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A paleontological perspective of vertebrate origin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Early Cambrian Haikouichthys and Haikouella have been claimed to be related to contribute in an important way to our understanding of vertebrate origin,but there have been heated debates about how exactly they are to be interpreted. New discoveries of numerous specimens of Haikouichthys not only confirm the identity of previously described structures such as the dorsal and the ventral fins, and chevron-shaped myomeres, but also reveal many new important characteristics, including sensory organs of the head (e.g. large eyes), and a prominent notochord with differentiated vertebral elements. This “first fish” appears, however, to retain primitive reproductive features of acraniates, suggesting that it is a stem-group craniates. A new order (Myllokunmingiida) and a new family (Myllokunmingiidae) are erected, and a new species, Zhongjianichthys rostratus (gen. et sp. nov.), is described herein. Over 1400 newly-discovered specimens of Haikouella provide a wealth of anatomical information on this organism. It differs from chordates in many organs and organ systems, including the skin, muscles, respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems.In contrast, its body-design resembles that of vetulicolians,and the presence of a “transitional” nervous system with both dorsal and ventral nerve cords suggests an affinity with living hemichordates. On the basis of these and other recent findings of fossil deuterostomes, a five-step hypothesis for vertebrate origin is proposed, intended to bridge the long-standing gap between protostomes and vertebrates. Four of the five steps accord with established ideas current in modern evolutionary zoology. Evidence for the first step is obtainable only from fossils, and specifically from fossils found from South China, hence the crucial importance of S. China sites for our understanding of early vertebrate origins and evolution. Accordingly, South China is suggested as the oldest-known birthplace of the whole vertebrates.  相似文献   

目的探讨云南早寒武世澄江化石库中翻吻动物的运动和生态习性。方法依据大量蠕虫标本的观察,认为的确有一部分翻吻动物化石为异地埋葬,并列举了一些原地埋葬的证据。结果部分翻吻动物如Tylotites petiolaris,Paraselkirkia 可能为营底上生活而并非全部为底内钻孔生活;报道了部分翻吻动物的密集埋葬现象;发现一些Cricocosmia 虫体表面具有一种未知生物属性的附生物,可能代表了一种外寄生关系;翻吻动物在滇东地区的分布可能受水深控制。结论早寒武世翻吻动物的运动,以及生态习性发生了一定程度的分异。  相似文献   

目的 系统分析滇东泥质基底澄江化石库腕足动物的生活方式.方法 依据澄江化石库丰富的腕足动物资料,论证寒武纪早期泥质基底腕足动物的生活策略.结果 寒武纪早期泥质基底上腕足动物的生活方式主要包括肉茎附着型(pedicle-anchoring or pedicle-attaching)、自由平躺型(free-lying)、假内栖型(qusi-infaunal)和表栖粘附型(cemented epifaunal),肉茎附着型是早寒武世腕足动物生活的最普遍的型式.结论 空间生态分析显示,早寒武世滇东海盆中,腕足动物的分布已经具有一定的空间层次性,不同的腕足类型占据了不同的生态位,形成了比较复杂的空间群落结构.  相似文献   

The Chengjiang fauna has played a pivotal role in our understanding of the origin and diversification of metazoans since its discovery in 1984. To date, this fauna has been documented as consisting of 121 genera with 140 species belonging to 24 phyla[1-27]. The geo- graphic distribution of the Chengjiang fauna has been expanded from Chengjiang County to eastern Yunnan Province including Haikou, Malong, Yiliang, Anning and elsewhere[25-33], with about 20 localities in to- tal[25,33]. Succes…  相似文献   

Abundant well-preserved large articulated sponge fossils and isolated spicules have been reported from the Early Cambrian Hetang Formation, southern Anhui Province. This unique epifaunal fossil assemblage dominated by articulated sponge fossils is called the Xidi Sponge Fauna. The sponge fauna lived in a quiet oxygenic environment below the storm wave base. Bloom of phytoplankton and rapid sedimentation rate resulted in the deposition of the black shales. Sufficient food supply, lack of other competitors, abundant ecological niches, and demand for oxygen during early Cambrian were in favor of the diversification and evolution of large sponges in the Early Cambrian.  相似文献   

It was suggested and eventually has been profferedthat the representatives of all extant phyla, including someminor group, occurred during the Cambrian radia-tions[1—10]. Many priapulid-like fossil worms have beenreported from Cambrian Lagerst?tten, such as the EarlyCambrian Chengjiang Lagerst?tte[11—16], the Middle Cam-brian Burgess Shale[17], and the Middle Cambrian Kailifauna[18]. The palaeoscolecidan worms from these Lager-st?tten have been regarded as either a stem group of thepri…  相似文献   

