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A suite of Cenozoic ultra-potassic volcanic rocks and carbonatites are widespread along the Lixian-Dang- chang areas of western Qinling in Gansu Province. There are abundant mantle-derived xenoliths within these ultra-potassic volcanic rocks. Systemmatic …  相似文献   

南秦岭前寒武纪岩浆构造事件与地壳生长   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
前寒武纪构造体制与地球动力学机制是当前南秦岭构造带研究的薄弱环节,利用南秦岭广泛分布的前寒武纪岩石地层、岩浆-构造事件,尤其是记录前寒武纪地壳生长、演化及其地幔动力学机制的岩浆构造事件,对南秦岭前寒武纪地质体、岩浆活动、构造事件的组成、特征与年代学进行了综合研究。结果表明:南秦岭太古代类似于华北太古代地幔的特征;元古代地幔则发生了先亏损后富集的演化;其中,8-9亿年南秦岭发生了急剧的地壳生长事件,并以垂向加积增生为主要机制。  相似文献   

We report new 40Ar/39Ar dating results obtained from total fusion and incremental-heating analyses of sanidine and biotite from three tuffs found interbedded within the fossil-bearing deposits of Liaoning, northeast China. The first is a new sample of the Bed 6 Sihetun tuff from the Yixian Formation, previously dated by our team as middle Early Cretaceous, and recently considered by Lo et al., partially reset due to metamorphism from a nearby basaltic sill. The second is the Yixian Bed 9 tuff from Hengdaozi considered by Lo et al. to be unaffected by metamorphism and whose age, based on total fusion 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite, argues for a Jurassic age for the Yixian Formation.The third tuff is a previously undated tuff from the upper part of the underlying Tuchengzi Formation. Single crystal total fusion 40Ar/39Ar analyses of the Sihetun sanidine showed homogeneous radiogenic Ar, Ca/K ratios, excellent reproducibility and gave a mean age of 125.0 ± 0.18 (1SD) ±0.04 (SE) Ma. Single sanidine crystal total fusion 40Ar/39Aranalyses of the Hengdaozi tuff gave a mean age of 125.0 +0.19 (1SD) ± 0.04 (SE) Ma, which is indistinguishable from the Sihetun tuff. The Tuchengzi Formation tuff gave a mean age of 139.4 ± 0.19 (1SD) ± 0.05 (SE) Ma. Detailed laser incremental-heating analyses of biotite from Sihetun, Hengdaozi, and Tuchengzi tuffs show disturbed Ar release patterns and evidence of trapped argon components. We conclude from these analyses that the total fusion dates on biotite by Lo et al. are erroneously old and isotopic dating of both biotite and sanidine from tuffs of the Yixian Formation point to a middle Early Cretaceous age. The upper part of the Tuchengzi Formation can be referred to the Early Cretaceous.``  相似文献   

The Qinling Mountains constitute a key climate barrier between southern and northern China.Our recent investigations revealed widely spread eolian deposits of Neogene age mantling the piedmont highlands of the intermountain basins within West Qinling.Micro-mammalian fossils dated a 150.2 m section (NL-VI) near Xihe for the late Miocene to Pliocene (~10-4 Ma).Soil micromorphology,grain-size and geochemical analysis consistently define typical loess-soil alternations for the upper (0-66 m) and lower (98-150.2...  相似文献   

The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that the eclogite facies rocks of the Hasiate slice in the western Tianshan Mountains were formed at the early stage of Devonian (401 Ma) and had been uplifted to the greenschist facies tectonic level in the middle stage of Devonian (381 Ma). The formation and uplift of the blueschists of the Akesayi slice are constrained to the late stage of Devonian (370─364 Ma). The different tectonic slices in the high-pressure metamorphic belt have experienced the different uplift history.  相似文献   

北秦岭榴辉岩的地球化学特征及形成环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地球化学研究表明:北秦岭榴辉岩原岩属于拉斑玄武岩系列,岩石的Nb/La=0.68-0.92,Ce/Nb=2.11—3.62,Th/Yb=0.42—1.00,Ti/Zr=75.26—125.84,显示源区具有N—MORB的特征;岩石Nb含量9—13μg/g,Zr/Y值为4.24—6.92,同时明显富Ti和Fe,又显示了OIB的特征,因此岩石源区应是N—MORB和OIB两个端元的混合。结合地质资料综合分析,认为北秦岭榴辉岩原岩可能是洋盆中的海山玄武岩,具有洋壳性质,洋壳被消减俯冲到下地壳或地幔深处,经高压变质形成榴辉岩。  相似文献   

