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This article emphasizes the role of projects and project management in assuring socially responsible acting of contemporary business systems, presenting some practical applications in the field of tourism. With arising number of projects in business systems and their growing strategic importance, the role of project management has radically been changing for the last two decades. Managing organizations, as a central topic among seven crucial topics in ISO 26000 on social responsibility, is strongly associated with managing projects. Projects have important influence on the established as well as on establishing ongoing operations and are important tools in assuring business systems’ strategic development, by exposing interdependences and supporting the requisitely holistic approach. This article tries to fill the gap we detected in literature on social responsibility where projects and project management seem not to have a proper role. Four different links and interdependencies between project management and systems theory (which ISO 26000 reinforces) are exposed: (1) systemic treatment of project management, (2) systematical treatment of projects as holistic works, (3) systemic treatment of projects as parts of BSs’ strategies, (4) systemic treatment of projects throughout their entire life cycle.  相似文献   

This article contributes both quantitatively and qualitatively to the discussion on implementation of business ethics, as a basic background of social responsibility leading to systemic behaviour. In the frame of business ethics the ethical core values, culture, ethical climate, informal, and formal measures of business ethics implementation is addressed. The article is also aimed to improve understanding of importance of (ethical) corporate governance, key stakeholders’ influence on the enterprise’s core values, culture, the ethical climate, and informal and formal measures of business ethics implementation as the constitutional elements of enterprise ethical behaviour. The article briefs important cognitions of various empirical researches on business ethics in the case of Slovenian enterprises. The business ethics strongly relates to, and matters in, achieving more enterprises’ social responsibility and humankind’s well-being.  相似文献   

企业社会责任信息披露逐渐成为企业普遍面临的两难选择,也是现阶段学术界关注度较高的研究问题之一.现有研究回答了哪些因素影响企业社会责任信息披露,却很难回答这些因素的影响机制以及整个企业社会责任信息披露过程.本研究以信息的"需求一供给"为基础,以"收益一成本"为约束,构建企业社会责任信息披露的概念模型和系统动力学模型,以"天津塘沽大爆炸"和"长江客轮翻沉"事件为例,探究企业社会责任信息的披露过程及其影响因素的作用机制.研究结果表明:对信息披露的"收益一成本"的预期,信息披露策略,以及外部利益相关者学习能力的差异是影响企业社会责任信息披露的主要因素,并据此提出了完善企业社会责任信息披露的管理建议,以促进企业与利益相关者之间的有效沟通.  相似文献   

基于医药制造商和医疗机构同时关注消费者剩余视角,把研发创新和医保支付作为影响消费者效用的内生因素,刻画不同决策模型中社会责任对均衡结果的影响.研究表明:无论是医药供应链整体,还是医药制造商单独关注社会责任,都有利于提升研发创新能力;在非合作决策下,医药制造商积极履行社会责任可有效控制药品批发和零售价格,增加利益相关者的...  相似文献   

本文基于国际上普遍认可的香港联合交易所、全球报告倡议组织G4与国际社会责任指南ISO26000的企业社会责任标准,结合中国"一带一路"、"交通强国"等国家战略及交通运输行业特点,以68家交通运输行业上市企业为研究对象,构建了包括责任治理、人权等在内的7个准则层以及包含员工离职比率等48个指标的企业社会责任评价指标体系.通过融合差异相似双重约束的组合赋权模型构建中国交通运输行业企业社会责任评价体系.本文的创新与特色:一是通过融合差异相似双重约束的组合赋权模型对三种单一赋权结果进行组合论证,既体现评价企业之间的差异性,又融合三种单一方法的特点,得到唯一的企业社会责任排名结果,解决了不同单一赋权方法差异太大且结果不一致的问题.二是通过欧式距离、保序性和余弦夹角原理对多种方法进行一致性检验,验证了本文模型优于单一赋权方法及单一组合赋权方法.实证结果表明,交通运输行业各子行业表现参差不齐且整体表现较差,航空运输业表现最好,高速运输业与公路运输业表现较差,港口运输业存在明显的瘸腿现象;发达地区、国企控股、高管年龄越大的交通运输企业,其社会责任履行越好.  相似文献   

