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R B Holtzman 《Nature》1966,210(5041):1094-1097

In recent thirty years, with deep-going studies of the problems of regional environmental quality and global climate change, 210Pb has been found to have wide appli-cations in tracing the aquatic sedimentation, catchment’s erosion and the path of atmospheric transfer. 222Rn pro-duced from decay of the U-Ra series in surface rocks and soils diffuses in the atmosphere and continues to decay into 210Pb. This part of the 210Pb, due to separation from its parent 226Ra, is generally referred to a…  相似文献   

A better understanding of the variation of 210Pb concentrations in the surface air is the key to trace lake sedimentation and catchment erosion, to establish and validate the global diffusion model of contaminants, and to assess the impact of natural radiation on the ecological system. Basing on the study progresses of the sedimentation, the atmospheric model and the unique environmental background in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and starting from December 20, 2001, we made use of a 500 NE Type aerosol sampler to collect filter samples, once a week in the past consecutive two years, in the surface air at Mt. Guanfeng, Guiyang City, China. Synchronous detailed γ-energy spectrometric observations of 210Pb concentrations at both Chinese and U.S. laboratories have shown that the average monthly 210Pb concentration displays a regular U-patterns distribution of annual variations, with high values appearing in winter and low values in late spring and summer. The average annual 210Pb concentrations are estimated to be 2.77±0.63 mBq/m3, about 4 times the average maximum concentrations reported from quite a number of monitoring stations throughout the world. The possible factors affecting the sources of 210Pb in the surface air in the central part of Guizhou Province are: Release of 222Rn from the U-Ra series enriched in the soils; chemical weathering of carbonate rocks; the exploitation, processing and utilization of coal and phosphorous resources. The principal factor controlling the high 210Pb concentrations in the surface air in the central Guizhou and their annual U-pattern distribution is the release of 222Rn. The average monthly 210Pb concentrations show a good negative powerfunction relationship with increasing precipitation and also show a good negative linear-function relationship with the rise of air temperature in month grouping. Group No.1 (June to November) reflects a relatively low release of 222Rn from soils in relatively high temperature seasons; Group No.2 (December to May) mirrors a relatively high release of 222Rn from soils in relatively low temperature seasons. The average monthly 210Pb concentrations simulated in terms of the precipitation and air temperature are in good consistency with the measured values, revealing that the regular U-pattern distribution characteristics of 210Pb concentrations in the surface air in the central Guizhou are controlled predominantly by regional precipitation and air temperature. Meanwhile, it is also indicated that the magnitude of variation of air temperature and precipitation within the same year also constrains the ratio of high values over low values of average monthly 210Pb concentrations. On a month time scale, precipitation and air temperature are a main factor affecting the release of 222Rn from soils (rocks). In this aspect strong evidence has been obtained.  相似文献   

在210K的温度下,5.2μm的量子级联激光器在CW运转下输出光功率高于5mW,利用温差电致冷器件即可达到此温度.将激光器放置于铜块上,在210K时,它的热阻抗约为10K/W.使用实验测量得到的T0=136K,J0=535A/cm2,Vop=8.1V和上述的热阻值,理论上可以达到激光运转的最高温度是212K,与实验结果相一致.通过热学模拟显示,由提高激光器的设计和散热,可使热阻抗降低到8.8K/W,从而使激光器运转温度提高到230K。  相似文献   