两广交界处的岑溪二叠纪岛弧型玄武岩是华南地区(狭义)首次报道的、有较为可靠同位素年龄的晚古生代活动大陆边缘型玄武岩。对该地区玄武岩和细碧角斑岩的主量元素、微量元素(包括稀土元素)和同位素年代学进行了综合研究,论证了岑溪细碧角斑岩建造是与古特提斯域大陆边缘岛弧或弧间盆地有关的二叠纪火山喷发产物。  相似文献   

As the northern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau theAltyn fault is a huge NEE strike-slip fault belt in the inner Asian continent. Its formation and evolution are closelyrelated to the uplift of the whole plateau and the mass es-cape to the east. In recent years the Altyn fault has be-come a hot point of geological study in the Tibetan Pla-teau. The formation age of the Altyn fault was argued for a long time. Some researchers emphasized that the Altyn fault had commenced since early Paleo…  相似文献   

Whole-rock and mineral separate Ar-Ar dating was carried out for the Linzizong volcanic rocks at Linzhou Basin in Tibet to constrain the time span of volcanism and the corresponding stratigraphic sequence. Sampling was based on detailed geologic mapping and stratigraphic sequence of Dianzhong, Nianbo, Pana Formations, systematically from the bottom to near the top. The results indicate that the Linzizong volcanic rocks erupted from Paleocene to middle of Eocene (64.43--43.93 Ma). Among them, the Pana Formation formed from ca. 48.73 to 43.9 Ma, the Nianbo Formation around 54 Ma and the Dianzhong Formation from 64.4 to 60.6 Ma. In combination with evidence from the geochemical characteristics of the volcanic rocks, and from stratigraphy in southern Tibet, it is postulated that the age of the lowest member in the Dianzhong Formation of the Linzizong volcanic rock, which overlies unconformably the Late Cretaceous Shexing Formation, likely corresponds to the inception of the collision between Indian and Asian continents in southern Tibet.  相似文献   

为了研究南秦岭岚皋地区基性火山岩的岩石成因和区域构造背景, 选择岚皋县境内的玄武岩和火山角砾岩进行岩相学、常量元素、微量元素和稀土元素的分析。通过分析发现, 它们同属于碱性玄武岩系列, 轻重稀土分异明显, Rb, K 相对Th, Hf 亏损, 不具 Nb, Ta, Zr, Ti 负异常, 整体表现出与 OIB( 洋岛玄武岩) 高度一致的稀土图谱和微量元素特征。岩石成因分析表明, 它们为同源岩浆演化序列, 其原始岩浆起源于尖晶石-石榴石二辉橄榄岩和石榴石二辉橄榄岩地幔源区的低度部分熔融, 在上升过程中基本未受地壳混染的影响。岩浆演化过程中主要经历了单斜辉石、少量斜长石的分离结晶作用。综合区域地质学和微量元素特征, 该组火山岩最有可能形成于洋盆台地或大洋岛构造环境。  相似文献   

^40Ar/^39Ar dating of Daqingshan thrust   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Daqingshan thrust system is an important part of the western segment of the Mesozoic Yinshan-Yanshan orogenic belt. Therefore, much attention has been paid to the thrusts due also to their large-scale and entirely devel-oped structural elements and typical structural styles. Studies and progress have been concentrated on the ge-ometry, kinematics, dating and dynamic mechanism of the thrust and thrusting. To date, there have been no reliable published isotopic data, however, on the dating…  相似文献   

