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This paper addresses a dynamic lot sizing problem with bounded inventory and stockout where both no backlogging and backlogging allowed cases are considered. The stockout option means that there is outsourcing in a period only when the inventory level at that period is non-positive. The production capacity is unlimited and production cost functions are linear but with fixed charges. The problem is that of satisfying all demands in the planning horizon at minimal total cost. We show that the no backlogging case can be solved in ) O(T 2) time with general concave inventory holding and outsourcing cost functions where T is the length of the planning horizon. The complexity can be reduced to O(T) when the inventory holding cost functions are also linear and have some realistic properties, even if the outsourcing cost functions remain general concave functions. When the inventory holding and outsourcing cost functions are linear, the backlogging case can be solved in O(T 3logT) time whether the outsourcing level at each period is bounded by the sum of the demand of that period and backlogging level from previous periods, or only by the demand of that period.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new algorithm for computing the extended Hensel construction(EHC) of multivariate polynomials in main variable x and sub-variables u_1, u_2, ···, u_m over a number field K. This algorithm first constructs a set by using the resultant of two initial coprime factors w.r.t. x, and then obtains the Hensel factors by comparing the coefficients of x~i on both sides of an equation. Since the Hensel factors are polynomials of the main variable with coefficients in fraction field K(u_1, u_2, ···, u_m), the computation cost of handling rational functions can be high. Therefore,the authors use a method which multiplies resultant and removes the denominators of the rational functions. Unlike previously-developed algorithms that use interpolation functions or Gr?bner basis, the algorithm relies little on polynomial division, and avoids multiplying by different factors when removing the denominators of Hensel factors. All algorithms are implemented using Magma, a computational algebra system and experiments indicate that our algorithm is more efficient.  相似文献   

Generalized B-splines have been employed as geometric modeling and numerical simulation tools for isogeometric analysis(IGA for short). However, the previous models used in IGA,such as trigonometric generalized B-splines or hyperbolic generalized B-splines, are not the unified mathematical representation of conics and polynomial parametric curves/surfaces. In this paper,a unified approach to construct the generalized non-uniform B-splines over the space spanned by{α(t), β(t), ξ(t), η(t), 1, t, ···, t~(n-4)} is proposed, and the corresponding isogeometric analysis framework for PDE solving is also studied. Compared with the NURBS-IGA method, the proposed frameworks have several advantages such as high accuracy, easy-to-compute derivatives and integrals due to the non-rational form. Furthermore, with the proposed spline models, isogeometric analysis can be performed on the computational domain bounded by transcendental curves/surfaces, such as the involute of circle, the helix/helicoid, the catenary/catenoid and the cycloid. Several numerical examples for isogeometric heat conduction problems are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Elliptic PDE-constrained optimal control problems with L1-control cost (L1-EOCP) are considered. To solve L1-EOCP, the primal-dual active set (PDAS) method, which is a special semismooth Newton (SSN) method, used to be a priority. However, in general solving Newton equations is expensive. Motivated by the success of alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), we consider extending the ADMM to L1-EOCP. To discretize L1-EOCP, the piecewise linear finite element (FE) is considered. However, different from the finite dimensional l1-norm, the discretized L1-norm does not have a decoupled form. To overcome this difficulty, an effective approach is utilizing nodal quadrature formulas to approximately discretize the L1-norm and L2-norm. It is proved that these approximation steps will not change the order of error estimates. To solve the discretized problem, an inexact heterogeneous ADMM (ihADMM) is proposed. Different from the classical ADMM, the ihADMM adopts two different weighted inner products to define the augmented Lagrangian function in two subproblems, respectively. Benefiting from such different weighted techniques, two subproblems of ihADMM can be efficiently implemented. Furthermore, theoretical results on the global convergence as well as the iteration complexity results o(1/k) for ihADMM are given. In order to obtain more accurate solution, a two-phase strategy is also presented, in which the primal-dual active set (PDAS) method is used as a postprocessor of the ihADMM. Numerical results not only confirm error estimates, but also show that the ihADMM and the two-phase strategy are highly efficient.  相似文献   

This study provides a framework of target costing to extend its original scope when the underlying distribution is non-normal. The new specification limits can be derived by listening to the market price from Taguchi loss function. Later, the new specification limits can be linked through the non-normality-based C^^pk value along with non-normality-based X^^-Rcontrol charts to derive goal control limits. Moreover, an example is provided to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed framework of target costing by relentlessly reducing cost and improving product quality to gain competitiveness in the marketplace.  相似文献   

