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The taxonomic status of the Eastern Asia endemic Sorolepidium is controversial. Some authors accept it as member of the large diverse genus Polystichum, whereas others suggest that it is an independent genus separated from the later by the exindusiate sorus and the absence of aristate teeth at the pinnae margins. Here we infer phylogenetic relationship of Sorolepidium using DNA sequences of the chloro-plast rbcL gene. Phylogenies were inferred using maximum-parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods. Molecular data establish that Sorolepidium is deeply nested within the large genus Polystichum and has a close relationship with P. duthiei and P. lachenense in the model-based analyses. The Kimura 2-parameter distances of the rbcL sequences between S. glaciale and P. duthiei and P. lachenense were 0.1 and 0.2%, respectively. Furthermore, S. glaciale differed from P. duthiei by a single nucleotide in their rbcL sequences. Close relationships between S. glaciale and P. duthiei and P. lachenense are also supported by the shared spore ornamentation with echinate fenes-trate folds.  相似文献   

Marattioid ferns are an ancient lineage of primitive vascular plants that first appeared in the middle Carboniferous. Extant members are almost exclusively restricted to tropical regions, and the spe- cies-rich family Angiopteridaceae are limited in their distribution to the eastern hemisphere; relation- ships within the group are currently vague. Here the phylogenetic relationship between Angiopteris Hoffm. and Archangiopteris Christ et Gies. was evaluated based on the sequence analysis of chloro- plast rbcL gene and trnL-F intergenic spacer with MEGA2 and MrBayes v3.0b4. On the basis of the phy- logenetic pattern and fossil record, we further estimated the divergence time for the two genera. The phy- logenetic trees revealed that all species of Angiopteris and Archangiopteris in this study formed a monophyletic group with strong statistical support, but the relationship between the two genera re- mained unresolved based on individual sequence analysis. On the other hand, the sequence analyses of combined data set revealed that Archangiopteris species diverged first, indicating that Archangiop- teris may not be a direct derivative as traditionally assumed. The clade of Angiopteris and Archan- giopteris appears to have diversified in the late Oligocene (≈26 Ma) based on the molecular estimate. Thus, the evolutionary history of extant Angiopteris and Archangiopteris has been characterized by ancient origin and recent diversification, and these groups are not relic and endangered lineages as traditionally considered.  相似文献   

Asian origin for Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) based on rbcL sequences   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
Chloroplast rbcL sequences of 60 species of Polystichum sensu lato (s.l.), including 23 new sequences from southwest China, were used to assess the phylogenetic relationships within the genus. On the basis of estimated evolution rate of rbcL gene and the genetic distance data that passed relative-rate tests, we further estimated the divergence times between some clades of the genus. The phylogenetic relationships were inferred using the neighbor-joining and maximum-parsimony methods, both methods producing trees with completely congruent topology. These trees reveal that all species of Polystichum s.l. in this study (including Cyrtomium and Cyrtomidictyum) form a monophyletic group. The basal split in Polystichum s.l. separates a clade with all Asian members from a clade containing other species from all over the world. The phylogenetic and divergence time estimation results lead us to suggest that Polystichum s.l. originated in Asia in the late Late Cretacous (≈76 Ma) and migrated into other places in the world in early Eocene(≈46 Ma).  相似文献   

利用光镜对对马耳蕨(Polystichum tsus-simense)孢子囊的早期发育进行研究.结论如下:对马耳蕨孢子囊起源于羽状叶的一个表皮细胞,经过横分裂和斜向分裂形成外套层原始细胞和内部细胞,外套层原始细胞分裂分化成孢子囊壁,内部细胞发育形成内外绒毡层和孢子母细胞,孢子母细胞减数分裂形成孢子四分体.在发育过程中,孢子囊腔内先后出现了孢囊被和孢子被.对马耳蕨孢子囊的发育类型属于薄囊蕨型.揭示了对马耳蕨孢子囊的早期发育规律,为蕨类植物的发育生物学和系统进化提供科学依据.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Alismatales remains an area of deep uncertainty, with different arrangements being found in studies that examined various subsets of genes and taxa. Herein we conducted separate and combined analyses of 103 morphological characters and 52 rbcL sequences to explore the controversial phylogenies of the families. Congruence between the two data sets was explored by computing several indices. Morphological data sets contain poor phylogenetic signals. The homology of morphological characters was tested based on the total evidence of phylogeny. The incongruence between DNA and morphological results; the hypothesis of the ‘Cymodoceaceae complex’; the relationships between Najadaceae and Hydrocharitaceae; the intergeneric relationships of Hydrocharitaceae; and the evolutionary convergence of morphological characters were analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

