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In this article I examine similarities between the science and ethics of biotechnology on the one hand, and those of alchemy on the other, and show that the understanding of nature and naturalness upon which many contemporary ethical responses to biotechnology are predicated is, in fact, significantly similar to the understanding of nature that was the foundation of the practice of alchemy. In doing so I demonstrate that the ethical issues and social responses that are currently arising from advances in the field of biotechnology are interestingly similar to those that arose in reaction to the practice and prevalence of alchemy from its inception in Europe in the mid-twelfth century until at least the early modern period. I argue that a proper conception of the ethical issues and a sensible interpretation of the power and the promise of the science of biotechnology are most likely if we understand such attitudes to nature, and to the ethical issues surrounding technological and scientific developments, in terms of an historical and cultural continuum. That is, we should regard biotechnology as merely the latest in a string of technological and scientific developments rather than, as is often alleged, as something entirely new, requiring its own special ethical response. Finally, I suggest that examining the parallels between the ethical issues generated by alchemy and by biotechnology show us that such issues are best situated and discussed within a framework of virtue ethics, as it allows us to think seriously about the relationship between art and nature and the proper role of humans in relation to their technology.  相似文献   

We argue against claims that the classical ? → 0 limit is “singular” in a way that frustrates an eliminative reduction of classical to quantum physics. We show one precise sense in which quantum mechanics and scaling behavior can be used to recover classical mechanics exactly, without making prior reference to the classical theory. To do so, we use the tools of strict deformation quantization, which provides a rigorous way to capture the ? → 0 limit. We then use the tools of category theory to demonstrate one way that this reduction is explanatory: it illustrates a sense in which the structure of quantum mechanics determines that of classical mechanics.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Gibt man L(+)-Lysin--15N oder in allen Stellungen mit14C markiertes L(+)-Lysin zu keimfreien Kulturen von abgeschnittenen Wurzeln vonNicotiana tabacum, so erzeugen die Wurzeln Nikotin, welches kleine Mengen15N oder14C enthält. Ferner enthält das Nikotin mehr15N oder14C im Pyrrolidinring als im Pyridinring. Lysin liegt daher nicht auf dem direkten biogenetischen Weg zum Nikotin.

Research performed under the auspices of the United States Atomic Energy Commission.  相似文献   

Ubiquitylated inclusion bodies (IBs) found in Huntington’s disease (HD) postulate an impaired ubiquitin-proteasome system. However, this hypothesis remains controversial. In vitro-generated polyglutamine aggregates failed to inhibit purified proteasomes, while filamentous huntingtin aggregates isolated from mice resulted in inhibition. However, similarly isolated IBs did not, thus suggesting that IB formation is protective by sequestering smaller inhibitory aggregates. Accordingly, proteasome-activity assays in IB-containing mouse brain homogenates did not show decreased activity. On the contrary, some of the endoproteolytic proteasome activities increased, probably due to altered subunit composition. However, activity was found decreased in postmortem human HD tissue. Finally, evidence supporting the hypothesis was found in HD cell models expressing fluorescent ubiquitin-proteasome system reporters but not in retina of SCA-7 mice with similar reporters. In summary, it seems that mutant huntingtin, probably in intermediate aggregate forms, has the potential to inhibit proteasome activity, but the global status of the system in HD brain tissue is not yet fully elucidated.  相似文献   

Momentum and energy conservation require electromagnetic field momentum and energy to be treated as physically real, even in static fields. This motivates the conjecture that field momentum might be due to the flow of a relativistic mass density (defined as energy density divided by the square of the speed of light).This article investigates the velocity of such a mass flow and finds a conflict between two different definitions of it, both of which originally seem plausible if the flow is to be taken as real. This investigation is careful to respect the transformation rules of special relativity throughout.The paper demonstrates that the consensus definition of the flow velocity of electromagnetic energy is inconsistent with the transformation rules of special relativity, and hence is incorrect. A replacement flow velocity is derived which is completely consistent with those transformation rules.The conclusion is that these conflicting definitions of flow velocity cannot be resolved in a way that is consistent with special relativity and also allows electromagnetic field momentum density to be the result of relativistic mass flow. Though real, field momentum density cannot be explained as the flow of a relativistic mass density.As a byproduct of the study, it is also shown that there is a comoving system in which the electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor is reduced to a simple diagonal form, with two of its diagonal elements equal to the energy density and the other two diagonal elements equal to plus and minus a single parameter derived from the electromagnetic field values, a result that places constraints on possible fluid models of electromagnetism.  相似文献   

Methylmalonic acid — an endogenous toxin?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Methylmalonic acid was previously considered as major neurotoxin in methylmalonic acidurias. In contrast, recent studies support the notion that other metabolites deriving from propionyl-coenzyme A, inducing synergistic inhibition of mitochondrial energy metabolism, are more important than methylmalonic acid to understand the neuropathogenesis of this disease. However, it is not yet known whether methylmalonic acid is involved in the induction of other organ manifestations in this disease, such as chronic renal failure.Received 21 October 2004; received after revision 29 December 2004; accepted 4 January 2005  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to establish the crucial precondition for directional smelling, i.e. the ability of humans to discriminate between odorous stimuli perceived either from the right or from the left side. When the pure odorants hydrogen sulphide or vanillin were used as stimulants localization was random. On the other hand stimulation with carbon dioxide or menthol yielded identification rates of more than 96%. These results established the fact that directional orientation, considering single momentary odorous sensations, can only be assumed, when the olfactory stimulants simultaneously excite the trigeminal somatosensory system.  相似文献   

