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System-based combination weights for series r/step-length h incorporate relative accuracy information from other forecast step-lengths for r and from other series for step-length h. Such weights are examined utilizing the West and Fullerton (1996) data set-4275 ex ante employment forecasts from structural simultaneous equation econometric models for 19 metropolitan areas at 10 quarterly step-lengths and a parallel set of 4275 ARIMA forecasts. The system-based weights yielded combined forecasts of higher average accuracy and lower risk of large inaccuracy than seven alternative strategies: (1) averaging; (2) relative MSE weights; (3) outperformance (per cent best) weights; (4) Bates and Granger (1969) optimal weights with a convexity constraint imposed; (5) unconstrained optimal weights; (6) select a ‘best’ method (ex ante) by series and; (7) experiment in the Bischoff (1989) sense and select either method (2) or (6) based on the outcome of e experiment. Accuracy gains of the system-based combination were concentrated at step-lengths two to five. Although alternative (5) was generally outperformed, none of the six other alternatives was systematically most accurate when evaluated relative to each other. This contrasts with Bischoff's (1989) results that held promise for an empirically applicable guideline to determine whether or not to combine.  相似文献   

A number of papers in recent years have investigated the problems of forecasting contemporaneously aggregated time series and of combining alternative forecasts of a time series. This paper considers the integration of both approaches within the example of assessing the forecasting performance of models for two of the U.K. monetary aggregates, £M3 and MO. It is found that forecasts from a time series model for aggregate £M3 are superior to aggregated forecasts from individual models fitted to either the components or counterparts of £M3 and that an even better forecast is obtained by forming a linear combination of the three alternatives. For MO, however, aggregated forecasts from its components prove superior to either the forecast from the aggregate itself or from a linear combination of the two.  相似文献   

The paper examines combined forecasts based on two components: forecasts produced by Chase Econometrics and those produced using the Box-Jenkins ARIMA technique. Six series of quarterly ex ante and simulated ex ante forecasts are used over 37 time periods and ten horizons. The forecasts are combined using seven different methods. The best combined forecasts, judged by average relative root-mean-square error, are superior to the Chase forecasts for three variables and inferior for two, though averaged over all six variables the Chase forecasts are slightly better. A two-step procedure produces forecasts for the last half of the sample which, on average, are slightly better than the Chase forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether and to what extent multiple encompassing tests may help determine weights for forecast averaging in a standard vector autoregressive setting. To this end we consider a new test‐based procedure, which assigns non‐zero weights to candidate models that add information not covered by other models. The potential benefits of this procedure are explored in extensive Monte Carlo simulations using realistic designs that are adapted to UK and to French macroeconomic data, to which trivariate vector autoregressions (VAR) are fitted. Thus simulations rely on potential data‐generating mechanisms for macroeconomic data rather than on simple but artificial designs. We run two types of forecast ‘competitions’. In the first one, one of the model classes is the trivariate VAR, such that it contains the generating mechanism. In the second specification, none of the competing models contains the true structure. The simulation results show that the performance of test‐based averaging is comparable to uniform weighting of individual models. In one of our role model economies, test‐based averaging achieves advantages in small samples. In larger samples, pure prediction models outperform forecast averages. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An optimal univariate forecast, based on historical and additional information about the future, is obtained in this paper. Its statistical properties, as well as some inferential procedures derived from it, are indicated. Two main situations are considered explicitly: (1) when the additional information imposes a constraint to be fulfilled exactly by the forecasts and (2) when the information is only a conjecture about the future values of the series or a forecast from an alternative model. Theoretical and empirical illustrations are provided, and a unification of the existing methods is also attempted.  相似文献   

