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An analysis is made to investigate the structure features of the extensive heavy rainfall left by typhoon Matsa, after its landfall in mainland China in August 2005, based on a range of observational results, including surface intensive observation data, TBB data from China's FY-2 satellite, and NCEP 1°×1° reanalysis data. The study tries to explore the interaction between atmospheric waves, 3-D atmospheric structures, and typhoon rainbands. Observational facts, diagnostic analysis, and atmospheric wave theory are used to look into the formation mechanism of distant typhoon rainbands. Results show that (1) Matsa rainbands have the features of noticeable wave train distribution and long distance propaga-tion; (2) the typhoon rainbands extend as far as 2000 km northwardly from the typhoon center, with a wavelength of 500―1000 km and a wave period of 12―24 h; (3) the wave structure of Matsa rainbands is closely associated with the corresponding wave variation of the ambient 3-D atmospheric structures, including disturbance vorticity, divergence field, vertical motion field, water vapor flux divergence field, etc. (4) both observational facts and theoretical analysis show that the northward extending typhoon rainbands are associated with the mixed effects of atmospheric inertia wave and internal gravity wave; (5) only under proper atmospheric stratification and vertical wavenumber of gravity wave, can a ty-phoon stimulate such a wave being able to reach such a distance, and result in extending wavy rain-bands.  相似文献   

The sudden increase in X-ray and EUV flux duringthe outburst of a large flare greatly elevate the electrondensity of the ionosphere, causing sudden ionosphericdisturbances (SIDs), such as sudden wave fadeout (SFD),sudden phase anomaly (SPA), sudden frequency deviation(SFD) and sudden increase in total electron content(SITEC)[1—4]. Two review articles addressed SIDs in detailrecently[5,6]. Due to the limitation of observing methods,the global ionospheric morphology during solar flares…  相似文献   

台风"麦莎"(0509)登陆北上变性加强过程的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以一个在陆上长久维持并最终演变成温带气旋的登陆台风“麦莎”为研究对象,通过对其北上变性过程的分析发现,台风与中高纬西风槽的相互作用使得冷空气侵入是其变性加强的原因。高层位涡的变化可清楚揭示台风变性加强的物理过程,分析表明,“麦莎”变性过程中有高层正位涡下传的现象。在台风结构上,从变性前的垂直对称分布演变为倾斜的非对称分布。  相似文献   

利用GPS伪距+载波相位联合数据处理方法具体分析了1998-11-22耀斑爆发期间北京、上海、武汉、西安GPS观测数据得到的电离层TEC。此次耀斑爆发引起了设在北京的高频多普勒长达15min左右的无线电短波中断。通过对GPS得到的电离层TEC进行分析发现: 此次耀斑造成了大面积的电离层TEC的增加,耀斑爆发引起的最大TEC增幅在1.25个TEC单位左右;利用高精度的GPS数据处理方法可研究耀斑引起的电离层扰动。另外,还分析了由GPS计算的TEC的时空变化特点。  相似文献   

为了研究地震电离层效应,采用CODE提供的全球电离层地图(GIM)数据分析了2010年4月14日玉树7.1级地震.通过插值提取了震中区域震前的TEC时间序列,利用滑动四分位距法排除太阳(SSN、F10.7)和地磁活动(Dst、Kp)的干扰,发现电离层在震前26天和13天存在明显异常.全球电离层异常分布结果显示,震前26天的电离层异常幅度小于震前13天的异常幅度,这可能与临震时间有关.此外,两次异常的峰值点与震中区域并不严格对应,而是靠近震中偏向赤道的一侧,同时磁共轭区也有异常出现,但范围和幅度较小,这两次电离层异常有可能是地震前兆.  相似文献   

Study of the ionospheric anomaly before the Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Yu  Tao  Mao  Tian  Wang  YunGang  Wang  JingSong 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(6):1080-1086
The behavior of the ionosphere before the Wenchuan earthquake is analyzed with the global TEC and ionospheric foF2 observed at Xiamen. It can be found from TEC maps that in the afternoon (16―18LT) on May 9, 2008, 3 days before the earthquake, there is an enhancement of TEC with an amplitude of 10―15 TECU appearing in the east-south direction of Wenchuan, and another enhancement appears at the conjugate region of the Southern Hemisphere with an amplitude of 10 TECU, but no obvious in-crement or decrement can be seen in other regions on global scale. It can also be found that on May 6 (6 days before the great earthquake), there is a decrement of TEC with small amplitude of 4TECU and larger area with 80° along the longitude in southern China, and there is no synchronous decrement observed at the conjugate region of the Southern Hemisphere. There are also many anomalies ob-served by ionosondes across China. The result shows that foF2 and TEC abnormally increased, which is different from pervious results that ionospheric parameters decreased prior to earthquakes. Pre-liminary results suggest that the enhancement on May 9 maybe has a close relationship with the pos-sible enhancement of ionospheric electric fields, and it may be an ionospheric precursor of earth-quakes. Whereas the decrement on May 6 may be attributed to the geomagnetic disturbance appearing on May 5.  相似文献   

The estimation method of GPS instrumental biases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model of estimating the global positioning system (GPS) instrumental biases and the methods to calculate the relative instrumental biases of satellite and receiver are presented. The calculated results of GPS instrumental biases, the relative instrumental biases of satellite and receiver, and total electron content (TEC) are also shown. Finally, the stability of GPS instrumental biases as well as that of satellite and receiver instrumental biases are evaluated, indicating that they are very stable during a period of two months and a half.  相似文献   

