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6个杂交鹅掌楸无性系的抗旱性比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以6个杂交鹅掌楸无性系(NE04、NE22、NE23、NE25、NE38、NE78)的1年生扦插苗为试材,研究了干旱胁迫条件下各无性系叶片相对含水量、质膜相对透性、可溶性蛋白质和游离脯氨酸含量、超氧化物歧化酶及抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性等的变化。结果表明:各无性系随胁迫程度加剧,相对含水量减少,质膜透性增大,可溶性蛋白质和游离脯氨酸含量增加,超氧化物歧化酶活性上升,抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性表现出“先升后降”趋势,但各指标变化幅度因无性系不同而异。采用隶属函数法对上述指标进行综合分析,可得出其抗旱能力从大到小依次为:NE25、NE78、NE22、NE04、NE38、NE23。  相似文献   

F Marcucci  M Waller  H Kirchner  P Krammer 《Nature》1981,291(5810):79-81
Production of leukocyte interferon (IFN-alpha) and fibroblast interferon (IFN-beta) can be induced by a variety of agents but immune interferon, IFN-gamma, is only obtained when lymphoid cells are stimulated by specific antigens, allo-antigens or T-cell mitogens. Moreover, in bulk cultures, only small quantities of IFN-gamma are produced. The type of cell producing IFN-gamma has not been unambiguously defined and so we set out to determine whether a pure T-cell population could produce it, exploiting the knowledge that T cells can be maintained indefinitely in tissue culture by the addition of T-cell growth factors. Although not all T cells can found long-term cultures of this kind, cultures of antigen-specific helper, suppressor and killer T cells have been obtained in this way. We now describe the production of substantial amounts of INF-gamma when some (but not all) murine T-cell clones derived from such cultures are stimulated by either concanavalin A (Con A) or phytohaemagglutinin (PHA).  相似文献   

Production of clones of lymphoid cell populations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
T Mekori  L Chieco-Bianci  M Feldman 《Nature》1965,206(982):367-368

Isolation of cDNA clones encoding T cell-specific membrane-associated proteins   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
S M Hedrick  D I Cohen  E A Nielsen  M M Davis 《Nature》1984,308(5955):149-153
Of 10 distinct cloned DNA copies of mRNAs expressed in T lymphocytes but not in B lymphocytes and associated with membrane-bound polysomes, one hybridizes to a region of the genome that has rearranged in a T-cell lymphoma and several T-cell hybridomas. These characteristics suggest that it encodes one chain of the elusive antigen receptor on the surface of T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

M M Simon  H U Weltzien  H J Bühring  K Eichmann 《Nature》1984,308(5957):367-370
T-cell clones that grow continuously in tissue culture have become a major tool for studying the properties of T lymphocytes. It is therefore important to know to what extent such clones resemble their normal counterparts. Several reports have appeared recently which demonstrate that long-term T-cell lines may lose the specificity for which they were initially selected and acquire cytotoxic activity to a variety of targets, typical of the activity displayed by natural killer cells. We now report a number of instances in which murine cytotoxic T-cell clones have lost their original specific cytotoxic activity but have acquired strong specific cytotoxic activity for P815 mastocytoma target cells. Loss of the original specificity was usually observed after continuous in vitro cultivation for more than 6 months. We propose that this novel type of cytotoxicity should be called aged killer activity.  相似文献   