This study addresses for the first time systematic evaluation of a widely used class of forecasts, regional economic forecasts. Ex ante regional structural equation model forecasts are analysed for 19 metropolitan areas. One- to ten-quarter-ahead forecasts are considered and the seven-year sample spans a complete business cycle. Counter to previous speculation in the literature, (1) dependency on macroeconomic forecasting model inputs does not substantially erode accuracy relative to univariate extrapolative methodologies and (2) stochastic time series models do not on average, yield more accurate regional economic predictions than structural models. Similar to findings in other studies, clear preferences among extrapolative methodologies do not emerge. Most general conclusions, however, are subject to caveats based on step-length effects and region-specific effects.  相似文献   

The predictive performance of a large-scale structural econometric model (SEM) of the Italian economy the Prometeia model is compared in this paper with a vector autoregressive (VAR) model estimated for a selection of six main variables of interest. The paper concentrates on the quarterly ex-ante forecasts of GDP growth rate and the annual forecasts of GDP growth and inflation rate, over the period 1980-85. It concludes that no forecaster is systematically better than the other. In particular, the VAR model outperforms the SEM in short-run forecasts, suggesting that, for the latter, more careful attention should be addressed to questions of dynamic specification. On the other hand, for longer intervals, the SEM forecasts are more accurate than the VAR forecasts, in that they can benefit from the judgemental interventions of the model users and the model can pick up the non-linearities of the economy which cannot be captured by the VAR. Given the different kinds of information that can be extracted from the two approaches, it seems more reasonable to consider them as complementary rather than alternative tools for modelling and forecasting. Therefore, rather than attempting to establish the superiority of one type of model over the other, this kind of comparisons should be seen as a useful diagnostic tool for detecting types of model misspecification.  相似文献   

The reliability and precision of the weights used in combining individual forecasts, irrespective of the method of combination, is important in evaluating a combined forecast. The objective of this study is not to suggest the ‘best’ method of combining individual forecasts, but rather to propose exploratory procedures, that make use of all available sample information contained in the covariance matrix of individual forecast errors, to (1) detect if the weights used in combining forecasts are ‘reliable’ (and ‘stable’ if it is known that the covariance matrix of forecast errors is stationary over time) and (2) test for ‘insignificant’ individual forecasts used in forming a combined forecast. We present empirical applications using two-year sales and individual forecast data provided by a major consumer durables manufacturer to illustrate the feasibility of our proposed procedures.  相似文献   

While there is general agreement that a linear combination of forecasts can outperform the individual forecasts, there is controversy about the appropriateness of the combination method to be used in a given situation. Hence, in any given application it may be more beneficial to combine different sets of combined forecasts rather than picking one of them. This paper introduces the concept of N-step combinations of forecasts which involves combining the combined forecasts obtained from different combination procedures used at the preceding step. Using quarterly GNP data, evidence supporting the increase in the accuracy of the one-period-ahead ex-ante forecasts as the combination step increases is provided. The MSE, MAE, MAPE and their corresponding standard deviations are used to evaluate the accuracy of the forecasts obtained.  相似文献   

Forecasts from quarterly econometric models are typically revised on a monthly basis to reflect the information in current economic data. The revision process usually involves setting targets for the quarterly values of endogenous variables for which monthly observations are available and then altering the intercept terms in the quarterly forecasting model to achieve the target values. A formal statistical approach to the use of monthly data to update quarterly forecasts is described and the procedure is applied to the Michigan Quarterly Econometric Model of the US Economy. The procedure is evaluated in terms of both ex post and ex ante forecasting performance. The ex ante results for 1986 and 1987 indicate that the method is quite promising. With a few notable exceptions, the formal procedure produces forecasts of GNP growth that are very close to the published ex ante forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a methodology for estimating the likelihood of private information usage amongst earnings analysts. This is achieved by assuming that one group of analysts generate forecasts based on the underlying dynamics of earnings, while all other analysts are assumed to issue forecasts based on the prevailing consensus forecast. Given this behavioural dichotomy, we are able to derive (and estimate) a structural econometric model of forecast behaviour, which has implications regarding the determinants of analysts' private information endowments and forecast accuracy over the forecast horizon. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of determining whether forecasts are unbiased and examines the implications this has for combining different forecasts. The practical issues of how economic forecasts might be combined are discussed. There is an empirical illustration of the procedures in which the properties of UK forecasts from the London Business School, the National Institute, the Henley Centre for Forecasting, Phillips and Drew and the OECD are examined.  相似文献   

