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This paper aims to assess whether Google search data are useful when predicting the US unemployment rate among other more traditional predictor variables. A weekly Google index is derived from the keyword “unemployment” and is used in diffusion index variants along with the weekly number of initial claims and monthly estimated latent factors. The unemployment rate forecasts are generated using MIDAS regression models that take into account the actual frequencies of the predictor variables. The forecasts are made in real time, and the forecasts of the best forecasting models exceed, for the most part, the root mean squared forecast error of two benchmarks. However, as the forecasting horizon increases, the forecasting performance of the best diffusion index variants decreases over time, which suggests that the forecasting methods proposed in this paper are most useful in the short term.  相似文献   

This paper proposes new methods for ‘targeting’ factors estimated from a big dataset. We suggest that forecasts of economic variables can be improved by tuning factor estimates: (i) so that they are both more relevant for a specific target variable; and (ii) so that variables with considerable idiosyncratic noise are down‐weighted prior to factor estimation. Existing targeted factor methodologies are limited to estimating the factors with only one of these two objectives in mind. We therefore combine these ideas by providing new weighted principal components analysis (PCA) procedures and a targeted generalized PCA (TGPCA) procedure. These methods offer a flexible combination of both types of targeting that is new to the literature. We illustrate this empirically by forecasting a range of US macroeconomic variables, finding that our combined approach yields important improvements over competing methods, consistently surviving elimination in the model confidence set procedure. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we put dynamic stochastic general equilibrium DSGE forecasts in competition with factor forecasts. We focus on these two models since they represent nicely the two opposing forecasting philosophies. The DSGE model on the one hand has a strong theoretical economic background; the factor model on the other hand is mainly data‐driven. We show that incorporating a large information set using factor analysis can indeed improve the short‐horizon predictive ability, as claimed by many researchers. The micro‐founded DSGE model can provide reasonable forecasts for US inflation, especially with growing forecast horizons. To a certain extent, our results are consistent with the prevailing view that simple time series models should be used in short‐horizon forecasting and structural models should be used in long‐horizon forecasting. Our paper compares both state‐of‐the‐art data‐driven and theory‐based modelling in a rigorous manner. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Value‐at‐risk (VaR) forecasting generally relies on a parametric density function of portfolio returns that ignores higher moments or assumes them constant. In this paper, we propose a simple approach to forecasting of a portfolio VaR. We employ the Gram‐Charlier expansion (GCE) augmenting the standard normal distribution with the first four moments, which are allowed to vary over time. In an extensive empirical study, we compare the GCE approach to other models of VaR forecasting and conclude that it provides accurate and robust estimates of the realized VaR. In spite of its simplicity, on our dataset GCE outperforms other estimates that are generated by both constant and time‐varying higher‐moments models. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify the best indicator in forecasting inflation in Malaysia. In methodology, the study constructs a simple forecasting model that incorporates the indicator/variable using the vector error correction (VECM) model of quasi‐tradable inflation index and selected indicators: commodity prices, financial indicators and economic activities. For each indicator, the forecasting horizon used is 24 months and the VECM model is applied for seven sample windows over sample periods starting with the first month of 1980 and ending with the 12th month of every 2 years from 1992 to 2004. The degree of independence of each indicator from inflation is tested by analyzing the variance decomposition of each indicator and Granger causality between each indicator and inflation. We propose that a simple model using an aggregation of indices improves the accuracy of inflation forecasts. The results support our hypothesis. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Model uncertainty and recurrent or cyclical structural changes in macroeconomic time series dynamics are substantial challenges to macroeconomic forecasting. This paper discusses a macro variable forecasting methodology that combines model uncertainty and regime switching simultaneously. The proposed predictive regression specification permits both regime switching of the regression parameters and uncertainty about the inclusion of forecasting variables by employing Bayesian model averaging. In an empirical exercise involving quarterly US inflation, we observed that our Bayesian model averaging with regime switching leads to substantial improvements in forecast performance, particularly in the medium horizon (two to four quarters). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how causality inference and forecasting within a bivariate VAR, consisting of y(t) and x(t), are affected by the omission of a third variable, w(t), which causes (a) none, (b) one, and (c) both variables in the bivariate system. We also derive conditions under which causality inference and forecasting are invariant to the selection of a bivariate or a trivariate model. The most general condition for the invariance of both causality and forecasting to model selection is shown to require the omitted variable not to cause any of the variables in the bivariate system, although it allows the omitted variable to be caused by the other two. We also show that the conditions for one-way causality inference to be invariant to model selection are not sufficient to ensure that forecasting will also be invariant to the model selected. Finally, we present a numerical illustration of the potential losses, in terms of the variance of the forecast, as a function of the forecast horizon and for alternative parameter values—they can be rather large, as the omission of a variable can make the incomplete model unstable. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new forecasting approach straddling the conventional methods applied to the Italian industrial production index. Specifically, the proposed method treats factor models and bridge models as complementary ingredients feeding a unique model specification. We document that the proposed approach improves upon traditional bridge models by making efficient use of the information conveyed by a large amount of survey data on manufacturing activity. Different factor algorithms are compared and, under the provision that a large estimation window is used, partial least squares outperform principal component‐based alternatives. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we adopt a panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) approach to estimating and forecasting inflation dynamics in four different sectors—industry, services, construction and agriculture—across the euro area and its four largest member states: France, Germany, Italy and Spain. By modelling inflation together with real activity, employment and wages at the sectoral level, we are able to disentangle the role of unit labour costs and profit margins as the fundamental determinants of price dynamics on the supply side. In out‐of‐sample forecast comparisons, the PVAR approach performs well against popular alternatives, especially at a short forecast horizon and relative to standard VAR forecasts based on aggregate economy‐wide data. Over longer forecast horizons, the accuracy of the PVAR model tends to decline relative to that of the univariate alternatives, while it remains high relative to the aggregate VAR forecasts. We show that these findings are driven by the event of the Great Recession. Our qualitative results carry over to a multi‐country extension of the PVAR approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom holds that restrictions on low‐frequency dynamics among cointegrated variables should provide more accurate short‐ to medium‐term forecasts than univariate techniques that contain no such information; even though, on standard accuracy measures, the information may not improve long‐term forecasting. But inconclusive empirical evidence is complicated by confusion about an appropriate accuracy criterion and the role of integration and cointegration in forecasting accuracy. We evaluate the short‐ and medium‐term forecasting accuracy of univariate Box–Jenkins type ARIMA techniques that imply only integration against multivariate cointegration models that contain both integration and cointegration for a system of five cointegrated Asian exchange rate time series. We use a rolling‐window technique to make multiple out of sample forecasts from one to forty steps ahead. Relative forecasting accuracy for individual exchange rates appears to be sensitive to the behaviour of the exchange rate series and the forecast horizon length. Over short horizons, ARIMA model forecasts are more accurate for series with moving‐average terms of order >1. ECMs perform better over medium‐term time horizons for series with no moving average terms. The results suggest a need to distinguish between ‘sequential’ and ‘synchronous’ forecasting ability in such comparisons. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce a new methodology for forecasting, which we call signal diffusion mapping. Our approach accommodates features of real‐world financial data which have been ignored historically in existing forecasting methodologies. Our method builds upon well‐established and accepted methods from other areas of statistical analysis. We develop and adapt those models for use in forecasting. We also present tests of our model on data in which we demonstrate the efficacy of our approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates different procedures for selecting the order of a non-seasonal ARMA model. Specifically, it compares the forecasting accuracy of models developed by the personalized Box-Jenkins (BJ) methodology with models chosen by numerous automatic procedures. The study uses real series modelled by experts (textbook authors) in the BJ approach. Our results show that many objective selection criteria provide structures equal or superior to the time-consuming BJ method. For the sets of data used in this study, we also examine the influence of parsimony in time-series forecasting. Defining what models are too large or too small is sensitive to the forecast horizon. Automatic techniques that select the best models for forecasting are similar in size to BJ models although they often disagree on model order.  相似文献   

In recent years, factor models have received increasing attention from both econometricians and practitioners in the forecasting of macroeconomic variables. In this context, Bai and Ng (Journal of Econometrics 2008; 146 : 304–317) find an improvement in selecting indicators according to the forecast variable prior to factor estimation (targeted predictors). In particular, they propose using the LARS‐EN algorithm to remove irrelevant predictors. In this paper, we adapt the Bai and Ng procedure to a setup in which data releases are delayed and staggered. In the pre‐selection step, we replace actual data with estimates obtained on the basis of past information, where the structure of the available information replicates the one a forecaster would face in real time. We estimate on the reduced dataset the dynamic factor model of Giannone et al. (Journal of Monetary Economics 2008; 55 : 665–676) and Doz et al. (Journal of Econometrics 2011; 164 : 188–205), which is particularly suitable for the very short‐term forecast of GDP. A pseudo real‐time evaluation on French data shows the potential of our approach. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) model with the Kalman filter to forecast the Italian industrial production index in a pseudo real-time experiment. Minnesota priors are adopted as a general framework, but a different shrinkage pattern is imposed for both the VAR coefficients and the Kalman gain, depending on the informative contribution of each variable investigated at frequency level. Both a time-varying and a constant selection for the shrinkage are proposed. Overall, the new BVAR models significantly improve the forecasting performance in comparison with the more traditional versions based on standard Minnesota priors with a single shrinkage, equal for all the variables, and selected on the basis of some optimal criteria. Very promising results come out in terms of density forecasting as well.  相似文献   

