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Erhai Lake is a large lake with important climatic significance in Yunnan Province, southwest China. The multi-proxy sedimentary records from Erhai Lake indicate the 9 stages of climatic changes with the alternation of warm-dry and cool-wet during the past 8000 a. The variations of Asian monsoon systems were the main cause for the climatic changes in southwest China. The warm-dry period was coincident with the intensification of India monsoon and Northwest Pacific Sub-tropical High Pressure, and the cool-wet corresponding to weak of India monsoon and its main rain belt moving back to southwest China.  相似文献   

By careful sampling and accurate analysis of recent sediments, the time series of sediment grain sizes and 6" 1B0, S 13C of carbonates in recent 700 years are successfully established, based on which the evolutionary history of the regional climate and environment in Erhai Lake is reconstructed. The results show that the climatic succession type in the region of Erhai Lake is warm-dry and cold-humid alternatively, and there exist 200 and 400 years of quasi-periodical changes in temperature and 100, 200 and 400 years of quasi-periodical changes in aridity/humidity regime. The two coldest periods in recent 700 years occurred in the 14th century and the duration of 1550—1800 AD. The latter period may be the imprint left of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Pollen evidence of early human activities in Erhai basin, Yunnan Province   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The evidence of human activities around Erhai Lake catchment was revealed by pollen records from a sediment core in the lake, northwest Yunnan Province. The chronologic sequence based on AMS ^14C data made it possible for pollen results to compare with archaeological records and historical documents. The preliminary deforestation started from the selective clearance at about 5500 ^14C a BP, marked by the loss of vertically distributed montane forest and the expansion of second pine woodland across the catchment. The deforestation resulted in the increase of surface runoff and the enhanced erosion in the catchment. The increased herbs of pasture and crop suggested the primitive agriculture and stockbreeding in study region. With the limited human activity, as well as the suitable climatic condition, second pine forest expanded quickly, resulting in the weakened soil erosion around the basin. The strong forest clearance inferred from pollen occurred since 2160 ^14C a BP, paralleling to the first dense immigration of population, when Yeyu County was first set up around west coast of Erhai Lake, documented in historic record. The development of agriculture led to the steady enhancement of soil erosion from farming land, increasing the input of fine materials and nutrients to the lake. Moreover, the serious deforestation by human activity stressed the vulnerability in ecosystem of the landscape. The time of primary anthropologic impact recorded from pollen is earlier than that of the oldest archaeological record by 1500 a (^14C year).  相似文献   

从人类学和民俗体认系统的角度对电视系列片《洱海》中的环保意象表达得失进行讨论,提出洱海的重新书写,既是一个现实问题,更是一个人文地理与历史问题。提出对当下洱海的书写与表达,应当从“自然的洱海”与“文化的洱海”两个层面上来进行。  相似文献   

湖泊是流域各类生态过程的重要起点,“从湖泊出发”是提升流域生态环境治理绩效的重要思路.该文综合考虑湖泊禀赋、空间距离、扩散介质等因素,构建了一个湖泊生态影响域测度模型,并以洱海流域为例,对其4个较大湖泊水体的生态影响范围进行测度分析.结果显示:4个湖泊对外生态过程受到的累计阻力呈辐射状向四周扩散,距湖越远阻力越大,影响强度越小;洱海的生态影响域面积最大,占据压倒性优势,茈碧湖、海西海、西湖的影响范围依次减小,彼此离散,且均处于洱海影响域包围之内;根据影响强度对洱海影响域进行分级、分区,发现其高、中、低三种类型的影响域面积依次增加,并在空间上呈现明显的环湖梯次分布特征.  相似文献   

New progress of lake sediments and environmental changes research in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental change recorded by lake sediments is one of the important branches of the past global changes study. The new progress of lake sediments and environmental changes in China since the late 1980s has been comprehensively discussed. The highlights emphasized are Asian paleomonsoon migration reflected by lake level fluctuation, uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau recorded by lacustrine sediments, saltlake sediments and environmental evolution, lake response to the natural-human interaction and modern lake biogeochemical process. Meanwhile important suggestions for the lake sediments and environmental research in the future are proposed, which include studies on the quantitative relationship between lake environment proxies and climate factors, high-resolution evolutionary sequence and spatial differentiation of environments, modern lake dynamic process and environment, Quaternary Chinese lake database and global changes.  相似文献   

目的:用粪大肠菌群(FC)指数综合评价大理洱海水体中粪大肠菌群污染情况.方法:在丰水期、平水期、枯水期分别对大理洱海四个采水点取水样,运用多管发酵法对水样进行粪大肠菌群检测.结果:枯水期(4月)和平水期(12月)时采样点FC指数处于Ⅱ类水质标准,丰水期(9月)时部分采样点的FC指数超过了国家对Ⅲ类水质规定的相应标准值.结论:洱海水体受到不同程度生活污水的污染,其中丰水期污染最严重.  相似文献   

Dating lake sediment using sedimentary event is the supplement and calibration to traditional dating by radionuclide such as ^210Pb and ^137Cs. Based on the change of spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) concentration, the age sequence of lake sediments can be deduced. It is one of the dating methods using sedimentary event. SCP is formed from combustion of fossil fuel at high temperature up to1750℃ and at a rate of heating of approaching 104℃/s. It can be dispersed to several hundred kilometers away from its source and deposited with precipitation or dryly deposited, and kept in sediments. Compared with Cs or Pb, there is no evidence for SCP that it decays in lake sediments and is unremovable once stored except by physical disturbance because it is mainly composed of element carbon. Handy method to extract, identify and calculate has been developed. Although fossil fuel has been used early in China, combustion at high temperature started later since emergence of electricity generation. The productivity of SCP is positively related with the generated thermal power, which is reflected as the SCP concentration in lake sediments increases with the increase of generated thermal power. Therefore, reliable sediment markers from the start of the SCP record and the remarkable variation can be used for dating purpose. In China, electricity industry started from the 1950s, and rapid increase of generated power took place since 1978. Based on these time markers, SCP time sequences of lake sediment cores LH and LL-4 from Longgan Lake, the middle reach of the Yangtze River, have been established, which is comparable with the results from ^137Cs and ^210pb, and has eliminated the errors of dating using ^137Cs and ^210pb.  相似文献   