Facivermis yunnanicus (Hou & Chen, 1989), from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, a worm-like fossil with 5 pairs of tentacles and a perceived shrunken end, has been regarded as related to polychaetes, later it has been variously interpreted as Iobopods, Pentastoma and Iophophorates. Newly discovered complete specimens by the ELI field team show that the taxon has, in addition to the 5 pairs of appendages, a pear-shaped trunk end bearing two or three circles of hooks. Accordingly based on these important morphological characters, reconsideration of its affinities is provided and the taxonomy is remedied herein. Because the five pairs of appendages of Facivermis yunnanicus resemble the appendages of the fore-trunk of Iobopod Miraluolishania (Liu & Shu, 2004), it seems that they are homologous structures. Therefore, the affinities of Facivermis are regarded here as being close to the Iobopods, in addition, the lobe-like appendages of Facivermis are very crucial to exploring the origin of the appendages of Iobopods and arthropods.  相似文献   

The origin of arthropods has long been one ofthe most hotly-debated subjects. Arthropods used to bethought closely related with annelids, but the two groups arenow believed to be separated into two major realms withinProtostomia on the basis of new molecular data. Although itis generally held by paleontologists that arthropods should berooted in the early lobopods-.a kind of worm-like creaturewith non-segmented legs, no intermediate forms have beenfound to bridge them. Here we report an organism with amixture of characters, including features characteristic ofarthropods (e.g., primary cephalization with paired eyes,paired antennae, and preliminary tagmosis) and of lobopods(e.g., worm-like body design, the dorsal spines, andnon-segmented limbs or lobe-like legs). The discovery of therare transitional form may throw new light on the origin ofarthropods and suggests that the most primitive arthropodsbegan with paired uniramous legs and the biramous onesevolved later.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of an early ancestor of Recent Priapulidae, Xiaoheiqingella peculiaris (= Yunnanpriapulus halteroformis Huang et al., 2004) from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang fossil Lagerstaette, is revised. Morphological characters comprise a pair of caudal appendages rather than a single appendage flanking the trunk end and a possible urogenital duct found inside the preanal region. An additional extremely rare fossil priapulid worm, Paratubiluchus bicaudatus gen. nov., sp. nov. is also described herein. Its diagnostic characters are: an introvert bearing 25 longitudinal rows of scalids, a distinct neck region, no annulus on the oval trunk, and a pair of caudal appendages. The proportion of body parts is similar in size to that of loricate larvae of Recent priapulids and larva-formed Palaeopriapulitidae. Taking account of the features of Xiaoheiqingella, bicaudal appendages are considered to be a synapomorphy of Priapulidae and Tubiluchidae. Paratubiluchus gen. nov. is most likely a candidate for the ancestor of the Tubiluchidae; it probably originated from a larva-formed priapulid with 25 rows of scalids, thus representing an intermediate link between the priapulids in mature-form and the priapulids with lorica.  相似文献   


李扬 《河南科学》2012,30(11):1680-1684
澄江动物群国家地质公园是一个以保护具有全球意义的、实证"寒武纪生命大爆发"及地球早期生命起源和演化的澄江动物群及其赋存载体地层的非常珍稀的以古生物化石群为主题的国家级地质公园.主要以科考科普性旅游为主,具有不可替代、无与伦比的科学价值.针对澄江动物群国家地质公园的旅游特点,对旅游开发中存在的优劣势进行分析,对如何公园如何开展旅游进行研究.  相似文献   

The genus Arthricocephalus Bergeron, 1899 is revised, and Halipanktos Balker & Peel, 1997 is suggested here as a senior synonym. The subgenus Arthricocephalus (Arthricocephalites) Chien & Lin in Lu et al. , 1974 is considered as a separate genus. Of the 20 previously assigned species of Arthricocephaius (Arthricocephalus) Bergeron, 1899, Arthricocephalus (Arthricocephalites) Chien & Lin in Lu et al. , 1974, Arthricocephalus (Euarthricocephalus) Ju, 1983 are lumped into eight species. The speciation trend of Arthricocephalus and Arthricocephalites is demonstrated based on their stratigraphic occurrences. It not only enhances the resolution of the biostatigraphic zonation in the uppermost Lower Cambrian, but also represents a potential candidate to define the Duyunian stage. The base of the stage is suggested at the first appearance datum (FAD) of Arthricocephalus chauveaui Bergeron, 1899 within the evolutionary lineage from Ar. jiangkouensis Yin in Yin & Li, 1978 to Ar. chauveaui in a global scale.  相似文献   

