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A sodium-channel mutation causes isolated cardiac conduction disease   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Cardiac conduction disorders slow the heart rhythm and cause disability in millions of people worldwide. Inherited mutations in SCN5A, the gene encoding the human cardiac sodium (Na+) channel, have been associated with rapid heart rhythms that occur suddenly and are life-threatening; however, a chief function of the Na+ channel is to initiate cardiac impulse conduction. Here we provide the first functional characterization of an SCN5A mutation that causes a sustained, isolated conduction defect with pathological slowing of the cardiac rhythm. By analysing the SCN5A coding region, we have identified a single mutation in five affected family members; this mutation results in the substitution of cysteine 514 for glycine (G514C) in the channel protein. Biophysical characterization of the mutant channel shows that there are abnormalities in voltage-dependent 'gating' behaviour that can be partially corrected by dexamethasone, consistent with the salutary effects of glucocorticoids on the clinical phenotype. Computational analysis predicts that the gating defects of G514C selectively slow myocardial conduction, but do not provoke the rapid cardiac arrhythmias associated previously with SCN5A mutations.  相似文献   

hERG potassium channels are essential for normal electrical activity in the heart. Inherited mutations in the HERG gene cause long QT syndrome, a disorder that predisposes individuals to life-threatening arrhythmias. Arrhythmia can also be induced by a blockage of hERG channels by a surprisingly diverse group of drugs. This side effect is a common reason for drug failure in preclinical safety trials. Insights gained from the crystal structures of other potassium channels have helped our understanding of the block of hERG channels and the mechanisms of gating.  相似文献   

通过计算并发度和线性熵研究了初始处于纠缠态的两个两能级原子与双模场相互作用系统的纠缠动力学特性,讨论了原子初始纠缠度和腔场初始纠缠度对并发度的影响。结果表明,两原子之间的纠缠出现纠缠突然死亡(ESD)现象,纠缠死亡持续的时间长度和原子初始的纠缠度无关,然而依赖于腔场初始纠缠度;在整个时间演化过程中,两原子和腔场之间一直保持着纠缠状态。  相似文献   

In mice, the Ter mutation causes primordial germ cell (PGC) loss in all genetic backgrounds. Ter is also a potent modifier of spontaneous testicular germ cell tumour (TGCT) susceptibility in the 129 family of inbred strains, and markedly increases TGCT incidence in 129-Ter/Ter males. In 129-Ter/Ter mice, some of the remaining PGCs transform into undifferentiated pluripotent embryonal carcinoma cells, and after birth differentiate into various cells and tissues that compose TGCTs. Here, we report the positional cloning of Ter, revealing a point mutation that introduces a termination codon in the mouse orthologue (Dnd1) of the zebrafish dead end (dnd) gene. PGC deficiency is corrected both with bacterial artificial chromosomes that contain Dnd1 and with a Dnd1-encoding transgene. Dnd1 is expressed in fetal gonads during the critical period when TGCTs originate. DND1 has an RNA recognition motif and is most similar to the apobec complementation factor, a component of the cytidine to uridine RNA-editing complex. These results suggest that Ter may adversely affect essential aspects of RNA biology during PGC development. DND1 is the first protein known to have an RNA recognition motif directly implicated as a heritable cause of spontaneous tumorigenesis. TGCT development in the 129-Ter mouse strain models paediatric TGCT in humans. This work will have important implications for our understanding of the genetic control of TGCT pathogenesis and PGC biology.  相似文献   

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in newborn children and in adults. Efforts to promote cardiac repair through the use of stem cells hold promise but typically involve isolation and introduction of progenitor cells. Here, we show that the G-actin sequestering peptide thymosin beta4 promotes myocardial and endothelial cell migration in the embryonic heart and retains this property in postnatal cardiomyocytes. Survival of embryonic and postnatal cardiomyocytes in culture was also enhanced by thymosin beta4. We found that thymosin beta4 formed a functional complex with PINCH and integrin-linked kinase (ILK), resulting in activation of the survival kinase Akt (also known as protein kinase B). After coronary artery ligation in mice, thymosin beta4 treatment resulted in upregulation of ILK and Akt activity in the heart, enhanced early myocyte survival and improved cardiac function. These findings suggest that thymosin beta4 promotes cardiomyocyte migration, survival and repair and the pathway it regulates may be a new therapeutic target in the setting of acute myocardial damage.  相似文献   