马尾松二代育种群体生长和开花结实性状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对马尾松二代核心育种群体内亲本无性系的树高、胸径等生长性状及开花量、结实量等生殖性状进行了全面调查和分析。51个马尾松二代亲本无性系7年生时平均树高、胸径和材积分别为5.53 m、9.05 cm和0.021 m3,各生长性状在无性系之间的差异显著,各性状的无性系重复力较高。对进入开花结实盛期的39个无性系调查发现,开花量、结实量等生殖性状在不同亲本无性系之间的变异程度比生长性状的高。基于主要生长性状、生殖性状,将39个亲本无性系聚在4个类群内,不同类群存在显著性状差异:类群1生长性状总体较优,雌球花、球果量也较多;类群2生长性状总体较差,开花、球果量也较少;类群3生长性状较优、雄球花数量较多,但雌球花、球果数量较少;类群4生长性状总体较差,但雌球花、球果数多。无性系的雌球花、球果数与生长量呈弱度负相关,因而在选择杂交亲本或种子园建园亲本时,有必要在开展亲本配合力测评的同时,开展亲本的多性状选择,选出28个生长、生殖性状较为均衡(生长量、开花结实量均在中等或中等以上)的无性系,其单株雄球花数、球果数和单株材积分别比参试群体均值高18.2%,8.0%和9.6%。可将这些无性系作为候选优良亲本,结合亲本配合力的测评,从中选择优良的杂交亲本及二代种子园的建园材料。  相似文献   

P del Guercio  M F del Guercio  D H Katz 《Nature》1987,329(6138):445-447
Interleukin B (IL-B), formerly termed BEF (B-cell-derived enhancing factor) or IL-B4, was originally described as a non-immunoglobulin regulatory factor spontaneously produced by B lymphocytes and B-cell lines that enhances the in vitro antigen-driven antibody response of unfractionated spleen cells stimulated by thymus-dependent antigens. Since then we have examined the function of interleukin B in a number of immune reactions, both in vitro and in vivo, and found that it inhibits the activation of suppressor T lymphocytes. We report here the production of two monoclonal antibodies (mAb) that specifically inhibit interleukin B activity. The use of these mAb in the purification and characterization of IL-B is described. IL-B from both normal and transformed B cells consists of two subunits of similar size and amino-acid composition. The structure of interleukin B and its specific behaviour in biological assay distinguish it from many other known lymphokines.  相似文献   

J P Allison  L L Lanier 《Nature》1985,314(6006):107-109
The specific antigen receptor on human and murine T lymphocytes is a heterodimer of relative molecular mass (Mr) 80,000-90,000 (80-90K) composed of two 40-50K disulphide-linked glycoprotein subunits. Peptide map analysis of the alpha- and beta-chains of receptor isolated from distinct tumour cell lines suggests the presence of both constant and variable regions. Unlike the antigen receptor on B lymphocytes (that is, surface immunoglobulin), the human T-cell antigen receptor seems to be non-covalently associated with another invariant structure recognized by monoclonal antibodies to the cell-surface antigens T3 and Leu 4 (refs 4, 5, 9, 12). Meuer et al. have demonstrated comodulation of the T3 structure and T-cell antigen receptor using anti-clonotypic and anti-T3 monoclonal antibodies. Furthermore, immunoprecipitation with anti-T3 weakly co-precipitates a small amount of the 80-90K heterodimer in certain conditions. The murine homologue of the Leu 4/T3 structure has not been identified, although Gunter et al. have suggested that Thy-1 may be the counterpart of Leu 4/T3 (ref. 13). Here we describe a Leu 4/T3-like structure, distinct from Thy-1, associated with the T-cell receptor of a murine T-lymphoma cell line.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte response to murine cytomegalovirus infection.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
G V Quinnan  J E Manischewitz  F A Ennis 《Nature》1978,273(5663):541-543

E Spooncer  D Boettiger  T M Dexter 《Nature》1984,310(5974):228-230
A molecular recombinant of Rous sarcoma virus and murine amphotropic leukaemia virus, src(MoMuLV), where the avian src oncogene has been placed under the influence of a murine virus promoter sequence, has been reported. Infection of long-term marrow cultures with this virus led to a dramatic change in the relative numbers of stem cells, granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells and mature cells found in normal haematopoietic cell development. However, although the balance between self-renewal, differentiation and development was disturbed, injection of the cultured cells into irradiated syngeneic recipients did not lead to the development of leukaemia. Thus, although the control had been 'loosened', the host regulatory mechanisms were sufficient to impose a restraint on unlimited growth of the cells. We now show that the stem cells from the src-infected cultures show a remarkably increased capacity for self-renewal in vitro in situations which are inimical to the maintenance of self-renewal in normal uninfected stem cells and that self-renewal/differentiation can be modified by the culture conditions.  相似文献   

