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本文报道了黔北地区的木生真菌105种,分属于48属,20科。其中担子菌93种,42属,16科;子囊菌12种,6属,4科。黔北地区的木生真菌可分为3个垂直带;低山带中的木生真菌;中山带中的木生真菌;山顶带中的木生真菌。  相似文献   

报道了黎平自然保护区的木生真菌72种;其中食用菌22种,药用菌18种,木腐菌30种和毒菌2种。  相似文献   

贺兰山高等真菌垂直分布分为四个垂直带谱:1.低山带以腹菌类Gasteromycetes为主;2.中山带以杯伞属Chitocybe、蘑菇属Agaricus、乳牛肝菌属Suillus和多孔菌属类Polyporaceae等常见;3.深山带汇萃了贺兰山主要的真菌种类,以丝膜菌属Cortinarius、粘滑菇属Hebeloma、丝盖伞属Inocybe、口蘑属Ticholoma和乳茹属Lactarius为曲型代表;4.亚高山带仅有少量高等真菌分布。贺兰山高等真菌中食、药用及菌根菌有140余种,其中贺兰山紫蘑Cortinariusrufo-olivaceus最为著名,有极高的经济价值并对贺兰山去杉林的生长发育有重要意义。  相似文献   

贵州黎平自然保护区大型真菌资源及其生态分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文报道了黎平自然保护区的大型真菌146种,分属于75属,37科.其中担子菌135种,66属,33科;子囊菌11种,6属,4科.该地区的大型真菌可分为3个垂直带:低山带中的大型真菌;中山带中的大型真菌;山顶带中的大型真菌.同时,对植物群落中的大型真菌进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

中国贵州大型真菌资源及其利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究了贵州大型真菌 789种 ,隶属 2 0 2属 ,4 4科 ,其中新种 4个 ,中国新记录种 2 3个 ,贵州新记录种 36 8个。其中可供食用菌 2 4 3种 ,药用菌 186种 ,毒菌 6 7种。  相似文献   

本文报道了广西十万大山自然保护区的大型真菌203种,分属于87属,42科。其中担子菌182种,子囊菌21种。根据该林区已定种的大型真菌,结合十万大山自然保护区已划分的植被群落分析该区大型真菌种类的分布差异。该地区的大型真菌可分为3个垂直带:低山带中的大型真菌;中山带中的大型真菌;山顶带中的大型真菌。  相似文献   

吴兴亮 《贵州科学》2000,18(1):71-76
本文研究了贵州大型真菌789种,隶属202属,44科,其中新种4个,中国新记录种23个,贵州新记录种368个。其中可供食用菌243种,药用菌186种,毒菌67种。  相似文献   

吴兴亮 《贵州科学》2000,18(2):71-76
本文研究了贵州大型真菌789种,隶属202属,44科,其中新种4个,中国新记录种23个,贵州新记录种368个。其中可供食用菌243种,药用菌186种,毒菌67种。  相似文献   

贵州地衣资源及其分布规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在生物多样性中 ,地衣是一类很独特的生物。在植物资源宝库中 ,占有重要的地位 ,为了今后有效地利用这类自然资源 ,作者对贵州省地衣资源作了较为全面系统地调查。共记有 71种 (3变种 ,1亚种 )隶属 17属 ,10科 ,其中有 48种为贵州新记录 ;并对贵州地衣的分布规律作了初步探讨  相似文献   

本文报道大沙河地区的大型具菌205种,分属于76属,33科,其中担子菌182种,67属,27科,子带菌23种,9属,6科,该地区的大型真菌可分为三个垂直带;低山带中的大型真菌;中山带的大型真菌;山顶带中的大型真菌.同时,对七个植物群落中的大型真菌进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

Pteridophte resources are rich in Guizhou, China. More than 700 species, belonging to 150 genera and 53 families, have been known so far Many of them are of edible, medicinal and ornamental value, and the rare and endemic species attract pteridologists being engaged in their research. Pteridophyte protection is much necessary and natural reserves provide an efficient method for most of them in Guizhou. For better study and use, the establishment of special fern section or garden is of significance. A project of setting up a fern section in Guizhou Botanioal Garden is being carried out. It is hopeful that it will be one of the ideal bases as a gone pool of subtropical ferns in China.  相似文献   

