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The territorial features of the amospheric environment in Beijing were described in described in detail,and the transportation pathways of the atmosphere pollutants found by the dot aggregation in the form of the meshwork.The concept on convergence belt of the atmosphere pollutants was given.The vertical distribution of the atmospheric pollutants in Beijing was detected by the neighboring areas of Beijing.The sand-dust storm in China were studie by both satellite inspection technology and analysis of atmospheric flow fields,According tp tje dostrobitopms of sand-dust storm sources to impact on the air environment in China,the sand-dust sources insia were situatad in the desert and Gobi in the Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang autonomous regions .The sand-dust surces outside China were situated in the desert and Gohi in Russina,Hazakhsten and Mongolia.A very strong sand-dust storm taken place on the 20th Mar,2002 is given as exa-mple.  相似文献   

Dust storm events, especially those associated with strong winds, are immediately dangerous, and have long-term harmful effects. During a dust storm event, dust in the near-surface atmospheric layer decreases visibility, and changes local meteorological parameters. In this paper, we analyzed levels of near-surface turbulence during and outside a dust storm event and found differences in the degree of turbulence, with wind speed increasing and amounts of windblown sand greatly increasing air turbulence during the dust storms compared with the corresponding values on a sunny day. In addition, the wind profile during the dust storm deviated from the normal profile and became more complex. In the near-surface atmospheric layer, sand and dust flux during the dust storm also differed from those on a sunny day.  相似文献   

大气颗粒物PM2.5及其源解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大气颗粒物的来源分为两类:一类是自然源;另一类是人为源。自然源主要包括:岩石土壤风化、森林大火、火山爆发、流星雨、沙尘暴、海盐粒子、植物花粉、真菌孢子、细菌体,以及各种有机物质的自燃过程等。人为源主要包括:汽车尾气排放、摩托车尾气排放、火车机车排放、飞机尾气排放、轮船排放、工业窑炉排放、民用炉灶排放、农用拖拉机排放、工业粉尘、交通道路扬尘、建筑工地扬尘、裸露地面扬尘、烹饪油烟、街头无序烧烤、垃圾焚烧、农田秸秆焚烧、燃放烟花爆竹、寺庙香火和烟民抽烟等。在大气颗粒物中,细颗粒物主要来自化石燃料和生物质的燃烧过程。专家们认为细颗粒物是导致北京地区雾霾灾害天气频繁出现的最主要因素。汽车尾气排放大量的空气污染物。有车族对北京市严重的大气污染和雾霾灾害的形成,负有首要责任。有车族,少开车,或者不开车,是解决目前北京严重的大气污染,阻止雾霾灾害天气频繁出现的根本出路。  相似文献   

Focusing on three dust storms occurring in spring 2001,we developed a detailed aerosol parameterization scheme and integrated it in a radiative transfer model to characterize possible impacts of solar altitude angle on dust direct radiative effects over China desert regions and the North Pacific,using actual daily solar altitude angles.Increasing solar altitude angle from early spring (or winter) to late spring (or summer) leads to increase of positive clear sky radiative forcing,and decrease of negative radiative forcing due to dust aerosols at the top of the atmosphere.Because solar altitude angle increases from early to late spring,dust-clear sky radiative forcing may change from negative to positive at the top of atmosphere,showing a change from cooling to heating of the earth-atmosphere system over high-albedo deserts and nearby regions.Over low-albedo ocean negative clear sky radiative forcing by dust may decrease,suggesting a change from strong to weak cooling on the earth-atmosphere system.The impacts of solar altitude angle on cloudy sky radiative forcing due to dust are similar to those of clear sky.Impacts of low cloud on dust radiative forcing are the same as increasing surface albedo.This causes the transition of dust cooling effects into heating effects over deserts to occur earlier,and causes decrease of negative radiative forcing over the ocean and even cause a change from weak negative radiative forcing to weak positive forcing over local areas.Even in the same East Asian desert regions and nearby areas,the strength and sign of the radiative forcings depend on storm dates and thus solar altitude angle.The nearer to early spring (or winter) a dust storm occurs,the easier it leads to negative radiative forcing at the top of atmosphere,which indicates cooling effects on the earth-atmosphere system.In contrast,the nearer to late spring (or summer) a dust storm occurs,the easier it leads to positive radiative forcing at the top of atmosphere,showing heating effects.Over East Asian deserts and nearby regions,dust layers may be regarded as cooling sources in early spring (winter) and warming sources in late spring (summer).  相似文献   

