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Summary The karyotypes of two Insectivora species from Taiwan are described here for the first time.Soriculus caudatus fumidas has 2n=40 chromosomes, FN=52 andAnourosorex squamipes yamashinai has 2n=50 chromosomes, FN=96. ForA. s. yamashinai the G- and C-banding pattern are presented.Acknowledgment. The authors are grateful to Dr P. T. Tseng, and Mr H. M. Lin of Taiwan Provincial Institute of Infectious Diseases and to Prof. I. Sawada of Nara University of Education for their help during the collection of the material and their encouragement.  相似文献   

Summary Scarites occidentalis has 2n=41 (females 2n=42), n=19+X1X2Y. This multiple sex-chromosome system and other karyotypic characteristics suggest that this species andS. buparius share a recent common ancestor in which the sex trivalent was probably originated.Thanks are due to Dr N. Virkki for his valuable comments and his help with the English, to Dr Ramos and Dr Aparicio for discussion and advice, to Dr F. Hiraldo and M. Mañez for collecting the specimens. This work has been supported by a postdoctoral fellowship of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.  相似文献   

Summary A 14-membered ring diterpenoid named cembrane, possessing Ca-antagonistic action on the isolated rabbit aorta, has been isolated from a soft coral of the genusSarcophyton, and its structure established by X-ray and spectroscopic data.The authors thank Mr. Z. Nagahama (Okinawa) for collection of soft corals, Miss R. Abe (the present institute) for her skillful assistance, and Dr. T. Higashijima, Prof. T. Miyazawa (Tokyo University), Mr. T. Hayase and Dr. H. Ohtani (Mitsubishi Chemical Industries Ltd) for1H and13C NMR-measurements.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde Aneuploidie bis zu drei Chromosomen in den männlichen Körperzellen vonRana tigrina (Ranidae: Anura: Amphibia) beobachtet. Die Variationen betreffen:2n–3, 2n–2, 2n–1, 2n, 2n+1, 2n+2 und2n+3.

Acknowledgments. My sincere thanks are due to Dr.S. P. Sharma, Zoology Department, for facilities; to Mr.R. K. Pillai and MissMadhu for technical assistance with preparations and Drs.K. K. Rishi andL. K. Vats for helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplast fusion and nutritional complementation between auxotrophic mutants ofAspergillus nidulans andAspergillus fumigatus has been achieved. It is concluded that the nutritional complementation may be due to interspecific aneuploidy.The authors thank Mr.L. Manczinger and Mr.Gy. Oravecz for producing and characterizing the required mutants; Dr.D. Goldstein for providing the strainA. nidulans R. 21; Dr.D. Kerridge for the wild-type strainA. fumigatus 5085; and Mr.L. Nagy, MissÉva Sziráki and MissMária Pölös for skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

The origin of the brown frogs with 2n=24 chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Late replication and C-banding analyses of somatic metaphase chromosomes were attempted on three species of brown frogs with 2n=26 chromosomes (Rana japonica, R. tsushimensis andR. temporaria), and three with 2n=24 chromosomes (R. ornativentris, R. dybowskii andR. chensinensis), which are distributed in the Palearctic region. The late replication banding patterns were highly conserved in these species. Four chromosome inversions were demonstrated inR. ornativentris, two inR. dybowskii and two inR. tsushimensis. From a detailed comparison of late replication and C-banding patterns between the 2n=26 and the 2n=24 species, it was found that an end-to-end fusion of two small chromosomes (nos 11 and 13) in an ancestral 2n=26 species may have produced the medium-sized no. 6 chromosome of the 2n=24 species.  相似文献   