By constructing a Gray map, a class of constacyclic codes over ring R = R+vR is studied. Using cyclic codes and negacyclic codes of length p s over ring R, the structure of (1?2v)-constacyclic codes and dual codes of length p s over ring R are given, the Gray images of (1 ? 2v)-constacyclic codes in a particular case are also studied. It is shown that linear codes of length p s over ring R are (1?2v)-constacyclic codes if and only if their Gray images are distance-invariant cyclic codes of length 2p s over ring R.  相似文献   

For the two-parameter inverse Gaussian distribution denoted by I G(μ,λ),the authors employ a linear Bayes procedure to estimate the parameters μ and λ.The superiority of the proposed linear Bayes estimator(LBE) over both the classical UMVUE and the maximum likelihood estimator(MLE) is established in terms of the mean squared error matrix(MSEM) criterion.Compared with the usual Bayes estimator,which is obtained by an MCMC method,the proposed LBE is simple and easy to use.Some numerical results are presented to verify that the LBE performs well.  相似文献   

This paper considers the Rosenau equation with a moving control?t u + ?_t?_x~4 u + ?_xu + u?x u = a(x + ct)h(x, t), c = 0, x ∈ T = R/(2πZ), t 0.The authors prove that the Rosenau equation with a moving control is locally exact controllable in Hs(T) with s ≥ 0 and globally exponential stable in H~s(T) with s ≥ 2. The two results nontrivially extend the work of(Rosier L and Zhang B Y, 2013) from the BBM equation to the Rosenau equation.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the equivalence of two classes of D-invariant polynomial subspaces, i.e., these two classes of subspaces are different representations of the breadth-one D-invariant subspace. Moreover, the authors solve the discrete approximation problem in ideal interpolation for the breadth-one D-invariant subspace. Namely, the authors find the points, such that the limiting space of the evaluation functionals at these points is the functional space induced by the given D-invariant subspace, as the evaluation points all coalesce at one point.  相似文献   

This paper considers the departure process and the optimal control strategy for a discretetime Geo/G/1 queueing model in which the system operates under the control of multiple server vacations and Min(N, V)-policy. Using the law of total probability decomposition, the renewal theory and the probability generating function technique, the transient and the steady-state probabilities that the server is busy at any epoch n+ are derived. The authors also obtain the explicit expression of the probability generating function for the expected number of departures occurring in the time interval (0+, n+] from any initial state. Meanwhile, the relationship among departure process, server’s state process and service renewal process in server busy period is found, which shows the special structure of departure process. Especially, some corresponding results of departure process for special discrete-time queues are directly gained by our results. Furthermore, the approximate expansion for calculating the expected number of departures is presented. In addition, some other important performance measures, including the expected length of server busy period, server’s actual vacation period and busy cycle period etc., are analyzed. Finally, some numerical results are provided to determine the optimum value N* for minimizing the system cost under a given cost structure.  相似文献   

This paper proposes to use the blockwise empirical likelihood(EL) method to construct the confidence regions for the regression vector β in a partially linear model under negatively associated errors. It is shown that the blockwise EL ratio statistic for β is asymptotically χ~2 distributed. The result is used to obtain an EL-based confidence region for β. Results of a simulation study on the finite sample performance of the proposed confidence regions are reported.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a cyclic ?4-code with a parity-check matrix similar to that of Goethals code but in length 2m + 1, for all m ≥ 4. This code is a subcode of the lifted Zetterberg code for m even. Its minimum Lee weight is shown to be at least 10, in general, and exactly 12 in lengths 33, 65. The authors give an algebraic decoding algorithm which corrects five errors in these lengths for m = 5, 6 and four errors for m > 6.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a distributed design for clustering based on the K-means algorithm in a switching multi-agent network, for the case when data are decentralized stored and unavailable to all agents. The authors propose a consensus-based algorithm in distributed case, that is, the double-clock consensus-based K-means algorithm (DCKA). With mild connectivity conditions, the authors show convergence of DCKA to guarantee a distributed solution to the clustering problem, even though the network topology is time-varying. Moreover, the authors provide experimental results on various clustering datasets to illustrate the effectiveness of the fully distributed algorithm DCKA, whose performance may be better than that of the centralized K-means algorithm.  相似文献   