Ichthyosaur from Guizhou, China   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Chun Li 《科学通报(英文版)》1999,44(14):1329-1329
A new ichthyosaur is named and described on the basis of two well-preserved skeletons from the Late Triassic Wayao Member of Falang Formation, Guizhou Province, southwestern China. The specimens represent a longipinnate ichthyosaur with a set of characters transitional from the Triassic forms to the Jurassic forms. It is similar to shastasaurids of the Triassic in the relative size and shape of the limbs but resemblesOphthalmosaurus andBaptanodon of the Jurassic in the shape of the skull. The new taxon differs from all other ichthyosaurs found in China in its unusual large orbit, distinct rostrum, and the hind limbs, that are slightly stronger than the fore ones.  相似文献   

Sauropterygian from Triassic of Guizhou, China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Jun Liu 《科学通报(英文版)》1999,44(14):1312-1312
A new sauropterygian,Anshunsaurus huangguoshuensis, is described on the basis of a well-preserved skull from the Late Triassic Wayao Member of Falang Formation, Guizhou Province, southwestern China. It is ascribed to Eusauroptetrygia because it possesses the following characters: the rostrum is mainly composed by the premaxillae; the nasals are small, paired and separated from one another by the premaxillae; the external nares are close to the orbits; and the frontals are fused.Anshunsaurus differs from other Triassic sauropterygians in its large size, long rostrum and the supratemporal fenestrae slightly smaller than orbits. It is further considered to be closely related toPistosaurus on the basis of the nasals contact with the prefrontals; large pineal foramen, lain in the anterior part of the parietal table; the squamosals not in contact posterior to the supratemporal fenestra. The discovery ofAnshunsaurus with the ichthyosaurs in the same locality indicates a new assemblage of Triassic marine tetrapods in China.  相似文献   

李朝婵  陈翔  陈训 《贵州科学》2009,27(3):84-87,91
通过贵州省蕨类植物标本参据整合E平台、资料收集与标本鉴定,研究了贵州食用蕨类植物的种类与地理分布。研究确认贵州现有食用蕨类植物资源共20科22属38种,其中2种为珍稀濒危蕨类植物,11种分布区域狭小。  相似文献   

厦门东屿红树林湿地鸟类资源及其分布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据2001年1月~2003年3月的调查结果表明,厦门东屿红树林湿地鸟类共有鸟类8目27科97种,其中冬候鸟38种、留鸟32种、旅鸟22种、夏候鸟5种;古北种鸟类57种,东洋种25种,广布种15种;厦门东屿红树林湿地鸟类以水鸟为主,有55种,占56.7%;优势种类为环颈鸻Charadrius alexandrinus、铁嘴沙鸻Charadrius leschenaultii、黑腹滨鹬Calidris alpina、白鹭Egretta garzetta、苍鹭Ardea cinerea和麻雀Passer montanus.文中还对红树林周边不同生境中鸟类的分布情况进行分析.  相似文献   

A new cyamodontoid placodont is named (Psephochelys polyosteoderma gen. et. sp. nov.) and described based on a three-dimensionally preserved specimen. The material comes from the Wayao Member of the Falang Formation (Carnian, Late Triassic) in Guizhou Province, southwestern China. The skull of Psephochelys shows a unique combination of characteristics observed in Psephoderma and Placochelys, and the carapace is diagnostic of a new taxon as well. The ventral dermal armor of Psephochelys differs from all other known cyamodontoids in that it comprises irregular marginal osteoderms in loose contact with each other, and gastralia between them. The cranial suture pattern is in part difficult to analyze due to apparent co-ossification of elements, or poor delimitation of sutures.This affects primarily the demarcation of the nasal from the prefrontal, and the relation between the anterior part of the parietal, posterior ends of the frontals, and postfrontals.However, the postfrontal appears to enter the anteromedial margin of the upper temporal fenestra, a characteristic otherwise known from Placodus, but not from other cyamodontoids. However, given the difficulties of interpretation of this skull, additional material is required to unequivocally assess some details of the pattern of cranial sutures.  相似文献   

结合贵州灵芝菌物分类研究工作,采集了灵芝菌物标本200余号。经分类研究,灵芝菌物在贵州分布有45种,隶属3个属(灵芝属、假芝属和网孢芝属)其中有15种为贵州省新记录种。  相似文献   

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