Characterization of a murine gene expressed from the inactive X chromosome   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
In mammals, equal dosage of gene products encoded by the X chromosome in male and female cells is achieved by X inactivation. Although X-chromosome inactivation represents the most extensive example known of long range cis gene regulation, the mechanism by which thousands of genes on only one of a pair of identical chromosomes are turned off is poorly understood. We have recently identified a human gene (XIST) exclusively expressed from the inactive X chromosome. Here we report the isolation and characterization of its murine homologue (Xist) which localizes to the mouse X inactivation centre region and is the first murine gene found to be expressed from the inactive X chromosome. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicates that Xist may be associated with a protein product. The similar map positions and expression patterns for Xist in mouse and man suggest that this gene may have a role in X inactivation.  相似文献   

K E Mayo  G M Cerelli  M G Rosenfeld  R M Evans 《Nature》1985,314(6010):464-467
Growth hormone-releasing factor (GHRF) is a hypothalamic peptide which positively regulates the synthesis and secretion of growth hormone in the anterior pituitary. The amino-acid sequence of a 43-residue GHRF peptide isolated from rat hypothalamus was recently determined. Immunocytochemical techniques have been used to localize GHRF-containing cell bodies and nerve fibres largely to the medial-basal region of the rat hypothalamus. The rat has also been used extensively as an animal model to study the effects of GHRF on growth hormone synthesis and secretion and on somatic growth. To pursue questions concerning the biosynthesis of GHRF, the expression of the ghrf gene, and its regulation in the hypothalamus by neural and hormonal influences, we have now isolated and characterized both complementary DNA and genomic clones encoding rat hypothalamic GHRF. The rat ghrf gene spans nearly 10 kilobases (kb) of rat genomic DNA, contains 5 exons and encodes a 104-amino-acid precursor to the rat GHRF peptide. Comparison with previously characterized human ghrf cDNA and genomic clones has allowed patterns of conservation of amino-acid and nucleotide sequences between the human and rat GHRFs to be determined.  相似文献   

Developmental genetics has shown that the Brachyury (T) gene has a key role in mesoderm formation during gastrulation in the mouse. Homozygous embryos have a defective allantois, degenerate or absent notochord and disrupted primitive streak and node. The neural tube is kinked and somite formation interrupted. The T gene has been cloned and is expressed during the early stages of gastrulation, being restricted to the primitive streak region, nascent mesoderm and notochord. Neither the sequence of the gene nor its expression pattern define its developmental function. To study the cell autonomy of the T mutation we have isolated and genetically characterized embryonic stem cell lines and studied their behaviour in chimaeras. T/+ embryonic stem cells form normal chimaeras, whereas T/T in equilibrium with +/+ chimaeras mimic the T/T mutant phenotype. The results indicate that the T gene acts cell autonomously in the primitive streak and notochord but may activate a signalling pathway involved in the specification of other mesodermal tissues.  相似文献   

Properties and uses of human-mouse hybrid cell lines   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Y Matsuya  H Green  C Basilico 《Nature》1968,220(5173):1199-1202

The T1/Leu-1/CD5 molecule, a human T-cell surface glycoprotein of relative molecular mass (Mr) 67,000, has been implicated in the proliferative response of activated T cells and in T-cell helper function. A similar involvement in T-cell proliferation has been reported for Ly-1, the murine homologue of T1. Here we report the complete amino-acid sequence of the T1 precursor molecule deduced from complementary DNA clones. The protein contains a classical signal peptide; a 347-amino-acid extracellular segment; a transmembrane region; and a 93-amino-acid intracellular segment. The extracellular segment contains many cysteine residues and is composed of two related structural domains separated by a proline/threonine-rich region. The T1 molecule has structural features characteristic of other receptor molecules.  相似文献   

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