Proteolipid protein (PLP; M(r) 30,000) is a highly conserved major polytopic membrane protein in myelin but its cellular function remains obscure. Neurological mutant mice can often provide model systems for human genetic disorders. Mutations of the X-chromosome-linked PLP gene are lethal, identified first in the jimpy mouse and subsequently in patients with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. The unexplained phenotype of these mutations includes degeneration and premature cell death of oligodendrocytes with associated hypomyelination. Here we show that a new mouse mutant rumpshaker is defined by the amino-acid substitution Ile-to-Thr at residue 186 in a membrane-embedded domain of PLP. Surprisingly, rumpshaker mice, although myelin-deficient, have normal longevity and a full complement of morphologically normal oligodendrocytes. Hypomyelination can thus be genetically separated from the PLP-dependent oligodendrocyte degeneration. We suggest that PLP has a vital function in glial cell development, distinct from its later role in myelin assembly, and that this dichotomy of action may explain the clinical spectrum of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease.  相似文献   

Bacterial mutation affecting T4 phage DNA synthesis and tail production   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
L D Simon  D Snover  A H Doermann 《Nature》1974,252(5483):451-455

Membrane-bound phosphoinositides are signalling molecules that have a key role in vesicle trafficking in eukaryotic cells. Proteins that bind specific phosphoinositides mediate interactions between membrane-bounded compartments whose identity is partially encoded by cytoplasmic phospholipid tags. Little is known about the localization and regulation of mammalian phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(3,5)P2), a phospholipid present in small quantities that regulates membrane trafficking in the endosome-lysosome axis in yeast. Here we describe a multi-organ disorder with neuronal degeneration in the central nervous system, peripheral neuronopathy and diluted pigmentation in the 'pale tremor' mouse. Positional cloning identified insertion of ETn2beta (early transposon 2beta) into intron 18 of Fig4 (A530089I17Rik), the homologue of a yeast SAC (suppressor of actin) domain PtdIns(3,5)P2 5-phosphatase located in the vacuolar membrane. The abnormal concentration of PtdIns(3,5)P2 in cultured fibroblasts from pale tremor mice demonstrates the conserved biochemical function of mammalian Fig4. The cytoplasm of fibroblasts from pale tremor mice is filled with large vacuoles that are immunoreactive for LAMP-2 (lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2), consistent with dysfunction of the late endosome-lysosome axis. Neonatal neurodegeneration in sensory and autonomic ganglia is followed by loss of neurons from layers four and five of the cortex, deep cerebellar nuclei and other localized brain regions. The sciatic nerve exhibits reduced numbers of large-diameter myelinated axons, slowed nerve conduction velocity and reduced amplitude of compound muscle action potentials. We identified pathogenic mutations of human FIG4 (KIAA0274) on chromosome 6q21 in four unrelated patients with hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy. This novel form of autosomal recessive Charcot-Marie-Tooth disorder is designated CMT4J.  相似文献   

Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) (MIM# 182600, etc.) is a group of heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorders, characterized by lower limb spasticity, hy- perreflexia, progressive spastic gait abnormalities and an extensor-plantar response[1]. The genot…  相似文献   

在改进NDJ-4型旋转粘度仪的基础上,测量了端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)的表观粘度,依此估算出它的流变学参数(切应力τ、剪切速率γ及剪切速率指数n),对HTPB的流变学特性进行了表征,为含硼富燃固体推进荆药浆工艺的影响因素的流变特性研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

