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The author performed optical tests on four telescopes dating from the first half of the seventeenth century and on four objective lenses made by the Italian optician Giuseppe Campani. These tests consisted of the method of Ronchi and of the highly sensitive method of Foucault on an optical bench. The two incomplete surviving telescopes in Skokloster made by Wiesel have been reconstructed and compared with a telescope made by Divini and a telescope made by Campani. The contributions of Schyrl de Rheita and Johannes Wiesel to the development of the telescope, and the influence of their new methods upon the opticians of the second half of the seventeenth century, especially Giuseppe Campani, are discussed.  相似文献   

脑科学进展的跨世纪回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪脑科学取得十分辉煌的成就。当此世纪之交,回顾20世纪百年来脑科学的重大进展以及展望21世纪脑科学的发展趋势,有重要意义。20世纪脑科学的进展可概括为三大里程碑:(1)神经元学说;(2)离子通道理论;(3)脑功能成像。21世纪脑科学将取得更大的飞跃。预期在21世纪除继续发展20世纪已有的成就之外,将可望在以下5个方面取得突破性进展:(1)神经元功能成像;(2)神经系统多基因病定位及老年性痴呆发病机理的阐明;(3)神经系统信息编码的研究;(4)后基因组是发子神经生物学;(5)意识、思维与情绪本质的进一步探讨。本文首次提出启动人类神经组计划(Human Neurome Project,HuNP)研究和建立神经数据库(NeuroBank)的建议,并提出其系统构建和具体实施的方案。人类神经组计划将是继人类基因组计划之后的又一伟大的生物学系统工程,它的开展对破译人脑思维起源之谜,有重大意义。  相似文献   

21世纪南极科学研究展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
21世纪的南极科学研究更加强调多学科和全球化,更注意时间和空间尺度上突破。在突出研究南极地区在全球变化中的作用同时,加强对南极的监测和保护,关注人类活动对南极地区的影响。合理利用南极的资源尤其是生物资源也是21世纪列入各国南极研究的任务之一。  相似文献   

本文结合我国实际情况,将当今数学适当的归并与凝炼成四个大的方面的内容,通过剖析当今国际研究热点,提出了21世纪我国数学研究的重点方向与领域。  相似文献   

世纪之交的地球科学发展展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简介了地球科学在20世纪取得的重大成就,通过对地球科学发展的趋势的思考,提出了21世纪初叶我国地球科学发展的战略重点。  相似文献   

本文讨论了技术科学的范畴与作用,以及21世纪我国技术科学面临的机遇与挑战,提出了制定21世纪我国技术科学发展战略应当遵循的一些重要原则和主要优先考虑的问题。  相似文献   

Historians have explored the continuities between science and the arts in the Industrial Revolution, with much recent historiography emphasizing the hybrid nature of the activities of men of science around 1800. Chemistry in particular displayed this sort of hybridity between the philosophical and practical because the materials under investigation were important across the research spectrum. Inflammable gases were an example of such hybrid objects: pneumatic chemists through the eighteenth century investigated them, and in the process created knowledge, processes and instruments essential for the creation of a new gaslight industry from 1800. Once this industry began to expand and mature, the interests and experiments of the gas industry stimulated new research work which in turn had relevance for theoretical debates.

This paper explores how the emergence of the gas industry from 1800 provided an impetus for new work in theoretical chemistry. Boulton & Watt, important pioneers of the gas industry, explored the compositions of inflammable gases for practical purposes: the composition of these gases had an important effect on the luminosity of gaslights, and hence the economics of the new technology compared to older forms of lighting. As they explored these questions in their engineering work, they stimulated their friend William Henry to explore the nature of these gases further, and he carried out a series of experiments to determine their composition more exactly than Boulton & Watt had done. Henry published a series of paper between 1805 and 1820 where he made arguments about the compositions of inflammable airs, and further related these to contemporary debates about the laws of multiple and definite proportions, as well as John Dalton's atomism. Henry's research was also a hybrid of the theoretical and practical in that he tried to develop results useful for the fledgling gas industry. Specifically, he suggested the best kind of coal to use, and showed how gas quality varied with distillation time and temperature.  相似文献   

本文根据CAONCD数据库,对纳米科技从1987年到2004年18年时段的文献发表进行了文献统计.对纳米科技发展的总体态势、各国发展状况、热点学科领域和应用技术开发状况进行了文献计量分析和预测。  相似文献   

本文分析了美国90年代以来科技政策的发展过程,认为可分为三个阶段,并对每个阶段美国的科技政策及其背景,研究开发的技术重点与科技发展有拳重大计划作了介绍,把重点放在了对美国布什新政府的科技政策的论述上。最后,文章在就美国科技政策演变过程对我国的启示进行了讨论,并指出了对于美国当前科技政策中的国防科技内涵,我国在科技政策中应控制出相应的策略。  相似文献   

在对本世纪初美、日、德、英、法发达国家主要的人才战略规划和计划进行梳理的基础上,分析其在科技人才政策方面的新思路和新措施,为促进我国科技人才队伍的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

The concept of a technical frontier in branches of experimental measurement, such as the resolution of the microscope, angular measure and time telling, has been around for more than 60 years. The purpose of this brief paper is to identify the technical frontier operating on the achromatic astronomical telescope, where a limiting factor of the resolution of fine detail was the quality of the optical glass available. The achromatically corrected objective is formed from two kinds of glass, the common crown glass and the heavy clear flint glass or lead glass. This last was difficult to make homogeneous, that is without regions of different density, and therefore different refraction and dispersion. Unusually, optical glass had to pass a second frontier, this time placed on the whole glass industry by the English Government in the form of excise duty, administered with a bureaucratic efficiency that effectively stopped, in around 1800, the making of optical glass suitable for the serious astronomical telescopes. The result of the tax imposition was to delay the English production of improved optical glass for more than 80 years.  相似文献   

21世纪的神经科学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主要沿着还元论的研究路线,20世纪神经科学的成就空前,主要借助于超分析和超综合的研究策略,21世纪的社会科学研究可望在中枢神经系统活动的本质和工作原理、神经系统疾患的发生机制和诊治措施,以及人工智能领域取得更多更新的突破或进展。  相似文献   

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