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南天山新生代隆升和去顶作用过程   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
利用磷灰石裂变径迹技术并结合库车坳陷的沉积和变形特征,对南天山的隆升和去顶作用过程进行详细的研究。南天山在中新世早期就开始了现代天山形成的隆升事件,根据样品的磷灰石裂变径迹结果,其隆升年龄为17~25Ma;而且此隆升事件是一快速隆升事件,隆升速率达到138.8~198.8m/Ma。中新世南天山隆升的南部边界并不是前人所认为的北部古生代地层和南部中新生代地层之间的冲断层,而是在南部的中新生代地层中。在库车坳陷的阳霞地区,隆升的界线位于吐格尔明背斜核部的韧性剪切带。通过库车坳陷的新生代沉积和变形特征的分析,提出了天山中新世以来的隆升与库车坳陷的沉积和变形特征存在很好的耦合关系。  相似文献   

Whole-rock and mineral separate Ar-Ar dating was carried out for the Linzizong volcanic rocks at Linzhou Basin in Tibet to constrain the time span of volcanism and the corresponding stratigraphic sequence. Sampling was based on detailed geologic mapping and stratigraphic sequence of Dianzhong, Nianbo, Pana Formations, systematically from the bottom to near the top. The results indicate that the Linzizong volcanic rocks erupted from Paleocene to middle of Eocene (64.43--43.93 Ma). Among them, the Pana Formation formed from ca. 48.73 to 43.9 Ma, the Nianbo Formation around 54 Ma and the Dianzhong Formation from 64.4 to 60.6 Ma. In combination with evidence from the geochemical characteristics of the volcanic rocks, and from stratigraphy in southern Tibet, it is postulated that the age of the lowest member in the Dianzhong Formation of the Linzizong volcanic rock, which overlies unconformably the Late Cretaceous Shexing Formation, likely corresponds to the inception of the collision between Indian and Asian continents in southern Tibet.  相似文献   

辽河盆地新生界火山喷发旋回和期次及其油气地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于300口钻遇火山岩层系的岩心及岩屑薄片、测井和地震等资料,依据火山地层学方法及地震火山地层学理论,通过火山地层界面识别,研究辽河盆地新生界火山喷发旋回和期次,对各个喷发旋回、期次火山地层进行平面成图,揭示火山活动时空规律;进一步结合火山地层分布与油气的关系,探究火山喷发旋回、期次的油气地质意义。结果表明:辽河盆地新生界火山岩系可划分为4旋回15期;底部旋回一和顶部旋回四为玄武岩,显示火山喷发以基性岩开始,又以基性岩结束;中部的旋回二和三均为玄武岩→粗面岩→玄武岩的岩性序列,构成本区火山地层的主体。火山岩受北东向主干断裂控制,最大厚度位于断裂带附近;早期(期次1至期次2)全区分布,末期(期次15)分布局限;中期(期次3至期次14)表现为喷发中心由北向南依次迁移特征。该结果提高了火山岩序列的纵向刻画精度,厘清了有利火山岩层系的空间分布,有助于寻找火山岩勘探新层系。以往辽河盆地火山岩勘探主要集中于沙三段中亚段粗面岩(期次5),本次研究发现与粗面岩相邻的期次4、期次6、期次7玄武岩亦展现出良好的油气勘探前景,为下一步勘探指明了方向。  相似文献   

The Kunlun Pass Basin, located in the middle of the eastern Kunlun Mountains, received relatively continuous late Cenozoic sediments from the surrounding mountains, archiving great information to understand the deformation and uplift histories of the northern Tibetan Plateau. The Kunlun-Yellow River Movement, identified from the tectonomorphologic and sedimentary evolution of the Kunlun Pass Basin by Cui Zhijiu et al. (1997, 1998), is roughly coincident with many important global and Plateau climatic and environmental events, becoming a crucial time interval to understand tectonic-climatic interactions. However, the ages used to constrict the events remain great uncertainty. Here, we present the results of detailed magnetostratigraphy of the late Cenozoic sediments in the Kunlun Pass Basin, which show the basin sediments were formed between about 3.6 Ma and 0.5 Ma and the Kunlun-Yellow River Movement occurred at 1.2 to ~0.78 Ma. The lithology, sedimentary facies and lithofacies associations divide the basin into five stages of tectonosedimentary evolution, indicating the northern Tibetan Plateau having experienced five episodes of tectonic uplifts at ~3.6, 2.69-2.58, 1.77, 1.2, 0.87 and ~0.78 Ma since the Pliocene.  相似文献   

