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李梅菊 《科技信息》2009,(6):129-130
Jane Eyre is set during the Victorian period, at a time where a women' s role in society was restrictive and repressive and class differences distinct. A Charlotte Bronte as a governess was one of the only few respectable positions available to the educated but impoverished single women. Not only is Jane Eyre a novel about one woman's through lie, but also Bronte conveys to the reader the social injustices of the period, such as poverty, lack of universal education and sexual inequality. Jane's plight and her "dependant" status is particularly emphasized at the beginning of the novel.  相似文献   

Maybe life itself is a endured suffering. This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. It is interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.Through Jane Eyre,Charlotte Bronte realized her own dream and life pursuit.There she was the master of her own fate.  相似文献   

Jane Eyre,written by Charlotte Brontё,is a story of the heroine's struggle for independent personality and perfect love.Viewed as a classic work of English literature,the author of Jane Eyre makes it valuable and popular by creating a kind of new imagination.This paper argues for Jane's attractive character through her life experience.  相似文献   

In the 19th century the society was controlled by men, and women were just appendants of them, they had not any rights and freedom. But Jane was an exception, she showed some characteristics of early feminist. Jane showed her characteristics of feminism in three aspects: rebellion, equality, and independence. These characteristics were helpful to her success, and feminism is the only way out for women of that time.  相似文献   

李毅 《科技信息》2011,(19):270+275
Jane Eyre is the masterpiece of Charlotte Bronte,who was a famous British woman novelist.This paper analyzes Jane Eyre’s pursuit of love and her pursuit of liberty and equality.Jane is neither a very beautiful woman,nor rich,but her genuine,selfless love for Rochester and her good personality strike us deeply.She proves that beauty is not the only attraction of a woman.Jane Eyre sets a good example for women and is a good model for women forever.  相似文献   

Cong Xiao-fu 《科技信息》2007,(12):109-110
Charlotte Bronte,the greatest English realistic woman writer in the middle of the 19th century.As a member from a literary family,she created a very brave woman Jane Eyre,who defended her freedom and independence and finally gained equality and love through her own struggle.This paper analyzes the characters of this typical figure,described the deep-touching story.  相似文献   

Jane Eyre,described by Ch.Bronte,was a very glorious female image.She won people'spraise with her strong revolting spirit and independent and self-respect personality,which wouldgive a great many hints to the modern young females.This paper emphatically sets forth the char-acter charm of the image.  相似文献   

love is an eternal theme of human being.Concerning with the literature productions that sing praise of love,it is necessary to talk about Jane.Eyre.It differs from others.Jane.Eyre portrays a story that an upper class gentleman falls in love with a small,plain,poor governess.We can't help asking why.Why could Rochester fall in love with Jane? This paper will quote the statement of Rochester himself and analyze the reasons.The purpose of the paper is to emphasize the essence of love---it is not outer beauty,but inner beauty,so that it could evoke people's respect for inner beauty.  相似文献   

Zhu Tingbo 《科技信息》2011,(30):144-146
The further exploration is carried out to have a deeper understanding of King Leontes and his jealousy and violence. Autolycus, the rogue, is given a detailed avaluation so as to reveal his active role in the play and the artistic flavour on the stage. The brave and straight forward lady Paulina is held in high regard because of both of her brilliant words and benevolent actions. The fourth Act of the play is regarded as the excellent part of the play based on its rich and colourful picture of the rural life by the playwright Shakespeare. Since Hermione, the heroine, is the main character of all the main characters, and the fate of hers is the focus of the whole play, so the title of this play is in need of change.  相似文献   

Literature has increasingly been seen as a text in a context. And text is a particular embodiment of the abstract idea that a work tries to exhibit. The textual condition of a publication involves not only the author but also the editor, publisher and readers. Text varies because of its ever-changing textual condition. Since its first publication in 1813, Jane Austen's novel Sense and Sensibility had been reproduced several times in the 19th century. The analysis of the novel's text and textuality in a way ...  相似文献   

