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The photodissociation/photoionization processes of chlorobromomethane (CH2BrCl) induced by femtosecond laser pulses have been investigated using pump-probe scheme combined with the time-of-flight mass spectra. The dominate photoproducts are observed at different delay time of the pump (400 nm) and probe (800 nm) pulses and the corresponding time-dependence of them is obtained. The results show that the decaying time of the molecule CH2BrCI in the A-band is in the 100 fs. The decaying tendencies of the fragment ions (CH2CI^+ and CH2Br^+) and the parent ion (CH2BrCI^+) are almost the same and the relative ratios of the yields of them keep constant during the delay time of 0 to 150 fs. These facts suggest that the fragment ions come from the fragmentation of the parent ions in excited electronic states. The probabilities to form CH2CI^+ and CH2Br^+ are obtained from the relative ratio of the ion intensity and are about 71.6% and 14.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

The effective photonic control is one of the key issues in photo-physics. Significant advancement in photonic crystals, quantum optics, ultrafast optics as well as micro-nano-optics gives rise to new op-portunities to manipulate the emission and propagation in optical fields, leading to a number of new and interesting discoveries, e.g., ultrashort light pulse storage and efficient energy conversion. This paper reviews the latest research progress in storage, release and energy conversion for ultrashort laser pulses in periodical arrays of absorbing medium. Techniques to fabricate such devices are also presented.  相似文献   

Porous microstructures on Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) alloy surfaces were prepared by linearly polarized femtosecond lasers with moving focal point at a certain speed. It was found that various novel micro- structures from feather-like ripples to cluster-like porous textures could be formed with increasing laser energy. Particularly, when the laser energy was 400 llJ, a periodic porous metal surface was gen- erated. Measurement of X-ray diffraction showed that the grains on the sample surface were refined through femtosecond laser ablation processes, but the crystal structures still kept their original states. Analysis by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that Ni/l"i on the sample surface was changed with an evident oxidization of titanium element under different laser energies. This investigation pro- vides a new approach to improve the biocompatibility of NiTi-based implant devices.  相似文献   

文章通过共振增强多光子电离飞行时间质谱和质量选择光电离激发谱,对溴甲烷分子的光电离和光解离通道进行了研究,并对部分碎片离子H+、CHm+(m=0~3)、iBr+(i=79,81)和CHmiBr+(m=2;i=79,81)的分质量激发谱进行了归属和标识;对CH3+的共振峰进行了确认;最后分析并给出了在279~287nm紫外光波段内,溴甲烷分子以母体分子的解离通道为主的解离通道。  相似文献   

Ultrashort lasers have become powerful tools by inducing extremely nonlinear effects in a wide variety of materials. Femtosecond laser data storage in non-photosensitive media is promising for its high density and fast retrieval. We reviewed the progress of three types of femtosecond laser storage in transparent materials: three-dimensional bit-oriented storage by micro-voids, holographic data storage by two beam interference and storage by computer-generated holograms.  相似文献   

Ultrashort lasers have become powerful tools by inducing extremely nonlinear effects in a wide variety of materials. Femtosecond laser data storage in non-photosensitive media is promising for its high density and fast retrieval.We reviewed the progress of three types of femtosecond laser storage in transparent materials:three-dimensional bit-oriented storage by micro-voids,holographic data storage by two beam interference and storage by computer-generated holograms.  相似文献   

用400 nm和800 nm线偏振飞秒激光垂直聚焦于对氨基偶氮苯薄膜表面上,以形成纳米微结构.实验观察到400 nm和800 nm线偏光照射样品表面分别得到周期为210 nm和500 nm的干涉条纹,条纹周期均随激光能流密度的增强而增大.通常认为这种周期结构是由入射激光与材料表面的散射光相干涉所形成的:光的干涉引起材料表面温度呈现梯度变化,从而引起表面张力呈现梯度变化,诱导周期条纹的产生.制备偶氮聚合物的厚膜,用400 nm飞秒激光照射样品表面,同样也得到周期性纳米微结构.  相似文献   