兰州皋兰山顶春季大气气溶胶的监测与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对兰州皋兰山顶春季大气气溶胶连续采样,得到了大气背景、浮尘、扬沙、沙尘暴等不同天气条件下的气溶胶质量浓度.通过沙尘天气的过程分析,得到不同沙尘天气条件下,TSP浓度的时间变化规律.与兰州大学小二楼顶的监测数据进行比较分析,可以看出兰州市的污染状况和TSP的时空分布.通过各类沙尘天气不同粒径气溶胶粒子的浓度分析,发现气溶胶粒子粒径的分布规律和气溶胶来源不同.  相似文献   

北京大气污染区域分布及变化趋势研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文利用2000-2005年北京市8个国控点PM10、SO2、CO、NO2和NOX等污染物浓度数据,分析了北京各区域大气污染分布与季节变化特征,以及近几年大气污染变化趋势.方法以主成分分析为主,辅以时间序列分析.分析结果显示:北京大气污染存在明显的时空差异,第一、二主分量可以很好地表征城市大气污染属性,所有污染物对第一主分量贡献都为正值,能够清楚区分大气污染程度,以及城市与区域背景的异同,第二主分量可以区分城市污染的源排放特征.基于此标准,全市范围内大气污染划分为燃煤型、机动车排放型、过渡型以及环境背景等四种污染类型.  相似文献   

Great progress in study on aerosol and its impact on the global environment   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The transport from atmosphere is a more important pathway than that from rivers for certain elements and compounds in the remote ocean. The desert and those arid/semi-arid areas in the northwest of China and the Loess Plateau are the sources of those aerosols over the Pacific. Atmospheric iron is the limiting factor of the productivity in certain ocean regions. The dust storms must now be seen as repeated sources of pollution elements as well as soil elements to the East China Sea and, farther out, to the North Pacific Ocean and even to the USA. The long-range transport of aerosols, especially the dust storm, from China and the positive feedbacks of iron coupled with sulfur in atmosphere might be one of the important mechanisms that would affect the primary productivity in the Pacific and/or the global climate change and deserve to be further studied. It can be seen clearly that the dust storms would affect not only the health of human beings and the local or regional climate, but also the global climate change that has been the focus of environmental study internationally.  相似文献   

沙尘暴次数和持续时间呈指数关系N=A·10-bt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析中国国家气象局整理的中国沙尘暴资料,发现持续时间大于t的沙尘暴次数N满足:N=A·10-bt,其中Ab是正的常数。这个规律具有普适性。另外,还发现b值与沙尘暴阈值风速有关,沙尘暴阈值风速较小的地区,如沙漠、沙地以及干旱的黄土高原,b值较小;沙尘暴阈值风速较大的地区,如戈壁、高山等,则b的值较大。  相似文献   

 风沙流与沙尘暴是发生在高雷诺数大气边界层中的气固两相流,对风沙流与沙尘暴的深入认识、准确预报和科学防治都要基于对风沙运动规律的认知和把握,因而需要借鉴高雷诺数湍流的研究成果。本文综述了高雷诺数壁湍流和风沙流/沙尘暴研究的现状,着重介绍了在中国民勤地区建立的沙尘暴与高雷诺数壁湍流野外观测站,以及基于观测站的观测列阵所获得的初步成果,展望了进一步的发展方向。  相似文献   

The average mass concentration of the aerosols in Beijing during the dust storm in the spring of 2000 was ~6000 mg·m-3, ~30 times as high as that in the non-dust storm days. The enrichment factors of the pollution elements As, Sb and Se were higher than those in the non-dust storm days. This indicated that As, Sb and Se resulted from the pollution sources of those areas, through which the dust storm passed during their long-range transport, in addition to the local pollution sources in Beijing. The enrichment factors of the Pb, Zn, Cd and Cu were much less than those in the non-dust storm days, suggesting that the local pollution sources in Beijing area contributed to them mostly. The enrichment factors of elements Al, Fe, Sc, Mn, Na, Ni, Cr, V and Co were close to 1, showing that these elements originated from crust. The concentration of S in the dust storm was ~10 mg·m-3, 4 times as high as that in non-dust storm. S in the aerosols resulted from the adsorption of gaseous SO2 and the consequent transformation on it. The aerosols of the dust storm contained 16.1% and 76.9% of fine particles with the sizes less than 2.1 and 9.0 mm, respectively, while it had a large number of coarse particles. It was noted that a considerable portion of Fe(Ⅱ) was detected from the dust storm. Fe(Ⅱ) could easily dissolve in seawater to be nutrient for phytoplankton and would lead to the increase of the emission of dimethylsulfide (DMS) from the ocean. The feedbacks of Fe coupled with S in atmosphere might be the important mechanism that would affect the primary productivity in Pacific and/or the global climate change.  相似文献   

