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Overexpression of the yeast HAL2 gene increases salt tolerance of yeast and plant. Rice HAL2-like (RHL) gene was introduced into a japonica rice cultivar HJ19 with Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Transgenic plants in R0 generation were selected on the principle of GUS-positive, RHL gene PCR-positive and normal growth. Hygromycin-resistant plants of some transgenic lines in R1 generation increased salt tolerance during the seedling and booting stage, being less damaged in the cytomembrane and stronger in leaf tissue viability under salt stress during booting period. Southern analysis of transgenic lines tolerant to salt in R1 generation showed that the RHL gene expression cassette had been successfully integrated into rice genome. Moreover, gene engineering breeding methodology and really salt-tolerant rice cultivar were discussed.  相似文献   

土壤追施锌肥对水稻植株锌累积特征影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过田间试验,在水稻(扬育粳2号)分蘖期及灌浆期追施锌肥,探究不同生育时期及锌肥施用水平对水稻成熟期植株吸收和累积锌特征的影响.结果显示:在两个时期施肥后,水稻成熟期各器官锌含量和植株锌累积量均随施肥量增加而增加,锌在各器官的分配比例也随之改变;施肥处理后,营养器官茎中锌含量最高可达到对照组的4.3倍(分蘖期),而糙米锌含量较对照组最大增幅分别为20.9%(分蘖期)和29.7%(灌浆期);相同锌肥水平下,分蘖期施肥植株锌累积量(最高454μg)均高于灌浆期(最高266.2μg),而锌收获指数(最大0.194)均低于灌浆期施肥(最大0.336).总之,土壤追施锌肥可以显著增加水稻植株锌的累积,并一定程度上提高水稻籽粒中锌的含量和累积量;灌浆期较分蘖期追施锌肥更有利于提高水稻籽粒锌水平,是通过土壤追肥方式提高水稻籽粒锌水平的关键时期.  相似文献   

在前期构建的水稻转座子标签插入突变体库中,鉴定了一个没有明显表型变化的Ds转座子标签系,发现Ds标签插入到一个编码磷脂酰肌醇磷脂酶C(PI-PLC)基因的第6个内含子中,分析该基因编码的氨基酸序列发现其含有已知的PI—PLC所具有的典型的X、Y和C2-like保守结构域,与已知的其它植物的PI-PLC蛋白有较高的同源性.另外,利用RT—PCR对该基因进行了表达分析,结果表明该基因在正常条件下表达量很低,但在胁迫条件下(机械损伤、盐、干旱、低温)或一些信号分子(SA、ABA)的诱导下大量表达,表明该基因参与植物对不良环境条件的信号转导途径,对于植物抵御不良环境条件具有重要作用.  相似文献   

Resistance-like sequences have been amplified from first strand cDNA and genomic DNA of rice by PCR using oligonucleotide primers designed from sequence motifs conserved between resistance genes of tobacco andArabidopsis thaliana. 3 PCR clones, designatedOsr1, Osr2 andOsr3 which were 98% identical in nucleotide sequence level, have been found to be significantly homologous to known plant resistance genes and all contained the conserved motifs of NBS-LRR type resistance genes, such as P-loop, kinase2a, kinase3a and transmembrane domain.Southern hybridization revealed that rice resistance gene hornologueswere organized as a cluster in the genome. RFLP mapping using a DH population derived from anindica/japonka cross (Zhaiyeqing 8/Jingxi 17) and an RFLP linkage map assigned two copies ofOsrl and one copy ofOsr3 to the distal position of chromosome 12 where a blast resistance QTL has been mapped previously. Northern blot analysis showed thatOsrl gene was constitutively transcribed in rice leaves, shoots and roots. Further study concerning isolation of full-length cDNAs would be conducive to elucidating the functions of these genes.  相似文献   

Cellular apoptosis susceptibility (CAS) gene plays important roles in mitosis, development and export of importin α from the nucleus, but its function in plant is unknown. In this study, a rice CAS ortholog (OsCAS), which encodes a predicted protein of 983 amino acids with 62% similarity to human CAS, was identified. DNA gel blot analysis revealed a single copy of OsCAS in the rice genome. A 973 bp fragment at the 3′ end of OsCAS cDNA was cloned from rice cDNA library and transferred into rice in the antisense direction under the control of CaMV 35S promoter via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method, 105 transgenic lines were obtained. Expression of OsCAS was suppressed in the antisense transgenic lines as revealed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The antisense transgenic lines showed dwarf phenotypes. The results indicated that OsCAS was involved in culm development of rice.  相似文献   

