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全球气候变化下的半干旱区相对湿度变化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为揭示全球气候变化下半干旱区空气相对湿度的变化规律,利用线性回归分析、多元线性相关分析以及M-K检验法对吉林省西部5个站点的1953年以来的相对湿度、气温、降水和风速资料进行了研究.结果表明:相对湿度的年变化曲线呈双峰型,相对湿度的最大值出现在8月,次大值出现在1月,最小值出现在4月,次小值出现在10月.夏、秋季的相对湿度较大,而春、冬季的相对湿度较小.近50年,年平均相对湿度及春、夏、秋、冬四季的相对湿度在波动中下降,下降趋势不显著;但是9月和10月的平均相对湿度下降显著.影响相对湿度变化的主要因子是温度和降水,风速也起一定的作用.相对湿度的变化与温度和风速变化呈负相关关系,与降水变化呈正相关关系.  相似文献   

在全球气候变化背景下,研究森林固碳计量方法理论具有重要意义。笔者基于文献计量学方法评述了该研究领域近年来的最新进展,比较了各森林固碳计量方法的优缺点。森林固碳计量方法主要包括基于样地清查或遥感估测和基于模型模拟的方法。选择合适的方法需要考虑数据信息、研究侧重点及各方法间的兼容性等。目前,森林碳计量的核心目标是构建各树种的异速生长方程,难点主要是尺度转换。样地调查、遥感估测和模型模拟等方法的综合运用是解决尺度转换问题和研究森林生态系统碳循环的主要趋势。特别要加强全球气候变化背景下人工林的适应性管理,科学评估人工林的固碳潜力,提升人工林固碳潜力评估方法的必要性。同时,也需要加强森林生态系统C-N-H2O耦合循环及其生物调控机制方面的研究,降低森林生态系统碳收支评估的不确定性。  相似文献   

Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis and the related Principal Components (PC) analysis are used to extract valuable vegetation cover derived information from the National Oceanic and Atmos-pheric Administration (NOAA-AVHRR)'s Leaf Area Index (LAI) satellite images. Results suggest that from 1982 to 2000 global climate change has contributed to an increase in vegetation cover in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The correlation between rainfall and LAI EOF PC1 and PC2 indicates that rainfall is the major climatic factor influencing interannual variations of average vegetation cover throughout the entire Plateau. However, annual mean vegetation cover trends in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are mainly out of phase with air temperature increasing, which is primarily responsible for nonsynchro-nous changes of vegetation cover. In the southern ridge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, recent warming trends contribute to humid weather and favorable conditions for vegetation growth. By contrast, higher temperatures have led to arid conditions and insufficient rainfall in the northern part of the Plateau, leading to drought and other climatic conditions which are not conducive to increased vegetation cover.  相似文献   

基于湖北省历史灾情数据构建受灾率与雨强、人均GDP的回归模型,选取RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下的日降水数据及对应SSPs路径下的人口和GDP资料,分析了湖北省不同时期极端降水事件、人口及人口暴露度的时空分布特征及变化情况.结果表明:受灾率与雨强、人均GDP都存在着显著的相关性(P <0.01).通过构建受灾率模型,使之能够更加准确地刻画人口暴露情况.湖北省的极端降水事件在空间上自东南向西北递减,且整体强度随时间变化而增加;湖北省人口总数整体东密西疏,SSP3路径始终高于SSP2;人均GDP分布由武汉向四周递减,随时间快速增长,SSP2路径下的值始终大于SSP3;湖北省极端降水人口暴露度的高值中心,随时间变化向南向东发展,同时由于人均GDP的快速增长,设防水平大幅提升,人口总量减少,暴露总量不断减少,RCP8.5情景下,极端降水人口暴露度和暴露总量始终高于RCP4.5情景,并在未来中期时差距加大.  相似文献   

The general characteristics of coastal erosion in China are described in terms of the regional geography, the form of erosion, the causes of erosion, and the challenges we are facing. The paper highlights the relationship between coastal erosion and sea level rises,storm waves and tides, and the influence of global climate changes on coastal erosion along the coastal zone of China. The response of the risk of coastal erosion in China to climate changes has obvious regional diversity. Research into and the forecasting of the effects of climate changes on coastal erosion are systemic work involving the natural environment, social economy, and alongshore engineering projects in the global system. Facing global warming and continual enhancement of coastal erosion, suggestions for basic theoretical study, prevention technology, management system assurance, and strengthening the legal system are presented here.  相似文献   

全面研究了我国灾害性天气状况,并基于已有的研究成果分析了全球气候变化的特点、驱动因子以及变化趋势,进一步探讨了气候变化背景下我国极端天气的响应。随后分析了海上风电场建设的气象和水文影响因素与潜在风险,特别强调了海上风电场应注意的防台风问题。  相似文献   