履行社会责任对东道国社会政治风险具有显著的正向管制作用,但在东道国复杂多变的社会制度背景下,跨国企业可能因"负责过度"而招致非议,因"努力不足"而丧失深度合作机会.因此,履行社会责任的努力水平决策成为了跨国企业普遍关注的焦点难题.本文以履行社会责任为研究视角,以鼓励契约、抑制契约和一视同仁契约刻画东道国政府对跨国企业的不同合作策略,构建了跨国企业对外投资社会政治风险防控互惠微分博弈模型.研究发现,东道国的社会政治环境稳定程度显著影响双方收益和最优契约的选择路径.对跨国企业来说,当声誉衰减速度较小时,鼓励契约在短周期合作中最优,一视同仁契约在长周期合作中最优,完全抑制契约始终最差,但部分低作为跨国企业也可能对不完全抑制契约免疫.当声誉衰减速度较大时,鼓励契约始终最优;抑制契约始终最差,甚至还会侵蚀跨国企业原有资本.  相似文献   

Internationally, globalization has been paradoxically translated into colonization, economic rationalist development, nationalism, and closure born of a fear of the implications of globalization and global markets for the least powerful countries, regions, and interest groups. Social problems in terms of the economic rationalist approach are increasingly individualized and citizenship models emphasize the responsibility of individuals and families. Many current human service and social policy models in Australia (as elsewhere) are nonsystemic (psychological, medical, education, crime prevention, and economic). The paper reflects on an experience of undertaking a study of the life chances of citizens in a remote region of Australia. This is a paper about doing systemic thinking and practice in Alice Springs (Mpwartwe, or caterpillar dreaming) as a social policy researcher attempting to use and advocating a participatory action research approach to social policy development based on a multisite, multimethod research design of perceived, expressed, and normative needs.  相似文献   

Systemic Practice and Action Research - The social responsibility of nongovernmental organizations starts from the values this sector defends. Despite the social vocation, a question arises as to...  相似文献   

如何平衡企业经济利益与社会责任之间的关系,是学术界和实务界共同关心的问题.本文研究了实际控制人籍贯地发展水平对企业通过慈善捐赠行为提升企业绩效的影响.研究发现,实际控制人籍贯地发展水平越差,企业慈善捐赠越多;相对于实际控制人籍贯地发展水平好的企业,实际控制人籍贯地发展水平差的企业其慈善捐赠与绩效的正向关系更明显.这说明,籍贯地发展水平差的实际控制人在承担社会责任的同时最大化企业绩效,也说明了慈善捐赠是缓解经济利益和社会责任之间关系的重要纽带.本文从籍贯这一非正式制度层面研究了企业慈善捐赠的动机和后果问题,从微观层面提供了实际控制人异质性能够改善社会责任的积极证据.  相似文献   

利用Yoyos系统与随机微分几何,对特定辐射源识别问题进行系统建模及数学分析,建立了一种有意义的几何学描述。通过上述模型及分析,指出辐射源个体所辐射信号的瞬时参数中包含具有内蕴性质的指纹特征信息,且由产生信号的辐射源个体的系统低维状态流形决定。提出了一种雷达辐射源指纹特征信息的有效性判据和信号内蕴指纹特征参数。最后通过外场实验数据验证了本文所提出模型及特征的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

为了更加准确地度量金融系统性风险,预防灾难性金融风险事件发生,本文基于尾部损失的均值提出了一个新的度量系统性风险的方法——CoES模型,相对于传统的CoVaR模型来说,该方法更关注尾部损失的均值而不仅仅是单一分位点上的期望损失,能够更加准确地捕捉系统性风险,为金融系统监管提供更为有效的信息.最后,本文将该方法用于度量2007-2016年间共21个金融机构对我国金融市场系统性风险的贡献.研究结果发现:1)CoVaR模型可能低估了金融机构的系统性风险;2)当银行行业受到冲击时,其对整个金融系统造成的风险最大,其次是保险,房地产和多元金融行业;3)在银行行业中,对系统性风险贡献最大的当属工商银行和中国银行,应对其进行重点监管;4)相对于银行和房地产行业,保险行业和多元金融行业自身的VaR值较高,但对金融系统性风险的贡献较低,因此应注意对其自身风险的管理.  相似文献   