重组GATA4腺病毒的构建及心肌细胞感染   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用AdEasy腺病毒表达系统构建了GATA4基因过表达腺病毒.编码大鼠GATA4基因的目的片段克隆入pAdTrackcmv质粒,pAdTtrackcmv-GATA4穿梭质粒经PmeⅠ线性化后转入含pAdEasy-1的BJ5183菌进行同源重组.pAdEsay-GATA4重组质粒经卡那霉素抗性筛选及PacⅠ酶切鉴定.pAdEsay-GATA4转入293A细胞进行包装,产生具有感染性的重组病毒.Ad-GATA4重组病毒感染HeLa及乳鼠心肌细胞,通过免疫印迹及实时定量聚合酶链反应(Real-time PCR)检测GATA4表达及促心肌肥大效应.Ad-GATA4重组病毒感染乳鼠心肌细胞后,诱导心肌细胞表面积明显增加,ANF表达明显增强.结果表明,Ad-GATA4腺病毒成功感染心肌细胞并诱导了大鼠心肌肥大表型的出现.  相似文献   

介绍了脂肪族二元酸与二苯并-14-冠-4在多聚磷酸(PPA)催化下发生的缩聚反应,在此基础上合成了酮型冠醚聚合物.并用红外光谱、元素分析、核磁共振、热分析等手段对所合成的化合物进行了表征.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Yang J  Shi J  Gong YN  Lu Q  Xu H  Liu L  Shao F 《Nature》2011,477(7366):596-600
Inflammasomes are large cytoplasmic complexes that sense microbial infections/danger molecules and induce caspase-1 activation-dependent cytokine production and macrophage inflammatory death. The inflammasome assembled by the NOD-like receptor (NLR) protein NLRC4 responds to bacterial flagellin and a conserved type III secretion system (TTSS) rod component. How the NLRC4 inflammasome detects the two bacterial products and the molecular mechanism of NLRC4 inflammasome activation are not understood. Here we show that NAIP5, a BIR-domain NLR protein required for Legionella pneumophila replication in mouse macrophages, is a universal component of the flagellin-NLRC4 pathway. NAIP5 directly and specifically interacted with flagellin, which determined the inflammasome-stimulation activities of different bacterial flagellins. NAIP5 engagement by flagellin promoted a physical NAIP5-NLRC4 association, rendering full reconstitution of a flagellin-responsive NLRC4 inflammasome in non-macrophage cells. The related NAIP2 functioned analogously to NAIP5, serving as a specific inflammasome receptor for TTSS rod proteins such as Salmonella PrgJ and Burkholderia BsaK. Genetic analysis of Chromobacterium violaceum infection revealed that the TTSS needle protein CprI can stimulate NLRC4 inflammasome activation in human macrophages. Similarly, CprI is specifically recognized by human NAIP, the sole NAIP family member in human. The finding that NAIP proteins are inflammasome receptors for bacterial flagellin and TTSS apparatus components further predicts that the remaining NAIP family members may recognize other unidentified microbial products to activate NLRC4 inflammasome-mediated innate immunity.  相似文献   

In obesity and type 2 diabetes, expression of the GLUT4 glucose transporter is decreased selectively in adipocytes. Adipose-specific Glut4 (also known as Slc2a4) knockout (adipose-Glut4(-/-)) mice show insulin resistance secondarily in muscle and liver. Here we show, using DNA arrays, that expression of retinol binding protein-4 (RBP4) is elevated in adipose tissue of adipose-Glut4(-/-) mice. We show that serum RBP4 levels are elevated in insulin-resistant mice and humans with obesity and type 2 diabetes. RBP4 levels are normalized by rosiglitazone, an insulin-sensitizing drug. Transgenic overexpression of human RBP4 or injection of recombinant RBP4 in normal mice causes insulin resistance. Conversely, genetic deletion of Rbp4 enhances insulin sensitivity. Fenretinide, a synthetic retinoid that increases urinary excretion of RBP4, normalizes serum RBP4 levels and improves insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in mice with obesity induced by a high-fat diet. Increasing serum RBP4 induces hepatic expression of the gluconeogenic enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and impairs insulin signalling in muscle. Thus, RBP4 is an adipocyte-derived 'signal' that may contribute to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Lowering RBP4 could be a new strategy for treating type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