Marcus PS 《Nature》2004,428(6985):828-831
Jupiter's atmosphere, as observed in the 1979 Voyager space craft images, is characterized by 12 zonal jet streams and about 80 vortices, the largest of which are the Great Red Spot and three White Ovals that had formed in the 1930s. The Great Red Spot has been observed continuously since 1665 and, given the dynamical similarities between the Great Red Spot and the White Ovals, the disappearance of two White Ovals in 1997-2000 was unexpected. Their longevity and sudden demise has been explained however, by the trapping of anticyclonic vortices in the troughs of Rossby waves, forcing them to merge. Here I propose that the disappearance of the White Ovals was not an isolated event, but part of a recurring climate cycle which will cause most of Jupiter's vortices to disappear within the next decade. In my numerical simulations, the loss of the vortices results in a global temperature change of about 10 K, which destabilizes the atmosphere and thereby leads to the formation of new vortices. After formation, the large vortices are eroded by turbulence over a time of approximately 60 years--consistent with observations of the White Ovals-until they disappear and the cycle begins again.  相似文献   

为探讨温室气体减排中国际合作的潜力,按照《联合国气候变化框架公约》的附件I国家和非附件I国家两大阵营,根据边际减排成本的差异分析合作的可能性,根据动态优化原理分析合作的潜力。接着以《京都议定书》的第一承诺期为例,分析人均分配排放空间的前提下,全球合作减排的潜力和收益、减排量的价格以及中国参与国际合作的潜力和收益。分析表明,温室气体稳定浓度650mg/L时,按2000年人口平均分配排放权,两大阵营合作潜力为1.10Gt.a-1,价格为20.7美元.t-1,附件I国家可节约成本285亿美元.a-1;中国转让剩余排放权可得105.4亿美元.a-1,参与减排合作可得48.7亿美元.a-1。因此中国应积极参与国际减排合作。  相似文献   

Hof C  Araújo MB  Jetz W  Rahbek C 《Nature》2011,480(7378):516-519
Amphibian population declines far exceed those of other vertebrate groups, with 30% of all species listed as threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The causes of these declines are a matter of continued research, but probably include climate change, land-use change and spread of the pathogenic fungal disease chytridiomycosis. Here we assess the spatial distribution and interactions of these primary threats in relation to the global distribution of amphibian species. We show that the greatest proportions of species negatively affected by climate change are projected to be found in Africa, parts of northern South America and the Andes. Regions with the highest projected impact of land-use and climate change coincide, but there is little spatial overlap with regions highly threatened by the fungal disease. Overall, the areas harbouring the richest amphibian faunas are disproportionately more affected by one or multiple threat factors than areas with low richness. Amphibian declines are likely to accelerate in the twenty-first century, because multiple drivers of extinction could jeopardize their populations more than previous, mono-causal, assessments have suggested.  相似文献   

Accompanying with the economic development and the process of industrialization and urbanization in China, the energy consumption and greenhouse gases emission of transport sector increased rapidly. From the viewpoint of how the urban traffic management department should cope with the global climate change, based on the economy, institutional reform, planning and policies in China, the paper analyzed the main important problems and obstacles in the development of urban transport, put forward the corresponding policy recommendations which could lead the urban transport system transform to low carbon emission and become more suitable to the climate change.  相似文献   

长江源区未来气候变化情景降尺度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用台站资料,从气候场的平均态、空间结构、变化趋势以及年内、年际变化方面对IPCC AR4中19个全球气候模式模拟结果及其集合平均在长江源区1961-1999年气温和降水的模拟能力进行了对比,从中优选了CGCM3.1_T47,MRI_CGCM2.3.2,UKMO-HadCM3及MME 18对流域气温和降水模拟较好的模式.然后再利用2000-2009年的台站观测资料分别对四个模式采用差值法和统计降尺度方法进行对比.最后,分别采用Delta和SD方法预估了长江源区21世纪2011-2030年、2031-2060年、2061-2090年A2情景下气温和降水的变化情景.在未来三个时期长江源区将明显增温,多年平均气温将分别升高1.5(1.2~1.9)℃,2.6(2.3~3.2)℃,4.5(3.7~5.3)℃;多年降水呈现微弱的增加趋势,增加幅度分别为9.1%(3.1%~12.7%),11.2%(4 6%~18.2%),15.7%(3.0%~26.3%).  相似文献   

Using the definition of vulnerability provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,this paper assesses the vulnerability of areas affected by Chinese cryospheric changes from 2001 to 2020 and from 2001 to 2050 in A1 and B1scenarios.Seven indices are used in the vulnerability assessment:glacial area fraction,interannual variability of permafrost depth,interannual variability of surface snow area fraction,interannual variability of surface runoff,interannual variability of surface temperature,interannual variability of vegetation growth,and interannual variability of the human development index.Assessment results show that the overall vulnerability of the studied areas in China increases from east to west.The areas in the middle and eastern parts of China are less vulnerable compared with western parts and parts of the Tibetan Plateau.The highest vulnerability values are found from 1981 to 2000,and the least ones are found from 2001 to 2050.The vulnerable areas increase from the period of 1981 to 2000 to the period of 2001 to 2050,and the less vulnerable areas decrease.The highly vulnerable areas increase from the period of 1981 to 2000 to the period of 2001 to 2020 and then decrease from the period of 2001 to 2020 to the period of 2001 to 2050.This decrease in vulnerability is attributed to the decrease in exposure and sensitivity to Chinese cryospheric changes along with a concomitant increase in adaptation.  相似文献   

