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贾真真 《科技信息》2009,(18):127-128
This essay analyzes the famous French writer's novel Candide from the perspective of gender roles. It introduces some literary terms related to gender, and explains my understanding of the gender roles some characters have played from the aspects of wars and masculinity, Candide and masculinity, female characters and femininity, and Candide related to feminism.  相似文献   

刘洪莲 《科技信息》2009,(15):210-210,211
New Criticism is an approach to literature which was developed by a group of American critics, most of whom taught at southern universities during the years following the First World War. The New Critics wanted to avoid impressionistic criticism, which risked being shallow and arbitrary, and social/historical approaches which might easily be subsumed by other disciplines. Thus, they attempted to systematize the study of literature, to develop an approach which was centered on the rigorous study of the text itself. They were given their name by John Crowe Ransom, who describes the new American formalists in The New Criticism (1941).  相似文献   

袁芳  孟静 《科技信息》2009,(15):187-187,190
William Fanlkner is one of the greatest modern American writers and the Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1949. His skillful use of "Stream of Consciousness" and smart creation of the whole Yoknapatawpha County stories make him an enduring monument in American Literature. "A Rose for Emily", though short it is, is undoubtedly one of the most sparkling strokes on the monument. "A Rose for Emily" was first published on "Forum" in April, 1930; however, it can still arouse great aesthetie sympathy and inspirations today. In this novel, Miss Emily, the heroine, is depicted as a noble heiress of the Old South, a protector as well as a victim of stale southern traditions. She cut herself off society, muted voices, repressed feelings, and twisted her own heart all throughout the life in a gloomy, musky house. Miss Emily herself is a tragedy. We see her rosy youth faded, bit by bit, in that house. In this paper, analysis from stylistic perspective may give us some light in how and why the rose faded.  相似文献   

Xu Zhiyun 《科技信息》2008,(30):245-245
The symbols in Hawthorne’s masterpiece The Scarlet Letter have the characteristics of indefiniteness and multi-sense. Each character brings out a different side of the forest,however the forest also brings out a different side in each character.The forest reflects multi-dimension. The image of "woods" or "forest" in The Scarlet Letter manifests Horthorne's understanding and exploring of the human nature. The forest may stand for individual freedom,innocence,truth,danger and evil as well.  相似文献   

殷娟 《科技信息》2008,(22):246-246
Like Cinderella in the fairy tale Cinderella, Carrie is beautiful, innocent and poor. But unlike the traditional Cinderella who mindlessly waits around for a handsome prince to come to her rescue, Carrie, the aspiring Cinderella, resolvedly leaves the men she ever depended on and eventually becomes a successful actress. Sister Carrie, the most impressive heroine of Theodore Dreiser, is a contradictory character. Some accuse her of realizing her ambition with immoral means. However, some others take sympathy with her courage, determination, and aspiration.
By analyzing the most distinguished quality of Sister Carrie -her aspiration, this essay is to illustrate from the perspective of feminism that women are not limited by their sex. Ignoring her own sex as well as the conventional attitude toward women in a maledominated society, sister Carrie, full of aspiration, takes an active part in creating and determining her own lives and her own futures.  相似文献   

朱正玲 《科技信息》2009,(6):114-115
Jane Austen was a writer in the age of rationality, which surely leaves its imprint upon her works Pride and Prejudice. The "pride" and "prejudice" of the heroes and heroines in the novel manifest the fact that they are rationaUy-controUed. Such rationality, however, high- lights the unusual power of emotionality when the characters finally get married after experiencing complicated love This kind of first-back- grounding-emotionality-and-then-foregrounding it plot development in the works displays Austen's profound knowledge of life and her progressive thought surpassing her times. It also represents the characteristics of "the exterior rationalism and the interior romanticism" in her works.  相似文献   

刘彦欣 《科技信息》2008,(10):206-206
Forster's 1924 masterpiece, A Passage to India, is a novel about preconceptions and misconceptions and the desire to overcome the barrier that divides East and West in colonial India. His famous phrase, "only connect," stresses the need for human beings to overcome their hesitancy and prejudices and work towards realizing affection and tolerance in their relations with others. But when he turned to colonial India, where the English and the Indians stare at each other across a cultural divide and a history of imbalanced power relations, mutual suspicion, and ill will, Forster wonders whether connection is even possible.  相似文献   

在中国传统文化现代化过程中,当下习见的传统与现代二元对立或断裂的思维模式业已成为传承中华优秀传统文化的障碍。中国文化传统走向现代的路径解释可分为外部冲击说和内在理路说两种。相比较而言,基于具体历史情境下的问题意识,坚持从内在连续性和历史继承性角度来探寻中国文化的轨迹才是我们进入历史中的思想世界和观念变迁的主要路径。  相似文献   

