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We present a cointegration analysis on the triangle (USD–DEM, USD–JPY, DEM–JPY) of foreign exchange rates using intra‐day data. A vector autoregressive model is estimated and evaluated in terms of out‐of‐sample forecast accuracy measures. Its economic value is measured on the basis of trading strategies that account for transaction costs. We show that the typical seasonal volatility in high‐frequency data can be accounted for by transforming the underlying time scale. Results are presented for the original and the modified time scales. We find that utilizing the cointegration relation among the exchange rates and the time scale transformation improves forecasting results. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Is there a common model inherent in macroeconomic data? Macroeconomic theory suggests that market economies of various nations should share many similar dynamic patterns; as a result, individual country empirical models, for a wide variety of countries, often include the same variables. Yet, empirical studies often find important roles for idiosyncratic shocks in the differing macroeconomic performance of countries. We use forecasting criteria to examine the macrodynamic behaviour of 15 OECD countries in terms of a small set of familiar, widely used core economic variables, omitting country‐specific shocks. We find this small set of variables and a simple VAR ‘common model’ strongly support the hypothesis that many industrialized nations have similar macroeconomic dynamics. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the nonlinear modeling and forecasting of the dollar–sterling and franc–sterling real exchange rates using long spans of data. Our contribution is threefold. First, we provide significant evidence of smooth transition dynamics in the series by employing a battery of recently developed in‐sample statistical tests. Second, we investigate the small‐sample properties of several evaluation measures for comparing recursive forecasts when one of the competing models is nonlinear. Finally, we run a forecasting race for the post‐Bretton Woods era between the nonlinear real exchange rate model, the random walk, and the linear autoregressive model. The nonlinear model outperforms all rival models in the dollar–sterling case but cannot beat the linear autoregressive in the franc–sterling. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use Google Trends data for exchange rate forecasting in the context of a broad literature review that ties the exchange rate movements with macroeconomic fundamentals. The sample covers 11 OECD countries’ exchange rates for the period from January 2004 to June 2014. In out‐of‐sample forecasting of monthly returns on exchange rates, our findings indicate that the Google Trends search query data do a better job than the structural models in predicting the true direction of changes in nominal exchange rates. We also observed that Google Trends‐based forecasts are better at picking up the direction of the changes in the monthly nominal exchange rates after the Great Recession era (2008–2009). Based on the Clark and West inference procedure of equal predictive accuracy testing, we found that the relative performance of Google Trends‐based exchange rate predictions against the null of a random walk model is no worse than the purchasing power parity model. On the other hand, although the monetary model fundamentals could beat the random walk null only in one out of 11 currency pairs, with Google Trends predictors we found evidence of better performance for five currency pairs. We believe that these findings necessitate further research in this area to investigate the extravalue one can get from Google search query data.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose and test a forecasting model on monthly and daily spot prices of five selected exchange rates. In doing so, we combine a novel smoothing technique (initially applied in signal processing) with a variable selection methodology and two regression estimation methodologies from the field of machine learning (ML). After the decomposition of the original exchange rate series using an ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) method into a smoothed and a fluctuation component, multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) are used to select the most appropriate variable set from a large set of explanatory variables that we collected. The selected variables are then fed into two distinctive support vector machines (SVR) models that produce one‐period‐ahead forecasts for the two components. Neural networks (NN) are also considered as an alternative to SVR. The sum of the two forecast components is the final forecast of the proposed scheme. We show that the above implementation exhibits a superior in‐sample and out‐of‐sample forecasting ability when compared to alternative forecasting models. The empirical results provide evidence against the efficient market hypothesis for the selected foreign exchange markets. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a nonlinear time series model where both the conditional mean and the conditional variance are asymmetric functions of past information. The model is particularly useful for analysing financial time series where it has been noted that there is an asymmetric impact of good news and bad news on volatility (risk) transmission. We introduce a coherent framework for testing asymmetries in the conditional mean and the conditional variance, separately or jointly. To this end we derive both a Wald and a Lagrange multiplier test. Some of the new asymmetric model's moment properties are investigated. Detailed empirical results are given for the daily returns of the composite index of the New York Stock Exchange. There is strong evidence of asymmetry in both the conditional mean and the conditional variance functions. In a genuine out‐of‐sample forecasting experiment the performance of the best fitted asymmetric model, having asymmetries in both conditional mean and conditional variance, is compared with an asymmetric model for the conditional mean, and with no‐change forecasts. This is done both in terms of conditional mean forecasting as well as in terms of risk forecasting. Finally, the paper presents some evidence of asymmetries in the index stock returns of the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized countries. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using factors in forecasting exercises reduces the dimensionality of the covariates set and, therefore, allows the forecaster to explore possible nonlinearities in the model. For an American macroeconomic dataset, I present evidence that the employment of nonlinear estimation methods can improve the out‐of‐sample forecasting accuracy for some macroeconomic variables, such as industrial production, employment, and Fed fund rate. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper offers strong further empirical evidence to support the intrinsic bubble model of stock prices, developed by Froot and Obstfeld (American Economic Review, 1991), in two ways. First, our results suggest that there is a long‐run nonlinear relationship between stock prices and dividends for the US stock market during the period 1871–1996. Second, we find that the out‐of‐sample forecasting performance of the intrinsic bubbles model is significantly better than the performance of two alternatives, namely the random walk and the rational bubbles model. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper uses Markov switching models to capture volatility dynamics in exchange rates and to evaluate their forecasting ability. We identify that increased volatilities in four euro‐based exchange rates are due to underlying structural changes. Also, we find that currencies are closely related to each other, especially in high‐volatility periods, where cross‐correlations increase significantly. Using Markov switching Monte Carlo approach we provide evidence in favour of Markov switching models, rejecting random walk hypothesis. Testing in‐sample and out‐of‐sample Markov trading rules based on Dueker and Neely (Journal of Banking and Finance, 2007) we find that using econometric methodology is able to forecast accurately exchange rate movements. When applied to the Euro/US dollar and the euro/British pound daily returns data, the model provides exceptional out‐of‐sample returns. However, when applied to the euro/Brazilian real and the euro/Mexican peso, the model loses power. Higher volatility exercised in the Latin American currencies seems to be a critical factor for this failure. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we forecast real house price growth of 16 OECD countries using information from domestic macroeconomic indicators and global measures of the housing market. Consistent with the findings for the US housing market, we find that the forecasts from an autoregressive model dominate the forecasts from the random walk model for most of the countries in our sample. More importantly, we find that the forecasts from a bivariate model that includes economically important domestic macroeconomic variables and two global indicators of the housing market significantly improve upon the univariate autoregressive model forecasts. Among all the variables, the mean square forecast error from the model with the country's domestic interest rates has the best performance for most of the countries. The country's income, industrial production, and stock markets are also found to have valuable information about the future movements in real house price growth. There is also some evidence supporting the influence of the global housing price growth in out‐of‐sample forecasting of real house price growth in these OECD countries.  相似文献   

This study examines the forecasting accuracy of alternative vector autoregressive models each in a seven‐variable system that comprises in turn of daily, weekly and monthly foreign exchange (FX) spot rates. The vector autoregressions (VARs) are in non‐stationary, stationary and error‐correction forms and are estimated using OLS. The imposition of Bayesian priors in the OLS estimations also allowed us to obtain another set of results. We find that there is some tendency for the Bayesian estimation method to generate superior forecast measures relatively to the OLS method. This result holds whether or not the data sets contain outliers. Also, the best forecasts under the non‐stationary specification outperformed those of the stationary and error‐correction specifications, particularly at long forecast horizons, while the best forecasts under the stationary and error‐correction specifications are generally similar. The findings for the OLS forecasts are consistent with recent simulation results. The predictive ability of the VARs is very weak. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, support vector machine (SVM), a novel artificial neural network (ANN), has been successfully used for financial forecasting. This paper deals with the application of SVM in volatility forecasting under the GARCH framework, the performance of which is compared with simple moving average, standard GARCH, nonlinear EGARCH and traditional ANN‐GARCH models by using two evaluation measures and robust Diebold–Mariano tests. The real data used in this study are daily GBP exchange rates and NYSE composite index. Empirical results from both simulation and real data reveal that, under a recursive forecasting scheme, SVM‐GARCH models significantly outperform the competing models in most situations of one‐period‐ahead volatility forecasting, which confirms the theoretical advantage of SVM. The standard GARCH model also performs well in the case of normality and large sample size, while EGARCH model is good at forecasting volatility under the high skewed distribution. The sensitivity analysis to choose SVM parameters and cross‐validation to determine the stopping point of the recurrent SVM procedure are also examined in this study. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a regime switching vector autoregressive model with time‐varying regime probabilities, where the regime switching dynamics is described by an observable binary response variable predicted simultaneously with the variables subject to regime changes. Dependence on the observed binary variable distinguishes the model from various previously proposed multivariate regime switching models, facilitating a handy simulation‐based multistep forecasting method. An empirical application shows a strong bidirectional predictive linkage between US interest rates and NBER business cycle recession and expansion periods. Due to the predictability of the business cycle regimes, the proposed model yields superior out‐of‐sample forecasts of the US short‐term interest rate and the term spread compared with the linear and nonlinear vector autoregressive (VAR) models, including the Markov switching VAR model.  相似文献   

