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We describe two new ornithurine birds from the Early Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation of western Liaoning, northeast China: Yanornis martini gen. et sp. nov. and Yixianornis grabaui gen. et sp. nov. They represent the best fossil record of ornithurine birds known from the Early Cretaceous. They are more advanced than the most primitive ornithurine Liaoningornis, and are more similar to the other two Chinese Early Cretaceous ornithurines Chaoyangia and Songlingornis. Compared with Confuciusornis, Liaoxiornis and Eoenantiornis from the same age, the two new birds show remarkable advanced characteristics and suggest the presence of powerful flight capability like modern birds. Compared with Yixianornis and Chaoyangia, Yanornis is larger, with a more elongated skull and relatively long wings. The new discoveries indicate that by the Early Cretaceous both enantiornithine and ornithurine birds had already radiated significantly. The flight structures of Yanornis and Yixianornis are hardly distinguishable from those of modern birds; however, both retain a few primitive traits such as teeth on the jaws, wing claws and pubic symphysis, which exclude them from being the most recent ancestor of all extant birds.  相似文献   

A new iguanodontid,Jinzhousaurus yangi gen. et sp. nov., is erected based on the cranial and dental morphology of a specimen from the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning. Although a few primitive characteristics remain,Jinzhousaurus yangi display a number of characteristics similar to those seen in derived iguanodontids. Other interesting characteristics include the absence of antorbital fenestra and the frontal excluded from the participation in orbit, which are closer to the condition in hadrosaurids. The unusual combination of the characteristics provides important data for assessing morphological evolution toward hadrosaurs. The new discovery also represents the first reported large-sized dinosaur from Jehol fauna in western Liaoning, and increases the diversity of this famous fauna. Furthermore, the discovery of a derived iguanodontid from the Yixian Formation provides further evidence supporting a Cretaceous age of the Jehol fauna, which is consistent with an isotopic age.  相似文献   

A well-preserved pterosaur with nearly complete skull is described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation at Sihetun in western Liaoning. It is characterized by a low and long crestless skull, slender and pointed teeth, long metacarpal, nearly equal length of metatarsals I–III and short pedal digit V. It is referred to a new genus and species of the family Pterodactylidae:Haopterus gracilis gen. et sp. nov. This is the first pterosaur with a nearly complete skull from the Jehol Biota; it also represents the first non-controversial fossil record of Pterodactylidae in Asia.Haopterus is more derived thanPterodactylus from the Late Jurassic Solnhofen in Germany. This discovery extends the distribution of the family Pterodactylidae from Europe and Africa to Asia and its latest occurrence from the Late Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous. The discovery ofHaopterus gracilis provides further evidence for the study of the origin and radiation of the Jehol Biota; it also sheds new light on the evolution and distribution of pterosaurs in the late Mesozoic.  相似文献   

A new small lizard, Liaoningolacerta brevirostra gen. et sp. nov., from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning is described in detail. The new specimen was preserved not only by the skeleton, but also by the exceptionally clear scale impressions. This lizard can be included within the taxon Scleroglossa based on its 26 or more presacrals, cruciform interclavicle with a large anterior process, moderately elongated pubis, and slightly notched distal end of tibia. The scales vary evidently in size and shape at different parts of body: small and rhomboid ventral scales, tiny and round limb scales, and large and longitudinally rectangular caudal scales that constitute the caudal whorls. This new finding provides us with more information on the lepidosis of the Mesozoic lizards.  相似文献   

A fairly well-preserved specimen of a new primitive mammal, Repenomamus robustus gen. et sp. nov., has been described from the Yixian Formation (Lower Cretaceous), western Liaoning, China. This animal has several derived characteristics, such as well-developed den-tary/squamosal articulation, reduced number of tooth, differentiation of premolars and molars in postcanine teeth, presence of a dorsal process of the premaxilla that is not in contact with the nasal, closed medial wall of the orbit, and presence of fingerlike promontorium on the petrosal. It also retains some primitive reptile-like features. It is the most primitive taxon among the three mammals known from the Jehol Biota, and also represents the largest mammal of Mesozoic age over the world.  相似文献   

An aquatic fern leaf, Flabellariopteris mii Sun gen. et sp. nov. from the Late Triassic of Western Liaoning, China, is described and proposed as the type species of the new morphortaxon of the Marsileaceae. The fossil leaves are preserved as impression. No fertile and rhizomatic materials are found. The leaves attached at a common point on the top of the petiole are composed of two leaflets joined basally in an opposite arrangement. The petiole is slender. The leaflet is fan-shaped or semi-circular, and commonly divided into four wedge-shaped lobes. Terminal margin of lobes is usually incised, incisions shallow or deep, with bluntly rounded or notched apex. The veins are conspicu- ously dichotomous, but anastomoses and marginal vein are absent. The unique morphological features, including two- parted thin leaflets, size, shape, veins and slender petiole, indicate that the present specimen represents an aquatic fern, which is the oldest fossil record and the first megafossil evidence assignable to Marsileaceae from the Triassic floras.  相似文献   

