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黔西北地区铅锌矿硫同位素特征研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对黔西北地区铅锌矿中硫化物硫同位素的分析表明,各铅锌矿床具有硫同位素组成较为均一,但水城与赫章地区硫同位素组成差异显著的特点。综合分析认为,区内铅锌矿床中的硫可能主要来源于含矿围岩之外的多个膏盐层。  相似文献   

黔西北地区铅锌矿硫向位素特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对黔西北地区铅锌矿中硫化物硫同位素的分析表明,各铅锌矿床具有硫同位素组成较为均一,但水城与赫章地区硫同位素组成差异显著的特点。综合分析认为,区内铅锌矿床中的硫可能主要来源于含矿围岩之外的多个膏盐层。  相似文献   

春都铜矿是中甸岛弧带西斑岩带的一个典型矿床,对春都铜矿床矿石矿物开展了S、Pb同位素地球化学研究。矿区硫同位素组成非常稳定,黄铁矿、黄铜矿和方铅矿的~(34)δS值分别为-3.0‰~-0.14‰(平均~(-1).09‰),-6.54‰~-2.11‰(平均-3.44‰),-5.0‰~-3.6‰(平均-4.07‰)且依次降低,表明硫化物沉淀过程中硫同位素分馏基本达到平衡。16件硫化物样品的34δS均值为-2.41‰,表明硫主要为深部岩浆来源。矿石矿物铅同位素~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb,~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb比值分别为17.863~18.036,15.448~15.614和37.753~38.188,不同样品的铅同位素组成表明铅可能具有多源性,所有样品铅同位素投点均落入造山带区域或上地壳,表明铅具有壳幔混合来源的特征。这种硫铅同位素组成表明岩浆可能起源于俯冲洋壳板片的部分熔融并受到少量地壳物质的混染。  相似文献   

Withthedevelopmentofnewanalyticaltech niquesandstate of artinstruments ,isotopetracinganddatingmethodshavemadeconsiderableprogressinrecentyears .Inparticular ,variouskindsofradio genicisotopedatingmethodshavebeenappliedsuc cessfullyinigneousrocks.However,directdatingofsedimentaryrocksremainsundevelopedandcontro versial.Inmostcases ,researchersapplyU PbandK ArorAr Armethodstodatingvolcanicashesthatareinterbeddedwithinsedimentarystratainanattempttoobtaintheageofsedimentsindirectly[1] .Howev e…  相似文献   

通过对萨拉乌苏河流域酒坊台剖面中普遍发育的钙结核进行碳、氧同位素分析,结果显示各岩性组中同位素分布特征差异较大,无明显线性关系。利用钙结核中碳同位素值推算了不同岩性组中C_3和C_4植物的相对贡献量,结合孢粉数据,探讨了不同气候条件下植被演变情况,这与邻区的黄土高原研究成果基本吻合。同时,利用氧同位素和温度的经验公式,定量恢复了倒数第二次冰期-末次冰期的温度变化,其中末次间冰期表现为相对温暖的气候特征。总之,利用钙结核的碳氧同位素可作为定量恢复古温度、古植被的一种有效方式,但需要注意与其他指标进行综合对比分析。  相似文献   

通过对李坊重晶石矿床重晶石的Sr同位素分析,探讨钡的物质来源.结果显示,重晶石的Rb含量为2.70×10~(-6)~13.41×10~(-6), Sr含量为520.40×10~(-6)~2 166.00×10~(-6),~(87)Rb/~(86)Sr比值低,~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr比值介于0.710 81~0.711 80之间,平均值为0.711 26,高于同时期海水锶的~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr比值,低于壳源锶的~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr平均值,表明重晶石的锶来自海水锶与壳源锶的混合.示踪结果显示重晶石的钡主要来源于下伏地层,并暗示基底属于大陆型地壳.  相似文献   

Hydrogen isotope compositions of mantle-derived amphibole megacrysts from Qilin, Guangdong Province have been obtained by ion micro-probe. δD and H contents are constant both among different samples and within single sample, demonstrating that their formation condition is very stable. High δD values suggest the presence of a component recycled from crust which is possibly related to the subduction of Pacific Plate beneath Eurasian Plate in Mesozoic.  相似文献   

In the peralumineous granite of Yajiangqiao zircon population can be divided into two groups (i.e. Zircon Ⅰ and Zircon Ⅱ), which were formed in magmatic chamber and in emplacement place, respectively. The Hf isotope compositions of two stages of zircon show that the host magma was essentially derived from crustal material by melting. However, some higher 176Hf/177Hf ratios indicate that the granitic zircons should contain fine crystal of zircon formed in mantle-derived magma. In fact, the backscattered electron imaging and the electron microprobe analysis reveal that there is another type of zircon included within Zircon Ⅰ, which is quite different from Zircon Ⅰ and Zircon Ⅱ in morphology and chemistry. They are considered to be the product of the mantle-derived magma intruded into the granitic magma chamber at the beginning of anatexis. Thus,it is suggested that the formation of Yajiangqiao granite is related to the underplating of mantle magma.  相似文献   

According to systemically monitoring results of oxygen (hydrogen) isotope compositions of precipitation, soil waters, soil CO2, cave drip waters and their corresponding speleothems in Liangfeng Cave (LFC) in Guizhou Province, Southwest China, it is found that local precipitation is the main source of soil waters and drip waters, and that the amplitudes of those δ18O values of three waters (precipitation, soil water and drip water) decrease in turn in the observed year, which are 0‰ to -10‰, -2‰ to -9‰ and -6‰ to -8‰, respectively. Moreover, the δ18O values for three waters show a roughly simultaneous variation, namely, that those values are lighter in the rainy seasons, weightier in the dry seasons, and that the average δ18O value of drip waters is about 0.3‰ weightier than that of precipitation, which is modified by surface evaporation processes. We also find that oxygen isotope equilibrium is reached or neared in the formation processes of speleothems in LFC system, and that it is feasible to reconstruct paleotemperature and paleoprecipitation by using δ18O values of speleothems. However, it should be noted that surface evaporation would affect the oxygen isotope values in the study area.  相似文献   

