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habitus〖JP2〗是皮埃尔•布迪厄社会学理论的核心概念之一。在运用布迪厄理论对翻译社会维度探讨的过程中,研究人员对该词的理解和翻译出现了不一致的现象。针对这种情况,文章考察了该词在西方文化中的起源和演变过程,同时参考了维基百科和专业人士的解释,比较了该词不同的译法;在此基础上,强调了术语使用的规范性和一致性,尤其是在翻译学的理论建构过程中。  相似文献   

translanguaging是国外多语言教育研究的一个新兴领域,近年在国内受到越来越多的关注。在这一理论的译介过程中,学者们各有侧重,由此产生了不同的译名。本文通过考察它的缘起,并与双语教学、语码转换、翻译等概念进行对比,明确其内涵。在此基础上,建议把该词译名统一为“超语言技能”。  相似文献   

中医术语"经络"是中医独有的概念,其英译在国内词典和国际标准中都存在直译(meridian and collateral)和意译(channel and collateral)并用的现象。根据"经络"的命名及含义,结合功能翻译理论分析该词的两个译本,得出将该词直译为meridian and collateral能准确地传递原文信息、更易于目的语读者理解和接受,而且回译性更好。  相似文献   

"三焦"的名称和概念为中医所独有,而西医则阙如;既有译法为直译、音译和意译,均有一定的局限性。文章根据翻译的阐释学理论,从微观的角度分析了该词的深层含义,建议以词素翻译结合音译,使该术语的翻译保留中医文化的特色同时具有一定的可读性。  相似文献   

Truth是西方哲学中最常见的名词之一。然而,长期以来,我们普遍将其误解和误译为“真理”。本文通过对该词在一本学术性的英语词典和两本专业的哲学词典中的定义的考察,并结合对该词在多部经典哲学著作中的用法的分析,对其意义和翻译问题做了深入研究。研究结果表明,truth一词是个多义词,作为其意义之一的“真理”是个科学概念,并不是个哲学概念。作为一个哲学概念,其意义是“是真的”这种性质,应该翻译为“真性”。把“真性”误解为“真理”犯了概念混淆的错误。最后,对这种长期盛行的误解误译现象做了反思。  相似文献   

感受质的问题因为其对理解意识本质的重要性而在心灵哲学中被热烈地讨论.然而,与对感受质问题关注的程度相比,哲学家们对“感受质”这个词本身历史的关注似乎不够.普遍认为“感受质”一词主要由刘易斯所引入,然而在刘易斯之前,该词已经出现在历史文献和哲学翻译文献中了,特别是在哲学家皮尔士的著作中.考察该词在早期哲学翻译文献,在皮尔士、刘易斯以及费格尔著作中的使用有助于弄清“感受质”一词的历史含义,对理解当今心灵哲学在这个问题上的争论也会有帮助.  相似文献   

“五行”是中医重要的基本概念,在理论和临床实践中都具有实际意义。这一概念的英译方案众多,但均有一定的局限性。文章通过比较分析“五行”的不同译名,探讨该词的深层含义,就如何通过融合词素翻译与音译,并辅以一定的注释,改进这一概念的英译,提出具体建议。  相似文献   

"五行"是中医重要的基本概念,在理论和临床实践中都具有实际意义。这一概念的英译方案众多,但均有一定的局限性。文章通过比较分析"五行"的不同译名,探讨该词的深层含义,就如何通过融合词素翻译与音译,并辅以一定的注释,改进这一概念的英译,提出具体建议。  相似文献   

"单位"作为中国社会结构的基本组成单元,是具有鲜明中国特色的术语。文章将"单位"一词的中文释义与其较为常用的英文译词unit进行对比,借助语料分析该词英译现状、存在的问题及原因,并从翻译的多样化及具体化等方面对该词的英译提出相应建议。  相似文献   

术语能力作为翻译能力的构成要素,在翻译人才培养过程中起着重要作用。翻译硕士专业学生是未来国家翻译人才队伍的生力军,对其术语能力的培养可以提升我国翻译人才队伍质量。文章基于“术语翻译”课程,分析了术语能力的构成要素即术语意识、术语处理能力、术语管理能力,并探讨了翻译硕士术语能力的培养路径,旨在为翻译人才培养理论和实践提供参考。  相似文献   

