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The (Na(+)+K+)ATPase, an integral membrane protein located in virtually all animal cells, couples the hydrolysis of ATP to the countertransport of Na+ and K+ ions across the plasma membrane. In neurons, a large portion of cellular energy is expended by this enzyme to maintain the ionic gradients that underlie resting and action potentials. Although neurotransmitter regulation of the enzyme in brain has been reported, such regulation has been characterized either as a nonspecific phenomenon or as an indirect effect of neurotransmitter-induced changes in ionic gradients. We report here that the neurotransmitter dopamine, through a synergistic effect on D1 and D2 receptors, inhibits the (Na(+)+K+)ATPase activity of isolated striatal neurons. Our data provide unequivocal evidence for regulation by a neurotransmitter of a neuronal ion pump. They also demonstrate that synergism between D1 and D2 receptors, which underlies many of the electrophysical and behavioural effects of dopamine in the mammalian brain, can occur on the same neuron. In addition, the results support the possibility that dopamine and other neurotransmitters can regulate neuronal excitability through the novel mechanism of pump inhibition.  相似文献   

Xu Y  Tao X  Shen B  Horng T  Medzhitov R  Manley JL  Tong L 《Nature》2000,408(6808):111-115
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and the interleukin-1 receptor superfamily (IL-1Rs) are integral to both innate and adaptive immunity for host defence. These receptors share a conserved cytoplasmic domain, known as the TIR domain. A single-point mutation in the TIR domain of murine TLR4 (Pro712His, the Lps(d) mutation) abolishes the host immune response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and mutation of the equivalent residue in TLR2, Pro681His, disrupts signal transduction in response to stimulation by yeast and gram-positive bacteria. Here we report the crystal structures of the TIR domains of human TLR1 and TLR2 and of the Pro681His mutant of TLR2. The structures have a large conserved surface patch that also contains the site of the Lps(d) mutation. Mutagenesis and functional studies confirm that residues in this surface patch are crucial for receptor signalling. The Lps(d) mutation does not disturb the structure of the TIR domain itself. Instead, structural and functional studies indicate that the conserved surface patch may mediate interactions with the down-stream MyD88 adapter molecule, and that the Lps(d) mutation may abolish receptor signalling by disrupting this recruitment.  相似文献   

基于二三维CAD模型数据源自动生成技术的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合具体实例对二三维一体化CAD系统中,工程图纸的自动生成技术进行了深入的探讨,给出了剖切视图和复杂视图的具体算法,并介绍了二、三维双向关联和互驱动的相关技术。  相似文献   

Molecular cloning and expression of the gene for a human D1 dopamine receptor   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
The diverse physiological actions of dopamine are mediated by its interaction with two basic types of G protein-coupled receptor, D1 and D2, which stimulate and inhibit, respectively, the enzyme adenylyl cyclase. Alterations in the number or activity of these receptors may be a contributory factor in diseases such as Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of the gene encoding a human D1 dopamine receptor. The coding region of this gene is intronless, unlike the gene encoding the D2 dopamine receptor. The D1 receptor gene encodes a protein of 446 amino acids having a predicted relative molecular mass of 49,300 and a transmembrane topology similar to that of other G protein-coupled receptors. Transient or stable expression of the cloned gene in host cells established specific ligand binding and functional activity characteristic of a D1 dopamine receptor coupled to stimulation of adenylyl cyclase. Northern blot analysis and in situ hybridization revealed that the messenger RNA for this receptor is most abundant in caudate, nucleus accumbens and olfactory tubercle, with little or no mRNA detectable in substantia nigra, liver, kidney, or heart. Several observations from this work in conjunction with results from other studies are consistent with the idea that other D1 dopamine receptor subtypes may exist.  相似文献   

Biochemical and biophysical studies on Aplysia sensory neurons indicate that inhibitory responses to the molluscan peptide FMRFamide are mediated by lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid. These compounds are a new class of second messengers in neurons.  相似文献   

Park YC  Burkitt V  Villa AR  Tong L  Wu H 《Nature》1999,398(6727):533-538
Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-receptor-associated factors (TRAFs) form a family of cytoplasmic adapter proteins that mediate signal transduction from many members of the TNF-receptor superfamily and the interleukin-1 receptor. They are important in the regulation of cell survival and cell death. The carboxy-terminal region of TRAFs (the TRAF domain) is required for self-association and interaction with receptors. The domain contains a predicted coiled-coil region that is followed by a highly conserved TRAF-C domain. Here we report the crystal structure of the TRAF domain of human TRAF2, both alone and in complex with a peptide from TNF receptor-2 (TNF-R2). The structures reveal a trimeric self-association of the TRAF domain, which we confirm by studies in solution. The TRAF-C domain forms a new, eight-stranded antiparallel beta-sandwich structure. The TNF-R2 peptide binds to a conserved shallow surface depression on one TRAF-C domain and does not contact the other protomers of the trimer. The nature of the interaction indicates that an SXXE motif may be a TRAF2-binding consensus sequence. The trimeric structure of the TRAF domain provides an avidity-based explanation for the dependence of TRAF recruitment on the oligomerization of the receptors by their trimeric extracellular ligands.  相似文献   