Two-pyroxene granulite and clinopyroxene granulite xenoliths have been recently discovered in the Late Paleogene toNeogene volcanic rocks (with ages in the range of 4.27~44.60 Ma) that outcropped in Hoh Xil, central Tibetan plateau. Based on theelectron microprobe analysis data, the xenoliths provide constraints for the formation equilibrium temperatures of the two-pyroxene gran-ulite being about 783 to 818℃ as determined by two-pyroxene thermometry and the forming pressure of the clinopyroxene granulite beingabout 0.845 to 0.858 GPa that is equivalent to 27.9~28.3 km depth respectively. It indicates that these granulite xenoliths represent thesamples from the middle part of the thickened Tibetan crust. This discovery is important and significant to making further discussion onthe component and thermal regime of the deep crust of the Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

藏北火车头山新生代火山岩的岩石特征与时代   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
火车头山地区的新生代火山岩位于藏北火山岩带的中段,火山岩主要以熔岩被、平顶山、火山锥的形式产出,熔岩厚约20 ~300 m.对其矿物组合、矿物化学和岩石化学的研究表明,为一套强碱性的碱玄岩-响岩组合.根据火山岩的接触关系、K-Ar和40Ar/39Ar同位素年龄测定结果,可分为三期.第Ⅰ期(年龄为34~32 Ma)火山喷发较弱,形成小范围分布的白榴碧玄岩;第Ⅱ期(年龄为29~26 Ma)火山喷溢最为强烈,形成大面积厚层白榴石响岩、响岩质碱玄岩和粗斑状霞石响岩;第Ⅲ期(年龄为24~19 Ma)火山喷发较弱,岩性为白榴碱玄岩和白榴碱玄质响岩.  相似文献   

青藏高原拉萨地块是印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞的重要地区之一,其中广泛发育的碰撞—后碰撞岩浆岩记录了新生代以来印度大陆岩石圈向北俯冲的全过程以及拉萨地块在碰撞-后碰撞之后的岩浆作用类型.基于对措勘—赛利普地区新生代火山岩地球化学及Sr、Nd同位素资料的分析,表明火山岩中以明显富碱和高钾为特征;Sr同位素呈递增而Nd同位素呈递...  相似文献   

. 《科学通报(英文版)》2000,45(11):1015-1019
The Nangqen Basin is one of the typical shearing-extensional basins situated in the north part of the Hengduan Mts. Nine ages of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the basin by K-Ar isotope-dilution technique have been reported in the note. The apparent ages of whole rock and separated biotite range from 32.04 to 36.50 Ma. The40Ar-K (%) correlation isochronal line shows that there existed neither argon excessing, nor radiogenetic argon loosing, i.e. the age represents the true diagenetic time. Volcanic activity in this area occurred in the post-collision environment and is controlled by lithosphere substantial thickening and violent intercontinental shearing-strike slip faults. There is age difference of the magmatic activity in the east, the west and the north Tibet. The multi-periodic eruption-intrusion of the magmatic melt since Cenozoic is a tracer showing the pulsating uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Continent China is composed of several blocks of variable sizes during different geological times, inwhich South China Block is composed of three tectonic units: Yangtze Block, Jiangnan Fold Belt and Southeast China Coastal Fold Belt (Fig. 1(a)), the last…  相似文献   

A paleomagnetic study was carried out on the Yangzhuang Formation (-1350 Ma) of the Jixian System in the North China Block (NCB). Detailed stepwise thermal demagnetization isolated two components. The soft component (component A) was interpreted as a remagnetization in the recent geomagnetic field. The hard component (component B) with higher unblocking-temperatures was carried by hematite. Its site-mean direction is D/I = 77.6°/-24.3°κ= 5.4, α 95 = 18.3°, N = 15 sites) before, and D/I = 72.2°/11.5° ( κ=24.6, α95 = 7.9°) after tilt correction. It passes a fold test(Mesozoic folding) at 99% confidence level and reversal test at 95% confidence level. The corresponding pole locates at 17.3°N, 214.5°E (dp = 4.1°, dm= 8.0°). A best fit of paleomagnetic poles from the NCB, Baltica, Siberia and the apparent polar wander path for Laurentia suggests a long-lived connection between these paleo-continents between -1800and 1350 Ma.  相似文献   

Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Haoti, Dangchang County of the western Qinling Mountains, contain a few clearly-zoned olivines. These olivines are relatively big in grain sizes and usually have cracks or broken features. Their cores have similar compositions (Mg#=90.4-91.0) to those for the peridotitic xenoliths entrained in host volcanic rocks and their rims are close to the compositions of olivine phenocrysts (Mg#=85.5-81.9). The CaO contents in these zoned olivines are lower than 0.1%. These features demonstrate that the clearly-zoned olivines are xenocrysts and disaggregated from mantle peridotites. The zoned texture was the result of the interaction between the olivine and host magma. Available data show that the volcanic rocks would have been derived from the mantle source metasomatized by subducted hydrathermally-altered oceanic crust. The formation of these Cenozoic volcanic rocks was perhaps related to the rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

探讨右江盆地泥盆纪盆地演化。对盆地东南缘六强、那洋地区泥盆纪硅质岩地球化学特征研究表明,硅质岩的SiO_2质量分数为88.40%~97.89%,具有较高的硅化程度。多数样品具有较低的Eu/Eu~*值和较高的Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)值,指示硅质岩主要为非热液成因。上泥盆统榴江组有较明显的Ce负异常(Ce/Ce~*值为0.37~0.57),中下泥盆统平恩组和坛河组具有中等Ce负异常值(Ce/Ce~*值分别为0.55~0.57和0.55~0.71)。3组样品均具有明显的Y正异常。除去SiO_2稀释作用的影响后,榴江组硅质岩具有较高的稀土元素含量(∑REE+Y含量相当于PAAS组成的2~5倍),暗示其形成于相对远离陆源供应的环境。综合其他地区硅质岩的地球化学特征,认为泥盆纪右江盆地具有逐渐伸展的演化趋势。  相似文献   

Although the distribution of mono-,di-and trimethylated 2-methyl-2-(4,8,12-Trimethyltrideeyl) chromans(MTTCs) is well understood as an indicator of water salinity,their origin and formation mechanism are still ambiguous and under debate.In this paper,abnormally high levels of MTTCs were detected in Cenozoic saline lacustrine source rocks from the Western Qaidam Basin.Using a two-step column chromatography method,the MTTCs and naphthalenes were separated from other aromatic compounds and concentrated in one fraction,so that the stable carbon isotope compositions of these compounds could be accurately measured.Similar carbon isotope ratios for the mono-,di-and trimethylated 2-methyl-2-(4,8,12-Trimethyltrideeyl) chromans in a given sample suggest the MTTCs may share the same biological source(s).The MTTCs from the Western Qaidam Basin have similar carbon isotope compositions to primary producer-derived pristane and phytane.However,the ? 13C values for the MTTCs showed significant differences with other primary producers-derived biomarkers(e.g.C27 and C29 steranes),probably indicating a distinct microalgae source from specific niches for the MTTC compounds.We speculate that the MTTCs distribution patterns may be controlled by the water chemistry dynamics in niches,which,in turn,is affected by hypersaline bottom water.  相似文献   

The new paleomagnetic data of the early Triassic Daye Formation from Hubei Province are reported. The ChRM passes consistency test and reversal test. Two magnetic components were isolated with principal component analysis (PCA). Component B is a ChRM and component A was acquired by remagnetization during Indosinian cycle. Rock magnetic study shows that the carrier is dominantly detrital magnetite. According to the data, in conjunction with recently published Triassic paleomagnetic results, mean paleopole of the Triassic Yangtze Block is calculated as 30.3°N癗, 198.4°E, α95 = 9.2° Distribution of all Triassic declinations indicates obviously local rotation in the mid-Yangtze areas, which results in consistence of the declinations with fold axes. By comparison with Triassic paleomagnetic data in the South China Block and some of geological evidence, it is inferred that the timing of the suture between the Yangtze Block and the South China Block is earlier in western part than in eastern part in the Indosinian period.  相似文献   