The relationship between the microstructure transformation of type 17-4 PH stainless steel and the aging hardening behavior was investigated. The results showed that, when 17-4 PH stainless steel aging at 595°C, the bulk hardness of samples attains its peak value (42.5 HRC) for about 20 min, and then decreases at all time. TEM revealed the microstructure corresponding with peak hardness is that the fine spheroid-shape copper with the fcc crystal structure and the fiber-shape secondary carbide M23C6 precipitated from the lath martensite matrix. Both precipitations of copper and M23C6 are the reasons for strengthening of the alloy at this temperature. With the extension of holding time at this temperature, the copper and secondary carbide grow and lose the coherent relationship with the matrix, so the bulk hardness of samples decreases.  相似文献   

基于MATLAB/Simulink仿真平台,构建4190型船用增压四冲程柴油机的非线性仿真模型,进行进、排气系统的仿真计算.以4190 ZLC-2型船舶中速柴油机为例,并将仿真结果与实验结果进行对比,验证了柴油机仿真模型的正确性.利用该仿真模型进一步研究进、排气系统对4190ZLC-2型柴油机功率、扭矩、燃油消耗率、充气效率等参数的影响.结果表明:柴油机进气总管直径偏移+20mm与排气歧管直径为65mm时,4190型柴油机经济性和排放性达到最优,为190系列船用中速柴油机性能优化设计提供了依据.  相似文献   

以达克罗宁为先导化合物,通过烷基链改造和生物电子等排原理进行结构优化,共设计出12个类似化合物。在实验过程中,以4-羟基苯甲酸为起始原料,经酰氯化、酰胺化、醚键化、N-烷基化等4步合成目标产物,其目标分子结构经~1H NMR、~(13)C NMR、MS和元素分析法进行表征。通过角膜反射实验对各目标分子进行了生物活性研究,结果表明,各目标分子都具有良好的生物活性,其中化合物1l的生物活性最好。  相似文献   

采用水热合成法,以Nd Cl3·6H2O、Co Cl2·6H2O、2,2'-联吡啶-3,3'-二羧酸(H2bpdc)、氢氧化钠和水为原料合成了一种新型3d-4f金属有机框架晶体材料。该晶体呈红色棒状,经X-射线单晶衍射分析,其结构属单斜晶系,P21/n空间群,化学式为{[Nd2Co(bpdc)3(OH)2(H2O)2]·(H2O)2}n。通过单一变量法确定其最佳合成条件为:n(Nd3+)∶n(Co2+)∶n(bpdc)=1∶1∶1.5,溶于5 m L去离子水,以Na OH调节溶液p H≈5,150℃恒温72 h,降温速度1℃/h。热重分析表明该材料具有良好的热稳定性,在340℃以下可以稳定存在;经循环伏安法测试,此晶体材料具有良好的电化学活性。  相似文献   

李国霞 《河南科学》1999,17(4):453-456
介绍一种便携式电吕肿治疗仪,该仪器采用单片机控制,具有6种阳极独立可控稳流输出,16种阴极自动均流,整个治疗过程自动管理。与其它电化学癌肿仪相比,该仪器具有精度高,操作携带方便等特点,是一种满足临床需要的新型治疗仪器。  相似文献   

用450 W高压汞灯照射VO34-/MeOH/AsO43-,利用光化学反应合成了杂多钒酸盐[(CH3)4N]3H6[AsV12O40(VO)2].用红外光谱、紫外可见光谱对其进行了表征,并采用四圆衍射测定了其晶体结构.结果表明:该化合物属于单斜晶系,P2(1)空间群;晶胞参数a=1.110 5 nm,b=1.974 70 nm,c=1.141 78 nm,α=γ=90.00°,β=93.104 0(10)°,V=2.501nm3,Z=2.该化合物中的Keggin结构[AsV12O40(VO)2]9-中含有两个[VO]帽,且通过超分子作用形成了三维超分子结构.  相似文献   

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