从rbcL基因序列研究明福1号及其近似种苏丹草的亲缘关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验通过对明福 1号及其近似种苏丹草的叶绿体 rbc L基因序列的测定和变异位点的分析 ,结果表明 :明福 1号 rbc L序列的 G+ C百分含量为 4 2 .93% ,而苏丹草 rbc L序列的 G+ C百分含量为 4 3.0 9% ;明福1号与苏丹草的 rbc L 序列的变异位点很少 ,仅为 4个 ,分别位于第 12 4 bp、6 41bp、84 9bp、880 bp位点上 ,总变异位点占总性状位点 (96 3bp)的 0 .4 1% ;同时 ,明福 1号与苏丹草的相似系数为 0 .997,表明明福 1号与苏丹草有极高的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

利用16S rDNA分子约540 bp的序列对长蝽总科9个科29个种进行系统发育分析.运用MP法、ML法和NJ法分析,结果表明:原来属于广义长蝽科的Pachygronthidae、Rhyparochromidae、Cymidae、Geocoridae、Blis-sidae、Oxycarenidae和狭义Lygaeidae并不形成一个单系的广义长蝽科;梭长蝽科Pachygronthidae的两个族Pachygronthini和Teracriini分成两支而形成多系;莎长蝽科Cymidae与梭长蝽科Pachygronthidae的Pachygronthi-ni族总是聚成一支形成姐妹群.研究说明广义长蝽科是多系,这与最近的形态学研究一致,从分子水平上支持Henry(1997)把广义长蝽科中的部分亚科提升为科的修订.与现有的形态分类系统有所不同的是,地长蝽科和狭义长蝽科都是多系群.  相似文献   

The 16746-neueleotide (nt) sequence of mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) of Chinese alligator,Alligator sinensis,was determined using the Long-PCR and primer walking methods.As is typical in vertebrates,the mtDNA encodes 13 proteins,2 rDNA,22 tRNA genes,and a noncoding control region.The Composition of bases is respectively 29.43%A,24.59%T,14.86%G,31.12% C.The gene arrangement differs from the common vertebrate gene arrangement,but is similar to that of other crocodiles,DNA sequence data from 12S rRNA,168 rRNA,protein-coding genes and combined sequence data were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of reptiles with the MP and ML methods.With this large data set and an appropriate range of outgroup taxa,the authors demonstrate that Chinese alligator is most closely related to American alligator among three crocodilian species,which suppors the traditional viewpoint.According to the branch lengths of ML tree from the combined data set,the primary divergence between Alligator and Caiman genus was dated at about 74.9 Ma,the split between Chinese alligator and American alligator was dated at 50.9Ma.  相似文献   