A new species of the elaterid genus Cryptocoelus Dolin and Nel, 2002 from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation in the western Liaoning, China is described. Diagnosis of the genus is revised, and the systematic position of the genus is briefly discussed. Because the elaterids originated in the Early to Mid-Jurassic, this new material from the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous will enhance our understanding of the transition between ancient elaterids and extant ones, bridge the gap of cryptic relationships between the Mesozoic cupedids and elaterids, and expand our knowledge of their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

A new species of the elaterid genus Cryptocoelus Dolin and Nel, 2002 from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation in the western Liaoning, China is described. Diagnosis of the genus is revised, and the systematic position of the genus is briefly discussed. Because the elaterids originated in the Early to Mid-Jurassic, this new material from the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous will enhance our understanding of the transition between ancient elaterids and extant ones, bridge the gap of cryptic relationships between the Mesozoic cupedids and elaterids, and expand our knowledge of their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

It is well known that fossil bird tracks are geological records of ancient birds walking on the sediments. Prior to the 1980s, little attention was paid to fossil bird tracks partly because of the difficulties of field discrimination. Over the last decade, new discoveries on the bird origin and early evolution, as well as their relation to dinosaurs[1] have greatly stimulated dinosaur and ancient bird studies.Accordingly, the paleoenvironmental, paleoecological and early evolutional significan…  相似文献   

A new genus and species of eutriconodont mammal, Chaoyangodens lii gen. et sp. nov., from the Dawangzhangzi bed of Yixian Formation, Lingyuan, Lia- oning, is reported. The new species has a tooth formula I5- C1-P1-M3/i4-cl-pl-m4, unique among eutriconodonts in having only one premolar in lower and upper jaws, respectively, and a distinctive diastema between the canine and the premolar. Its simple incisors and reduced premolars show a mosaic combination of primitive and derived fea- tures. This new taxon adds to the diverse group of Jehol eutriconodonts. Among the known species from at least three horizons, there seems no evolutionary trend in mor- phology that is recognizable, except for that larger species are all from the Lujiatun bed of the Yixian Fro. A thorough and systematic analysis involving all the Jehol eu- triconodonts is needed to understand their phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

A multituberculate skeleton from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation at Dawangzhangzi, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province, Northeast China, provides new morphological information for early multituberculates. The specimen is the holotype of Sinobaatar lingyuanensis gen. et sp. nov. It has a narrow skull that lacks the superorbital crest or postorbital process. The dental formula is 3·?·5·2/1·0·3·2. The dental morphology, especially that of cheek teeth, of S. lingyuanensis is similar to that of Eobaatar, which places it in the family Eobaataridae. The postcranial skeleton of Sinobaatar is similar to that of other multituberculates. As in Holotheria, Metatarsal V of Sinobaatar articulates only with the cuboid and has no contact with the calcaneus, which probably represents the primitive condition of multituberculates. Nine carpals of Sinobaatar resemble those of Zhangheotherium, except the centrale being larger than the trapezoid. The dental features of Sinobaatar show again that eobaatarids are obviously intermediate between Late Jurassic multituberculates and the later forms. Because eobaatarids are only known from the Early Cretaceous, the finding of Sinobaatar, therefore, supports that the age of the Jehol Biota is most likely Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A carinate bird from the Upper Jurassic of western Liaoning, China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Four new fossil species of the family Ommatidae from the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning,China are described. Two of them belong to tribe Brochocoleini:Brochocoleus sulcatus sp.nov.and Brochocoleus angustus sp.nov.The other two refer to tribe Ommatini:Cionocoleus planiusculus sp.nov.and Cionocoleus cervicalis sp.nov.The diagnosis of Brochocoleus and Cionocoleus, respectively,are revised.A preliminary analysis of geographical distribution suggests a possible migration pathway of the genus Bro- chocoleus.The relationship between the genus Cionocoleus and the extant family Crowsoniellidae is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Four new fossil species of the family Ommatidae from the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China are described. Two of them belong to tribe Brochocoleini: Brochocoleus sulcatus sp. nov. and Brochocoleus angustus sp. nov. The other two refer to tribe Ommatini: Cionocoleus planiusculus sp. nov. and Cionocoleus cervicalis sp. nov. The diagnosis of Brochocoleus and Cionocoleus, respectively, are revised. A preliminary analysis of geographical distribution suggests a possible migration pathway of the genus Brochocoleus. The relationship between the genus Cionocoleus and the extant family Crowsoniellidae is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

