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To understand the antagonistic mechanism of the broad spectrum antagonistic Enterobacter cloacae B8,Tn5 transposon-mediated mutagenesis is performed using suicide plasmid pZJ25. Two mutant strains that lost antagonistic character are isolated. Tagging with kanr gene on Tn5,an antagonistic related DNA fragment, the F fragment, right of the Tn5 insertion site is cloned in a plasmid named pTLF,from one of the mutant strains B8F. The 733 bp F fragment is then sequenced after subcloning. Genomic DNA of the original B8 strain is isolated, digested with Pst I and ligated to Pst I cassette. DNA fragments left and right of the F fragment are amplified from the Pst I cassette library using cassette primer and specific primers designed according to known sequence. 1106 bp sequence left of the F fragment and 664bp sequence right of the F fragment are finally obtained. Bioinformatics analysis shows that the contig assembled from the sequences of the cloned antagonistic related DNA fragments of B8 encodes three ORFs and is homogeneous to admM,admN and admO genes of Pantoea agglomerans andrimid biosynthetic gene cluster (AY192157). The ORF, named anrF gene which encodes a polyketide synthase, knocked out by Tn5 insertion, is a homology of admM and the insertion site of Tn5 is at 214 bp upstream of the stop codon. It is concluded that the anrF gene is a gene related to the antagonistic activity of E. cloacae B8, and speculated that the antagonistic substance produced by B8 is an andrimid.  相似文献   

In this study, Cry ⅠA(b) gene was successfully transferred into the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum with an efficiency of 60-180 transformants per 10^6 spores by using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Putative transformants were analyzed to test the presence of Cry ⅠA(b) gene by Southern blot. Most transformants contained a single T-DNA copy. RT-PCR analysis showed that the Cry ⅠA(b) gene was transcribed. Antifungal activities and insecticidal activities of the transformants were examined. There was no obvious difference in antifungal activities between the transformants and their wild strains. The modified mortalities of the transformants T1 and T2 were 69.57% and 91.30%, respectively. The tranformation system mediated by A. tumefaciens proved to be a powerful tool for the filamentous fungi transformation and functional genomic study with its high transformation frequency, simplicity of T-DNA integration, and genetic stability of transformants.  相似文献   

The GbKTN1 gene was isolated from 10 DPA fiber cells of Gossypium barbadense using 5′RACE/3′RACE.Full-length cDNA of this gene is 2006 bp, including a 113 bp of 5′untranslated region, a 1563 bp of an open reading frame(ORF), and a 327 bp of 3′untranslated region (excluding the stop codon TAA). The ORF of GbKTN1 encodes a 521-amino acid protein with a predicted size of 55 kD. Near C-terminal of the deduced protein there is a putative ATP binding site between amino acid residues from 233 to 414. Southern blot analysis indicated that the GbKTN1 was a single copy gene in G barbadense. Combining semi-quantitative RT-PCR with Southern blot hybridization revealed that GbKTN1 expressed in all the organs detected such as roots, stems, leaves and fibers. However, the mRNA of GbKTN1 was the most abundant in fiber cells, while it was the lowest in leaves. The GbKTN1 cDNA was transformed into S. pombe to verify its function on cell elongation. Results showed that most yeast cells over expressing GbKTN1 gene were elongated dramatically with an average length increase of 2.18 times than that of the non-induced cells. Even the morphology of some yeast cells appeared irregularly. To the best of our knowledge this is the first evidence that KTN1 is correlated with cell elongation in vivo.  相似文献   

The biologically active cis-cinnamic acid (cis-CA) has been perceived as a synthetic plant growth regulator for decades,However,in the present study,we found that cis-CA actually exists as a naturally occurring compound in a Brassica plant,This natural growth-regulating substance presents in both the sunlight-irradiated leaf tissue and the non-irradiated root tissue ,The concentrations of cis-CA in both tissues are comparable to the bilogi-cally effective lvels of those major plant hormones,the presence of cis-CA in root tissue suggests that it may be produced through both light-dependent and -independent path-ways or it can be transproted from a plant organ to another.  相似文献   