The coordinated development is the core of sustainable development, and the hot issue of international research.SInland water transport (IWT) is an important part of the water resources exploiting system and comprehensive transport system under socio-economic context of river basin,and also the country’s sustainable development priorities to achieve resource-conserving and environment-friendly strategy.SThis paper is based on the coordinated development content, combined Germany"s successful development experience, explored the elements and the problem of the coordinated development of IWT system of China’s national economic strategy and basin economy, water resourse system, comprehensive transport system, and system itself, and their countermeasures and suggestions,in order to facilitate rapid and coordinated development of China"s inland water transport.S  相似文献   

Based on the prerequisite that the earliest acid rock formed because of the initial global expanding tectonic processes, by combining it with other geological limitation conditions, and starting from the lithosphere elastic mechanics, the following is defined: the earth expansion started at about 4300 Ma ago, the average increasing rate of the earth radius is 0.40 mm/a, the initial expanding earth radius is 4651 km, and the initial global expansion of tectonic processes happened at 4183.7 Ma ago. From the natural and attenuation evolution condition of the earth and terrestrial planets, through the limit condition got from the combination of the mathematics logic and the geological significance, the limited expanding earth evolution model is established as follows: in whichR 0= 4.651×106 m,A =1.86×106 m, β = -6.01×10−10/ a andt s=3×108 a. From this model the maximum radiusR maxof the limited expanding earth evolution should be 6511 km. The earth’s radius increasing rate is about 0.1 mm/a at present.  相似文献   

Doris Lessing, who has just got the Nobel Prize in literature this year, is one of English contemporary women novelists.Many of her works mainly focus on the female-female or mother-daughter relationship.This paper aims to analyze the elements of feminist inclination in Doris Lessing and one of her works The Diaries of Jane Somers.  相似文献   

With the development of new energy industry,electric vehicle becomes the new development direction of the vehicle industry in the world.So the energy storage technology,as the electric vehicle’s important support and auxiliary technology,also gets more attention.This paper respectively not only analyzed and compared the storage principle,working characteristics of battery,hydraulic and flywheel accumulator used in the electric vehicles but described the advantages and disadvantages of them.It provided useful reference for the selection and further research of energy storage devices.  相似文献   

Gelman and Bloom found that adults and children's object naming was sensitive to how an object was created (man-made or not), but they did not reveal on which specific level of conceptual system this effect was. Using a free-naming task and a force-choice task, two experiments were conducted to test a hypothesis that this effect was specifically on domain level ("artifact/non-artifact" distinction), in Experiment 1, participants were asked to name shortly-depicted objects, rate their confidence, and report their reasons for each naming response. Resuits showed that most of the naming responses in "man-made" condition were in artifact domain, and most in "natural" condition were in non-artifact domain, although in both conditions names were very divergent on basic level. In Experiment 2, another group of participants were asked to choose one from two names (one in artifact domain and the other in non-artifact domain) to match the same shortly-depicted objects presented in the first experiment. Results of Experiment 1 on domain level were replicated in Experiment 2. These convergent findings supported the hypothesis that the effect of object's origin is specifically on domain level of conceptual system of objects. Reasons explicitly reported for naming responses in Experiment 1 suggested that participants might automatically infer objects' functions in "man-made" condition but not in "natural" condition. Here the function-based hypothesis of artifacts classification is discussed.  相似文献   

The white paper document titled“China’s Space Activities”,released in November2000by the Information Office of the State Council,represents the first time for China to fully,systematically and publicly introduce to the world China’s space development strategy and concerned policies.Its release is a milestone event in the country’s space history,bearing great importance and profound influence to its future space efforts.The paper here describes the shaping processes of some important new ideas and concepts,including the connotative meaning of“space activities in a broad sense”and the roles and positions of different sectors in such activities.It also briefly discusses related policies concerning the country’s space development and short term concepts and plans on its civil space activities.  相似文献   

Hardy's masterpiece Tess of The D'urbevilles depicts the heroine's miserable life,revealing out the objective cause of society reality and subjective cause of heroine's own character.Society objective reality cause is a hypocritical capitalism morality standard,heroine's own weck character is but:Dare to resist tradition morality being not able to shake off that,and whose double character were yoke her completely.  相似文献   

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