洱海流域环境保护和综合管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洱海流域是一个具有明确边界的地理单元和普遍具有因果联系的复合生态系统,作为洱海环境和资源管理单元,流域的环境保护和综合管理是实现资源利用的重要措施.在分析洱海流域管理现状的基础上,提出洱海流域环境保护和综合管理的几点建议.  相似文献   

目的:分离洱海下游水体中的肠道致病菌噬菌体,了解肠道致病菌污染情况。方法:通过噬菌斑法从洱海下游水体中分离和鉴定各种肠道致病菌噬菌体。结果:成功分离出了痢疾杆菌噬菌体、伤寒杆菌噬菌体、乙型副伤寒杆菌噬菌体、大肠杆菌噬菌体4种肠道致病菌噬菌体。结论:洱海下游水体存在痢疾杆菌、伤寒杆菌、乙型副伤寒杆菌、大肠杆菌污染,提示需进一步加强大理周边生活污水排放的治理工作。  相似文献   

 过去全球变化研究是人类认识气候与环境变化事实与规律,客观评价现代环境在气候与环境发展历史中位置的重要手段,能够为未来气候与环境变化的预测提供科学的检验工具。介绍了湖泊沉积物环境代用指标与气候要素关系定量化的研究,简要回顾利用湖泊沉积物重建高原最近2万年环境变化历史研究成果,阐述高原湖泊沉积对气候变化的敏感响应。  相似文献   

对千岛湖87件表层沉积物的25项元素(指标)进行含量测定及R型因子分析,探讨了元素(指标)的来源和分布特征。结果表明:千岛湖表层沉积物以低I、Ca O、MgO,高Cd、Hg、N、S、Se、Corg(有机碳)等为特征。在查明表层沉积物地球化学特征的基础上,采用因子分析法对千岛湖表层沉积物地球化学特征的成因进行了详细分析,共提取了6个主成分因子,累积贡献率达到78. 735%;农业生产、工业废物、生物作用及自然作用是影响表层沉积物地球化学特征的成因的主要因子。  相似文献   

Lake Sugan at the northern edge of the Qaidam Basin was selected as the research object. The temporal sequence of sedimentary cores retrieved from Lake Sugan since 2 kaBP was reconstructed using the ^210Pb, AMS 14C and conventional 14C dating methods. Carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonate in the fine-grained lake sediments were analysed. Combined with the changes of 8180 values of surface water and air temperature observation data in the study area, it might be thought that the δ^18O value of the carbonate indicates effective moisture, and the changes in δ^13C values are related to annual freeze-up duration of the lake and indirectly indicate air temperature changes in winter half year. From the above, the sequence of climatic changes in the region since 2 kaBP was established. The climatic changes experienced five stages: Warm-dry climate during 0-190 AD: cold-dry climate during 190-580 AD; warm-dry climate during 580-1200 AD (MWP); cold-wet climate during 1200-1880 AD (LIA); cold-dry climate during 1880-1950 AD: and climate warming since 1950s. The air temperature changes in winter half year reflected by carbon isotope since 2 kaBP are in good agreement with the historical literature records and other geologic records, which shows that the climate changes recorded by the stable isotopes from Lake Sugan since 2 kaBP are of universal significance.  相似文献   

目的:了解洱海水硫化物及六价铬含量。方法:采集洱海20个点的水样对硫化物及六价铬的含量进行检测,分别采用亚甲蓝分光光度法,二苯碳酰二肼分光光度法进行测定。结果按照《地表水环境质量标准进行评价》。结果:硫化物、六价铬合格率为100%。结论:硫化物、六价铬均达到GB 3838-2002《地表水环境质量标准》的一类水质。  相似文献   

2010年11月1日至2011年1月2日,采用直接计数法对洱海罗时江人工湿地和沙坪湾天然湿地的水鸟多样性进行了调查,以探讨湿地管护尤其是水生植物去除对水鸟多样性的影响。结果表明:①水生植物去除后,人工湿地和天然湿地的水鸟多样性指数分别由2.08和1.86下降至1.46和1.41,这可能是由于水鸟食物量减少所致;②水生植物去除后,人工湿地的水鸟种类和密度增加,而天然湿地却降低,这可能与水草去除后单个水鸟物种数量的急剧增多有关。最后,为了给洱海水鸟提供较好的越冬环境,提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

Sediment cores from desert lakes serve as good records of the frequency and intensity of sandstorms in history. By multi-proxy analysis of grain-size, magnetic susceptibility, TOC and Rb/Sr ratio, the paleosandstorm characteristics and lake evolution history in Yulin Area for the past 80 years, are discussed in this article. It is revealed that Hongjiannao Lake formed in about 1928 A.D. and in its initial stage sandstorms were prevalent with three extremes taking place in 1936 A.D., 1939 A.D. and 1941 A.D.. During the expansion period of 1952-1960 A.D., inflow waters to the lake increased sharply and a lot more weathered materials were carried into the lake. The frequency and intensity of sandstorms have reduced a lot since 1960s and the "double peaks" feature of the grain-size frequency curve has changed into the "single peak" feature. Study on the catchment ecology of the lake shows that the occurrence of sandstorms has been effectively restrained by the forest plantation and water and soil conservation.  相似文献   

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