八道壕矿区位于彰武盆在西缘,含煤地层主要是上侏罗统九佛堂组,其充填特征为“五段式”,聚煤作用主要发育于湖后阶段,聚煤环境以扇三角洲前缘及其间的沼泽为主.整个彰武盆地具有广阔的找煤前景.  相似文献   

A multituberculate skeleton from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation at Dawangzhangzi, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province, Northeast China, provides new morphological information for early multituberculates. The specimen is the holotype of Sinobaatar lingyuanensis gen. et sp. nov. It has a narrow skull that lacks the superorbital crest or postorbital process. The dental formula is 3·?·5·2/1·0·3·2. The dental morphology, especially that of cheek teeth, of S. lingyuanensis is similar to that of Eobaatar, which places it in the family Eobaataridae. The postcranial skeleton of Sinobaataris similar to that of other multituberculates. As in Holotheria, Metatarsal V of Sinobaatar articulates only with the cuboid and has no contact with the calcaneus, which probably represents the primitive condition of multituberculates. Nine carpals of Sinobaatar resemble those of Zhangheotherium, except the centrale being larger than the trapezoid. The dental features of Sinobaatar show again that eobaatarids are obviously intermediate between Late Jurassic multituberculates and the later forms. Because eobaatarids are only known from the Early Cretaceous, the finding of Sinobaatar, therefore, supports that the age of the Jehol Biota is most likely Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A new species of Gobiconodon is found from the Yixian Formation of western Liaonlng, China. The new taxa,G zofiae sp. nov., has a confluent opening for branches Ⅱand Ⅲ of the trigeminal nerve on the anterior lamina of the petrosal. G zofiae sp. nov. is similar to Repenomamus in having an ossified Meckel‘s cartilage connecting the lower jaws and ear region. The new species, with enlarged I^1/I1, posteriorly located infraorbital foramen and four mental foramina,distinctly differs from the other species of Gobiconodon. The new material indicates that Gobiconodon has four, not five,upper molariforms. The presence of Gobiconodon in Jchol Biota makes it possible to correlate Jehol Biota with faunas in eastern Asia and North America, and suggests the age of the Yixian Formation to be Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

In this paper one new genus and one new species of fossil ommatid, Odontomma trachylaena gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China. Based on wide epipleural space of elytron with several rows of cells, the new taxa is attributed to tribe Brochocoleini of Ommatidae and compared with genus Brochocoleus. Due to the fact that most other Chinese Mesozoic ommatids are not complete, the complete preservation of the new specimens reported here enabled us to determine the characteristics of the body of these ancient ommatid. Moreover, based on the well-preserved individual of this new genus, we may suppose the affinities of the new species with extant and extinct groups.  相似文献   

We report new 40Ar/39Ar dating results obtained from total fusion and incremental-heating analyses of sanidine and biotite from three tuffs found interbedded within the fossil-bearing deposits of Liaoning, northeast China. The first is a new sample of the Bed 6 Sihetun tuff from the Yixian Formation, previously dated by our team as middle Early Cretaceous, and recently considered by Lo et al., partially reset due to metamorphism from a nearby basaltic sill. The second is the Yixian Bed 9 tuff from Hengdaozi considered by Lo et al. to be unaffected by metamorphism and whose age, based on total fusion 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite, argues for a Jurassic age for the Yixian Formation.The third tuff is a previously undated tuff from the upper part of the underlying Tuchengzi Formation. Single crystal total fusion 40Ar/39Ar analyses of the Sihetun sanidine showed homogeneous radiogenic Ar, Ca/K ratios, excellent reproducibility and gave a mean age of 125.0 ± 0.18 (1SD) ±0.04 (SE) Ma. Single sanidine crystal total fusion 40Ar/39Aranalyses of the Hengdaozi tuff gave a mean age of 125.0 +0.19 (1SD) ± 0.04 (SE) Ma, which is indistinguishable from the Sihetun tuff. The Tuchengzi Formation tuff gave a mean age of 139.4 ± 0.19 (1SD) ± 0.05 (SE) Ma. Detailed laser incremental-heating analyses of biotite from Sihetun, Hengdaozi, and Tuchengzi tuffs show disturbed Ar release patterns and evidence of trapped argon components. We conclude from these analyses that the total fusion dates on biotite by Lo et al. are erroneously old and isotopic dating of both biotite and sanidine from tuffs of the Yixian Formation point to a middle Early Cretaceous age. The upper part of the Tuchengzi Formation can be referred to the Early Cretaceous.``  相似文献   

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