This paper makes use of simple graphical techniques, a seasonal unit root test and a structural time-series model to obtain information on the time series properties of UK crude steel consumption. It shows that steel consumption has, after the removal of some quite substantial outliers, a fairly constant seasonal pattern, and a well-defined but stochastic business cycle. The long-run movement in steel consumption also appears to be stochastic in nature. These characteristics were used to identify a structural time-series model and the ex-post forecasts obtained from it performed reasonably well. Finally, this paper presents some ex-ante quarterly forecasts for crude steel consumption to the year 1999. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Volatility plays a key role in asset and portfolio management and derivatives pricing. As such, accurate measures and good forecasts of volatility are crucial for the implementation and evaluation of asset and derivative pricing models in addition to trading and hedging strategies. However, whilst GARCH models are able to capture the observed clustering effect in asset price volatility in‐sample, they appear to provide relatively poor out‐of‐sample forecasts. Recent research has suggested that this relative failure of GARCH models arises not from a failure of the model but a failure to specify correctly the ‘true volatility’ measure against which forecasting performance is measured. It is argued that the standard approach of using ex post daily squared returns as the measure of ‘true volatility’ includes a large noisy component. An alternative measure for ‘true volatility’ has therefore been suggested, based upon the cumulative squared returns from intra‐day data. This paper implements that technique and reports that, in a dataset of 17 daily exchange rate series, the GARCH model outperforms smoothing and moving average techniques which have been previously identified as providing superior volatility forecasts. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In combining economic forecasts a problem often faced is that the individual forecasts display some degree of dependence. We discuss latent root regression for combining collinear GNP forecasts. Our results indicate that latent root regression produces more efficient combining weight estimates (regression parameter estimates) than ordinary least squares estimation (OLS), although out-of-sample forecasting performance is comparable to OLS.  相似文献   

In the present study we examine the predictive power of disagreement amongst forecasters. In our empirical work, we find that in some situations this variable can signal upcoming structural and temporal changes in an economic process and in the predictive power of the survey forecasts. We examine a variety of macroeconomic variables, and we use different measurements for the degree of disagreement, together with measures for location of the survey data and autoregressive components. Forecasts from simple linear models and forecasts from Markov regime‐switching models with constant and with time‐varying transition probabilities are constructed in real time and compared on forecast accuracy. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A previous study questioned whether the published forecasts of one forecasting organization were valuable to users. A forecast was considered valuable if it differed significantly from a naive model in the sense of predicting the direction of change. The results indicated that it was not possible to show that the one-quarter-ahead predictions were valuable. However, the current-quarter forecasts were valuable. This paper examines whether the results are robust. The forecasts of two additional organizations were examined and the time period was extended. The results are generally robust.  相似文献   

Based on the theories and methods of self‐organizing data mining, a new forecasting method, called self‐organizing combining forecasting method, is proposed. Compared with optimal linear combining forecasting methods and neural networks combining forecasting methods, the new method can improve the forecasting capability of the model. The superiority of the new method is justified and demonstrated by real applications. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a mixed‐frequency model for daily forecasts of euro area inflation. The model combines a monthly index of core inflation with daily data from financial markets; estimates are carried out with the MIDAS regression approach. The forecasting ability of the model in real time is compared with that of standard VARs and of daily quotes of economic derivatives on euro area inflation. We find that the inclusion of daily variables helps to reduce forecast errors with respect to models that consider only monthly variables. The mixed‐frequency model also displays superior predictive performance with respect to forecasts solely based on economic derivatives. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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