沙尘天气过境前后北京大气污染物质量浓度的变化   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
影响北京的沙尘天气可分为沙尘暴、浮尘和扬沙3种类型。沙尘暴和浮尘天气发生前后的污染物类型和质量浓度ρ有明显的差异,属2类不同性质的污染。在沙尘天气发生之前,大气中SO2,NO2等气态污染物的ρ往往较高,在大气逆温的情况下污染尤其严重,并且与颗粒物的ρ相关性较好;随着沙尘天气的爆发,颗粒物的ρ骤然增加,但伴随沙尘天气出现的大风使SO2,NO2等污染物的ρ显著下降,大气污染转变为由降尘过程造成的相对单一的颗粒物污染,属典型的沙尘污染。  相似文献   

利用19年(2000~2018)MODIS L1B数据对黄土高原102次沙尘天气过程进行遥感监测与分析,以探究黄土高原沙尘天气发生的时空规律。结果表明,黄土高原沙尘天气呈减少趋势,沙尘频发季节为春季。黄土高原沙尘源地主要分布在其西北部,位于沙地和沙漠区、农灌区与黄土丘陵沟壑区、黄土高原沟壑区等生态脆弱的原生沙尘暴带。黄土高原典型的沙尘源为活动沙丘及丘间沙地、干涸湖泊河道和农田等,表明沙尘天气频发是由自然因素和人为因素共同导致的。沙尘天气的遥感监测捕捉了黄土高原沙尘活动的时空变化特征,高效地识别了沙尘源地和尘源类型,对黄土高原气候变化、生态环境变化研究和环境修复与评价具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

结合地面颗粒质量浓度、金属元素含量、垂直消光系数和地面气象观测资料、后轨迹模型及天气分析图, 分析2014年5月25-26日湖北武汉市监测的沙尘天气过程。结果表明, 这次沙尘暴源起新疆南部塔卡拉玛干沙漠和内蒙巴丹吉林和腾格尔沙漠, 随着冷空气向东向南传输, 兰州和银川PM10小时浓度分别超过2000 μg/m3 和1000 μg/m3, 武汉PM10小时浓度超过500 μg/m3, 沙尘在传输过程中逐渐减弱。沙尘期间武汉市以粗颗粒污染为主, PM10浓度陡升, PM2.5占PM10 的含量下降到约35%。沙漠粉尘示踪元素Ca, V, Ba和Fe 浓度增加4 倍以上, 所占的总量百分比也增加一倍以上, As, Se, Cr, Cu, Zn 和Pb 等当地的人为污染源排放的金属元素浓度约为先前的1/5~2/5, 所占总量百分比下降明显。激光雷达观测到两次明显的沙尘沉降过程, 在近地面层(500 m 左右)存在均匀的消光系数大值区(最大0.086 km-1)。以此例说明结合气象和环境的多种观测手段综合分析输入型空气污染的方法。  相似文献   

Inordertoquantitivelyevaluateeffectsofdustaerosolonradiativeforcing[1],andtounderstandtheprocessofatmosphericchemistryandbiogeochemistry[2,3],modelingthedustemissionfluxisakindoffundamentalwork.TheDPMmodel[4—6]isidealforpredictingdustemission[7—10]becauseitconsiderseffectsofsurfacefea-tures(MASDofsurfacesoil,roughnesslengthandsoilmoisture,etc)andsandblastingprocess.Italsoprovidesanexplicitphysicalmechanismthatisvalidatedbywindtunnelandfieldexperiments[7—10].Themeandiameterofsurfacesoilsi…  相似文献   

2002年兰州市春季大气气溶胶特征分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用2002年兰州地区春季背景大气、沙尘天气状况下大气气溶胶的实测资料,得到了不同天气状况下大气气溶胶(TSP)的质量浓度和飘尘(PM10)的粒径分布,着重分析了不同天气状况下大气气溶胶的分布规律及其物理特征.研究发现:TSP中细粒子质量浓度沙尘暴期间比非沙尘暴期间相对减少;背景大气条件下,飘尘对人体健康影响比较严重.  相似文献   