We introduce a new strategy for the prediction of linear temporal aggregates; we call it ‘hybrid’ and study its performance using asymptotic theory. This scheme consists of carrying out model parameter estimation with data sampled at the highest available frequency and the subsequent prediction with data and models aggregated according to the forecasting horizon of interest. We develop explicit expressions that approximately quantify the mean square forecasting errors associated with the different prediction schemes and that take into account the estimation error component. These approximate estimates indicate that the hybrid forecasting scheme tends to outperform the so‐called ‘all‐aggregated’ approach and, in some instances, the ‘all‐disaggregated’ strategy that is known to be optimal when model selection and estimation errors are neglected. Unlike other related approximate formulas existing in the literature, those proposed in this paper are totally explicit and require neither assumptions on the second‐order stationarity of the sample nor Monte Carlo simulations for their evaluation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The specification choices of vector autoregressions (VARs) in forecasting are often not straightforward, as they are complicated by various factors. To deal with model uncertainty and better utilize multiple VARs, this paper adopts the dynamic model averaging/selection (DMA/DMS) algorithm, in which forecasting models are updated and switch over time in a Bayesian manner. In an empirical application to a pool of Bayesian VAR (BVAR) models whose specifications include level and difference, along with differing lag lengths, we demonstrate that specification‐switching VARs are flexible and powerful forecast tools that yield good performance. In particular, they beat the overall best BVAR in most cases and are comparable to or better than the individual best models (for each combination of variable, forecast horizon, and evaluation metrics) for medium‐ and long‐horizon forecasts. We also examine several extensions in which forecast model pools consist of additional individual models in partial differences as well as all level/difference models, and/or time variations in VAR innovations are allowed, and discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of such specification choices. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a mixed‐frequency model for daily forecasts of euro area inflation. The model combines a monthly index of core inflation with daily data from financial markets; estimates are carried out with the MIDAS regression approach. The forecasting ability of the model in real time is compared with that of standard VARs and of daily quotes of economic derivatives on euro area inflation. We find that the inclusion of daily variables helps to reduce forecast errors with respect to models that consider only monthly variables. The mixed‐frequency model also displays superior predictive performance with respect to forecasts solely based on economic derivatives. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Value‐at‐risk (VaR) forecasting via a computational Bayesian framework is considered. A range of parametric models is compared, including standard, threshold nonlinear and Markov switching generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) specifications, plus standard and nonlinear stochastic volatility models, most considering four error probability distributions: Gaussian, Student‐t, skewed‐t and generalized error distribution. Adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are employed in estimation and forecasting. A portfolio of four Asia–Pacific stock markets is considered. Two forecasting periods are evaluated in light of the recent global financial crisis. Results reveal that: (i) GARCH models outperformed stochastic volatility models in almost all cases; (ii) asymmetric volatility models were clearly favoured pre crisis, while at the 1% level during and post crisis, for a 1‐day horizon, models with skewed‐t errors ranked best, while integrated GARCH models were favoured at the 5% level; (iii) all models forecast VaR less accurately and anti‐conservatively post crisis. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It has been acknowledged that wavelets can constitute a useful tool for forecasting in economics. Through a wavelet multi‐resolution analysis, a time series can be decomposed into different timescale components and a model can be fitted to each component to improve the forecast accuracy of the series as a whole. Up to now, the literature on forecasting with wavelets has mainly focused on univariate modelling. On the other hand, in a context of growing data availability, a line of research has emerged on forecasting with large datasets. In particular, the use of factor‐augmented models have become quite widespread in the literature and among practitioners. The aim of this paper is to bridge the two strands of the literature. A wavelet approach for factor‐augmented forecasting is proposed and put to test for forecasting GDP growth for the major euro area countries. The results show that the forecasting performance is enhanced when wavelets and factor‐augmented models are used together. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Including disaggregate variables or using information extracted from the disaggregate variables into a forecasting model for an economic aggregate may improve forecasting accuracy. In this paper we suggest using the boosting method to select the disaggregate variables, which are most helpful in predicting an aggregate of interest. We conduct a simulation study to investigate the variable selection ability of this method. To assess the forecasting performance a recursive pseudo‐out‐of‐sample forecasting experiment for six key euro area macroeconomic variables is conducted. The results suggest that using boosting to select relevant predictors is a feasible and competitive approach in forecasting an aggregate. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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