雷琼新生代断陷盆地构造特征及其演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
雷琼断陷盆地构造主要受走向北东东、北西和北东3组断裂控制。新生代不同时期各组断裂活动程度不同。在编制新生代不同阶段的地层等厚图的基础上,讨论了雷琼断陷盆地及其内部次级构造在时空上的迁移、发展和转化特征。根据地层厚度反演,估算了盆地的下降幅度和不同阶段的下降速率、拉张因子以及拉张量。雷琼新生代断陷盆地的构造演化可分为5个阶段,且与南海扩张、深部物质运动以及印澳板块、菲律宾海板块的相互作用在成因上有密切联系。  相似文献   

The Bangong Lake ophiolite section, the western-most part of the Bangong Lake-Nujiang River ophiolitezone, is located to the south of the Bangong Lake andabout 10 km north of Rutog Town (Fig. 1). Being over2000 km long in Tibet, it extends westward to Kashmirand southeastward beyond Tibet along the Nujiang River.Although the section of the ophiolite is well exposed, nodetailed research work has yet been done. This ophiolitezone, which is one of the ophiolite zones in Tibet, servesas the…  相似文献   

研究区早二叠世火山-沉积岩系主要由火山角砾岩、凝灰质砂岩、凝灰岩、硅质岩、流纹岩、安山岩、珍珠岩等组成.其沉积建造和岩性组合表明:早二叠世,研究区位于岛弧和俯冲带之间的弧前盆地环境.二叠系下统额里图组火山岩的SiO2=50.23%~73.56%,Mg#=6.21~49.54,Na2O+K2O=5.27%~10.73%,Na2O/K2O=0.36~4.17,其中安山岩Mg#=49.54~62.61,归属为高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列.微量元素(La/Yb)N介于5.52~9.89之间,δEu=0.09~0.90,具有中等-强烈负铕异常,相对富集大离子亲石元素包括Rb,K,La,Th等,而等高场强元素P,Ta,Nb、Ti则表现亏损,指示岩浆形成于与俯冲带有关的岛弧或活动大陆边缘的构造环境.R1-R2因子投影判别图解亦表明其形成于同碰撞阶段,反映古亚洲洋板块向华北陆块俯持续冲过程持续的地球动力学环境.综上所述,可认为早二叠世期间,该地区仍处于古亚洲洋海域,而不是陆内裂陷槽.  相似文献   

火山岩型油气藏是准噶尔盆地十分重要的油气藏类型,近年来针对该类型油气藏的勘探在准东地区呈现出多点开花的场面。为了加快推进准东地区石炭系火山岩油气藏的勘探,本文通过高精度航磁、区域重力、地震和钻井资料对准噶尔盆地东部的断裂系统进行推断与解释,重点对该区磁性体的埋深开展分析。基于航磁计算的磁性体深度显示,准噶尔盆地东部隆起区磁性体最小埋深在0.5-2.2 km之间,清晰地呈现出南北分带,东西分块的构造格局。以隆起区中部一条近南北向深大断裂为界,东部和西部磁性体的深度、规模和形态存在明显差异。受次级断裂的影响,东部磁性体呈北东向展布,西部磁性体呈北西向和近东西向展布。依据断裂系统和磁性体埋藏深度对火山岩体油气成藏的控制,结合石炭系烃源岩生烃强度的展布,在准东地区预测出三个有利的火山岩油气藏勘探区带。  相似文献   

四川盆地西部海相碎屑岩-陆相碎屑岩的转换过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川盆地是一个叠合盆地,经历了海相碳酸盐岩到海相碎屑岩、海相碎屑岩到陆相碎屑岩的转换和变迁.这两个转换过程最终结束均发生在四川盆地西部.海相碎屑岩到陆相碎屑岩的转换发生在晚三叠世末,相对应的地层单位为上三叠统须家河组.通过对须家河组厚度和沉积相变化,以及龙门山前砾岩的分布特征研究,认为这一转换主要发生于须家河组沉积末期(T_3x~4-T_3x~6),时间上随地区不同而不同,空间上具有由北往南的先后顺序.这揭示龙门山造山带的造山隆升过程具有由北往南的特点.这一转换过程导致川西前陆盆地内南、北段油气地质条件存在差异.寻找河口沙坝、三角洲平原河道砂等形成的优质储层应是须家河组油气勘探的关键.  相似文献   

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