An important discovery in the Kaili Biota has been made recently, and many interesting components from ChengjiangBiota and Burgess Shale Biota have been discovered. Among them Marrella, only known from mid-Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale Biotaof British Columbia, Canada, is one of the most important arthropods fossils. Because the Kaili Biota is older than the Burgess Shale Biota,the strange head shield of Marrella occurring in the Kaili Biota outside Laurentia ranges from mid-Middle Cambrian to early Middle Cam-brian and is significant for the reconstruction of palaeogeography and evolutionary study of early metazoa. In the present paper Marrellasp. is reported for the first time in Asia.  相似文献   

Secular δ 13Ccarb and Ceanom profiles in the post-glacial Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian interval are reported from Guizhou on the southeasten border of the Yangtze platform, South China. Overall, the δ 13Ccarb profile drifts to negative values in the post-glacial Nantuo and lower to middle Doushantuo Formations, and then to positive values in the upper Doushantuo and Dengying Formations of Neoproterozoic, followed by negative values in the Lower Cambrian Gezhongwu and Niutitang Formations. A detailed investigation of the relationship between the δ 13Ccarb and Ceanom profiles reveals that the main anoxic and oxic episodes are coupled with negative and positive δ 13Ccarb values, respectively. This may suggest a control of alternation between ocean stratification and mixing on variations in 13C abundance in the ancient ocean of the investigated areas.  相似文献   

The extraordinarily preserved, diverse arthropod fauna from the Lower Cambrian Maotianshan shale, central Yunnan (southwest China), represents different evolutionary stages stepping from stem lineages towards crown arthropods (also called euarthropods), which makes this fauna extremely significant for discussion of the origin and early diversification of the arthropods. Anatomical analyses of the Maotianshan shale arthropods strongly indicate that  相似文献   

Inordertounderstand paleoceanographicre spondstotheevolutionofearlymetazoans ,δ13Ccarbvariationsinthepost glacialNeoproterozoicandtheEarlyCambrianhavebeeninvestigatedintheYangtzeplatform ,wheremajoreventsofearlymetazoansaremuchmorecompletelyrecordedcomparedtoelse whereintheworld[1~ 4 ] .Thefirstδ13Ccarb profilewasreportedbyLambertetal.[1] fromtheDoushan tuoandDengyingFormationsintheYangtzeGorges .But ,theirδ13Ccarb valuesfromtheDoushantuoFor mationarewidelyvariable ,mostlikelyduetoea…  相似文献   

Lower Cambrian yolk-pyramid embryos from Southern Shaanxi, China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
TheCambrianexplosioniswidelyacceptedasthesuddenappearanceofnumerousbilateriananimalphylaatornearthebeginningofCambriantime[1,2 ] .The 5 30 million year oldMaotianshanShalefaunacontainstheoldestgoodwhole bodyfossilsofbilateri ans,documentinganincreasingnumberofpresent dayanimalphyla[3,4 ] orsubphyla[5] (evenincludingvertebrates[6~ 8] aswell)knownfromLowerCambri an .ThebeginningoftheCambrianperiodisdatedat5 43millionyearsago ,whenthefirstlargeandelabo ratefossilburrowstogetherwiththemicrosco…  相似文献   

The early Cambrian black shale sequence in Northwestern Hunan Province has been investigated for its stable isotopic geochemistry of organic carbon and pyrite sulfur. The relatively low δ 13C values of organic matter, -29.7‰~-34.2‰, are interpreted as caused by the high CO2 concentration in atmosphere/ocean and an anoxic depositional environment in early Cambrian. Variable, but significantly positive δ 34S values, 10.2‰~ 28.2‰, for sedimentary pyrite reveals bacterial sulfate reduction as the pyrite-forming process but under sulfate-limited conditions. A protected anoxic basin, which had very limited access to open ocean, and its sediments, where metabolizable organic matter was rich and bioturbation was absent, are supposed to be the sulfate-limited environments and might have existed in South China in the early Cambrian.  相似文献   

Profound geotectonic, climatic and biological changes occur during the terminal Neoproterozoic and its transition into the early Cambrian. These are reflected in temporal variations of the chemical and isotopic composition of seawater. We are studying a sequence of sedimentary rocks at the Shatan section, northern Yangtze Platform, Sichuan Province of China. This succession comprises, in ascending stratigraphic order, predominantly calcareous sediments of the Sinian upper Dengying Formation and black shales of the lower Cambrian Guojiaba Formation (time equivalent of Niutitang Fm.). Paleoenvironmental setting represents shallow-water shelf deposits. The objective of our study is to provide temporal records for the isotopic compositions of organic and carbonate carbon throughout this time interval. Organic carbon isotope values display a range between -35.8‰ and -30.1‰ with clear stratigraphic variations. Carbonate carbon isotope data vary between -3.5‰ and +0.5‰. These secular variations are interpreted to reflect perturbations of the global carbon cycle, specifically changes in the fractional burial of organic carbon. However, local conditions have further affected the isotopic signals.  相似文献   

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