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The results of sedimentary characteristics,grain-size,clay mineral,C/N and pollen analysis reveal the evolution history of the Shuangchi Maar Lake of Hainan Island as well as the short-term climate variations in tropical areas.It is testified that the Maar sediment system was sensitive in recording the rapid climate changes in the Holocene.These multidisciplinary results demonstrate that the thermal maximum in the Holocene climate lasted from 7200 to 2700 aBP,with serveral abrupt ephemeral vibrations occurring between 7250-6120aBP and at around 4460,3850 and 2700 aBP.In the late Holocent,particularly at -2700 aBP,a distinct environmental change indicating an important climate transition in the tropical eastern Asia was recorded,probably responding to the enhancement of ENSO phenomena in the Pacific Ocean.In addition,the high-resolution algae record clearly indicates periodical climate fluctuations at 500 a cyclicity during the last 2500 years.  相似文献   

Global atmospheric variables can be physically decomposed into four components:(1) the zonal time averaged climate symmetric component,(2) the time averaged climate asymmetric,(3) the zonal-mean transient symmetric anomaly,and (4) the transient asymmetric anomaly.This study analyzes the relationships between the intra-seasonal and inter-annual variability of planetary scale decomposed zonal and meridional winds in the tropopause,and oscillations such as those from the El Ni o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO),the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO).The tropical inter-annual zonal mean wind anomalies in the tropopause are linked with the ENSO cycle and can propagate into the subtropics,mid-latitudes,and polar front regions via abnormal meridional vertical cells.Similarly,tropical intra-seasonal (40-60-d) zonal wind anomalies can reach the subtropics and mid-latitudes.The polar intra-seasonal zonal wind anomalies in the tropopause can propagate toward high-latitude areas.Thus,the AO and the AAO are the result of the interaction and propagation of these planetary scale zonal wind anomalies.  相似文献   

El Ni駉 is a kind of the disastrous events occurring in the central and eastern parts of tropical Pacific. It pre-sents itself as anomaly of sea surface temperature (SST) in these parts of the tropical Pacific. It is called an El Ni駉 (La Ni馻) event whenever the tropical Pacific SST anom-aly is warmer (cooler) than 0.5℃(- 0.5℃) and lasts for over 6 months[1]. Southern oscillation (SO) is a seesaw- like variation of sea level pressure (SLP) in eastern and western parts of the souther…  相似文献   

Contribution of cloud condensate to surface rainfall process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Contribution of cloud condensate to surface rainfall processes is investigated in a life span of tropical convection based on hourly data from a two-dimensional cloud resolving simulation. The model is forced by the large-scale vertical velocity, zonal wind and horizontal advections obtained from tropical ocean global atmosphere coupled ocean-atmosphere response experiment (TOGA COARE). The results show that during the genesis, development, and decay of tropical convection, calculations with water vapor overestimate surface rain rate, and cloud condensate plays an important role in correcting overestimation in surface rain rates. The analysis is carried out in deep convective clouds and anvil clouds during the development of tropical convection. The surface rain rates calculated with water vapor in deep convective clouds and anvil clouds have similar magnitudes, the large surface rain rate appears in deep convective clouds due to the consumption of water hydrometeors whereas the small surface rain rate occurs in anvil clouds because of the gain of ice hydrometeors. Further analysis of the grid data shows that the surface rain rates calculated with water vapor and with cloud condensate are negatively correlated with the correlation coefficient of -0.85, and the surface rain rate calculated with cloud condensate is mainly contributed to the water hydrometeors in the tropical deep convective regime.  相似文献   

The tropospheric teleconnection pattern between the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and the Pacific Ocean was studied using GISST and NECP/NCAR reanalysis data. Results show that a structure of Rossby wave train extends from the tropical Indian Ocean over southern subtropical regions of Australia and Pacific Ocean to the tropical Pacific Ocean, where a strong correlation between IOD and geopotential height (GH) anomaly of Pacific Ocean exists. Energy propagating pathways of the planetary wave with wave numbers 1-3 are qualitatively in agreement with the Rossby wave train, which implies that the energy propagation of the stationary planetary wave could be responsible for the tropospheric teleconnection between IOD and tropical Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

The relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) east of Australia and tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific (WNPTCF) is analyzed by use of observation data.The WNPTCF from June to October is correlated negatively to spring SST east of Australia.When the spring SST is in the positive phase,a cyclonic circulation anomaly in the upper troposphere and an anticyclonic circulation anomaly in the lower troposphere prevail over the western North Pacific from June to October,concurrent with an anomalous atmospheric subsidence and an enlarged vertical zonal wind shear.These conditions are unfavorable for tropical cyclone genesis,and thus WNPTCF decreases.The negative phase of the spring SST east of Australia leads to more tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific.The spring SST east of Australia may give rise to simultaneous change in tropical atmospheric circulation via the teleconnection wave train,and then subsequently affect atmospheric circulation variation over the western North Pacific.  相似文献   