Summary The compound, 3,5-dibromo-2-chloro-4-isothiocyanatosalicylanilide, has been tested against various nematode and cestode parasites in experimental and domestric animals. It shoved 100% activity againstAncylostoma ceylanicum, A. tubaeformis, Syphacia obvelata, Ascaridia galli, Toxocara spp.,Toxascaris sp.,Gnathostoma spinigerum, Hymenolepis nana, Raillietina spp. andTaenia spp. in doses 25–70 mg/kg given in single or multiple administrations.Acknowledgments. We express sincere thanks to Dr Nitya Nand, F.N.A., CDRI, Lucknow, for his keen interest in the work, to Dr B. N. Dhawan, F.N.A. for providing informations about general pharmacology of the compound, and to Dr R. K. Chatterjee and Dr P. K. Murthy for carrying out antifilarial sreening. Technical assistance of Mr S. C. Bhar and Mr S. Ram is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic chromosome complements of the Indian burrowing toad,Uperodon globulosum, have been described for the first time. The 2n number is 26 (NF=52) in both the sexes. No heteromorphism in relation to sex chromosome pair has been recorded. Deviations from 2n number (2n=10–28) have been noticed in the cells of different specimens. The result has been compared withU. systoma.Acknowledgment. Sincere thanks are due to Prof. P. K. Ghosh, Hooghly Mohsin College and to Dr A. K. Roy of the same college for encouragement. Thanks are due to Mr Bipul Kumar Das for his help during collection of specimen.  相似文献   

Résumé De l'éther de pétrole extrait de l'huile de l'Orejula (Cymbopetalum penduliforum Dunal, Baill) fut examiné pour son contenu en terpènes. On a isolé les sesquiterpènes tétracycliques (ishwarone). L'évidence chimique et spectral appuie la constitution chimique et sa conversion à isoishwarone.

The authors are grateful to Dr.F. Will, Mr.W. F. Kuhn and Mr.G. Vilcins for their valuable analytical data and to Dr.R. F. Dawson for the oil of orejuela and Dr.P. C. Parthasarathy for the authentic sample of isoishwarane. We wish to thank ProfessorsA. Burger andN. H. Cromwell for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

Summary The chromosomes ofBufo rubropunctatus andB. chilensis (on basis of adults) are described for the first time. These chromosomic sets are compared with the karyotypes ofB. spinolosus andB. variegatus and other species ofspinolosus group. The importance of the secondary constrictions applied to the phylogeny ofBufo are discussed.Supported by Proyecto N0 S-77-47, Dirección de Investigación, Universidad Austral de Chile.I would like to thank Dr J. M. Cei for collecting the Argentinian toads. Mr N. Diaz collected the specimens from Santiago, Chile.The technical assistence of Sonia Lacrampe is acknowledged with appreciation.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aus Arbeiterinnen der AmeiseMonomorium pharaonis (L.) wurde 5-Methyl-3-butyl-octahydroindolizin isoliert. Dieses Pheromon übt eine starke Lockstoffwirkung auf die Arbeiterinnen dieser Ameisenart aus. Die Struktur wurde durch Spektral-analyse und Synthese aufgeklärt. Unseres Wissens ist dies das erste Pheromon aus Insekten mit dem Indolizingerüst.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the Ministry of Health and Environmental Hygiene of the Netherlands. Pharaoh's ants were supplied by Dr.A. Buschinger, Bonn, and Mr.W. R. C. M. van der Loo, Rotterdam. The spectroscopical work was done by a team includingR. Deen, P. J. F. Nooijen andS. J. Spijk andJ. M. Timmner assisted in the synthesis.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es gelang, die intraspezifische Protoplastfusion vonAspergillus flavus, A. nidulans, A. niger, Penicillium frequentans undP. ramigena mit grosser H?ufigkeit zu verwirklichen. Die Fusionsh?ufigkeit wurde durch Komplementation von Mangelmutanten festgestellt.

The authors thank Dr.M. Czakó, Dr.M. Pesti and Mr.L. Manczinger for producing and characterizing some of the required mutants, andéva Sziráki andMagdolna Romvári for skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Verschiedene Fraktionen von Esterasen in embryonalem Gewebe und enzymatische Reifungsprozesse während der Ontogenese werden beschrieben.