Ultra-Violet Laser Ablation Microprobe (UVLAMP) extraction technique enables the direct investigation of Ar-Ar age prorde in crystals, and yields more information on rates and durations of geological process than conventional single time snapshots. Phlogopite flakes from lamprophyre at Pishan dyke in western Kunlun were dated by using an UV laser (λ= 213 nm) microprobe with spot analyses. The results show good agreement with those from the conventional ^40Ar/^39Ar step heating experiments. This indicates that the Ar isotopes are distributed homogenously in the phlogopite and the UVLAMP can be a powerful tool in the study of thermal history.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar dating of diagenetic illite has been performed to investigate gas reservoirs in the Sulige Gas Field of the northern Ordos Basin. A series of technical challenges were confronted, including illite purification, Ar recoil loss, and separation of diagenetic illite from detrital illite. Mineral growth ages for diagenetic illite were obtained by this experiment, from which the age of gas emplacement was deduced to be later than 169 Ma.  相似文献   

The Wudangshan, Yaolinghe volcanic-sedimentary sequences and doleritic-gabbroic sills comprise the largest exposed Precambrian basement in South Qinling. Zircons separated from 5 volcanic-pyroclastic samples of the Wudangshan Group, 2 volcanic samples of the Yaolinghe Group and one sample for the mafic sills were used for U-Pb dating by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). The results reveal that the Wudangshan volcanic sequence was formed at (755±3) Ma (a weighted mean from the 5 samples, MSWD=0.47), whereas the Yaolinghe volcanic suite and the mafic sill were crystallized at (685±5) (2 samples, MSWD=0.36) and (679±3) Ma (MSWD=1.6), respectively, which are equal to each other within analysis errors. These ages are markedly younger than those previously documented for the rocks. The newly obtained ages for the Wudangshan and Yaolinghe Groups are Identical to those of the bottom Liantuo and slightly older than those of the Nantuo Formations, respectively, lower strata of the Nanhua (middle to late Neoproterozoic) stratotype section in eastern Three Gorges, Yangtze creton. A range of inherited magmatic zircons was recognized with ages of 830 to 780 Ma, which are typical of Neoprotzrozoic magmatisms recorded along the margins and interior of the Yangtze craton. Thus, there is Neoproterozoic basement comprising 830-780 Ma igneous suites in South Qinling; the inherited zircons were detrital sediments derived from the northern margin of the Yangtze craton. Accordingly, it is suggested that the South Qinling is a segment of the Yangtze creton before the Qinling Orogeny.  相似文献   

目的探讨青藏高原东北缘多福屯地区钠质基性火山岩与青藏高原隆升及南北构造带活动之间的关系。方法运用地球化学和同位素Sr-Nd-Pb特征分析及全岩40Ar/39Ar同位素进行研究。结果全岩40Ar/39Ar年龄结果显示,多福屯钠质基性火山岩的形成时代为96.21 Ma±2.10 Ma,为晚白垩世(K2)早期。岩石元素-同位素地球化学特征表明,该套火山岩岩浆形成于部分熔融。火山岩表现为特征的DUPAL(高放射成因铅)异常,属似OIB性质的板内碱性—偏碱性玄武岩,源区具有DM与EMⅡ混合特点。结论多福屯火山岩相关的岩浆活动源于板块边界动力学引起的远程大陆陆内构造效应,即印度板块与欧亚大陆的早期碰撞(100~85 Ma),由于藏北板块的刚性特点,应力实现远程传递到高原东北缘,导致南北复合构造带在西秦岭西段发生构造扰动,诱发了软流圈地幔的部分熔融,形成多福屯火山岩原生岩浆。  相似文献   

ThegeomagneticfieldwasfoundtobeofnormalpolarityforalongtimeduringtheCretaceousbyHelsleyandSteiner[1]andthiswaslaternamedasCretaceousNormalSuperchron(CNS)[2].TheCNSlastedalmost37Ma(120—83Ma).Severalabnormalgeologicalevents,suchasanoceanicanoxicevent,alargenumberofvol-canismandglobalclimaticwarmingduringtheCNShavebeenreported[3—11].Thishasledtomanyquestionsbeingraised.IsittruethattheEarthsmagneticfielddidnotreverseatallintheCNS?Ifitdidreverse,howmanytimesandwhendidthishappen?Istherea…  相似文献   