Summary In chloralose-anaesthetized dogs the renal vasodilator effect of isoprenaline is depressed by blockade of either dopamine or -adrenoceptors but the renal vasodilator effect of dopamine is depressed only by blockade of dopamine receptors. This suggests that the vasodilatation induced by -stimulants within the canine kidney is due in part to activation of dopamine receptors.This study was supported by the Life Insurance Medical Research Fund of Australia and New Zealand and by the Australian Kidney Foundation.We thank Mr S. Marshall for technical assistance.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the experiment presented in 2019 by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration that unveiled the first image of the supermassive black hole at the center of galaxy M87. The intended aim of the paper is to assess whether the EHT Collaboration has made an “inference to the best explanation” (IBE) to conclude that the data effectively confirm the hypothesis that the object at the center of M87 is in fact a supermassive Kerr rotating black hole. I demonstrate that the EHT Collaboration has applied an IBE. It is shown that the hypothesis that at the center of M87 there is a supermassive Kerr rotating black hole was already the best explanation at the time in which the 2017 EHT experiment was conducted. My analysis is intertwined with considerations on realist and empiricist interpretations of IBE, which are used to assess whether the conclusion that the object at the center of M87 is a Kerr rotating black hole implies holding a realist commitment with respect to such object.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde untersucht, ob die Biosynthese der Nukleinsäuren in wachsenden Systemen mit dem Abbau von ursprünglich vorhandenen Nukleinsäuren derselben Art gekoppelt ist. Die Versuche wurden mit Bakterien (E. coli) und mit Rattenleber gemacht. Die in der Zelle vorhandenen Nukleinsäuren waren mit P32 markiert, und es wurde der Verlust an Radioaktivität in jeder der beiden Nukleinsäuretypen im Laufe des Wachstums gemessen. Die Resultate wiesen darauf hin, dass das Auftreten von neuen Nukleinsäuremolekeln in der lebenden Zelle ohne den begleitenden Abbau der alten Molekeln stattfinden kann.

Supported in part by the Scientific Research Fund of the Ministry of Education given to the Synthetic Research Group on Nucleic Acids. The warm encouragement given to this work by Prof.J. Kamahora of this Institute is heartily acknowledged. We are further indebted to Dr.T. Miura, Department of Radiology, University of Osaka Medical School, for his help in this work.  相似文献   

Complexity science has proliferated across academic domains in recent years. A question arises as to whether any useful sense of ‘generalized complexity’ can be abstracted from the various versions of complexity to be found in the literature, and whether it could prove fruitful in a scientific sense. Most attempts at defining complexity center around two kinds of notions: Structural, and temporal or dynamic. Neither of these is able to provide a foundation for the intuitive or generalized notion when taken separately; structure is often a derivative notion, dependent on prior notions of complexity, and dynamic notions such as entropy are often indefinable. The philosophical notion of process may throw light on the tensions and contradictions within complexity. Robustness, for instance, a key quality of complexity, is quite naturally understood within a process-theoretical framework. Understanding complexity as process also helps one align complexity science with holistically oriented predecessors such as General System Theory, while allowing for the reductionist perspective of complexity. These results, however, have the further implication that it may be futile to search for general laws of complexity, or to hope that investigations of complex objects in one domain may throw light on complexity in unrelated domains.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die 11-Hydroxylgruppe im Steroidmolekül kann selektiv mit Perjodsäure oxydiert werden. Ihre Oxydationsgeschwindigkeit wurde von der Gegenwart substituierender Gruppen im Molekül beeinflusst.  相似文献   

We evaluate residual projection strategies in the context of a large‐scale macro model of the euro area and smaller benchmark time‐series models. The exercises attempt to measure the accuracy of model‐based forecasts simulated both out‐of‐sample and in‐sample. Both exercises incorporate alternative residual‐projection methods, to assess the importance of unaccounted‐for breaks in forecast accuracy and off‐model judgement. Conclusions reached are that simple mechanical residual adjustments have a significant impact on forecasting accuracy irrespective of the model in use, likely due to the presence of breaks in trends in the data. The testing procedure and conclusions are applicable to a wide class of models and of general interest. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary Topical application of concentrated solutions of KCl resulted in reduction of charging of tRNA 7 min after s.c. injection of L-(U-14C) leucine. Neither radioactivity nor pool size of the total amino acids changed during this period.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont déterminé par la méthode de la chromatographie à deux dimensions, la teneur en glutamine et en acide -aminobutyrique des différentes parties du cerveau du chat. La concentration la plus élevée de l'acide -aminobutyrique a été trouvé dans l'hypothalamus, tandis que celle de la glutamine a été constatée dans le noyau caudé. Les concentrations les plus basses de ces deux protéines apparaissent dans la substance blanche du cerveau.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of the Q291 glutamine residue in the functioning of the rat γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter GAT-1. Q291 mutants cannot transport GABA or give rise to transient, leak and transport-coupled currents even though they are targeted to the plasma membrane. Coexpression experiments of wild-type and Q291 mutants suggest that GAT-1 is a functional monomer though it requires oligomeric assembly for membrane insertion. We determined the accessibility of Q291 by investigating the impact of impermeant sulfhydryl reagents on cysteine residues engineered in close proximity to Q291. The effect of these reagents indicates that Q291 faces the external aqueous milieu. The introduction of a steric hindrance close to Q291 by means of [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl] methanethiosulfonate bromide modification of C74A/T290C altered the affinity of the mutant for cations. Taken together, these results suggest that this irreplaceable residue is involved in the interaction with sodium or in maintaining the cation accessibility to the transporter. Received 24 October 2005; accepted 11 November 2005  相似文献   

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