Dopamine receptors belong to a superfamily of receptors that exert their biological effects through guanine nucleotide-binding (G) proteins. Two main dopamine receptor subtypes have been identified, D1 and D2, which differ in their pharmacological and biochemical characteristics. D1 stimulates adenylyl cyclase activity, whereas D2 inhibits it. Both receptors are primary targets for drugs used to treat many psychomotor diseases, including Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia. Whereas the dopamine D1 receptor has been cloned, biochemical and behavioural data indicate that dopamine D1-like receptors exist which either are not linked to adenylyl cyclase or display different pharmacological activities. We report here the cloning of a gene encoding a 477-amino-acid protein with strong homology to the cloned D1 receptor. The receptor, called D5, binds drugs with a pharmacological profile similar to that of the cloned D1 receptor, but displays a 10-fold higher affinity for the endogenous agonist, dopamine. As with D1, the dopamine D5 receptor stimulates adenylyl cyclase activity. Northern blot and in situ hybridization analyses reveal that the receptor is neuron-specific, localized primarily within limbic regions of the brain; no messenger RNA was detected in kidney, liver, heart or parathyroid gland. The existence of a dopamine D1-like receptor with these characteristics had not been predicted and may represent an alternative pathway for dopamine-mediated events and regulation of D2 receptor activity.  相似文献   

Signal transduction through Toll-like receptors (TLRs) originates from their intracellular Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain, which binds to MyD88, a common adaptor protein containing a TIR domain. Although cytokine production is completely abolished in MyD88-deficient mice, some responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), including the induction of interferon-inducible genes and the maturation of dendritic cells, are still observed. Another adaptor, TIRAP (also known as Mal), has been cloned as a molecule that specifically associates with TLR4 and thus may be responsible for the MyD88-independent response. Here we report that LPS-induced splenocyte proliferation and cytokine production are abolished in mice lacking TIRAP. As in MyD88-deficient mice, LPS activation of the nuclear factor NF-kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinases is induced with delayed kinetics in TIRAP-deficient mice. Expression of interferon-inducible genes and the maturation of dendritic cells is observed in these mice; they also show defective response to TLR2 ligands, but not to stimuli that activate TLR3, TLR7 or TLR9. In contrast to previous suggestions, our results show that TIRAP is not specific to TLR4 signalling and does not participate in the MyD88-independent pathway. Instead, TIRAP has a crucial role in the MyD88-dependent signalling pathway shared by TLR2 and TLR4.  相似文献   

Identification of a receptor for the morphogen retinoic acid   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
V Giguere  E S Ong  P Segui  R M Evans 《Nature》1987,330(6149):624-629

文章介绍了R134a/CO2复叠式制冷系统结构、原理,建立了复叠式系统性能计算的数学模型,研究了不同的CO2蒸发温度、R134a冷凝温度及冷凝蒸发器传热温差等循环参数变化对制冷系统性能的影响。分析显示,该复叠式制冷系统的性能系数COP随CO2蒸发温度的升高而增大,随R134a冷凝温度的升高及冷凝蒸发器传热温差增大而减小;结合研发环保型商业冷冻冷藏设备的需求,探寻在设定的应用条件下,制冷系统循环参数的变化关系及最优匹配,研究得到CO2冷凝温度为-3℃,高、低温级质量流量比为2.2,系统性能最优。  相似文献   

Structural basis of steroid hormone perception by the receptor kinase BRI1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hothorn M  Belkhadir Y  Dreux M  Dabi T  Noel JP  Wilson IA  Chory J 《Nature》2011,474(7352):467-471
Polyhydroxylated steroids are regulators of body shape and size in higher organisms. In metazoans, intracellular receptors recognize these molecules. Plants, however, perceive steroids at membranes, using the membrane-integral receptor kinase BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1). Here we report the structure of the Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 ligand-binding domain, determined by X-ray diffraction at 2.5?? resolution. We find a superhelix of 25 twisted leucine-rich repeats (LRRs), an architecture that is strikingly different from the assembly of LRRs in animal Toll-like receptors. A 70-amino-acid island domain between LRRs 21 and 22 folds back into the interior of the superhelix to create a surface pocket for binding the plant hormone brassinolide. Known loss- and gain-of-function mutations map closely to the hormone-binding site. We propose that steroid binding to BRI1 generates a docking platform for a co-receptor that is required for receptor activation. Our findings provide insight into the activation mechanism of this highly expanded family of plant receptors that have essential roles in hormone, developmental and innate immunity signalling.  相似文献   

本文采用催化方法合成得到1-氨基-2-羟基-4-萘磺酸,探讨了硫酸铜、硫酸亚铁催化剂对反应的影响.结果发现.CuSO4比FeSO4催化能力强,催化剂用量增大,产品收率提高.当CuSO4用量为0.2g,反应时间为8h、反应温度为50℃,产品收率为68.4%.  相似文献   

