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Summary The effect of a potent antiserotonin-antithistaminic compound, cyproheptadine (CPH) on insulin biosynthesis was studied in pancreatic islets isolated from CPH-treated rats. Though insulin content of islets was markedly reduced in CPH-treated rats, the incorporation of radiolabeled leucine into proinsulin and insulin fractions was not affected with respect to the rate and amount. It is concluded that CPH may deplete insulin content of the islets through causing the leakage of insulin.  相似文献   

S L Sarkar  D K Roy  K V Jogi 《Experientia》1975,31(11):1367-1368
Administration of cyproheptadine hydrochloride (5 mg/kg/day) to old rats for 48 days stimulated spermatogenesis. It also initiated spermatogenesis in the abdominal testis of unilaterally cryptorchid rats after a 15-day treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are serious health problems. Alcohol is known to influence the activity of a number of biological systems, for example the hormonal and neuronal systems. One of the biological systems whose activity is greatly influenced by alcohol is the endogenous opiate system. Alcohol modifies the function of both opiate receptors and opioid peptides. In fact it has been proposed that many of the effects of ethanol are mediated by its effects on the endogenous opiate system. This review will present results from various laboratories on the effects of acute and chronic ethanol treatments on various species, and on the release, biosynthesis and post-translational processing of the endorphins, enkephalins and dynorphins, the three known families of endogenous opioid peptides. Furthermore, the effect of acute and chronic ethanol consumption on the -endorphin system in man, and the possible implications of the functional activity of the endogenous opiate system for the genetic predisposition to alcoholism will be discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol on the biosynthesis and regulation of opioid peptides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C Gianoulakis 《Experientia》1989,45(5):428-435
Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are serious health problems. Alcohol is known to influence the activity of a number of biological systems, for example the hormonal and neuronal systems. One of the biological systems whose activity is greatly influenced by alcohol is the endogenous opiate system. Alcohol modifies the function of both opiate receptors and opioid peptides. In fact it has been proposed that many of the effects of ethanol are mediated by its effects on the endogenous opiate system. This review will present results from various laboratories on the effects of acute and chronic ethanol treatments on various species, and on the release, biosynthesis and post-translational processing of the endorphins, enkephalins and dynorphins, the three known families of endogenous opioid peptides. Furthermore, the effect of acute and chronic ethanol consumption on the beta-endorphin system in man, and the possible implications of the functional activity of the endogenous opiate system for the genetic predisposition to alcoholism will be discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit dem Fremdkörpergranulomtest wurde festgestellt, dass lokal appliziertes Insulin die Bildung des Granulationsgewebes bei der Ratte fördert. Inaktiviertes Insulin bleibt ohne Effekt. Die Insulinwirkung findet auch in Anwesenheit des Wachstumshormons statt.

Presented at the 25th meeting of the Hungarian Physiological Society, Szeged, July 1959.  相似文献   

Summary The addition of insulin (10 U) to a suspension of isolated hepatocytes in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution. causes an increase in the negative electrophoretic mobility of the cells from –1.68 m sec–1 V–1 cm to 2.26 m sec–1 V–1 cm. This observation supports the findings by other workers that the binding of insulin to its receptor leads to a marked change in the membrane.Acknowledgment. We wish to thank the Medical Research Council for the provision of the microelectrophoresis apparatus and initial running costs of the project.  相似文献   

C B Delpech  M C Perry  D T Plummer 《Experientia》1980,36(12):1376-1378
The addition of insulin (10 microU) to a suspension of isolated hepatocytes in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution, causes an increase in the negative electrophoretic mobility of the cells from - 1.68 micrometer sec-1 V-1 cm to 2.26 micrometer sec-1 V-1 cm. This observation supports the findings by other workers that the binding of insulin to its receptor leads to a marked change in the membrane.  相似文献   

Enhancing effect of insulin on endotoxin lethality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R E Pieroni  L Levine 《Experientia》1969,25(5):507-508

Résumé (1) Des adipocytes isolés à partir du tissu adipeux épididymaire du rat ont été incubés dans des milieux contenant du glucose (114C) et des concentrations variables d'insuline. La quantité de glucose (114C) transformée en glycogène (14C), (14C)O2 et triglycerides (14C) a été déterminée. (2) On démontre que la quantité de glucose (114C) transformée en glycogène par des adipocytes peut être évaluée et qu'elle est fonction de la concentration d'insuline. (3) La comparaison entre les effets d'insuline sur les transformations du glucose (114C) en glycogène (14C), en triglycerides (14C) ou (14C)O2 révèle que l'insuline a une action apparemment directe sur l'incorporation du glucose au glycogène. (4) Ce fait serait donc dû à un effet direct de l'insuline sur une réaction dans la synthèse du glycogène par les adipocytes ou à une grande affinité des enzymes participant à la synthèse du glycogène pour le glucose-1-phosphate et à leur faible capacité pour la synthèse du glycogène.  相似文献   

Résumé Nous avons constaté que les souris traitées à l'insuline possèdent une sensibilité élevée à l'endotoxine de bactéries à gram négatif. Ce résultat concorde avec l'hypothèse d'une relation inverse entre la quantité de glucose dans le sang et la sensibilité d'un hôte à une grande variété de «Stressors».  相似文献   

a aaa a aa aa a a E. coli aa, a aa aa a , a a aa - a .

Laboratory of Biological Investigations.

Laboratory for Chemistry of Antibiotics.  相似文献   

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