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ZY剖面沉积物的粒度特征反映了民勤盆地降水、水动力搬运强度及湖面水位高低的变化,利用剖面沉积物的粒度资料,发现该剖面自12kaBP以来风成沉积与湖相和浅湖相沉积在粒度上具有多次显著的粗细韵律交替变化,粒度参数Mz,σ,Sk,Kg和SC/S亦随之相应为多波动峰谷交替的态势.同时,粒度特征值Φ5,Φ16,Φ25,Φ50,Φ75,Φ84,Φ95相应地表现为非常有节奏地跳动,据此,将ZY剖面分为2个风成沉积、2个湖相沉积和2个浅湖相沉积,并认为其是12kaBP以来在东亚冬夏古季风交替影响下沙漠演变的一个颇为完整的气候—地层记录。本剖面不仅可以作为古环境与古气候变化的自然记录,而且剖面所反映的环境变化为研究本区土地退化、荒漠化等问题提供了自然背景。  相似文献   

西宁地区黄土的粒度组成及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文详细分析了西宁黄土的粒度组成特征和粒度组成统计参数特征.得出如下结论:1.小于6(?)的粒度含量55%,大于8(?)的粒度含量22%,K(?)2.5、SKI、M(?)6.1(?)均可作为黄土、古土壤的分界指标.2.黄土的物质来源:一是青藏高原内部,其二是亚洲内陆干旱区.  相似文献   

克里金插值法根据待测点与已知点的空间位置关系以及研究区域内变量的空间相关性为已知点赋予不同权重,再通过加权求和的方式得到待测点的估计值,为待测点提供最佳的线性无偏估计。变异函数描述了区域化变量的空间变化信息,常用的理论变异函数包括球状模型、指数模型和高斯模型,然而以上模型形式较为固定且选择较为主观,可能无法准确反映数据波动趋势。基于此,提出引入支持向量机作为新的变异函数对克里金方法进行改进。使用汾渭平原PM2.5浓度数据对改进前后的克里金插值法进行效果对比,结果发现:①支持向量机能够拟合出变异函数的变化趋势,②改进后的克里金插值精度优于改进前的克里金插值精度,因此支持向量机改进的克里金插值法是一种可选的克里金方法。  相似文献   

天山黄土粒度特征及粉尘来源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天山北坡和伊犁盆地晚更新世典型黄土剖面粒度分析表明,天山黄土以粉砂为主,占60—70%左右,粘粒含量一般在15—20%之间。天山北坡黄土物质主要来源于其北部的准噶尔盆地中的沙漠,伊犁盆地黄土粉尘则来自中亚荒漠和伊犁河下游沙漠地区。形成黄土的粉尘主要是以尘暴方式搬运,且冰期和间冰期都有尘暴堆积。  相似文献   

李洋 《太原科技》2010,(9):60-62
常毅军,男,高级工程师。他于1998年成立了专门从事山西煤炭能源战略信息与产业链研究的专业机构——山西汾渭能源开发咨询有限公司,并任总经理。经过十余年的发展.所创办的中国煤炭资源网访问量突破50万人次,成为煤焦行业内全球第一网站。  相似文献   

为了探究关中东部渭河右岸晚更新世以来黄土在粒度、厚度、湿陷性等方面与渭北及关中其它地区存在显著差异的原因,在研究区从东向西选择2条近南北向断面共6个黄土剖面,对黄土地层进行野外实际观察,并采集样品380件进行室内粒度分析。研究结果显示从东向西、由北向南,黄土地层厚度逐渐变小,黄土粒度组成上砂粒含量减少,粘粒含量增加。说明区域黄土是由近源粉砂(东偏北风搬运)与远源粉尘(西北风搬运)共同堆积的产物。  相似文献   

渑池盆地是黄河中游的一处峡谷,周边的黄河两岸是中华民族的重要发祥地之一.研究盆地区全新世以来的环境变化过程对新石器时代人类文明的研究具有重要意义.本文通过对渑池盆地池底村古湖泊沉积进行剖面观察、连续采样、14C年代测定(校正为日历年龄)和粒度组成分析,发现剖面沉积物的粒度特征较好地反映了渑池盆地的古气候和古湖泊水位变化情况.剖面粒度组成和粒度参数等变化特征揭示,渑池盆地末次冰盛期以来古湖盆流域的气候环境演化序列为:19 543~8 039 cal.a BP期间,早期对应于末次冰期,气候比较干燥,古湖泊尚未形成,进入全新世气候由干冷向暖湿化方向转变,古湖泊开始形成;8 039~3 473 cal.a BP期间,气候环境处在一个相对比较稳定的时期,此阶段相当于全新世大暖期,气候温暖湿润,湖泊水位最高;3 473~2 897 cal.a BP期问,气候波动剧烈,总体上气候较前一段干旱,湖泊水位下降;2 897~2 422 cal.a BP期间,气候干旱,古湖泊干涸.渑池盆地的环境变化过程与周边地区有较好的对应性.  相似文献   

