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Etchegaray JP  Lee C  Wade PA  Reppert SM 《Nature》2003,421(6919):177-182

M Merrow  M Brunner  T Roenneberg 《Nature》1999,399(6736):584-586
Circadian clocks consist of three elements: entrainment pathways (inputs), the mechanism generating the rhythmicity (oscillator), and the output pathways that control the circadian rhythms. It is difficult to assign molecular clock components to any one of these elements. Experiments show that inputs can be circadianly regulated and outputs can feed back on the oscillator. Mathematical simulations indicate that under- or overexpression of a gene product can result in arrhythmicity, whether the protein is part of the oscillator or substantially part of a rhythmically expressed input pathway. To distinguish between these two possibilities, we used traditional circadian entrainment protocols on a genetic model system, Neurospora crassa.  相似文献   

Chabot JR  Pedraza JM  Luitel P  van Oudenaarden A 《Nature》2007,450(7173):1249-1252
Recent advances in measuring gene expression at the single-cell level have highlighted the stochastic nature of messenger RNA and protein synthesis. Stochastic gene expression creates a source of variability in the abundance of cellular components, even among isogenic cells exposed to an identical environment. Recent integrated experimental and modelling studies have shed light on the molecular sources of this variability. However, many of these studies focus on systems that have reached a steady state and therefore do not address a large class of dynamic phenomena including oscillatory gene expression. Here we develop a general protocol for analysing and predicting stochastic gene expression in systems that never reach steady states. We use this framework to analyse experimentally stochastic expression of genes driven by the Synechococcus elongatus circadian clock. We find that, although the average expression at two points in the circadian cycle separated by 12 hours is identical, the variability at these two time points can be different. We show that this is a general feature of out-of-steady-state systems. We demonstrate how intrinsic noise sources, owing to random births and deaths of mRNAs and proteins, or extrinsic noise sources, which introduce fluctuations in rate constants, affect the cell-to-cell variability. To distinguish experimentally between these sources, we measured how the correlation between expression fluctuations of two identical genes is modulated during the circadian cycle. This quantitative framework is generally applicable to any out-of-steady-state system and will be necessary for understanding the fidelity of dynamic cellular systems.  相似文献   

J P McGrath  A Varshavsky 《Nature》1989,340(6232):400-404
Mammalian tumours displaying multidrug resistance overexpress a plasma membrane protein (P-glycoprotein), which is encoded by the MDR1 gene and apparently functions as an energy-dependent drug efflux pump. Tissue-specific expression of MDR1 and other members of the MDR gene family has been observed in normal cells, suggesting a role for P-glycoproteins in secretion. We have isolated a gene from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that encodes a protein very similar to mammalian P-glycoproteins. Deletion of this gene resulted in sterility of MATa, but not of MAT alpha cells. Subsequent analysis revealed that the yeast P-glycoprotein is the product of the STE6 gene, a locus previously shown to be required in MATa cells for production of a-factor pheromone. Our findings suggest that the STE6 protein functions to export the hydrophobic a-factor lipopeptide in a manner analogous to the efflux of hydrophobic cytotoxic drugs catalysed by the related mammalian P-glycoprotein. Thus, the evolutionarily conserved family of MDR-like genes, including the hlyB gene of Escherichia coli and the STE6 gene of S. cerevisiae, encodes components of secretory pathways distinct from the classical, signal sequence-dependent protein translocation system.  相似文献   

F W Turek  S Losee-Olson 《Nature》1986,321(6066):167-168
Between 5 and 20% of the adult population in Western countries suffer from insufficient and/or unsatisfying sleep, often associated with certain psychiatric disorders or with certain types of professional activities (for example, shift workers) and travel schedules (for example, jet lag). The benzodiazepines are at present the drug treatment of choice for the management of anxiety and stress-related conditions as well as insomnia. Benzodiazepines are thought to act by potentiating the action of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a widely distributed transmitter in the central nervous system. The circadian system has a key role in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle, and at least some forms of insomnia may be the result of a disorder of the circadian sleep-wake rhythm. Similarly, at least some forms of depression may also involve disruption of normal circadian rhythmicity. A central pacemaker for the generation of many circadian rhythms in mammals, including the sleep-wake cycle, appears to be located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and recent research indicates that both cell bodies and axons containing GABA are present within the bilaterally paired suprachiasmatic nuclei. These findings raise the possibility that the benzodiazepines, commonly prescribed for sleep and mental disorders, may have an effect on the central circadian pacemaker. Here we report that the acute administration of triazolam, a short-acting benzodiazepine commonly prescribed for the treatment of insomnia, induces a phase-shift in the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in golden hamsters. This suggests a role for GABA-containing neurones in the mammalian circadian system.  相似文献   