The cry1Ah gene was one of novel insecticidal genes cloned from Bacillus thuringiensis isolate BT8. Two plant expression vectors containing cry1Ah gene were constructed. The first intron of maize ubiqutinl gene was inserted between the maize Ubiquitin promoter and cry1Ah gene in one of the plant expressing vectors (pUUOAH). The two vectors were introduced into maize immature embryonic calli by microprojectile bombardment, and the reproductively plants were acquired. PCR and Southern blot analysis showed that foreign genes had been integrated into maize genome and inherited to the next generation stably. The ELISA assay to T1 and T2 generation plants showed that the expression of CrylAh protein in the construct containing the ubil intron (pUUOAH) was 20% higher than that of the intronless construct (pUOAH). Bioassay results showed that the transgenic maize harboring cry1Ah gene had high resistance to the Asian corn borers and the insecticidal activity of the transgenic maize containing the ubil intron was higher than that of the intronless construct. These results indicated that the maize ubil intron can enhance the expression of the Bt cry1Ah gene in transgenic maize efficiently  相似文献   

Hybrid sterility is a major hindrance to utilizing the heterosis in indica-japonica hybrids. To isolate a gene Sc conferring the hybrid sterility, the locus was mapped using molecular markers and an F2 population derived from a cross between near isogenic lines. A primary linkage analysis showed that Sc was linked closely with 4 markers on chromosome 3, on which the genetic distance between a marker RG227 and Sc was 0.07 cM. Chromosome walking with a rice TAC genomic library was carried out using RG227 as a starting probe, and a contig of ca. 320 kb covering the Sc locus was constructed. Two TAC clones, M45EI4 and M90J01 that might cover the Sc locus, were partially sequenced. By searching the rice sequence databases with sequences of the TACs and RG227 a japonica rice BAC sequence, OSJNBb0078P24 was identified. By comparing the TAC and BAC sequences, six new PCR-based markers were developed. With these markers the Sc locus was further mapped to a region of 46 kb. The results suggest that the BAC OSJNBb0078P24 and TAC M45EI4 contain the Sc gene. Six ORFs were predicted in the focused 46-kb region.  相似文献   

We relocated 2098 earthquakes that occurred in Beijing area between 1980 and 2000 using a double-difference (DD) earthquake location algorithm, and obtained the high-precision relative locations of 1825 events, b values versus depth were investigated with the relocated hypocenters. The results show that the b values decrease with the increasing hypocentral depth systematically. A dramatic variation in b is observed around the depth of 8 km. It indicates that there are more smaller earthquakes at shallow depth (0-8 km), while more larger earthquakes at greater depth (8--25 km). The physical mechanism behind this phenomenon can be explained by the variations in material heterogeneity and lithostatic stress condition. Large earthquakes are more likely to nucleate at greater depth with more homogenous material and higher lithostatic stress. On the basis of the results, we suggest that future strong earthquakes in Beijing area tend to occur below the depth of 8 km.  相似文献   

<Emphasis Type="Italic">ftsZ</Emphasis> gene and plastid division   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As the important cellular organelles in plants, plas-tids comprise one of the primary features that distinguish plant cells from those of other eukaryotes. Seen from the origin, plastids derive from endosymbiotic photosynthetic bacteria. Subsequently, plastids have evolved to become essential components for plant cell function. Besides the important role of chloroplasts in photosynthesis, some water-soluble proteins that involved in biosynthesis of starch, fatty acids, amino acids, nucleic aci…  相似文献   