Rae1 and H60 ligands of the NKG2D receptor stimulate tumour immunity   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
Diefenbach A  Jensen ER  Jamieson AM  Raulet DH 《Nature》2001,413(6852):165-171
Natural killer (NK) cells attack many tumour cell lines, and are thought to have a critical role in anti-tumour immunity; however, the interaction between NK cells and tumour targets is poorly understood. The stimulatory lectin-like NKG2D receptor is expressed by NK cells, activated CD8+ T cells and by activated macrophages in mice. Several distinct cell-surface ligands that are related to class I major histocompatibility complex molecules have been identified, some of which are expressed at high levels by tumour cells but not by normal cells in adults. However, no direct evidence links the expression of these 'induced self' ligands with tumour cell rejection. Here we demonstrate that ectopic expression of the murine NKG2D ligands Rae1beta or H60 in several tumour cell lines results in potent rejection of the tumour cells by syngeneic mice. Rejection is mediated by NK cells and/or CD8+ T cells. The ligand-expressing tumour cells induce potent priming of cytotoxic T cells and sensitization of NK cells in vivo. Mice that are exposed to live or irradiated tumour cells expressing Rae1 or H60 are specifically immune to subsequent challenge with tumour cells that lack NKG2D ligands, suggesting application of the ligands in the design of tumour vaccines.  相似文献   

固体超强酸TiO2/SO42-催化合成羟基乙酸酯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用固体超强酸 Ti O2 /SO42 -催化合成了羟基乙酸酯。反应时间为 4 h,产物纯化简单 ,其中几个酯得到收率达 83 %以上  相似文献   

Cloning and expression of a rat D2 dopamine receptor cDNA   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Dopamine receptors are classified into D1 and D2 subtypes on the basis of their pharmacological and biochemical characteristics. The D2 dopamine receptor has been implicated in the pathophysiology and treatment of movement disorders, schizophrenia and drug addiction. The D2 dopamine receptor interacts with guanine nucleotide-binding proteins to induce second messenger systems. Other members of the family of receptors that are coupled to G proteins share a significant similarity in primary amino-acid sequence and exhibit an archetypical topology predicted to consist of seven putative transmembrane domains. We have taken advantage of the expected nucleotide sequence similarities among members of this gene family to isolate genes coding for new receptors. Using the hamster beta 2-adrenergic receptor gene as a hybridization probe we have isolated related genes including a cDNA encoding the rat D2 dopamine receptor. This receptor has been characterized on the basis of three criteria: the deduced amino-acid sequence which reveals that it is a member of the family of G-protein-coupled receptors; the tissue distribution of the mRNA which parallels that of the D2 dopamine receptor; and the pharmacological profile of mouse fibroblast cells transfected with the cDNA.  相似文献   

A dopamine receptor has been characterized which differs in its pharmacology and signalling system from the D1 or D2 receptor and represents both an autoreceptor and a postsynaptic receptor. The D3 receptor is localized to limbic areas of the brain, which are associated with cognitive, emotional and endocrine functions. It seems to mediate some of the effects of antipsychotic drugs and drugs used against Parkinson's disease, that were previously thought to interact only with D2 receptors.  相似文献   

Identification of CRE1 as a cytokinin receptor from Arabidopsis   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Cytokinins are a class of plant hormones that are central to the regulation of cell division and differentiation in plants. It has been proposed that they are detected by a two-component system, because overexpression of the histidine kinase gene CKI1 induces typical cytokinin responses and genes for a set of response regulators of two-component systems can be induced by cytokinins. Two-component systems use a histidine kinase as an environmental sensor and rely on a phosphorelay for signal transduction. They are common in microorganisms, and are also emerging as important signal detection routes in plants. Here we report the identification of a cytokinin receptor. We identified Arabidopsis cre1 (cytokinin response 1) mutants, which exhibited reduced responses to cytokinins. The mutated gene CRE1 encodes a histidine kinase. CRE1 expression conferred a cytokinin-dependent growth phenotype on a yeast mutant that lacked the endogenous histidine kinase SLN1 (ref. 10), providing direct evidence that CRE1 is a cytokinin receptor. We also provide evidence that cytokinins can activate CRE1 to initiate phosphorelay signalling.  相似文献   

将23只帕金森病(PD)成功模型大鼠分别进行11C-Raclopride PET显像,ROI方法测量模型大鼠两侧纹状体/小脑比值并进行统计分析,比较两侧有无显著性差异。正常与模型大鼠分别进行TH免疫组化染色。结果表明,模型大鼠毁损侧纹状体放射性明显上升,两侧纹状体/小脑比值统计比较,p值为0.000,具有显著性差异;同时,模型大鼠TH染色黑质处阳性神经元数量减少。通过PET多巴胺D2受体成像在体显示PD模型大鼠毁损侧纹状体D2受体状态,再结合行为学观察可作为证实模型成功的标准之一,为基础研究和临床诊断PD提供了一种分子成像工具。  相似文献   

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