Liability for climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Allen M 《Nature》2003,421(6926):891-892

考虑地球吸热、散热和海洋表面温度等因素对气候的影响,建立多变量灰色预测模型,预测未来气候变化趋势.考虑全球与局地之间是整体与部分的关系,建立基于多变量灰色预测的线性回归模型,判断全球气候变化与局地"极寒现象"之间是否存在关联性.  相似文献   


Raper SC  Braithwaite RJ 《Nature》2006,439(7074):311-313
The mean sea level has been projected to rise in the 21st century as a result of global warming. Such projections of sea level change depend on estimated future greenhouse emissions and on differing models, but model-average results from a mid-range scenario (A1B) suggests a 0.387-m rise by 2100 (refs 1, 2). The largest contributions to sea level rise are estimated to come from thermal expansion (0.288 m) and the melting of mountain glaciers and icecaps (0.106 m), with smaller inputs from Greenland (0.024 m) and Antarctica (- 0.074 m). Here we apply a melt model and a geometric volume model to our lower estimate of ice volume and assess the contribution of glaciers to sea level rise, excluding those in Greenland and Antarctica. We provide the first separate assessment of melt contributions from mountain glaciers and icecaps, as well as an improved treatment of volume shrinkage. We find that icecaps melt more slowly than mountain glaciers, whose area declines rapidly in the 21st century, making glaciers a limiting source for ice melt. Using two climate models, we project sea level rise due to melting of mountain glaciers and icecaps to be 0.046 and 0.051 m by 2100, about half that of previous projections.  相似文献   

The theory of ecology is based on over 100 a of research and investigation, all centered on aboveground patterns and processes. However, as contemporary ecologists are increasingly acknowledging, belowground structures, functions, and processes are some of the most poorly understood areas in ecology. This lack of understanding of belowground ecological processes seriously restricts the advance of global change research. The interdisciplinary field of belowground ecology began to flourish in the 1990s, along with the expansion of global change research, and quickly gained momentum. Belowground ecology aims to investigate belowground structures, functions, and processes, as well as their relationships with corresponding aboveground features, emphasizing the responses of belowground systems under global change conditions. Key research areas include root ecology, belowground animals, and soil microorganisms. This review summarizes and analyzes the relationships between aboveand belowground ecosystems, root ecology, root biogeography, belowground biodiversity, as well as research areas with particular challenges and progress. This commentary emphasizes certain theoretical issues concerning the responses of belowground processes to global change, and concludes that belowground ecology is a critical research priority in the 21st century.  相似文献   

MU Lin 《科学通报(英文版)》2006,51(21):2651-2656
A new climate model (ECHAM5/MPI-OM1) developed for the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology is used to study the climate changes under the different increased CO2 scenarios (B1, A1B and A2). Based on the corresponding model results, the sea surface temperature and salinity structure, the variations of the thermohaline circulation (THC) and the changes of sea ice in the northern hemisphere are analyzed. It is concluded that from the year of 2000 to 2100, un- der the B1, A1B and A2 scenarios, the global mean sea surface temperatures (SST) would increase by 2.5℃, 3.5℃ and 4.0℃ respectively, especially in the region of the Arctic, the increase of SST would be even above 10.0℃; the maximal negative value of the variation of the fresh water flux is located in the sub- tropical oceans, while the precipitation in the eastern tropical Pacific increases. The strength of THC de- creases under the B1, A1B and A2 scenarios, and the reductions would be about 20%, 25% and 25.1% of the present THC strength respectively. In the north- ern hemisphere, the area of the sea ice cover would decrease by about 50% under the A1B scenario.  相似文献   

采用球谐函数展开方法对1948—2009年NCEP/NCAR(美国国家环境预报中心/美国国家大气研究中心)高度距平场再分析资料进行分析,通过"时间-高度"的二维坐标方式考察环流异常的立体结构特征,发现南、北半球大气环流在1980年前后发生了明显的正负位相(槽脊)突变.与中国冬季温度和夏季降水的相关分析表明:前期春、夏、秋季的北半球环流纬向正异常越强,华北地区的冬季气温越高,反之越低;前一年冬季环流异常与华北—河套地区的夏季降水呈现反相关,春季北半球均匀异常环流与华北及西南夏季降水呈现反相关;大气环流的纬向异常与华北—河套地区的夏季降水呈现正相关,而同期环流异常与华北东部、西南及江南北部的降水呈现负相关.  相似文献   

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