Isotopic geochemical characteristics of helium in garnet and omphacite of eclogite in the Dabie Mountains are discussed. Concentrations of 3He and 4He in garnet and omphacite are 3.9×10 -14- 24.0×10 -14 and 0.48×10 -7-9.42×10 -7cm+3·g -1, respectively. Values of 3He/ 4He have a range of (1.19-4.63)×10 -7. Helium in the eclogite is derived from both mantle and crust. Isotopic geochemical data of helium indicate that eclogite in the Dabie Mountains might be formed in depleted mantle and the age of the cologite would be Indo-China epoch.  相似文献   

贵州瓮安新元古代陡山沱组磷块岩中的有机化合物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对保存有多细胞藻类原植体、细菌和疑原类化石的贵州瓮安陡山沱组磷块岩所作的地球化学分析表明,磷块岩有机质演化程度较高,最高热解温度tmax达597℃。岩石抽提物中以非烃化合物和沥青质为主要成分,烃类含量不足20%。色谱-质谱(GC-MS)分析图谱显示正烷烃的碳数范围很宽,有显著的高碳数正烷烃峰群(C19—C31),奇偶优势明显,烃类有机组分中除正烷烃外还包含有萜烷、甾烷、芳香烃和类异戊二烯烃等。其中生物标记化合物及其组成特征指示了有机物的主要来源是当时生存的真核的多细胞藻类、细菌和古细菌,这与所观察到的磷块岩中保存的古生物化石组成相吻合。某些特征有机物和生物标记物还指示了磷块岩沉积环境特征:强还原性、高盐度、低陆源输入以及与水热活动相关的局部高温。这与沉积学和岩石学的观察相符。  相似文献   

1.  Over the past 8 000 years, notable changes in moist regime and temperature took place in Caohai District. The peat archives in this area recorded some hemispheric climatic events, such as three new ice ages and the Medieval Warm Period occurring in the northern hemisphere. This indicates that this area is sensitive to global changes.
2.  Over the past 8 000 years, Caohai District is typical of the warm-moist—cool-dry climate.

硫的非质量分馏是研究大气环境变化的重要指示剂,在太古代缺氧的环境下,二氧化硫的光化学反应会产生带正和负δ~(33)S的两个硫同位素端元,其产物分别赋存于黄铁矿和古海水硫酸根中。但前人的研究多集中于黄铁矿端元,而对于硫酸根,由于缺乏指示矿物,其研究较为薄弱且多有争议。从硫的非质量分馏产生机理、晚太古代地质记录中硫的非质量分馏的研究及大气化学实验的模拟研究三个方面进行综述,结合研究实例,分析了古海水硫酸根的可能来源,预测了硫的非质量分馏值的范围,提出晚太古代海水硫酸盐硫的非质量分馏效应将是今后研究的重点。  相似文献   

The annually cross-dated stable carbon isotope of tree-ring a-cellulose of Abies spectabibis collected from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau is used to examine its rela-tionship with climatic parameters. The residual D13C series in treerings is constructed after removing the effects of age trend and rising CO2. We found a close relationship between D13C in tree rings and the relative humidity of September—November of the previous year measured at the nearby Ny-ingchi Meteorological Station, albeit a strong 搇agged effect? Thus we developed a transfer function to reconstruct the autumn relative humidity for the Nyingchi region, which explained 37.9% of the total variance (p < 0.001). Our results suggest a high frequency and moderate amplitude variance of the relative humidity before 1800, and the variance re-versed afterwards.  相似文献   

贵州瓮安陡山沱组碳同位素特征及古海洋意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对贵州瓮安含磷岩系剖面进行碳同位素分析,对震旦纪陡山沱期的成磷事件、生物事件及古海洋环境的变化进行了研究。瓮安大塘剖面陡山沱组碳酸盐岩碳同位素值表现为正偏移的趋势,与其他地区同期碳同位素变化趋势相似。这与大冰期后生物生产率的提高有关,其中的负偏移与环境的波动相关,环境的快速变化刺激了生物的进化。穿岩洞剖面上磷矿段的黑色碳质磷块岩获得的较低的有机碳同位素值与浮游生物吸收12 C有关,体现了生物有机质聚磷作用。该时期的碳酸盐岩碳同位素值的正偏移、磷矿的沉积与生物事件之间有一定的关联性,大洋深部的缺氧事件使底水富磷质;随着古海洋流通性的提高,富磷海水随上升洋流运移到浅海沉积成矿,并为生物圈供应营养物质,进而引发生物竞争及推动进化。  相似文献   

河南老湾金矿床40Ar/39Ar定年及铅同位素研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
河南老湾金矿床为桐柏山北坡金银成矿带的主要组成矿床 ,矿床分布受龟山岩组、老湾花岗岩和韧性剪切带控制。石英单矿物的 4 0 Ar/ 39Ar定年方法测得金矿床的成矿年龄为 ( 91.5± 1.0 ) Ma,即金矿床形成于燕山晚期。铅同位素的研究结果表明燕山晚期形成的老湾花岗岩为矿床形成提供了成矿热液和主要的成矿物质 ,龟山岩组变质岩为矿床的另一个物源  相似文献   

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