I wish to thank ProfessorG. A. G. Mitchell, Dr. S. R. Choudhury andMr. A. M. Lundy for their help and advice.  相似文献   

Summary 4 of the 5 species ofLimnodynastes of theperoni group show 2n=24. Onlysalmini has 2n=22, thus resembling the species ofPlatyplectron (thedorsalis andornatus complexes) which all show 22 chromosomes. This 2nd group also includes species (ornatus) with very low DNA amounts. From a karyological point of view, the species of thePlatyplectron (plus eventuallysalmini) group appear more differentiated than the species of theperoni group, from which they have probably arisen.Research partly supported by a contribution from C.N.R., Rome.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Hydrocortison - Na - hemi - Succinat (100 mg des Steroids) lebenden, 4 1/2 h fastenden Katzen injiziert, ergab sofortigen Anstieg der Pyruvat-Konzentrationen im Blut mit nachfolgendem Blutzuckeranstieg.Injektionen von Kontrollösungen ergaben keine Reaktion. Nach Steroidgaben erfolgte sowohl bei normalen wie adrenolektomierten Tieren ebenfalls Anstieg.

I should like to thank Professors SirG. Pickering andI. E. Bush and Dr.R. V. Coxon for help and Mr.B. Abraham, MissS. Briers and Mr.W. Brown for technical assistance. Glaxo Laboratories Ltd. made a generous gift of the hydrocortisone-21-phosphate.  相似文献   

Summary A spermatozoid-attracting substance of the hermaphrodite brown algae,Pelvetia wrightii andFucus evanescens, was identified as 1, trans-3, cis-5-octatriene, respectively, by1H-NMR and13C-NMR data and biological activities.Acknowledgments. The authors would like to express their thanks to Mr A. Nishikawa for technical assistance, to Dr M. Abe (Yamagata Univ.) for valuable discussion on biological work and to Prof. Y. Sakai (Hokkaido Univ. Director of the Institute of Algological Research, Muroran) for the facilities during the investigation ofP. wrightii andF. evanescens. Financial support from the Ministry of Education Science, and Culture (Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research No. 556092) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Männchen vonMusca domestica werden von Kohlenwasserstoffextrakten aus der Cuticula weiblicherMusca domestica, M. autumnalis undHaematobia irritan angelockt (gleiche oder ähnliche Pheromone), nicht aber von entsprechenden Extrakten ausStomoxys calitrans, Glossina morsitans, G. austeni, Fannia canicularis undCochliomyia hominivorax.

The authors thankDr. P. A. Langley, University of Bristol, for his geneous aid in providing cuticular washes and feces of tsetse flies;Dr. C. M. Jones, USDA, for face fly samples;Dr. R. L. Harris, USDA, for horn fly samples;Dr. B. G. Hightower and R. R. Grabbe, USDA, for screwworm samples andDr. W. M. Rogoff, USDA, for little house fly samples.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the Australian lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri) synthesizes ascorbic acid in its kidney, suggesting that ascorbic acid synthesis started before the origin of the tetrapods.Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Dr G.C. Grigg, University of Sydney, Mr R. B. Humphries, Dr P.A. Janssens and Dr C.H. Tyndale-Biscoe, Australian National University, and Dr. M. Griffiths and J.C. MacIlroy C.S.I.R.O., Division of Wildlife Research for supplying the tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Systematic fractionation of alcohol extracts ofSolanum pseudocapsicum. showed that solacasine is the main antibacterial constituent. Based on physiochemical studies, a structure is proposed.The authors are grateful to Dr.R. Foltz, Battelle's Columbus Laboratories, and Mr.E. Fairchild of our laboratories for the mass spectral data, to Mr.Ruey-Ping Leu for the microbiological data, and to the NIH for grant No. AI-09846 in partial support of this work.  相似文献   

Summary From the marine spongeCacospongia scalaris, scalaradial1, desacetylscalaradial2, and heteronemin3 were isolated. Compound2 showed potent cell growth inhibition. The stereochemistry of3 is briefly discussed.Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to Prof. T. Hase and Mr R. Nakai for collecting the sponge and to Dr s. Tanida for the sponge identification.  相似文献   

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