The southern and northern parts of the eastern margin of the Jiangnan Upheaval, located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province (Gandongbei) and the south of Anhui Province (Wannan) share many similar characteristics of basement composition and structural evolution. However, the two areas have very different metal endowments and ranges of deposit types. The aim of this paper is to compare the metallogenic conditions of the two areas in order to analyze the reasons for these differences and to estimate the preliminary resource potential of the studied areas. It is concluded that difference of the crust-mantle interactions, especially the Yanshanian magmatism in the two areas, is the main reason resulting in difference in the ore-forming processes between Wannan and Gandongbei. The resource potential of Gandongbei is significantly greater than that of Wannan.  相似文献   

Using the definition of vulnerability provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,this paper assesses the vulnerability of areas affected by Chinese cryospheric changes from 2001 to 2020 and from 2001 to 2050 in A1 and B1scenarios.Seven indices are used in the vulnerability assessment:glacial area fraction,interannual variability of permafrost depth,interannual variability of surface snow area fraction,interannual variability of surface runoff,interannual variability of surface temperature,interannual variability of vegetation growth,and interannual variability of the human development index.Assessment results show that the overall vulnerability of the studied areas in China increases from east to west.The areas in the middle and eastern parts of China are less vulnerable compared with western parts and parts of the Tibetan Plateau.The highest vulnerability values are found from 1981 to 2000,and the least ones are found from 2001 to 2050.The vulnerable areas increase from the period of 1981 to 2000 to the period of 2001 to 2050,and the less vulnerable areas decrease.The highly vulnerable areas increase from the period of 1981 to 2000 to the period of 2001 to 2020 and then decrease from the period of 2001 to 2020 to the period of 2001 to 2050.This decrease in vulnerability is attributed to the decrease in exposure and sensitivity to Chinese cryospheric changes along with a concomitant increase in adaptation.  相似文献   

The three areas of China: Inland in China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan Province, are among the largest exporters of textiles and apparel in the world. They are the largest suppliers to the United States, which is the largest importing market in the world. In this research, export performances of the three areas to the United States are investigated. Analyses indicate that since the 1980s, textile and apparel exports of Inland in China to the US and its market share grew rapidly, while exports of Hong Kong and Taiwan grew much slower, and their market shares declined. Product prices of the three areas in the US market were generally higher than the market average. Especially for apparel, while export compositions of all three areas somewhat leaned towards the lower end of the market, actual product prices were substantially higher than those in the market.  相似文献   

In this paper, the sea surface height and the heat content of the upper ocean are analyzed to retrieve the relationship of interannual variabilities between the tropical western Pacific and eastern Indian Oceans during the 1997 - 1998 El Nino event. In the prophase of this El Nino, the negative sea level anomalies (SLA) occurred in the tropical western Pacific (TWP) firstly, and then appeared in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean (TEI). The negative heat content anomalies (HCA) emerged in the TWP before this El Nino burst while the SLA signals developed over there. During the mature stage of this El Nino, two kinds of signals in the TWP and TEI turned to be the maximum negative sequently. Due to the connected interannual adjustment between the TEI and TWP, we adopted a method to estimate the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) transport by calculating the HCA budget in the TEI. The indirect estimation of the ITF was comparable to the observation values. Therefore, the anomalies in the TEI had been proved as adv  相似文献   

In order to understand the composition and quantitative variation of ecdysteriods in the larvae of Opogona sacchari (Bojer), a invasive alien pest, we analyzed the larval ecdysteroid composition and titers in this pest. The main component of ecdysteriods in the larvae of O. sacchari is 20-hydroxyecdysone, and also there is a little 26-hydroxyecdysone. The titer of ecdysteriods in the larvae from the 1st instar to the 7th instar was gotten higher gradually compared on ng ecdyster-oid/larva, but no regularity could be found about the titer if compared on ng ecdysteroid/g avoirdupois. There was only one peak of ecdysteroids (0.5475 ng/larva) showed at day 2 during the developmental time of the 6th instar larvae. However, there were two peaks appearing during the developmental time of the 7th instar larvae , one peak (0.29415 ng/larva) at day 3, another (0.214 ng/larva) at day 5.  相似文献   

以杨梅园等果园害虫黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)及其蛹期寄生蜂蝇蛹俑小蜂(Spalangia endius)为对象,在温度25±1℃、相对湿度(60±5)%以及光周期14L:10D的室内条件下,构建了蝇蛹俑小蜂实验种群生命表.结果表明雌蜂和雄蜂的成蜂寿命分别为17.28±5.29d和17.97±6.76d,平均每头雌蜂有60.31±35.08个后代,后代中雄性百分比为(28.08±13.29)%.雌雄蜂羽化后的生命期望分别为16.78d和17.47d.在实验条件下,蝇蛹俑小蜂种群内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ)分别为0.14±0.0009和1.16±0.001;净生殖率(R0)为45.17±1.05;世代时间(T)和种群倍增时间(DT)分别为26.31±0.07d和4.79±0.03d.研究表明,蝇蛹俑小蜂在实验室条件下可以利用黑腹果蝇完成生活史,对果蝇存在控制效果.  相似文献   