Pennartz CM  de Jeu MT  Bos NP  Schaap J  Geurtsen AM 《Nature》2002,416(6878):286-290
The central biological clock of the mammalian brain is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. This hypothalamic region contains neurons that generate a circadian rhythm on a single-cell basis. Clock cells transmit their circadian timing signals to other brain areas by diurnal modulation of their spontaneous firing rate. The intracellular mechanism underlying rhythm generation is thought to consist of one or more self-regulating molecular loops, but it is unknown how these loops interact with the plasma membrane to modulate the ionic conductances that regulate firing behaviour. Here we demonstrate a diurnal modulation of Ca2+ current in suprachiasmatic neurons. This current strongly contributes to the generation of spontaneous oscillations in membrane potential, which occur selectively during daytime and are tightly coupled to spike generation. Thus, day-night modulation of Ca2+ current is a central step in transducing the intracellular cycling of molecular clocks to the rhythm in spontaneous firing rate.  相似文献   

The bcl-2 gene encodes a novel G protein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
S Haldar  C Beatty  Y Tsujimoto  C M Croce 《Nature》1989,342(6246):195-198
Little is known about the biochemical or functional nature of the proteins encoded by the bcl-2 gene, which undergoes chromosomal translocation in approximately 85% of follicular lymphoma, 20% of diffuse large cell lymphoma and 10% of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia of B cells. Translocation of bcl-2 sequences from chromosome 18 to the JH segment of the immunoglobulin gene at chromosome band 14q32 in B cells results in deregulated expression of this gene, causing high steady state levels of bcl-2 messenger RNA2. DNA sequence data indicate that bcl-2 encodes two proteins by virtue of alternative splicing, designated as Bcl-2 alpha and Bcl-2 beta, with relative molecular masses of 26,000 and 22,000 respectively. Cell fractionation experiments indicate that the bcl-2 alpha gene product is located at the inner surface of the cell membrane, suggesting a possible role in mitogenic signal transduction. We report here that Bcl-2 alpha has GTP-binding activity and a protein sequence that suggests it belongs to the small molecular weight GTP-binding protein (G protein) family.  相似文献   

T Roenneberg  H Nakamura  J W Hastings 《Nature》1988,334(6181):432-434
The circadian clock is considered to be a universal feature of eucaryotic organisms, controlling the occurrence and rates of many different aspects of life, ranging from single enzymatic reactions and metabolism to complex behaviours such as activity and rest. Although the nature of the underlying cellular/biochemical oscillator is still unknown, many substances are known to influence either phase or period of circadian rhythms in different organisms. These include D2O, electrolytes and ion channel inhibitors, small organic molecules such as alcohols and aldehydes, inhibitors of protein synthesis and amino-acid analogues. Certain transmitter and neurochemical drugs also influence the circadian clock in higher animals. We report here that the period of free-running circadian rhythms in the unicellular marine alga Gonyaulax polyedra is shortened by extracts from mammalian cells. The effect is dose-dependent, accelerating the circadian clock by as much as 4 hours per day. The substance responsible for this effect has been isolated from bovine muscle and identified as creatine. Authentic creatine has identical biological effects at micromolar concentrations and is known in animal systems for its involvement in cellular energy metabolism. A period shortening substance with similar chemical properties is also present in extracts of Gonyaulax itself.  相似文献   

C J Stirling  E W Hewitt 《Nature》1992,356(6369):534-537
Translocation of proteins across the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane represents the first step in the eukaryotic secretory pathway. In mammalian cells, the targeting of secretory and membrane protein precursors to the ER is mediated by signal recognition particle (SRP), a cytosolic ribonucleoprotein complex comprising a molecule of 7SL RNA and six polypeptide subunits (relative molecular masses 9, 14, 19, 54, 68 and 72K). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a homologue of the 54K subunit (SRP54) co-purifies with a small cytoplasmic RNA, scR1 (refs 4, 5). Genetic data indicate that SRP54 and scR1 are involved in translocation in vivo, suggesting the existence of an SRP-like activity in yeast. Whether this activity requires additional components similar to those found in mammalian SRP is not known. We have recently reported a genetic selection that led to the isolation of a yeast mutant, sec65-1, which is conditionally defective in the insertion of integral membrane proteins into the ER. Here we report the cloning and sequencing of the SEC65 gene, which encodes a 31.2K protein with significant sequence similarity to the 19K subunit of human SRP (SRP19). We also report the cloning of a multicopy suppressor of sec65-1, and its identification as the previously defined SRP54 gene, providing genetic evidence for an interaction between these gene products in vivo.  相似文献   

A role for casein kinase 2alpha in the Drosophila circadian clock   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Lin JM  Kilman VL  Keegan K  Paddock B  Emery-Le M  Rosbash M  Allada R 《Nature》2002,420(6917):816-820

The ELF3 zeitnehmer regulates light signalling to the circadian clock   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
McWatters HG  Bastow RM  Hall A  Millar AJ 《Nature》2000,408(6813):716-720
The circadian system regulates 24-hour biological rhythms and seasonal rhythms, such as flowering. Long-day flowering plants like Arabidopsis thaliana, measure day length with a rhythm that is not reset at lights-off, whereas short-day plants measure night length on the basis of circadian rhythm of light sensitivity that is set from dusk, early flowering 3 (elf3) mutants of Arabidopsis are aphotoperiodic and exhibit light-conditional arrhythmias. Here we show that the elf3-7 mutant retains oscillator function in the light but blunts circadian gating of CAB gene activation, indicating that deregulated phototransduction may mask rhythmicity. Furthermore, elf3 mutations confer the resetting pattern of short-day photoperiodism, indicating that gating of phototransduction may control resetting. Temperature entrainment can bypass the requirement for normal ELF3 function for the oscillator and partially restore rhythmic CAB expression. Therefore, ELF3 specifically affects light input to the oscillator, similar to its function in gating CAB activation, allowing oscillator progression past a light-sensitive phase in the subjective evening. ELF3 provides experimental demonstration of the zeitnehmer ('time-taker') concept.  相似文献   

