First, the authors describe the systems view considering General Systems Theory in order to conceptualize the international systems as well as the Pluralist Theory of International Relations. Based on General Systems Theory, the authors analyze the international systems from the perspective of the Pluralist Theory of International Relations, using a case study on the European Union. The pluralist image of international systems presents important similarities to Systems Theory, as it analyzes the international context, characterized by variety, complexity and dynamics and uses the concepts of object, attribute, inputs and outputs, environment, motivations and process, which enable a better understanding of the international system.
Carla A. Arena VenturaEmail:

科学技术的深入发展和广泛应用正在深刻改变人类社会的生产和生活模式,尤其是信息技术的快速发展,推动人工智能(AI)与人的关系由"辅助"到"互助"和"融合"不断深化.相应地,社会调控对象向着能力不断增强的AI系统以及AI赋能的人和组织演变,社会系统将呈现"信息-物理-社会"的高度耦合,调控环境也相应转换为人机融合的复杂社会系统.这一显著变化将倒逼法律体系的变革,对社会系统调控能力提出更高要求,迫切需要人文社科与科学技术相关方法的交叉融合.论文基于对人机融合社会系统发展的研判,在分析法律体系、控制论、人工智能等所面临挑战的基础上,从法律规制和系统控制的角度,提出将调控工程系统的控制科学与调控社会系统的法律充分结合,在系统科学框架内研究处理人工智能时代社会中的系统调控问题;并进一步归纳探讨了以人为本、优势互补、系统分析、量化支撑、算法规制、博弈控制等若干调控原则和可尝试的前瞻领域,以及需要深入研究的问题.这一思路可望量化表达公平正义等法学基本问题,优化调控系统技术指标,促进人机融合社会系统实现其安全稳定、公平正义、民主自由、和谐发展等价值目标.  相似文献   

The author critically examines educational systems design (ESD) through the lens of pragmatism. Examining ESD through a lens of pragmatism draws to the foreground issues related to Banathy's (1991, 1996, 2001) idealized systems design for social and societal systems. The author addresses the complex and dynamic nature of systems design, focusing on the systemic processes in which user-designers are continually challenged to inquire, communicate, and consider choices, and make design decisions concerning the nature of the system being designed. The power of social systems design (SSD) lies in the ability to consider the ideal image of a social and/or societal system, critically and pragmatically in relation to creating a new system that will contribute to the evolutionary betterment of society and a sustainable future for humankind. Following an introduction, the author examines pragmatism. Then the author applies a lens of pragmatism, critically, to examine educational systems design in relation to generating change and creating the ideal educational system. The author then argues the pragmatics of educational systems design, concluding the paper with final reflections on ESD as a process.  相似文献   

系统工程是一门综合性的技术学科.本文分别从单人优化决策和多人优化决策的角度出发:介绍了系统工程涉及到的优化与决策方法.包括最优化理论、决策理论、博弈论等多种理论方法.综述了每种理论方法研究问题的特征、基本的结论以及发展过程,并对系统工程中使用到的优化与决策理论的发展趋势进行说明.为解决系统工程问题使用到的优化与决策理论方法的研究与应用提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

This short paper introduces a special issue of Systemic Practice and Action Research on new developments in Chinese systems practice. It focuses on the recent history of systems thinking in China, describing a paradigm shift that is currently taking place from an "objectivist" to a more pluralistic stance. Details are provided of the Hull–Beijing research program, which has contributed to this paradigm shift. In one way or another, all the papers in this special issue can be seen as having a connection with this research program.  相似文献   

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