Forecasting for nonlinear time series is an important topic in time series analysis. Existing numerical algorithms for multi‐step‐ahead forecasting ignore accuracy checking, alternative Monte Carlo methods are also computationally very demanding and their accuracy is difficult to control too. In this paper a numerical forecasting procedure for nonlinear autoregressive time series models is proposed. The forecasting procedure can be used to obtain approximate m‐step‐ahead predictive probability density functions, predictive distribution functions, predictive mean and variance, etc. for a range of nonlinear autoregressive time series models. Examples in the paper show that the forecasting procedure works very well both in terms of the accuracy of the results and in the ability to deal with different nonlinear autoregressive time series models. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an autoregressive fractionally integrated moving‐average (ARFIMA) model of nominal exchange rates and compares its forecasting capability with the monetary structural models and the random walk model. Monthly observations are used for Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom for the period of April 1973 through December 1998. The estimation method is Sowell's (1992) exact maximum likelihood estimation. The forecasting accuracy of the long‐memory model is formally compared to the random walk and the monetary models, using the recently developed Harvey, Leybourne and Newbold (1997) test statistics. The results show that the long‐memory model is more efficient than the random walk model in steps‐ahead forecasts beyond 1 month for most currencies and more efficient than the monetary models in multi‐step‐ahead forecasts. This new finding strongly suggests that the long‐memory model of nominal exchange rates be studied as a viable alternative to the conventional models. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We develop a model to forecast the Federal Open Market Committee's (FOMC's) interest rate setting behavior in a nonstationary discrete choice model framework by Hu and Phillips (2004). We find that if the model selection criterion is strictly empirical, correcting for nonstationarity is extremely important, whereas it may not be an issue if one has an a priori model. Evaluating an array of models in terms of their out‐of‐sample forecasting ability, we find that those favored by the in‐sample criteria perform worst, while theory‐based models perform best. We find the best model for forecasting the FOMC's behavior is a forward‐looking Taylor rule model. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Neural networks are fitted to real exchange rates of several industrialized countries. The size and topology of the networks is found through the use of multiple correlation coefficients, principal component analysis of residuals and graphical analysis of network output per hidden layer cell and input layer cell. These pruned neural networks are good approximations to varying non‐linear trends in real exchange rates. Non‐linear dynamic analysis shows that the long‐term equilibrium values of several European currencies correspond to the actual values within the European Monetary System. Based on its long‐term equilibrium value, the Euro appears to be undervalued vis‐à‐vis the US dollar at the introduction of the Euro on 1 January 1999. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most non‐linear techniques give good in‐sample fits to exchange rate data but are usually outperformed by random walks or random walks with drift when used for out‐of‐sample forecasting. In the case of regime‐switching models it is possible to understand why forecasts based on the true model can have higher mean squared error than those of a random walk or random walk with drift. In this paper we provide some analytical results for the case of a simple switching model, the segmented trend model. It requires only a small misclassification, when forecasting which regime the world will be in, to lose any advantage from knowing the correct model specification. To illustrate this we discuss some results for the DM/dollar exchange rate. We conjecture that the forecasting result is more general and describes limitations to the use of switching models for forecasting. This result has two implications. First, it questions the leading role of the random walk hypothesis for the spot exchange rate. Second, it suggests that the mean square error is not an appropriate way to evaluate forecast performance for non‐linear models. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article introduces new leading indicators for fifteen industrialized countries which enable the business cycle in manufacturing to be forecast fairly reliably between 4 and 6 months ahead. These indicators are based on an improved variant of the NBER method, yielding a composite leading indicator characterized by less erratic movements and clear turning points. The indicators are used to explore the international interdependence of business cycles and to examine the degree to which this interdependence is affected by growing economic integration, as in the EC. For each of the countries studied, the various foreign economies affecting the local business climate are identified. Since the business cycles of some countries clearly lead those of others, this international interdependence can be used to further improve the predictive power of the leading indicators in the lagging countries.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom holds that restrictions on low‐frequency dynamics among cointegrated variables should provide more accurate short‐ to medium‐term forecasts than univariate techniques that contain no such information; even though, on standard accuracy measures, the information may not improve long‐term forecasting. But inconclusive empirical evidence is complicated by confusion about an appropriate accuracy criterion and the role of integration and cointegration in forecasting accuracy. We evaluate the short‐ and medium‐term forecasting accuracy of univariate Box–Jenkins type ARIMA techniques that imply only integration against multivariate cointegration models that contain both integration and cointegration for a system of five cointegrated Asian exchange rate time series. We use a rolling‐window technique to make multiple out of sample forecasts from one to forty steps ahead. Relative forecasting accuracy for individual exchange rates appears to be sensitive to the behaviour of the exchange rate series and the forecast horizon length. Over short horizons, ARIMA model forecasts are more accurate for series with moving‐average terms of order >1. ECMs perform better over medium‐term time horizons for series with no moving average terms. The results suggest a need to distinguish between ‘sequential’ and ‘synchronous’ forecasting ability in such comparisons. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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