1982年,马尔克斯凭借《百年孤独》的巨大影响,获得诺贝尔文学奖,他在这部小说中采用了独特的历史书写策略。通过叙述视角的转换和虚构的奥雷利亚诺家族的百年历史,《百年孤独》整个文本在理性审视和书写拉丁美洲历史的过程中,从不同的价值层面诠释了历史的多种可能性。马尔克斯在使读者认识了一个拉丁美洲当下正在"发生的历史",并以亲历者的身份进行观察和评价后,通过奥雷利亚诺家族发展的历史,以揶揄的口吻批判了外来殖民者对拉美土著居民的"民族志"历史进行的随意篡改,以及对土著居民话语权利的刻意扭曲。可以说,从追忆历史和审视历史,马尔克斯的《百年孤独》为我们演绎了一幅生活在拉丁美洲大陆上的各个民族之间的生动历史画卷。  相似文献   

在<百年孤独>与<九月寓言>中,蕴含着新旧文明冲突的共同主题.这一主题可以分为四个层次进行分析:先进文明残酷侵略、掠夺落后文明,吞噬落后文明;资本主义物欲横流,玷污自然美好的人性;劳动人民的智慧所凝结的优秀传统被排挤和被遗忘;显示民族性格的缺点和劣根性.  相似文献   

20世纪的西方小说家在小说的时空观上不仅打破了传统的叙事模式,而且还积极探索了一些特殊的时间处理方式,例如叙事时间和客观时间的参差变位、叙事时间与客观时间的疏密张弛等,使小说的叙事产生破碎、扭曲、怪诞的变化,给人以新奇、多样的审美体验。西方小说中叙事时间的多样化变形对中国当代作家产生了深刻影响,引起了他们对新型叙事时间的兴趣和探索。《百年孤独》就以其独特的充满魔幻气息的叙事时空对《古船》的创作给予了启发。  相似文献   

无论是仪式中的行为,还是叙事中的母题元素,无一不是因地理、经济、政治以及宗教信仰等原因而形成和发展起来的。在这个过程中,新的礼仪与母题不断修正或更换现有行为或元素以便适应新的社会状况。通过对近年实地观察到的仪式与叙事活动的分析,简论传统传承中的有效性与生命力这一对概念,对传统能经历各种社会冲击而延续发展或被摈弃提出有益思考与讨论。  相似文献   

马尔克思以"外祖母讲故事的方式"撰写<百年孤独>,这方式主要是思维认知方式而非一般所认为的结构言语方式,即作者重在借拟拉美土著有灵论者认识事物的方式讲述故事.为此,千姿百态的灵幻便成为小说的外在主体,它逼真而深刻地展示了拉美民族的精魂,且形成了一种奇美而超绝的艺术品格.  相似文献   

从公元1500年—2000年这500年间,整个欧洲乃至世界发生了翻天覆地的变化。从整个政治体制到人们的思想信仰,以及整个社会结构、经济结构、科学技术无不发生了质的转变与飞速发展。  相似文献   

陈忠华  孙煦勇 《广西科学》2022,29(3):411-414,422
美国最近连续报道4例基因工程猪供给人的异种器官移植,这些进展打破了异种移植临床研究领域近30年的沉静。尤其是实验性的猪心脏移植取得初步成功,引发了广泛的关注。异种移植面向未来的临床应用迈出了关键性一步。这4个案例,无论是创新精神、技术进步、审批流程,还是伦理学的同步跟进,都值得我国同行学习和借鉴。30年来,基因工程(GE)动物器官已经能在非人类灵长类动物(NHPs)模型中长时间存活。这些实验中,预存抗体、补体激活、凝血状态等机制参与的超急性排异反应基本上得到有效控制。异种移植已经达到临床应用的起跑点。然而,未来仍然有四大问题需要解决:免疫排斥、生物安全、跨种适配和伦理心理。本文简要概括临床异种移植百年来的主要进展,其困难程度可见一斑,但希望和探索从未终止。  相似文献   

昌吉州近百年来的美术发展经历了从无到有,从弱到强,从自为到自觉,从民间到官方的发展历程。新中国成立以后,艺术家们在描绘新疆独特的地理地貌、民情风俗等题材方面的创新不但对全国美术的整体发展做出了贡献,而且向世人打开了一个了解新疆的窗口。改革开放以来,昌吉州的美术在全疆各项事业发展中取得了令人瞩目的成就,基本上形成了多元化发展的面貌。  相似文献   

审美现代性是近现代以来西方学界一个重要的理论话题。在西方学者那里,审美现代性是与社会现代性相对立的概念,审美现代性在资本主义制度下发挥作用的方式主要是通过自律性的审美和艺术来批判物化现实,抵抗工具理性和资本逻辑对社会的控制,但也陷入了对历史进步的怀疑和悲观主义情绪之中。马克思主义美学看到了审美现代性与社会现代性不仅有对抗的一面,更有结合和相互依赖、相互促进的一面。马克思主义从历史唯物主义的高度,既充分肯定资本主义社会现代性的积极作用和进步意义,审美现代性的发展有赖于物质生产力的高度发达,也主张通过审美现代性克服社会现代性的阶段局限性、特定时期的片面性,进而促进人的自由全面发展。  相似文献   

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