Homeotic genes share a characteristic DNA segment, the homeobox, which encodes a defined domain of the homeotic protein-homeodomain which seems to mediate the binding to specific DNA sequences, whereby the homeotic protein exerts a gene regulatory function. In this study, the homeodomain encoded by the OSIH-1 (designated fromOryza sativa-Indica homeobox-1) homeobox of rice was overproduced in a expression vector inE. coli, as a form of inclusion body and analyzed by Western blotting and crossed-immunoreaction. Crossed-immunoreaction studies among OSIH-1, Kn-1 and Quox-1 indicate all three are homologous at the protein level. The OSIH-1 homeodomain is then to identify the homeotic target genes. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (#39570370) Biography: CHENG Xing-guo (1973-), male, Graduate student.  相似文献   

Overexpression of the yeastHAL2 gene increases salt tolerance of yeast and plant. RiceHAL2-like (RHL) gene was introduced into ajaponica rice cultivar HJ19 withAgrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Transgenic plants in R0 generation were selected on the principle of GUS-positive,RHL gene PCR-positive and normal growth. Hygromycin-resistant plants of some transgenic lines in R1 generation increased salt tolerance during the seedling and booting stage, being less damaged in the cytomembrane and stronger in leaf tissue viability under salt stress during booting period. Southern analysis of transgenic lines tolerant to salt in R1 generation showed that theRHL gene expression cassette had been successfully integrated into rice genome. Moreover, gene engineering breeding methodology and really salt-tolerant rice cultivar were discussed.  相似文献   

The promoter fragments of wheatGstA1 and potatoGst1 have been amplified by PCR, cloned and fused respectively to the minimal promoter sequence of rice actin gene (Act1)) and its 5′ untranslated leader sequence together withGUS. The constructs with 2 chimeric promoters (WGA and PGA) have been transferred into rice in order to analyze their inducibility patterns in transgenic rice plants. The results show that: WGA and PGA are both inducible by elicitors ofPyricularia oryzae in transgenic rice cells; the intron I of riceAct1 gene is important for the heterogenic expression of monocot and dicot promoter elements in rice; and theAct1 minimal promoter and its 5′ untranslated leader sequence produced low level background expression in rice.  相似文献   

用同位素示踪的方法研究水中的Zn 2 和I-在鲮鱼体内的积累和排泄行为.结果表明,在Zn 2 质量浓度为0.2 mg·L -1,I-质量浓度为0.01 mg·L -1的水体中,Zn和I-在鲮鱼中的积累趋势大致相同,并可分别用模拟方程Y=30.729Ln(t) 45.983及Y=1.2743Ln(t) 2.0991表达.Zn 2 和I-在鲮鱼体内主要分布在内脏,7 d时Zn为235.48 μg·g -1,I-为0.49 μg·g -1,其次为鳞片和鳃,肌肉中分布最少.而鱼体对Zn 2 积累能力较I-强,对Zn 2 的浓集系数是对I-的17.5倍.Zn 2 和I-从鲮鱼中的排泄较迅速,排泄过程可分为快排泄相(0~1 d)和慢排泄相(1~13 d),其慢相排泄过程可分别用模拟方程Y=6.5688e -0.081t和Y=0.0388e -0.1201t表示.Zn 2 的慢相半衰期为8.5 d,I-的慢相半衰期为5.8 d.内脏对于Zn 2 和I-的排泄速度比其他取样部位快.  相似文献   

对一个预测的具有光反应活性的丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶STK进行过表达研究,构建了STK过表达载体,并用农杆菌介导的方法进行遗传转化,获得T0代转基因植株.对转基因阳性植株进行表达分析的结果表明,转基因植株STK基因的表达量显著高于对照,说明目的基因得到了过表达.另外,利用获得的过表达转基因植株对STK调控水稻中光周期相关的开花基因Hd1和Hd3a的表达进行分析,结果表明,Hd1及Hd3a的表达在转基因植株中明显上调,表明该蛋白激酶的基因可能位于Hd1和Hd3a上游,对于Hd1和Hd3a的表达具有重要的调控作用.  相似文献   

通过分析转基因植株的株高、分蘖数、结实率、千粒重四个主要农艺性状的变异,比较基因枪法转化的基因表达框(仅含启动子、基因开放阅读框和终止子序列)和完整质粒两种基因载体形式对水稻农艺性状的变异效应.结果表明,与非转基因亲本相比,转基因植株的千粒重和分蘖数与对照无显著差异;株高变异也不大,17个转基因株系中,仅基因表达框转化的2个株系XFb-36和XFb-63株高变矮;而结实率变异最大,有9个转基因株系结实率显著降低,变异率达50%以上.总体上看,基因表达框和完整质粒两种基因载体形式对水稻农艺性状的变异效应差异不明显,基因枪转化对水稻农艺性状的变异效应主要表现为降低植株的育性,转基因水稻植株的农艺性状变异主要来源于转基因过程中组织培养引起的无性系变异.  相似文献   

The rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), reproduces by sex in the Southeastern United States, but reproduces by parthenogenesis in California and other invaded regions in Asia and Europe. The objective of this study was to create a parthenogenetic gene expression profile of the rice water weevil in order to gain a better insight into the molecular mechanisms of parthenogenesis in the weevil. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique was employed for profiling differential gene expression in the developed ovary between the parthenogenetic and bisexual female rice water weevils. A total of 70 contigs were obtained, and the BLASTX search identified putatively 28 genes with differential functions. According to the cytological process of parthenogenesis, the tubulin alpha-1 chain and signal transduction genes etc. were selected for real time quantitative RT-PCR analyses, and their possible functions related to the molecular mechanism of parthenogenesis were discussed. The tubulin alpha-1 chain and some signal transduction genes may be related to the molecular mechanisms of parthenogenesis of the rice water weevil.  相似文献   

Southern blot analysis indicated that mtlD gene (encoding mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase) and gutD gene (encoding glucitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) had been integrated into the rice genome mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404(pBIGM). The expression of the above two genes in transgenic rice plants was demonstrated by Northern blot analysis and enzymatic activity assay. Analysis of sugar alcohol showed that transgenic rice plants could produce and accumulate mannitol and sorbitol. The salt tolerance of transgenic plants was much higher than that of their controls.  相似文献   

选取了10个物种与本课题组前期克隆得到的东北七鳃鳗抗增殖蛋白2(Lm-PHB2)进行氨基酸序列相似性对比,检测PHB2基因进化水平,结果表明各物种的PHB2氨基酸序列在PHB结构域处高度保守,但在N-端和C-端氨基酸序列保守性较低.将重组质粒pEGFP-N1-Lm-PHB2瞬时转染入张氏肝(CHL)细胞后,利用基因表达谱芯片技术分析基因的表达差异.结果显示CHL细胞中共有270条显著差异表达基因,其中显著上调基因共141条,显著下调基因共129条,涉及细胞信号转导、细胞周期调节、细胞增殖、细胞代谢和细胞凋亡等多个方面.通过实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(PCR)对基因表达谱芯片分析结果进行验证,结果显示转染pEGFP-N1-Lm-PHB2质粒后,细胞周期基因CDC25C、氧化应激相关基因(CAT,SOD,GST)和抗细胞凋亡基因HAX1均有显著性差异.  相似文献   

铵态氮转运蛋白(AMT)负责铵态氮的吸收与转运,对植物的生长和发育起重要的调节作用.对菠菜SoAMT基因家族进行了基因组鉴定、生物信息学分析、组织表达谱及氮素响应表达谱分析,结果表明:菠菜基因组中共存在6个AMT的基因,包括5个AMT1成员和1个AMT2成员,主要分布在1,4,5,6条染色体上,编码区长度为1 443~15 06 bp;6个SoAMT蛋白均包含AMT基因家族特有的保守结构域及保守基序,含有9~11个跨膜结构域;SoAMT启动子含有较多茉莉酸、厌氧胁迫响应元件.SoAMT基因在根、叶、柄中均有表达,大部分SoAMT1亚家族成员受缺氮、硝态氮或铵态氮诱导表达,而SoAMT2基因表达量受铵态氮抑制.两类亚家族成员不同的氮响应模式,可能与其在氮素响应中的不同作用有关.  相似文献   

基于Zn2+对碘酸钾氧化孔雀石绿的增色反应有催化效应,据此建立了催化增色光度法测定痕量锌的新方法.Zn2+浓度在0.40 4.00pgml-1范围内服从比耳定律,工作曲线的回归方程为△A=0.04024+0.01584 CZn2+/pgml-1(n=6),r=0.9990.本方法的检出限为1.9×10-13gml-1,灵敏度高,并成功用于水样中锌含量的测定.  相似文献   

Cellular apoptosis susceptibility (CAS) gene plays important roles in mitosis, development and export of importin a from the nucleus, but its function in plant is unknown. In this study, a rice CAS ortholog (OsCAS), which encodes a predicted protein of 983 amino acids with 62% similarity to human CAS, was identified. DNA gel blot analysis revealed a single copy of OsCAS in the rice genome. A 973 bp fragment at the 3' end of OsCAS cDNA was cloned from rice cDNA library and transferred into rice in the antisense direction under the control of CaMV 35S promoter via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method, 105 transgenic lines were obtained. Expression of OsCAS was suppressed in the antisense transgenic lines as revealed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The antisense transgenic lines showed dwarf phenotypes. The results indicated that OsCAS was involved in culm development of rice.  相似文献   

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