基于考虑了相对论效应及有质动力作用的非线性薛定谔方程,本文从理论及数值上研究了相对论激光在等离子体中传输的成丝不稳定性及斑图动力学,研究表明相对论效应及有质动力作用会破坏强激光传输的相干性,在调制不稳定性作用下,非相干光波发展成为复杂的空间斑图.物理上,这些复杂斑图的产生是由短波长模中的能量增长及无规分配所引起的.  相似文献   

通过数值求解麦克斯韦-布洛赫方程,研究了2个相干超短激光脉冲在硝基苯胺分子(pNA分子)介质中的非线性传播过程.量化计算表明该分子在低能级区域内只有1个电荷转移态,因此可把该分子看作二能级体系.当3竹共振脉冲与4π非共振脉冲先后入射到硝基苯胺分子介质中进行传播时,3π脉冲的能量将转移给后面的4竹脉冲,前者面积逐渐变为2π,激发分子能级占有率发生一次完整的拉比振荡;后者在介质中仍保持非共振传播,只能激发分子能级占有率发生不完整的拉比振荡.脉冲的频谱发生展宽,并在共振频率附近振荡剧烈.通过引入固有偶极矩为零的赝分子作为比较对象,发现硝基苯胺分子的固有偶极矩导致非线性传播过程更为复杂.  相似文献   

Faure J  Rechatin C  Norlin A  Lifschitz A  Glinec Y  Malka V 《Nature》2006,444(7120):737-739
In laser-plasma-based accelerators, an intense laser pulse drives a large electric field (the wakefield) which accelerates particles to high energies in distances much shorter than in conventional accelerators. These high acceleration gradients, of a few hundreds of gigavolts per metre, hold the promise of compact high-energy particle accelerators. Recently, several experiments have shown that laser-plasma accelerators can produce high-quality electron beams, with quasi-monoenergetic energy distributions at the 100 MeV level. However, these beams do not have the stability and reproducibility that are required for applications. This is because the mechanism responsible for injecting electrons into the wakefield is based on highly nonlinear phenomena, and is therefore hard to control. Here we demonstrate that the injection and subsequent acceleration of electrons can be controlled by using a second laser pulse. The collision of the two laser pulses provides a pre-acceleration stage which provokes the injection of electrons into the wakefield. The experimental results show that the electron beams obtained in this manner are collimated (5 mrad divergence), monoenergetic (with energy spread <10 per cent), tuneable (between 15 and 250 MeV) and, most importantly, stable. In addition, the experimental observations are compatible with electron bunch durations shorter than 10 fs. We anticipate that this stable and compact electron source will have a strong impact on applications requiring short bunches, such as the femtolysis of water, or high stability, such as radiotherapy with high-energy electrons or radiography for materials science.  相似文献   

采用高速光学摄像及高频超声成像技术对飞秒脉冲激光在介质水中发生光学诱导击穿的过程进行实验研究.结果表明,光学诱导击穿产生后,在高能激光自聚焦的焦点处产生一系列微气泡,最后只有一个微气泡可以被激光束稳定地捕获,并且这个微气泡可以在超声作用下进行非接触式三维操控.进一步分析了沿激光束产生和捕获的微气泡的时空特性以及激光束捕获微气泡的力学特性.实验结果为应用微气泡进行分子水平的靶向性治疗提供了全新的技术手段.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a compact Ti: sapphire oscillator with ring cavity configuration. By optimizing the intra-cavity dispersion with chirped mirrors, pulses with repetition rate of 1.1 GHz are coupled out by the uncoated wedges in the cavity. Under 7W CW pump laser centered at 532 nm, the average power of the output pulses is about 30 mW, the duration is less than lOfs and the spectrum spans from 670 nm to 920 nm.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionZn coatedsteelsareusedinvariousindustryfieldsbecauseoflowpricesandhighcorrosionresistance .ItisalsoknownthatZncausesspattersorporosityeasilyinlaserlapwelding[1~ 3] .ItisthusexpectedtounderstandlaserweldingphenomenonofZn coatedsteels,tointe…  相似文献   