We argue that the distinction between framework and interaction theories should be taken carefully into consideration when dealing with the philosophical implications of fundamental theories in physics. In particular, conclusions concerning the nature of reality can only be consistently derived from assessing the ontological and epistemic purport of both types of theories. We put forward an epistemic form of realism regarding framework theories, such as Quantum Field Theory. The latter, indeed, informs us about the general properties of quantum fields, laying the groundwork for interaction theories. Yet, concerning interaction theories, we recommend a robust form of ontological realism regarding the entities whose existence is assumed by these theories. As an application, we refer to the case of the Standard Model, so long as it has proved to successfully inform us about the nature of various sorts of fundamental particles making up reality. In short, although we acknowledge that both framework and interaction theories partake in shaping our science-based view of reality, and that neither would do by itself the work we expect them to accomplish together, our proposal for a coherent ontology of fundamental entities advances a compromise between two forms of realism about theories in each case.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at showing that there are times when set theoretical knowledge increases in a non-cumulative way. In other words, what we call ‘set theory’ is not one theory which grows by simple addition of a theorem after the other, but a finite sequence of theories T 1, ..., T n in which T i+1, for 1 ≤ i < n, supersedes T i . This thesis has a great philosophical significance because it implies that there is a sense in which mathematical theories, like the theories belonging to the empirical sciences, are fallible and that, consequently, mathematical knowledge has a quasi-empirical nature. The way I have chosen to provide evidence in favour of the correctness of the main thesis of this article consists in arguing that Cantor–Zermelo set theory is a Lakatosian Mathematical Research Programme (MRP).  相似文献   

The two main points of this contribution are the following: (1) Applied mathematical theories might complement physical theories in an essential way; some applied mathematical theories allow us to understand phenomena we are unable to explain by resorting to physical theories alone, (2) In the case of social sciences it might be necessary to account for examined phenomena by resorting to the idea of goal-oriented activity (the causal approach typical for natural science might be unsatisfactory). Weinberg's idea of grand reductionism ignores the two above mentioned facts and hence overestimates the foundational role of physics and its methodology.  相似文献   

绿蓝问题与简单性方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿蓝问题是假说选择问题的一种范型.科学假说精确的逻辑结构应该包含假说适用的情景和敏感因子.简单性标准是广为接受的一种假说选择标准,在运用到解决绿蓝问题时,提出了简单性的句法理论和语义理论.但这两种理论分别遭遇了对表达系统和概念框架的相对性,不能处理某些绿蓝型问题,甚至会陷入反直观境地的难题.  相似文献   

The two main points of this contribution are the following: (1) Applied mathematical theories might complement physical theories in an essential way; some applied mathematical theories allow us to understand phenomena we are unable to explain by resorting to physical theories alone, (2) In the case of social sciences it might be necessary to account for examined phenomena by resorting to the idea of goal-oriented activity (the causal approach typical for natural science might be unsatisfactory). Weinberg's idea of grand reductionism ignores the two above mentioned facts and hence overestimates the foundational role of physics and its methodology. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

术语学的基本任务包括术语的命名、管理、翻译、教学和术语库建设等.基于不同的认知模式,现代术语学衍生出术语规定论与术语描写论.通过对比规定论与描写论,发现二者在命名理念上分歧明显,如指称关系上的单义性与多面性、理据路径上的透义性与转喻性、符号应用上的稳定性与变动性.研究认为,规定论与描写论的命名观各有侧重,但在行为上互为...  相似文献   

弗里德曼和普特南认为,哥本哈根解释只能特设性地引入投影法则来符合实验事实,然而由量子逻辑则可以推导出投影法则,因此量子逻辑解释比哥本哈根解释更加优越.这一论断提出后不久就遭到了许多学者的反驳.海尔曼认为由量子逻辑推导投影法则的过程也是特设性的,巴布则认为由哥本哈根解释也可以推导出投影法则.随后,斯戴尔斯提出了由哥本哈根...  相似文献   

It is necessary to take into account that every ontology and also every scientific system draws a picture of the World according to the abstractions and presuppositions which were accepted, consciously or unconsciously, during the construction of the system. That is why Aristotle, Hegel, and the paraconsistent logics gave us different world views. On the basis of contemporary logics, including paraconsistent logics, we can better understand what the objects of the Aristotelian logic are, what are the presuppositions used in it, what are the meanings of its terms and how their meaning was changed when used in other theories. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

目前,生物—心理—社会医学模式已经成为国内外研究的前沿领域,众多学者已经将触角延伸到心理学领域,心理现象中最重要的一环就是人格特征。西方的心理学研究起步早,发展迅速,相关人格理论繁多。虽然中医学历史悠久,理论丰富,相关典籍多有涉及,但概念容易混淆。文章通过挖掘“人格”内涵,梳理“人格”在中医学中的界定和表达,发现传统中医理论中并不缺少对于人格及相关概念的描述,而且针对不同人格的个体所表现出来的不同体质以及不同致病因素有着较为系统的论述与临床治疗方法。针对现代社会出现的新型疾病,以传统中医理论为基础进行探讨,以期为“人格”术语在中医学的规范应用提供一些思考。  相似文献   

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