Using GPS data obtained from GPS sites located on the sunlit hemisphere during the flare on July 14, 2000, the ionospheric response to the flare was analyzed. A kind of tiny correlative ionospheric fluctuations were revealed from the temporal total electron content (TEC) curves derived from GPS measurements, and the values of this kind of disturbances are about 1015 m-2. A comparative analysis of these disturbances and soft X-ray flux detected at GOES satellite during the flare is done. It is found that this kind of disturbances revealed in the temporal TEC curves did occur in a very large area of sunlit ionosphere and its behavior is mainly controlled by the characteristics of the flare's extra radiation. Because the similar fluctuations are not found in the curve of soft X-ray flux, it is concluded that the flare extra radiation in EUV band should have corresponding fluctuations and it is the fluctuations that cause the TEC disturbances. The height, where the disturbances occur, should be in the F region.  相似文献   

Using the data from 15 global positioning system (GPS) stations scattered between 28° N—45° N and 90° W—77° E we obtained the total electron content (TEC) variations with time during a large solar flare. The results indicated that the flare makes the TEC of ionosphere increasing in a large spatial area. The amounts of the TEC enhancement are mainly determined by the local time of subionospheric point, and the largest TEC enhancement is about 2.5 TECU. It is also concluded that the TEC enhancement is not symmetrical about the local noon time, the TEC enhancement values during morning hours are larger than those of the afternoon hours.  相似文献   

~~Inversion of Ionospheric Electron Density from GPS Beacon Observations~~SupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(499840 0 1 )  相似文献   

A generalized trigonometric series function (GTSF) model, with an adjustable number of parameters, is proposed and analyzed to study ionosphere by using GPS, especially to provide ionospheric delay correction for single frequency GPS users. The preliminary results show that, in comparison with the trigonometric series function (TSF) model and the polynomial (POLY) model, the GTSF model can more precisely describe the ionospheric variation and more efficiently provide the ionospheric correction when GPS data are used to investigate or extract the earth's ionospheric total electron content. It is also shown that the GTSF model can further improve the precision and accuracy of modeling local ionospheric delays.  相似文献   

通过对GPS观测及导航数据的分析,给出了用于电离层TEC预报的同化数据格式,并在此基础上用VC++实现了TEC同化编辑器.  相似文献   

With energetic ion measurements on FAST satellite, the morphologic features of quiet-time ionospheric O ion upflowing at altitudes of 2000 to 4000 km are drawn out for the first time. The pre-noon cusp/cleft is the predominant region of upflowing occurrence for O with lower energy. Meanwhile the pre-dawn sector near the equatorward edge of the plasma convection dominates the occurrence for the higher energy O ions. No matter whether the energy is lower or higher, the upflows occur often over a wide MLT range of lower latitudes outside the auroral oval. The upflowing within the pre-midnight (21:00― 22:00 MLT) auroral oval carrys larger energy fluxes, with extremely large fluxes for higher energy O appearing near the polar cap boundary. For altitudes of 2000―4200 km under observation, the ion conics occur much more frequently than ion beams. Ion beams are rarely found below 3000 km, while the conics occur uniformly over the observed altitudes.  相似文献   

基于台风预报精度的避台方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了一种新型避台方法,此方法根据气象台站的预报精度资料及本船的抗风等级确定避台方案。比传统的扇形避台法有更科学的依据,并且可实现定量化操作,对航海者具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

基于消除电离层一阶项延迟的双频载波相位Lc线性组合观测量,利用中国地壳运动观测网络以及国际IGS(International GNSS Service)提供的6个跟踪站连续15天的观测数据,初步分析和研究了电离层二阶项延迟对我国中低纬地区全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)定位结果的影响.研究结果表明,在电离层二阶项延迟影响下,我国中低纬地区GPS定位结果呈普遍规律性南移的现象,且各地区南偏趋势差异甚微.  相似文献   

Effects of 4-dimension variational data assimilation (4DVAR) with multifold observed data on the typhoon track forecast are studied, by using the MM5V3 model, the RTTOVS-5 model and their adjoint models. The data used for assimilation include large-scale background fields data,bogus data, cloud-derived wind data, satellite inverse data,and high resolution infrared radiation sounder data (HIRS).There are 5 typhoon cases are used to perform the numerical experiments and assimilation experiments. The numerical results show that with 4DVAR the initial fields can be greatly improved and the initial typhoon structure can be clearly described.  相似文献   

The paper examines the propagation direction and velocity of largescale traveling ionospheric disturbances (LSTIDs) during extreme geomagnetic storms in the 23rd solar cycle (e.g., October 2003 and No-vember 2003 storms) using GPS observations. In the analysis, the time delay between the vertical total electron content (VTEC) structures at Scott Base, McMurdo, Davis and Casey GPS stations and the distance between these stations were the main parameters in the determination of LSTIDs propagation speed and di...  相似文献   


This paper studies the ionospheric effects associated with the solar eclipse of October 24th, 1995 by means of Computerized Ionospheric Tomography (CIT). Since the reconstructed profiles from experimental CIT are sporadically located in time, a time domain interpolation method based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) technique is proposed and applied to extract the ionospheric effects. The effects can be extracted by comparison analysis between the interpolated CIT profiles of the eclipse days and that of the reference day that are time-aligned. A series of figs have been obtained showing the attenuation of photonization effect at low altitudes and the weakening of plasma's transportation process at high altitudes, etc. The photonization effect recovered to normal level soon after the last contact. The maximum electron density diminishing is observed about 2 h after the eclipse maximum and the effects seem vanished in the hours followed. Analysis on vertical TEC's latitudinal-temporal variation gives  相似文献   

文章我们把TEC教学建立在数学教育的基本矛盾上,找到了TEC教学的理论源头,为TEC教学的进一步发展奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

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