研究了利用正常色散光纤压缩1.55μm增益开关DFB激光器出射的光脉冲。从激光器的单模速率方程出发,利用数值方法研究了在不同的增益开关状态下,输出光脉冲的时域及频域特性。以此光脉冲作为初始脉冲并利用非线性薛定谔方程及分步傅立叶方法研究其在正常色散光纤中的压缩效应。理论研究指出激光器的增益开关状态对输出光脉冲的啁啾分布有较大影响,从而影响了脉冲的压缩效果。实验中利用这种方法,将重复频率为5GHz、初始脉宽为42.6ps光脉冲压缩至6.2ps。理论与实验结果吻合。  相似文献   

应用数值求解格林函数的方法,计算模拟了飞秒脉冲通过亚波长小孔的衍射光场. 首先将具有高斯时间轮廓的飞秒脉冲展开成一系列简谐光波的叠加,对每一个频率的简谐光波进行数值计算,得到该频率的衍射光场的空间分布, 然后对所有频率的衍射光场进行反傅里叶变换得到光场随时间的变化.分析发现,飞秒脉冲通过小孔后沿界面向小孔两边传播,并且在该传播过程中, 衍射光场会在介质的分界面上和在接近界面的区域中形成光强的节点.  相似文献   

By inversing the signal and idler in a two-stagenoncollinear optical parametric amplifier which is, respec-tively, pumped by the second harmonic and fundamentalwave of femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser at repetition rate of1 kHz, the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) passively stabilizedpulses with a tunable wavelength from 1.1 to 1.6 μm areobtained with maximum energy of95 μJat 1.3 μm underthepump energy ofS00 μJ. The CEP jitter of pulses is 108 mradmeasured by anf-2finterferometer. This work demonstratesa new way to efficiently generate tunable near-infraredfemtosecond laser pulses with self-stabilized CEP.  相似文献   

Techniques to facilitate controlled interactions between single photons and atoms are now being actively explored. These techniques are important for the practical realization of quantum networks, in which multiple memory nodes that utilize atoms for generation, storage and processing of quantum states are connected by single-photon transmission in optical fibres. One promising avenue for the realization of quantum networks involves the manipulation of quantum pulses of light in optically dense atomic ensembles using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT, refs 8, 9). EIT is a coherent control technique that is widely used for controlling the propagation of classical, multi-photon light pulses in applications such as efficient nonlinear optics. Here we demonstrate the use of EIT for the controllable generation, transmission and storage of single photons with tunable frequency, timing and bandwidth. We study the interaction of single photons produced in a 'source' ensemble of 87Rb atoms at room temperature with another 'target' ensemble. This allows us to simultaneously probe the spectral and quantum statistical properties of narrow-bandwidth single-photon pulses, revealing that their quantum nature is preserved under EIT propagation and storage. We measure the time delay associated with the reduced group velocity of the single-photon pulses and report observations of their storage and retrieval.  相似文献   

文章对采用高频CO2激光脉冲写入的长周期光纤光栅(LPFG)的透射谱进行了理论分析,把LPFG的折射率调制类型近似为倒三角波,研究了其谐振波长与占空比的变化关系,发现高阶包层模与低阶包层模具有完全不同的特点,在参数变化时两者的谐振波长向相反的方向移动.通过实际制作周期500 μm的光栅验证了这种差别.  相似文献   

针对模糊边界地理现象,提出使用模糊隶度函数建立模糊地理模型的建模方法。通过土壤类型分类的实例,说明使用模糊聚类法提取土壤类型边界,使用模糊隶属度函数建立土壤边界模糊模型,能够较自然并较准确地达到土训类型边界提取和边界建模的目的。  相似文献   

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