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Summary Several compounds belonging to the group ofpara-substituted N-arylglycines have been found to exhibit pronounced tuberculostatic activityin vitro, but are too toxic for practical application. The relationship between chemical structure and activity is similar to that observed in the group of thiocarbanilides.  相似文献   

Summary The irradiation of the lens by a simple dose of 1400 r, gives a very important and lasting reduction of its hexokinase activity. Its ATPase activity shows an increase during the first four days and a return to normal again. The variations observed here (that isin vivo) are different from the ones noted after irradiation of these enzymesin vitro.

Travail effectué avec le concours matériel de l'Institut National d'Hygiène.  相似文献   

Summary -alanine has always been found in peptide hydrolysates of various higher plants, but never in protein hydrolysates. An assumption that the-alanine so found is a constituent of coenzyme A has been suggested.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative determination of bacteriolysis with different T1–7-phages confirms earlier observations that with substances inhibiting the action of T1-phage the normal respiratory metabolism of the protected bacteria is quantitatively restored in every detail.With T2-phage, showing a different respiratory course of bacteriolysis, no effect is obtained with the same substance, either on the respiration of the bacteria or on the typical course of respiration during bacteriolysis. The action of the phage inhibiting substance against T1-phage is therefore an effect of definite specificity.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of three urea-cycle enzymes, argininosuccinate synthetase, argininosuccinase and arginase have been studied in the ftal and new-born liver of rats. The activity increases with regularity between 17.5 days of pregnancy and birth in control foetuses. The lack of corticosteroid from 18.5 days of pregnancy decreases the activity of argininosuccinate synthetase. After administration of cortisol (hydrocortisone), to these 18.5-day-old foetuses lacking of corticosteroids, both activities of argininosuccinate synthetase and arginase are enhanced.

Ce travail a été réalisé avec l'aide de la Délégation Générale à la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (contrat No 737 1148).  相似文献   

Summary The blood pressure is not disturbed by a local injection of norepinephrine into the hypothalamus, but the excitability of vasopressor centres is affected. Often, the excitability of these centres is decreased; sometimes, it is increased, and, more rarely, it is first potentiated and then inhibited. Epinephrine has the same action, but dopamine is less potent; isoprenaline produces both facilitation and inhibition of these centres, but the facilitating effect is more frequent than with norepinephrine.  相似文献   

Summary 30 min after an intraperitoneal injection of reserpine (5 or 10 mg/kg) in the frog (Rana temporaria) and in the toad (Discoglossus pictus), a substance which has the properties of 5-hydroxytryptamine (argentaffine reaction, azoreaction, indoreaction and fluorescence in U.V. after formaldehyde) disappears from the skin glands; the histochemical reactions are more positive again 1 1/2 to 2 h after the injection of reserpine.  相似文献   

This article examines how the theory of proportions was explained during the second half of the seventeenth century in the works of Andreas Tacquet, Antoine Arnauld, Ignace Gaston Pardies, Bernard Lamy, and Jacques Rohault. These five authors had very different conceptions of this subject, and on one hand, they show that this question was not forgotten, even after the Geometry of Descartes, and on the other hand, their work displays the progressive transformation of mathematical objects. While Tacquet deepened Euclidean thought, the others stopped taking the Euclidean model as paradigmatic and tried to change the order of the Elements and to establish book V of Euclid in new ways. We shall see that this multiplicity of the approaches highlights both the vitality of the reflections and the difficulty in developing a new ontology of mathematics. Some of them nevertheless opened new perspectives that were to bloom only much later. We shall also see the increasingly important place of the algebra as time went by.  相似文献   

Summary By means of systematic comparative immunoelectrophoretic analysis, it has been shown that the antigenic material appearing in the liver of a Walker tumour bearing rat is highly specific to the tumour. In fact we have been unable to detect such an antigen either in embryonic neonatal, regenerating or in the liver of acute inflammations bearing rats.

Travail subventionné par l'Institut du Cancer du Canada.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In vitro gezüchtete Zellen des Rous'schen Sarkoms wurden der Wirkung von Röntgenstrahlen und radioaktivem Alkohol (CH3C14H2OH) ausgesetzt und darauf elektronenoptisch untersucht. In einem geringen Prozentsatz der untersuchten Kulturen (9,5%) konnten virusartige Partikelchen von 60 bis 90 mµ Durchmesser intra- oder extrazellulär dargestellt werden, die mit den vonClaude, Porter undPickels gefundenen identisch sind und wahrscheinlich dem Rousschen Virus zugeordnet werden können. Es wurden Kolonien von solchen Gebilden intrazytoplasmatisch in Form von Einschlusskörperchen beobachtet. Auch unbestrahlte Kontrollen von Sarkomzellen wiesen Viruskörperchen auf, wenn auch bisher in geringerem Prozentsatz.Es ist vorderhand noch unsicher, ob der Bestrahlung eine primäre Rolle in der Darstellbarkeit dieser Viren zukommt.  相似文献   

Summary (1) In homozygous state, the geneebony noticeably diminishes the sexual activity of the males.(2) The lower activity on the part of the malese is responsible for the non-random breeding in the cross betweene and +.(3) The degree of sexual isolation which results from this, depends not only on the genic, but also on the cytoplasmic context which accompanies theebony gene.(4) Results of previous experiments seem to indicate that in heterozygous state, theebony mutation increases instead of diminishing the activity.(5) Attention is drawn to the selective importance of these differences and the role they can play in artificial populations whereebony is made to compete with its normal allel.  相似文献   

Summary Microscopic crystals of uraninite are found in the accessories of the Baveno granite by the nuclear photographic emulsion technique. The uraninite is believed to be a primary mineral of the granite, its concentration in the sample is less than 1 p.p.m. but it contributes about 10% of the total activity.  相似文献   

Summary Using a histochemical method, we have observed the cholinesterase activity in mice after X irradiation. Both types of cholinesterases were examined: AChE (specific ChE) of megacaryocytes of spleen and bone marrow, and AChE of motor endplates; and non-specific ChE of liver, pancreas and prostate. There is no inactivation of AChE even after 5000 r. ChE is also very resistant: activity is slowed down only 12 h or even a few days following irradiation and the inactivation remains slight. We suppose that the great alterations in cellular permeability caused by irradiation are not correlated with these enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison is made between aneuploid off-springs of triploid females mated with diploid or triploid males ofPleurodeles waltlii. In the latter case, embryonic lethality is raised, and abnormalities are more severe. The disturbances affect morphogenesis, embryonic growth and physiological differentiation. At the cellular level, nuclear and nucleolar degenerative changes are conspicuous.  相似文献   

Summary Binocular Electroretinography in man shows that the elective light-stimulation of one retina produces a normal Electroretinogramm at the stimulated, ipsilateral eye, furthermore a bioelectric consensual response at the contralateral eye. This latter response consists in a positive deflection, corresponding to increased electropositivity under the corneal electrode. A close synchronism exists between the consensual response and the secondary rise (c-potential) of the ipsilateral Electroretinogramm. The consensual response does not appear to be of pupillary or oculomotor origin, but can probably be identified with thec-potential, the significance of which will have to bee reexamined, as well as the problem of the efferent innervation of the retina.  相似文献   

Summary A large number of N,N-diarylthioureas and N-aryl-N-pyridylthioureas have been tested forin vitro tuberculostatic activity, and several of them have been found highly active. A series of 1-acyl-4-arylthiosemicarbazides have likewise been investigated, and most of them found to be active at a concentration of 10–4; this is considered the basic activity corresponding to the molecular grouping -CO-NH-NH-CS-NH-.  相似文献   

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