Temperate forest surface soils at the varying distances from main trunks (e.g., Pinus koraiensis and Quercus mongolica) were used to study the effects of acetylene (C2H2) at low concentrations on nitrification, mineralization and microbial biomass N concentrations of the soils, and to assess the contribution of heterotrophic nitrification to nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from soils. The use of acetylene at partial pressures within a range from 10 to 100 Pa C2H2 in headspace gas gave a significant decrease in N2O emission at soil moisture of c. 45% water-filled porosity space, and the decrease was almost the same in each soil after exposure of C2H2 at low concentrations. Heterotrophic nitrification could account for 21%―48% of total N2O emission from each soil; the contribution would increase with increasing distances from the Pinus koraiensis trunks rather than from the Quercus mongolica trunks. Under the experimental conditions, the use of C2H2 at low concentrations showed no significant influence on soil microbial biomass N, net N mineralization and microbial respiration. However, 100 Pa C2H2 in headspace gas could reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from soils. According to the rapid consumption of 10 Pa C2H2 by forest soils and convenience for laboratory incubations, 50 Pa C2H2 in headspace gas can be used to study the origin of N2O emissions from forest soils under aerobic conditions and the key associated driving mechanisms. The N2O and CO2 emissions from the soils at the same distances from the Quercus mongolica trunks were larger than those from the Pinus koraiensis trunks, and both emissions decreased as the distances from trunks increased. The stepwise regression analysis showed that 95% of the variability in soil CO2 emissions could be accounted for by the concentrations of soil total C and water soluble organic C and soil pH, and that 72% of the variability in soil N2O emissions could be accounted for by the concentrations of soil total N, exchangeable NH+4-N and microbial biomass N and 25% of the variability in heterotrophic nitrification by the soil microbial biomass N concentration. The emissions of N2O and CO2 from forest soils after exposure of C2H2 at low concentrations were positively related to the net nitrification of the soils.  相似文献   

银川市大气逆温特征对空气污染物浓度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对银川市2013-2015年逐日探空观测资料及同期银川市六个监测站点的污染物浓度逐时监测数据,对银川市的低空温度层的特征进行了分析,并结合统计数据,分析了逆温层的特征与四种主要空气污染物(SO2、NO2、PM10、PM2.5)浓度之间的关系。结果表明,银川市主城区在全年的四季中均有逆温层的存在,但是冬半年逆温发生的频率高于夏半年;逆温层厚度冬季较厚、夏季较薄,逆温强度秋季最强、夏季最弱。通过污染物浓度与逆温特性的相关度分析,发现四种主要空气污染物的浓度与逆温层存在相关性,其中,其浓度与逆温层厚度呈正相关,与逆温层强度呈负相关。这说明银川市低空大气逆温层结状况是影响当地空气污染程度的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

在大数据时代,地方高校图书馆的服务与发展面临严峻挑战,更多的数字化产品冲击图书馆的传统服务功能,地方高校应集中力量,开展特色服务,收集、整理、加工地方文献,提出可行、规范的数字化策略,使之数字化,提供网络数据服务,实现资源共享,为区域经济、文化、教育发展提供有力保障.  相似文献   

2010年12月对北京市西城区5个社区100户家庭居民室内一氧化碳的浓度进行了调查.调查依据GB/T18204.23-2000公共场所一氧化碳测定方法,采用不分光红外线气体分析法现场测量居民室内一氧化碳含量.5个社区居民室内一氧化碳浓度(平均值±标准差)分别为(20.5±23.0)、(16.0±11.5)、(14.0±11.6)、(8.9±11.0)和(3.0±1.1)mg.m-3,是室外一氧化碳浓度的20、18、13、6和3倍.采用统计学方法对结果的分析表明:家中的通风设备会显著影响室内一氧化碳浓度.  相似文献   

厦门地区~7Be和~(210)Pb的大气沉降通量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
7Be和210Pb是大气中天然存在的放射性核素.本文测定了2001年8月至2002年8月间厦门地区7Be和210Pb大气沉降通量,平均值分别为1.90和0.41Bqm-2d-1.对7Be和210Pb的沉降特征及其影响因素进行了探讨,表明降雨是影响沉降通量的主要因素,两个核素的沉降通量之间存在较好线性相关性.  相似文献   

Multiple liquid crystal phases of DNA at high concentrations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
T E Strzelecka  M W Davidson  R L Rill 《Nature》1988,331(6155):457-460
DNA packaging in vivo is very tight, with volume concentrations approaching 70% w/v in sperm heads, virus capsids and bacterial nucleoids. The packaging mechanisms adopted may be related to the natural tendency of semi-rigid polymers to form liquid crystalline phases in concentrated solutions. We find that DNA forms at least three distinct liquid crystalline phases at concentrations comparable to those in vivo, with phase transitions occurring over relatively narrow ranges of DNA concentration. A weakly birefringent, dynamic, 'precholesteric' mesophase with microscopic textures intermediate between those of a nematic and a true cholesteric phase forms at the lowest concentrations required for phase separation. At slightly higher DNA concentrations, a second mesophase forms which is a strongly birefringent, well-ordered cholesteric phase with a concentration-dependent pitch varying from 2 to 10 micron. At the highest DNA concentrations, a phase forms which is two-dimensionally ordered and resembles smectic phases of thermotropic liquid crystals observed with small molecules.  相似文献   