北方拟步甲科昆虫蛹的鉴别(鞘翅目)   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
拟步甲科昆虫的蛹为裸蛹,其蛹期是生活史中的弱环,蛹态的分类鉴别在害虫防治上具有重要意义,蛹期的形态和生物学特性是系统学研究的主要内容之一.文章对从北方采集、饲养获得的2 亚科5 族14 属27 种( 亚种)蛹进行了分类鉴定,并给出了它们的检索表和鉴别特征图.  相似文献   

研究了靖远松叶蜂各虫态的生物学特性及其天敌种类.结果表明:1998年,成虫有2个明显的羽化高峰,分别在6月中旬和7月中旬;孤雌生殖与两性生殖的繁殖力没有显著差异;卵的发育起点温度为14.92±2.3 ℃,自然变温下有效积温为81.93±33.3 d·℃;幼雌虫共有7个虫龄;低虫口密度下,幼虫群团为聚集分布;雌蛹历期显著长于雄蛹;各虫态天敌种类较多,以幼虫期NPV病毒控制靖远松叶蜂最为有效.  相似文献   

樟缀叶虫是樟树的一种重要害虫,该虫在福建一年发生4代,以蛹在叶苞中越冬,翌年3月上旬羽化。卵期3—4天,幼虫共5龄,幼虫期18~36天,蛹期8~16天,越冬蛹期148~166天。成虫寿命3~7天。每雌产卵量96~274粒。3~4月期间施放白僵菌粉炮以及喷洒80%敌敌畏、90%氰戊菊酯或90%敌百虫对该虫均有良好防治效果。  相似文献   

<正>已往虽然对许多昆虫的性行为与温度、光暗日周期的关系有很多报道,但对它们与性信息素滴度,特别是呼吸、脉搏的关系及其日节奏尚甚少报道。 据研究,大袋蛾雌虫性信息素分泌腺体不属于Noirot.C.和Quennedey.A.对昆虫表皮腺体的分类中的任何一类,而是一种新的表皮腺体。腺体结构引起了特殊的释放信息素的机制。 在腺体释放分泌的机制的研究中,虽然有的研究者对其它目的昆虫做过一些推测,但尚未见到用实验的方法进行验证的报道。 本文所报道的是对大袋蛾雌虫信息素含量、呼吸强度、心脏脉动频率的日节奏以及脉动频率与信息素释放速率间关系的研究,并阐述了大袋蛾释放信息素机制。  相似文献   

笼养雄性冠斑犀鸟繁殖期取食与哺育活动研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
20 0 3年 5月 11日~ 8月 4日在南宁市动物园内跟踪观察 2只正处于繁殖期的冠斑犀鸟。目标雄性冠斑犀鸟个体发生的 ,或者与其他个体间发生的行为事件采用焦点动物取样法全程观察记录。目标雄性冠斑犀鸟在巢洞口哺育的所有行为采用全事件取样法观察记录。观察得到的数据采用 SPSS10 .0 forwindows计算机软件进行分析。结果表明 :雌鸟封巢期 ,雄鸟的取食频次与喂食次数呈显著正相关 (Sig. <0 .0 1) ,9:0 0~ 11:0 0是取食活动高峰期。雌鸟封巢 6周后 ,在早上 (6 :0 0~ 8:30 )和傍晚 (17:0 0~ 19:0 0 )雄鸟的取食和哺育活动性明显加强。封巢后的第 11~ 13天出现第一个喂食高峰 ,从第 4 2~ 4 5天开始又出现上升峰 ,之后是一个波动型的上升过程 ,第 75天即雌鸟出巢前的一天喂食达到最高峰 ,然后是较快的递减 ,直到雏鸟出巢。  相似文献   

Biosynthesis and secretion of prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) of diapause-and nondiapause-destined individuals in Helicoverpa armigera were studied using whole-mount immunocytochemistry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The immunocytochemistry revealed that PTTH is expressed in two pairs of lateral neurosecretory cells of the brain. The presence of immunoreactivity has not significant difference between the brains of the diapause-and nondiapause-destined 6th instar larvae. However,the obvious differences of expressional pattern from day 4 pupae were observed be-tween the two types. PTTH titers in hemolymph from the 6th instar larvae to pharate adults were measured by the ELISA. Although there were similar titer changes between the two types of individuals at the larval stage,a significant difference from developmental expression was detected at the pupal stage,suggesting that the expression and secretion of PTTH does play a crucial role in regulation of pupal diapause of H. armigera.  相似文献   

大熊猫尿中皮质醇含量变化的日周期   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次报道了4只大熊猫(.2;■.2)尿中皮质醇含量变化的24小时模式.连续两昼夜在动物排尿时收集尿样,尿中皮质醇含量用放射免疫法测定.4只大熊猫尿中的皮质醇含量变化均有明显的昼夜周期,在早晨2—6时持续上升,在6—7时达最高点,随即逐渐下降,雄性与雌性大熊猫分别在21时到21时半及20时到21时下降到最低点.雄、雌性大熊猫皮质醇的日周期相似,两者的皮质醇水平都是在3—7时显著高于日平均水平,中午12时至深夜1时,一般均低于日平均水平,24小时中皮质醇峰的最高值,雄性大熊猫高于雌性.  相似文献   

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