Along with the rapid development of economics and enhancement of industrialization, the power demand keeps rising and frequently creates mismatch between demand and supply in electricity. This provides miscellaneous energy buy-back programs with great opportunities. Such programs, when activated, offer certain amount of financial compensations to participants for reducing their energy consumption during peak time. They aim at encouraging participants to shift their electricity usage from peak to non-peak time, and thereby release the demand pressure during peak time. This paper considers a periodic-review joint pricing and inventory decision model under an energy buy-back program over finite planning horizons, in which the compensation levels, setup cost and additive random demand function are incorporated. The objective is to maximize a manufacturer’s expected total profit. By using Veinott’s conditions, it is shown that the manufacturer’s optimal decision is a state dependent (s, S, P) policy under a peak market condition, or partly an (s, S, A, P) policy under the normal market condition.  相似文献   

In this paper, adaptive event-based consensus of multi-agent systems with general linear dynamics is considered. A novel adaptive event-based controller and a state-dependent triggering function are proposed for each agent. The consensus can be achieved without the assumption that (A,B) is stabilizable. Furthermore, the Zeno-behavior of the concerned closed-loop system is also excluded under certain conditions. Finally, a numerical simulation example is presented to show the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The weight hierarchy of a linear [n; k; q] code C over GF(q) is the sequence (d 1, d 2, ···, d k ) where d r is the smallest support of any r-dimensional subcode of C. “Determining all possible weight hierarchies of general linear codes” is a basic theoretical issue and has important scientific significance in communication system. However, it is impossible for q-ary linear codes of dimension k when q and k are slightly larger, then a reasonable formulation of the problem is modified as: “Determine almost all weight hierarchies of general q-ary linear codes of dimension k”. In this paper, based on the finite projective geometry method, the authors study q-ary linear codes of dimension 5 in class IV, and find new necessary conditions of their weight hierarchies, and classify their weight hierarchies into 6 subclasses. The authors also develop and improve the method of the subspace set, thus determine almost all weight hierarchies of 5-dimensional linear codes in class IV. It opens the way to determine the weight hierarchies of the rest two of 5-dimensional codes (classes III and VI), and break through the difficulties. Furthermore, the new necessary conditions show that original necessary conditions of the weight hierarchies of k-dimensional codes were not enough (not most tight nor best), so, it is important to excogitate further new necessary conditions for attacking and solving the k-dimensional problem.  相似文献   

In many auctions, buyers know beforehand little about objects to be sold in the future. Whether and how to reveal information about future objects is an important decision problem for sellers. In this paper, two objects are sold sequentially and each buyer’s valuation for the second object is k times that for the first one, and the true value of k is sellers’ private information. The authors identify three factors which affect sellers’ revelation strategies: The market’s competition intensity which is characterized by the number of buyers, buyers’ prior information about the second object, and the difference degree between two objects which is characterized by k. The authors give not only conditions under which revealing information about the second object in advance benefits the seller, but also the optimal releasing amount of information in the market with two sellers and one seller, respectively.  相似文献   

A new point of view of robust statistics based on a geometrical approach is tackled in this paper. Estimation procedures are carried out from a new robust cost function based on a chaining of elementary convex norms. This chain is randomly articulated in order to treat more efficiently natural outliers in data-set. Estimated parameters are considered as random fields and each of them, named articulated estimator random field (AERF) is a manifold or stratum of a stratified space with Riemannian geometry properties. From a high level excursion set, a probability distribution model Msta is presented and a system model validation geometric criterion (SYMOVAGEC) for system model structures Msys based on Riccian scalar curvatures is proposed. Numerical results are drawn in a context of system identification.  相似文献   

The authors establish weighted L2-estimates of solutions for the damped wave equations with variable coefficients u tt ? divA(x)?u+au t = 0 in ? n under the assumption a(x) ≥ a0[1+ρ(x)]?l, where a0 > 0, l < 1, ρ(x) is the distance function of the metric g = A?1(x) on ? n . The authors show that these weighted L2-estimates are closely related to the geometrical properties of the metric g = A?1(x).  相似文献   

This paper deduces the structure of LCD negacyclic codes over the finite field Fq, where q is an odd prime power. Based on the study of q-cyclotomic cosets modulo 2 n, the authors obtain the parameters of LCD negacyclic codes of lengths n =(q+1)/2,(q~m-1)/2(q-1)and q~(t·2~τ)-1/2(q~t +1), respectively. And many optimal codes are given. Moreover, the authors research two special classes of MDS LCD negacyclic codes of length n |(q-1)/2 and n |(q+1)2, respectively.  相似文献   

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