采用模糊综合评判的方法对内蒙古地区沙尘暴严重程度进行量化评判。筛选出对沙尘暴的发生影响较大的三类九种因素,这三类因素是土壤岩石因素、植被降水因素、大气因素。结果表明,评判结果与大众感受相符,可为沙尘暴问题的预测与分析提供初步的数学模型。  相似文献   

基于气象数据、MODIS遥感影像数据和NCEP再分析资料, 利用HYSPLIT模型模拟2000—2019年毛乌素沙地上空不同海拔高度(500, 1000和1500 m)各季节沙尘暴的前向轨迹, 并与遥感影像识别出的沙尘信息进行比较, 识别毛乌素沙地沙尘暴的影响范围。结果显示: 1) 在过去的20年中, 共有143个沙尘暴月和387个沙尘暴日, 并且 2004 年以来, 毛乌素沙地发生沙尘暴的频率逐渐降低; 2) 季节性气候条件对毛乌素沙地沙尘暴的移动路径有很大的影响, 春季沙尘暴发生频率较高, 秋季发生频率最低; 3) 受毛乌素沙地沙尘暴影响的国内地区主要包括陕西省北部、山西省北部、河北省北部和中部、山东省北部和中部、北京市、天津市、内蒙古自治区东部以及东北三省, 国外受影响的地区有朝鲜、日本北部以及俄罗斯与我国交界处, 受影响的海域有渤海、黄海北部和日本海西北部。遥感影像与HYSPLIT模型的比较提供了一种对沙尘运输、扩散和沉积过程进行验证和加深了解的有效工具, 研究结果可以为防灾减灾决策及沙源地治理提供科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

2020年COVID-19疫情席卷全球,在我国疫情的集中爆发区和局部散发区均采取了严格的管控措施.论文采用2015年1月—2020年9月我国国控环境监测站点6种大气污染物(CO、SO2、NO2、O3、PM10、PM2.5)月均浓度值结果,分析了疫情管控措施对集中爆发区和后续局部散发区内大气污染物浓度的影响.结果显示在实施严格管控的疫情集中爆发期,湖北省内6种大气污染物中NO2浓度的减小最为明显,浓度变化与省内采取管控措施及复产复工的时间一致性较好.在2020年2月—4月的管控期间内,NO2各月均浓度值相较于前5年对应月份平均浓度均有显著减小,复工复产后逐渐恢复.SO2、PM10、PM2.5在管控期的部分月份也有显著下降,而CO月均值浓度亦出现了近6年来对应月份的最低值,但持续时间都相对较短.选用对管控措施表现最为明显的大气污染物指标NO2,持续监测了后续疫情局部散发区管控措施对其浓度的影响.吉林市、北京市、乌鲁木齐市等管控措施超过20天以上的散发区在其疫情管控期内均表现出了NO2浓度的显著降低.而确诊人数较少、扩散范围小的大连市、德宏傣族景颇族自治州瑞丽市由于管控时间较短,则未出现明显变化.证实了NO2浓度对人为活动强度的变化有直接的响应关系.  相似文献   

The speciation of the elements on the surface of the particles collected during dust storm and non-dust storm in Beijing and Inner Mongolia was studied by XPS. The major species of iron on the surface were oxides, sulfate, silicate,FeOOH and minor part sorbed on SiO2/Al2O3. Sulfate is the dominant species of sulfur on the surface. SiO2 and Al2O3 are the main components of Si and Al on the surface respectively.One of the most important findings was that the Fe(Ⅱ) (FeS and FeSO4) produced could account for up to 44.3% and 45.6% of the total Fe on the surface in the aerosol sample collected at that night and next day of the “peak” time of the dust storm occurring on March 20, 2002, while Fe2(SO4)3,one of the Fe(Ⅲ) species on the surface decreased from 67.1% to 49.5% and 48.0% respectively. Both S and Fe enriched on the surface of aerosol particles. Fe(Ⅱ) accounted for 1.3%-5.3% of total Fe in bulk aerosol samples during dust storm. These results provided strong evidence to support the hypothesis of the coupling between iron and sulfur in aerosols during the long-range transport, which would have important impact on the global biogeochemical cycle.  相似文献   

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