Growth, structure and upconversion mechanisms of Ba2ErCl7 crystal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
. 《科学通报(英文版)》2000,45(11):981-984
The methods to grow a novel upconversion crystal Ba2ErCl7 are reported in this note. Ba2ErCl7 material was synthesized with Er2O3, BaCl2·2H2O and NH4Cl by using a so-called “direct synthesis method”. High quality Ba2ErCl7 single crystals with size up to 4 mm×8 mm×15 mm were grown by using the Czochralski and the Bridgman methods. Intense yellow-green luminescence was detected when the crystal was pumped by an 803 laser diode (LD). Transmittance spectrum was measured by using HITACH U-3500 spectrophotometer at room temperature for the first time, in which one can see that the transmittance is high in the range from 350 to 1 600 nm and the cut-off wavelength of the crystal was 230 nm. The upconversion mechanisms were discussed.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences of 40 species of cheilostome bryozoans including those of 24 species newly determined were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree using neighboring-joining and maximum-parsimony methods. By applying molecular clock technique on the basis of the appropriate phylogeny and the fossil record, the divergence times of the two main cheilostome groups, Anasca and Ascophora sensu stricto, were estimated. The results show that the molecular phylogeny of the higher taxonomic groups (superfamilies and higher taxa) of cheilostome bryozoans is mostly in conflict with the morphology-based phylogenetic trees; the divergence of the extant groups of Anasca and those of Ascophora sensu stricto is estimated to have happened about 263 Ma (Permian Guadalupian Epoch) and 183 Ma (Early Jurassic), respectively.  相似文献   

Fishes of the family Lutjanidae are commercially important in South China Sea. However, the phylogeny of Lutjanids is still unclear and there are many controversies over it. Herein, studies about the phylogeny of Lutjanids were performed based on Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of genome DNA and sequence analysis of mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene, and 10 Lutjanidae species and 1 Lethrinidae species were employed. The topologies of minimum evolution (ME) trees based on the two analyses respectively were congruent except for positions of genera Pristipomoides and Caesio. The optimal substitution model TrN + G for DNA sequences of 12S rRNA genes in Lutjanids was obtained using MODELTEST 3.6 software and maximum likelihood (ML) analysis supports the topology displayed by the ME tree. The test of log-likelihood suggests that the use of molecular clock calibrations to estimate species divergence time appeared valid. Phylogenetic analyses using AFLP data and DNA sequences of mitochondrial 12S rRNA genes indicated the monophyly of Lutjanus genra. However, further studies are required to reveal the phylogenetic relationship among other genera. In addition, the results demonstrated that AFLP genetic marker was suitable for the phylogenetic analysis of Lutjanids.  相似文献   

基于核rDNA ITS序列的繁缕族疑似种分子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国植物志二十六卷中,花柱数目是划分繁缕族(Alsineae)的鹅肠菜属(Myosoton)、卷耳属(Cerastium)、繁缕属(Stellaria)等8属的重要检索项.作者在成都附近采集了6号繁缕族疑似种标本,其花柱数目等形态特征混淆,无法鉴定属种.采用核rDNA中的ITS序列对石竹科(Caryophyllacaea)特别是繁缕族进行分子系统分析并据此对疑似种进行分子鉴定.最大简约法和邻接法分析结果均显示,繁缕族疑似种与鹅肠菜(Myosoton aquaticum)聚合成一支.在与无花菜属植物Are  相似文献   

基于18S rRNA基因序列以近缘植物Paeonia suffruticosa和Mahonia bealei为外类群,采用邻接法(Neighbor-joining methods,NJ)和最大简约法(Maximum parsimony,MP)对毛茛科Ranunculaceae 6属12种植物的系统发育关系进行了分析.结果表明,18S rRNA基因序列长度范围在1807~1810bp之间,系统树显示耧斗菜属Aquilegia与唐松草属Thalictrum,升麻属Cimicifuga与乌头属Aconitu  相似文献   

1 Introduction Throughout this note k denotes a fixed integer and k>1. Let x={x(n)}_n=0, ±, ±2,… be a real sequence. For each integer n, we denote by x(n) the median value of the following 2k+1 numbers: x(n-k), x(n-k+1), …, x(n),…, x(n+k-1), x(n+k). By this permuting operation, the sequence x={x(n)} is transformed in  相似文献   