低气压条件下绝缘子污闪特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
污秽绝缘子的闪络电压U和大气压力户之间的关系为U=U。(P/p0)n,U0是该污秽绝缘子在标准大气压户。下的闪络电压。作者用固体污层人工污秽试验方法研究了不同形状绝缘子在不同污秽度下以及在不同大气压力下的污闪电压,并研究了在交流和直流电压分别作用下的污闪电压差别。试验结果表明,上述公式中的指数n在交流电压下的数值大于直流电压。对于形状简单的绝缘子n值不受污秽程度影响,对于形状复杂的绝缘子n值受污秽程度的影响。n值变化的原因在于绝缘子伞裙间的电弧桥络现象。  相似文献   

进行汇流管路特别是管路较短或汇流节点较多的管路系统设计时,正确确定管道汇流口水流局部能量损失具有重要意义.为此,根据水动力学基本原理,在分析90°汇流口独特水流特性及能量耗散机理的基础上,提出了局部能量损失系数的综合表达式,并应用试验资料对该综合表达式进行了验证.研究结果表明,正确分析管道汇流口水流的局部能量损失机理,必须考虑汇入断面上支流沿下游主流方向的动量输入和主支流间相互掺混引起的附加摩擦阻力的影响.  相似文献   

建立一个适合嵌入式系统的实践教学体系,有利于学生更好理解和运用嵌入式系统理论,对提高实践教学效果和学生应用能力意义重大。文中基于肇庆学院的教学实践,就构建嵌入式实践教学模式及其相应的改革思路做一些探讨。  相似文献   

图书馆员作为图书馆的一线工作人员,他们基本素养的高低对图书馆的工作成效影响巨大.高校图书馆员应具备较高的人文素质,而文学素养是人文综合素质中最重要的一环.针对目前地方高校图书馆员文学素养面临的问题,应采取熟悉优秀传统文化,强化自身文学素养;大量阅读文学作品、熟知著名作家、适当撰写论文.多听讲座了解文学知识等对策措施,着力提升其文化素养.  相似文献   

Downward transport of stratospheric air significantly modifies the chemical and radiation budget of the Earth's atmosphere.The Tibetan Plateau including the Him...  相似文献   

Beryllium-7 (^7Be) and lead-210 (^210Pb) radioactivity in aerosols collected, from October 2002 to January 2004 at Mt. Waliguan, by the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Station, Qinghai Province is presented. The data were analyzed together with simultaneously measured surface ozone concentrations. We found that short time variations of ^7Be and ^210Pb were linked to alternations of synoptic weather around the Mt. Waliguan region. ^210Pb showed the lowest concentration in summer while ^7Be showed no obvious seasonal changes. Relatively high ^7Be and ^210Pb radioactivity was observed at Mt. Waliguan when compared with the observations at other mountain sites in other parts of the world. Surface ozone and ^7Be showed a consistent seasonal variation. Surface ozone correlated fairly well with ^7Be/^210Pb ratio. This suggested that vertical transport from higher altitudes of the atmosphere has predominant effects on the budget of surface ozone at Mt. Waliguan.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课是对大学生开展思想理论教育的主渠道和主阵地。通过对某地方高校思想政治理论课教学状况的调查,可以发现目前存在学生兴趣不浓、教学手段和方法陈旧、教师教学能力和技巧不高、实践教学及考试评价方式单一等问题,为此应采取提升教师教学水平、探索多元教学方式、优化实践教学模式、改进考核评价方式措施,以进一步深化教学改革,提高思想政治理论课教育的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

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