The samples of Caledonian mylonitized granite and Jurassic meta-sedimentary rocks were collected in the north of Dangjinshan Pass, Qaidam gate fault-valley and Gesi fault-valley. Detailed studies under the microscope and electronic microscope suggest that all the samples contain the syntectonic-growing minerals such as white mica, chlorite, sericite, biotite, etc. By dating these minerals, we got a group of 40Ar/39Ar laser probe isochronal ages of 89—92 Ma and apparent ages of (46.6±6.4) Ma. The ages ranging from 97 to 46 Ma were reported for the first time in the isotopic dating researches of the Altyn Fault. The isochronal age group of (98—89) Ma indicates that a ductile strike-slip event, with low-grade metamorphism, began in late Cretaceous. This suggests that the strike-slip movement of the Altyn Fault should be related to the formation of the so-called west tectonic syntaxis in the Nepal-western Kunlun area.  相似文献   

Supergene jarosite is widely distributed in weathering profiles derived from hypogene sulfide ores.Precise40Ar/39Ar dating and determination of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of supergene jarosite can not only place tight constraints on the timing and history of continental weathering and supergene enrichment of sulfide ore deposits,but also shed significant insights into paleoclimatic conditions and tectonic uplift responsible for the weathering.In this paper,we present a preliminary study of40Ar/39Ar geochronology and stable isotope geochemistry of supergene jarosite from the early Paleozoic Zheyaoshan volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit of the Baiyin ore field located in the eastern portion of the Qilian Mountain along the northeastern(NE)margin of the Tibetan Plateau in an attempt to better understand the climatic conditions prevailed during the pervasive weathering in the region.Jarosite from the Zheyaoshan mining area occurs either as gravels within alluvial deposits over low-relief flat-top hills or cm-wide veins crosscutting weathered sulfide ores or their wall rocks.The gravels consist of massive jarosite aggregates with tabular crystal morphology and contain 8.21 wt%–8.31 wt%K2O on average.Two jarosite grains extracted from the gravels(08-02-2 and 08-02-5)yield well-defined40Ar/39Ar plateauages of 37.1±0.3 and 41.2±0.4 Ma(2r),respectively.They have dD values of-133%and-156%,and d18OSO4values of 2.6%and 2.5%.The vein-type jarosite consists of hexagonal pyramid crystals and contains much lower K2O,averaging at 2.44 wt%–2.72 wt%.Two jarosite veins(06-16-3 and 06-16-4)yield similar plateau ages of 3.2±0.1 and 3.3±0.1 Ma(2r),respectively.These jarosite veins have dD values of-158%and-160%,and d18OSO4values of 2.8%and 2.5%.The40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that sulfide ores of the Zheyaoshan deposit must have been brought to the surface since the late Eocene,and subsequently subjected to prolonged oxidation and supergene enrichment.The precipitation and preservation of jarosite in weathering profiles indicate that arid–semiarid climatic conditions must have been prevailed since the late Eocene.The hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the jarosite further point to variation of climatic conditions in the area,with the Pliocene being slightly cooler relative to the late Eocene.Given that weathering profiles overlying sulfide ore deposits are widely distributed along the Qilian Mountain,systematic studies of40Ar/39Ar geochronology and stable isotope geochemistry of jarosite-group minerals from these profiles would provide valuable information on the timing and evolution of regional tectonic uplift,paleoclimatic changes,and supergene mineralization in this mountainous belt along the NE edge of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

南秦岭迷坝岩体的地球化学特征及其地质意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 揭示南秦岭勉略带北部迷坝岩体的地球化学特征及其地质意义。方法 利用元素地球化学资料,结合岩体地质和岩相学特征进行研究。结果 岩体相对富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,亏损高场强元素,K2O Na2O和Sr含量及Zr/Y值较高;岩体具后碰撞高钾钙碱性花岗岩的特征;岩体是由二元岩浆尚未彻底混合而形成的。结论 指示晚三叠世秦岭造山带华北与扬子板块碰撞造山作用已进入到后碰撞演化阶段。  相似文献   

北秦岭罗汉寺岩群锆石年龄及地质意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的准确测定北秦岭罗汉寺岩群辉长岩脉的形成时代,探讨其地质意义。方法采用激光剥蚀等离子质谱法,对辉长岩中锆石进行U-Pb同位素定年。结果辉长岩形成年龄为475 Ma±4 Ma。结论罗汉寺辉长岩脉的形成时代与北秦岭两条高压—超高压变质带和富水杂岩成岩时代接近或一致,它的形成很可能与北秦岭早古生代岛弧体系碰撞有关。  相似文献   

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