面对观测到的高维复杂数据,函数型数据分析方法能充分利用数据信息,有效处理这类数据,并分析不同数据类型之间的关系。收集了汾渭平原11个城市2019年月均SO_2浓度数据和逐时气温数据,为了在分析SO_2浓度与气温之间的关系时不丢失重要信息,首先通过函数型数据分析方法,对逐时气温数据进行函数化,并对气温曲线进行动态分析;其次,由于月均SO_2浓度数据存在空间相关性,故在气温曲线和月均SO_2浓度之间建立函数型空间自回归模型(functional spatial autoregressive model, FSAR)。通过函数型主成分基展开的方法对气温曲线进行降维,采用极大似然估计方法对FSAR模型中的参数进行估计。通过与函数型线性模型(functional linear model, FLM)对比,结果表明:FLM模型的均方误差远大于FSAR模型的均方误差。可见用FSAR模型处理SO_2浓度与气温数据的拟合效果更好。  相似文献   

This note presents a new result of terrestrial mollusk study from the Luochuan loess section since the last 250 ka. A total of 213 samples, taken at intervals of 10 cm in the S0-L3 portion, were analyzed for fossil mollusks. Generally, 150–600 individuals were counted in each sample. According to the distribution of mollusk fossil assemblages in the loess section, 11 mollusk fossil zones have been recognized, representing different climatic and ecological conditions. Three main ecological groups were identified according to the temperature and moisture requirements of each taxon. The cold-aridiphilous group shows maxima at about 240–220, 190–182, 150–140 and 74–66 ka BP. The thermo-humidiphilous set has high abundances for at least 6 times in the section at about 246–240, 220–216, 170–158, 92–86, 60–44 and 10 kaBP. Our results show that variations in mollusk ecological groups are related with changes in the Earth orbital parameters at the 41 and 20 ka frequencies. Maxima in thermo-humidiphilous taxa are in phase with accretion intervals of obliquity (41 ka period), reflecting the East Asian summer monsoon with 41 ka period in controlling variations in terrestrial mollusk ecological groups. In addition, maxima in thermohumidiphilous taxa appearing at about 246–240, 220–216, 60 and 10 kaBP, are consistent with procession (20 ka period) maxima, indicating that the procession period also plays an important role in adjusting the ecological pattern of mollusk groups.  相似文献   

Whether climatic changes in high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere since the last glaciation have effects on the Tibetan Plateau monsoon, and the variation characteristics of the Plateau monsoon itself are still not solved but of great significance. The 22-m high-resolution Ioess-paleosol sequence in the Hezuo Basin on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau demonstrates that the Plateau winter monsoon experienced a millennial variation similar to high latitude Northern Hemisphere, with cold events clearly correlated with Heinrich events but less for the warm events (Dansgarrd-Oeschger events). It may indicate that the climate system at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere had played an important role in both the Plateau monsoon and the high-level westerlies. On 10^4 year scale, there are two distinct anomalous changes, which are not found in the records from high latitude northern hemisphere, revealed by the loess grain size in the Hezuo Basin. One is that there was a considerable grain size increase at -36 kaBP, suggesting an abrupt enhancement of the Plateau winter monsoon at that time; the other is that, during 43--36 kaBP, the grain size decreased distinctly, indicating a notable weakening of the Plateau winter monsoon around that period. Both of the two anomalies suggest that the Tibetan climate may have been controlled by some other factors, besides the high latitude climatic changes in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