复叶耳蕨属分类研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
复叶耳蕨属是鳞毛蕨科中的一个重要的属,在其近一个半世纪的研究历史中,它的拉丁属名经历了数次变更,属的形态界定逐步明确,尽管仍然存在一定的争议,但本属概念已经得到广泛接受。文中评价了该属的主要的分类性状,其主要依据根状茎习性和叶柄基部鳞片特征,将本属分为4个组,并编制了分组检索表。过去,该属的种类描述相当混乱,文献中已经存在180多个种名,但估计种数约有近70个,绝大部分种类分布在中国长江流域及以南各省区和日本。本属的近期研究文献也以中国和日本为多,中国的研究主要集中在新种描述和植物志的编写方面;日本学者对本属的研究则是多方面的。作者认为,今后应加强对中国和日本标本的比较研究,并运用细胞学和分子生物学手段,逐步澄清种类的混乱,建立一个本属的自然分类系统。  相似文献   

建立一种基于质子转移反应-飞行时间质谱的不同产地金线莲快速鉴别技术。采用PTR-TOF-MS对不同产地(福建、广西、台湾)的66个金线莲样本进行指纹图谱采集。将检测到的指纹图谱与化学计量学相结合开发一种可以应用于不同产地金线莲快速准确鉴定的新技术。实验结果表明,PCA提取主成份数为4,判别分析方法为FDA时建立的数学分类识别模型性能最好,识别准确率达到97.0%,可以实现不同产地金线莲的有效判别。  相似文献   

The family Cyprinidae is one of the largest fish families in the world, which is widely distributed in East Asian, with obvious difference in characteristic size among species. The phylogeneUc analysis of cyprinid taxa based on the functionally important genes can help to understand the speciation and functional divergence of the Cyprinidae. The c-myc gene is an important gene regulating individual growth. In the present study, the sequence variations of the cyprinid c-myc gene and their phylogenetic significance were analyzed. The 41 complete sequences of the c-myc gene were obtained from cyprinids and outgroups through PCR amplification and clone. The coding DNA sequences of the c-myc gene were used to infer molecular phylogenetic relationships within the Cyprinidae. Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Catostomidae), Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (CobiUdae) and Hemimyzon sinensis (Homalopteridae) were assigned to the outgroup taxa. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian retrieved similar topology. Within the Cyprinidae, Leuciscini and Barbini formed the monophyletic lineage respectively with high nodal supports. Leuciscini comprises Xenocyprinae, CuItrinae, East Asian species of Leuciscinae and Danioninae, Gobioninae and Acheilognathinae, and Barbini contains Schizothoracinae, Barbinae, Cyprininae and Labeoninae. Danio rerio, D. myersi and Rasbora trilineata were supposed to separate from Leuciscinae and Barbini and to form another lineage. The positions of some Danioninae species were still unresolved. Analyses of both amino acid variation with parsimony information and two high variation regions indicated that there is no correlation between variations of single amino acid or high variation regions and characteristic size of cyprinids. In addition, the species with smaller size were usually found to be basal within clades in the tree, which might be the results of the adaptation to the primitive ecology and survival pressure.  相似文献   

Araucariaceae is one of the most primitive families of the living conifers, and its phylogenetic relationships and divergence times are critically important issues. The DNA sequences of 8 genes, i.e., nuclear ribosomal 18S and 26S rRNA, chloroplast 16S rRNA, rbcL, matK and rps4, and mitochondrial coxl and atpl, obtained from this study and GenBank were used for constructing the molecular phylogenetic trees of Araucariaceae, indicating that the phyiogenetic relationships among the three genera of this family should be ((Wollemia, Agathis), Araucaria). On the basis of the fossil calibrations of Wollemia and the two tribes Araucaria and Eutacta of the genus Araucaria, the divergence time of Araucariaceae was estimated to be (308± 53) million years ago, that is, the origin of the family was in the Late Carboniferous rather than Triassic as a traditional view. With the same gene combination, the diver- gence times of the genera Araucaria and Agathis were (246 ± 47) and (61 ±15) Ma, respectively. Statis- tical analyses on the phylogenetic trees generated by using different genes and comparisons of the divergence times estimated by using those genes suggested that the chloroplast matK and rps4 genes are most suitable for investigating the phylogenetic relationships and divergence times of the family Araucariaceae.  相似文献   

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