Fermentation of the pentose sugar xylose to produce ethanol using lignocellulosic biomass would make bioethanol production economically more competitive. Saccharomyce cerevisise, an efficient ethanol producer, cannot utilize xylose because it lacks the ability to convert xylose to its isomer xylulose. In this study, XYLA gene encoding xylose isomerase (XI) from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis MB4T and XKS1 gene encoding xylulokinase (XK) from Pichia stipitis were cloned and functionally coexpressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae EF-326 to construct a recombinant xylose-utilizing strain. The resulting strain S. cerevisiae EF 1014 not only grew on xylose as sole carbon source, but also produced ethanol under anaerobic conditions. Fermentations performed with different xylose concentrations at different temperatures demonstrated that the highest ethanol productivity was 0.11 g/g xylose when xylose concentration was provided at 50 g/L. Under this condition, 28.4% of xylose was consumed and 1.54 g/L xylitol was formed. An increasing fermentation temperature from 30℃ to 37℃ did not improve ethanol yield.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA clone corresponding to a putative phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C(PIPLC) was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana by screening a cDNA library and using RT-PCR strategy.The cDNA,designated AtPLC6,encodes a putative polypeptide of 578 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 66251.84 D and a pI of 7.24. The sequence analysis indicates that the polypeptide contains X, Y, EF-hand and C2 domains.The overall structure of putative AtPLC6 protein, like other plant PI-PLCs,is most similar to that of mammalian PLCδ The recombinant AtPLC6 protein expressed in E. coil was able to hydrolyze phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biophosphate (PIP2) to generate inositol 1,4,5-trisphate (IP3) and 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG).The protein hydrolyzes PIP2 in a Ca^2 -dependent manner and the optimum concentration of Ca^2 is 10μmol/L.These results suggested that AtPLC6 gene encodes a genuine PIPLC.Northern blot analysis showed that the AtPLC6 gene is expressed at low level in all examined tissues, such as roots,stems,leaves,flowers,siliques and seedlings under normal growth conditions.The gene is strongly induced under low temperature and weakly induced under various stresses,such as ABA, high-salt stress and heat. These results suggested that AtPLC6 might be involved in the signal-transduction pathways of cold responses of the plants.  相似文献   

The exploration of new genes controlling rice leaf shape is an important foundation for rice functional genomics and plant archi-tecture improvement. In the present study, we identified a rolling leaf mutant from indica variety Yuefeng B, named rl11(t), which exhibited reduced plant height, rolling and narrow leaves. Leaves in rl11(t) mutant showed abnormal number and morphology of veins compared with those in wild type plants. In addition, rl11(t) mutant was less sensitive to the inhibitory effect of auxin than the wild type. Genetic analysis suggested that the mutant was controlled by a single recessive gene. Gene Rl11(t) was initially mapped between SSR markers RM6089 and RM124 on chromosome 4. Thirty-two new STS markers around the Rl11(t) region were developed for fine mapping. A physical map encompassing the Rl11(t) locus was constructed and the target gene was finally delimited to a 31.6 kb window between STS4-25 and STS4-26 on BAC AL606645. This provides useful information for cloning of Rl11(t) gene.  相似文献   

The transgenic carp were produced by micro-injection of CAgcGHc into the fertilized eggs. Observation of the thymus development between the transgenics and non- transgenic controls was carried out. The thymus of one-year- old transgenics F1 showed a great increase in both size and weight. The unilateral thymus of the transgenics weighed from 190 to 295 mg with average 218.6 mg, whereas the uni-lateral thymus of the controls weighed 20—81 mg with av-erage 42.5 mg; i.e. the thymus weight in the transgenics was 5.14 fold over that in the controls. The index of thymus/body weight in the transgenics was 2.97 fold over the controls. Light microscopy observation indicated that the thymus of the transgenics well developed with the thickened outer re-gion and compactly arranged thymocytes, while the thymus in the controls were degenerating with the thinned outer region, scattered thymocytes and groups of fatty cells. Fur-ther analysis with the electron microscopy revealed that pro-liferous cells in the transgenics were mainly small lympho-cytes and no pathological changes were found. The results confirmed that the 揂ll-fish?GH-transgene promotes thy-mus development and thymocyte proliferation, and retards thymus degeneration. The study has laid a foundation for further analysis of the immunobiological function in GH- transgenic carp.  相似文献   