The comparisons of grain size distributions among eolian deposits along the monsoon wind trajectory are a fundamental task for the reconstruction of the past wind regimes. Here the authors sampled the dune sands in Hunsandak desert, loess deposits in Beijing region and red earth in southern China. Grain size analyses show that the distribution models of the loess and dune sand samples are unimodal whereas the red earth and paleosol are polymodal. The red earth, paleosol, loess and dune samples are distinguished and closely related to one another in grain size parameter diagrams. Moreover, the grain size distributions and parameters of the red earth and paleosol are similar, implying that the red earth in southern China and the paleosol in northern China had the same origin.  相似文献   

Grain size distribution of bulk loess-paleosol and quartz chemically extracted from the loess/paleosol shows that mean size of the bulk samples is always finer than that of the quartz. The original aeolian depositions have been modified to various degrees by post-depositional weathering and pedogenic processes. The grain size distribution of the isolated quartz should be close to that of the primary aeolian sediment because the chemical pretreatment excludes secondary produced minerals. Therefore, the grain size of the quartz may be considered to more clearly reflect the variations of winter monsoon intensity.  相似文献   

Grain size distribution of quartz isolated from Chinese loess/paleosol   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Grain size distribution of bulk loess-paleosol and quartz chemically extracted from the loess/paleosol shows that mean size of the bulk samples is always finer than that of the quartz. The original aeolian depositions have been modified to various degrees by post-depositional weathering and pedogenic processes. The grain size distribution of the isolated quartz should be close to that of the primary aeolian sediment because the chemical pretreatment excludes secondary produced minerals. Therefore, the grain size of the quartz may be considered to more clearly reflect the variations of winter monsoon intensity.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部地区第三系碎屑岩粒度概率累积曲线特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在岩心观察的基础上,利用主要取心井的粒度分析资料,对柴达木盆地西部地区第三系碎屑岩主要沉积环境的粒度概率曲线进行了研究。研究表明,该地区发育的沉积相有扇三角洲、冲积平原、三角洲、湖泊、湖底扇,每一种沉积相又分为几种沉积亚相类型;该地区碎屑岩的粒度概率累积曲线特征主要包括:“上拱弧形”式、一段式、两段式、三段式、多段式、复杂两段式和复杂三段式、“低斜多段”式、“高斜多跳-悬”式和“高斜多跳-悬夹过渡”式、“高斜多跳”式、“宽缓上拱”式等,每种沉积亚相类型对应其独特的粒度概率累积曲线特征。该研究成果可为新探区的沉积环境判断提供参考。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部地区第三系碎屑岩粒度概率累积曲线特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在岩心观察的基础上,利用主要取心井的粒度分析资料,对柴达木盆地西部地区第三系碎屑岩主要沉积环境的粒度概率曲线进行了研究。研究表明,该地区发育的沉积相有扇三角洲、冲积平原、三角洲、湖泊、湖底扇,每一种沉积相又分为几种沉积亚相类型;该地区碎屑岩的粒度概率累积曲线特征主要包括:“上拱弧形”式、一段式、两段式、三段式、多段式、复杂两段式和复杂三段式、“低斜多段”式、“高斜多跳一悬”式和“高斜多跳一悬夹过渡”式、“高斜多跳”式、“宽缓上拱”式等,每种沉积亚相类型对应其独特的粒度概率累积曲线特征。该研究成果可为新探区的沉积环境判断提供参考。  相似文献   

不同方法测定黄土和古土壤样品粒度的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用激光粒度仪和沉降法分别测量了黄土和古土壤的粒度分布,通过对比两种方法测量结果,认为激光法测量的重复性和测量精度较高,小于5μm颗粒含量低于沉降法,平均粒径较沉降法偏粗;造成这种差异的原因主要是不同方法的原理不同和样品中颗粒形状不规则所致.黄土风化成壤过程中形成的次生碳酸盐矿物可能主要存在于小于5μm的颗粒内.  相似文献   

We studied the records of elemental carbon (EC) of the last 21 ka in the Weinan loess section, Shanxi Province. The variations of EC abundance and δ13CEC value along with depth (or age) were presented. There are four large peaks of EC abundance around the following years: 20.16 ka, 17.76 ka, 11.97 ka and 4.49 ka. Climatic situation was changed rapidly during these periods. The peaks around 11.97 ka and 20.16 ka are particularly sharp, occurring over intervals of tens to hundreds of years, which could represent short-duration intense events. δ13CEC values in the upper 4 m of the Weinan loess section vary between −11.71‰ and −21.34‰, which suggests that the vegetation pattern of the last 21 ka on the Loess Plateau is C4-dominated grasses.  相似文献   

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