The c-erb-A gene encodes a thyroid hormone receptor   总被引:143,自引:0,他引:143  
C Weinberger  C C Thompson  E S Ong  R Lebo  D J Gruol  R M Evans 《Nature》1986,324(6098):641-646
The cDNA sequence of human c-erb-A, the cellular counterpart of the viral oncogene v-erb-A, indicates that the protein encoded by the gene is related to the steroid hormone receptors. Binding studies with the protein show it to be a receptor for thyroid hormones.  相似文献   

Dec1 and Dec2 are regulators of the mammalian molecular clock   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Honma S  Kawamoto T  Takagi Y  Fujimoto K  Sato F  Noshiro M  Kato Y  Honma K 《Nature》2002,419(6909):841-844

The Drosophila gene torso encodes a putative receptor tyrosine kinase   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
The maternal gene torso, required for determination of anterior and posterior terminal structures in the Drosophila embryo, was cloned using P-element tagging. Genetic evidence suggests that the action of the gene product is spatially restricted to the terminal regions; the torso messenger RNA, however, is evenly distributed. Structural similarities of the predicted torso protein with growth-factor receptor tyrosine kinases suggest that the spatial restriction of torso activity results from a localized activation of the torso protein at the anterior and posterior egg pole.  相似文献   

Salter MG  Franklin KA  Whitelam GC 《Nature》2003,426(6967):680-683
The phytochromes are a family of plant photoreceptor proteins that control several adaptive developmental strategies. For example, the phytochromes perceive far-red light (wavelengths between 700 and 800 nm) reflected or scattered from the leaves of nearby vegetation. This provides an early warning of potential shading, and triggers a series of 'shade-avoidance' responses, such as a rapid increase in elongation, by which the plant attempts to overgrow its neighbours. Other, less immediate, responses include accelerated flowering and early production of seeds. However, little is known about the molecular events that connect light perception with increased growth in shade avoidance. Here we show that the circadian clock gates this rapid shade-avoidance response. It is most apparent around dusk and is accompanied by altered expression of several genes. One of these rapidly responsive genes encodes a basic helix-loop-helix protein, PIL1, previously shown to interact with the clock protein TOC1 (ref. 4). Furthermore PIL1 and TOC1 are both required for the accelerated growth associated with the shade-avoidance response.  相似文献   

S G Clark  M J Stern  H R Horvitz 《Nature》1992,356(6367):340-344
The induction of the hermaphrodite vulva and the migration of the sex myoblasts in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans are both controlled by intercellular signalling. The gonadal anchor cell induces formation of the vulva from nearby hypodermal cells, and a set of somatic gonadal cells attract the migrating sex myoblasts to their final positions. Many genes required for vulval induction have been identified, including the let-23 receptor tyrosine kinase gene and the let-60 ras gene. We report here the identification and characterization of a new gene, sem-5 (sem, sex muscle abnormal), that acts both in vulval induction and in sex myoblast migration. On the basis of its DNA sequence, sem-5 encodes a novel 228-amino-acid protein which consists almost entirely of one SH2 (SH, src homology region) and two SH3 domains. SH2 and SH3 domains are present in many signalling proteins regulated by receptor and non-receptor tyrosine kinases. Mutations that impair sem-5 activity alter residues that are highly conserved among different SH2 and SH3 domains. Our results indicate that the sem-5 gene encodes a novel protein that functions in at least two distinct cell-signalling processes.  相似文献   

D RayChaudhuri  J T Park 《Nature》1992,359(6392):251-254
Escherichia coli divides by forming a septum across the middle of the cell. The biochemical mechanism underlying this process is unknown. Genetic evidence suggests that of all the fts (filamentation temperature sensitive) genes involved in E. coli cell division, ftsZ plays a central role at the earliest known step of septation. Here we show that FtsZ protein binds GTP in vitro using unusual sequence elements. In contrast, such binding to the product of the conditional-lethal ftsZ84 allele is impaired. Purified FtsZ displays a Mg(2+)-dependent GTPase activity which is markedly reduced in the FtsZ84 protein. FtsZ copurifies with near stoichiometric amounts of noncovalently-bound GDP, implying the presence of a GTPase cycle in vivo, similar to that known for signal-transducing GTP-binding proteins. We also show that a small fraction of FtsZ exists as a distinct membrane-associated species that binds GTP. The membrane association of FtsZ and the known ability of GTPases to act as molecular switches implicate FtsZ in a GTP-activated signal transduction pathway that may regulate the start of septation in E. coli.  相似文献   

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