Silicon is essential for optimal growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.). This study was conducted to fine map qHUS6.1, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for rice hull silicon content previously located in the interval RM510–RM19417 on the short arm of chromosome 6, and to analyze the effect of this QTL on the silicon content in different organs of rice. Selfed progenies of a residual heterozygous line of rice were detected using 13 microsatellite markers in the vicinity of qHUS6.1. Three plants with overlapping heterozygous segments were selected. Three sets of near isogenic lines (NILs) were developed from the selfed progenies of the 3 plants. They were grown in a paddy field and the silicon contents of the hull, flag leaf, and stem were measured at maturity. Based on analyses of the phenotypic distribution and variance among different genotypic groups in the same NIL set, a significant genotypic effect was shown in the NIL set that was heterogenous in the interval RM19410–RM5815, whereas a significant effect was not found in the remaining 2 NIL sets that were heterogenous in either of the intervals RM4923–RM19410 or RM19417–RM204. On comparison among the physical positions of the 3 heterogenous segments, qHUS6.1 was delimited to a 64.2-kb region flanked by RM19410 and RM19417 that contains nine annotated genes according to the genome sequence of Nipponbare. This QTL showed strong effects on all of the three traits tested, and the enhancing alleles were always derived from the paternal line Milyang 46. The present study will facilitate the cloning of qHUS6.1 and the exploration of new genetic resources for QTL fine mapping.  相似文献   

Fine mapping of a semidwarf gene sd-g in indica rice(Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The semidwarf gene sd-g which has been usedin indiea rice breeding in southern China is a new one, non-allelic to sd-1. To map sd-g, an F2 population derived fromthe cross between Xinguiaishuangai and 02428 was con-structed. The sd-g was roughly mapped between two mi-crosatellite markers RM440 and RM163, with genetic dis-tances of 0.5 and 2.5 cM, respectively. Then nine new poly-morphic microsatellite markers were developed in this region.The sd-g was further mapped between two microsatellitemarkers SSR5-1 and SSR5-51, with genetic distances of 0.1and 0.3 cM, respectively, while cosegregated with SSR418. ABAC contig was found to span the sd-g locus, the region be-ing delimited to 85 kb. This result was very useful for cloningof the sd-g gene.  相似文献   

The rare fossil Miraluolishania described by Liu et ah from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte in 2004 is regarded as an arthropod sphinx because it bears mosaic features of both Iobopods and arthropods. The discovery of this rare transitional form offers direct fossil evidence for exploring the relationship between Iobopods and arthropods. However, some scientists consider Miraluolishania to be a junior synonym of Luolishania because the former superficially resembles the latter in general appearance. Considering the significant differences between the two taxa, a thorough comparative study of Miraluolishania and Luolishania leads to the conclusion that there are definitely two different genera. Nevertheless, the "Luolishania" of the Haikou area is indeed "Miraluolishania", whereas Luolishania is most likely the typical genus of the Maotianshan area of Chengjiang County.  相似文献   

The attraction of Helicoverpa armigera-and Helicoverpa assulta-induced and mechanical damage-induced tobacco volatiles to Campoletis chlorideae was investigated, and the induced volatiles were analyzed. In windtunnel, C. chlorideae was strongly attracted by herbivoreinduced tobacco volatiles. Mechanically damaged tobacco leaves, whether treated with caterpillar regurgitant or water,were more attractive to the parasitoid than undamaged tobacco leaves. GC-MS analysis revealed that only 4 compounds were released from undamaged tobacco leaves,whereas 13 compounds were commonly emitted from herbivore-infested and mechanically damaged tobacco leaves.Compound β-pinene was specifically induced by the infestation of H. armigera, and (Z)-3-hexenal was only induced by the infestation of H. armigera and H. assulta, whereas hexyl acetate was only induced by mechanical damage. Tobacco leaves infested by H. armigera and H. assulta released larger amounts of volatiles than undamaged tobacco leaves did.Tobacco leaves treated with artificial damage plus caterpillars regurgitant or water emitted the same levels of volatiles,which were higher than that emitted by undamaged tobacco leaves. The emission amounts of single compounds were also different between differently treated plants. The differences were large between herbivore-induced and mechanical damage-induced compounds, and small between H. armigeraand H.assulta-induced compounds, and among compounds emitted from mechanically damaged plants treated with water or caterpillar regurgitant.  相似文献   

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