本文是系统性层面的货币政策风险承担渠道研究.在构建监管当局与商业银行的道德风险理论模型的基础上,本文选取中国上市商业银行为样本,基于CoVaR和CCA方法实证研究了中国货币政策对银行系统性风险承担的影响以及与宏观审慎监管的协调.结果发现:1)宽松的货币政策,宏观审慎政策以及高杠杆会显著提高银行系统性风险承担;2)宏观审慎与货币政策双支柱的"紧紧"组合对降低系统性风险的政策效果比"紧松"组合更优,利率政策对银行杠杆的关注不足,通过紧缩的利率政策去银行杠杆可能无效;3)利用货币政策,宏观审慎政策限制系统性风险在危机时期可能是无效的,对大型银行的效果不明显.  相似文献   

企业慈善捐赠金额低于预期(即捐赠期望落差)会降低企业合法性,企业如何应对是一个重要的理论和实践问题。基于中国上市公司2008~2018年的数据,探讨企业如何通过调整后续的企业社会责任行为来降低捐赠期望落差的负面影响。研究表明:捐赠历史和社会期望落差越大,企业越可能增加捐赠以消除负面影响;捐赠历史和社会期望落差对企业其他社会责任行为增加的影响不显著,说明企业不倾向于采用增加其他社会责任行为来降低捐赠期望落差带来的负面影响;不同类型捐赠期望落差对企业行为的影响强度不同:与捐赠历史期望落差相比,捐赠社会期望落差对捐赠增加的影响更强,但两者对于其他社会责任行为增加的影响没有显著差异;实际控制人的现金流权比例越高,对捐赠增加的成本越敏感,捐赠历史和社会期望落差对捐赠增加的影响越弱。上述结论将绩效反馈从财务绩效拓展到社会绩效,不仅丰富了绩效反馈和慈善捐增文献,而且对企业应对捐赠期望落差有重要启示。  相似文献   

企业社会责任负面事件网络舆情演化具有主体行为复杂性,是动态的复杂网络系统,把握舆情演化过程中主体的行为特征和互动关系有助于舆情管理.本文以企业、政府、民众、媒体和意见领袖五个主体为节点,以不同主体之间交互关系为路径,构建了企业社会责任负面事件网络舆情演化的多主体模型.选取"百度魏则西"为基础事件,采用系统动力学理论和方法,探究了企业社会责任负面事件网络舆情的演化过程和系统结构中的动力学行为.研究结果表明:企业社会责任负面事件网络舆情演化总体呈现了诱发、扩散和消退三个阶段的周期性过程.企业与利益相关者之间的交互作用是推动舆情演化的主要动因,其中企业和政府作为两个重要的行为主体,在联动的时点选择上,按照政府调控行为在先、企业应对行为在后的方式,能有效发挥政府的调控作用和企业的主观能动性,缓解舆论危机.  相似文献   

基于政府、企业、社会三方动态博弈的企业社会责任分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从政府、企业、社会三方视角,建立三方动态博弈的企业社会责任分析模型。然后根据动态博弈模型求出三方利益最大化的均衡解,最后,提出了促使企业承担社会责任的对策。  相似文献   

The financial and economic crisis made visible the level of readiness to changes in the different types of organizations throughout the world and Russia. The variation of social and economic programs implemented by governmental and corporate sectors is widely seen; not all of them work positively for population, especially in the emerging markets countries. In the same time 20 years of the market economy in Russia, for instance, have definitely built a new social and economic system; but has Russia changed fundamentally in the management techniques? The presented paper generalizes some trends of the corporate development in Russia in the context of social responsibility and socio-economic transformation. The author attempts to define the place of Russia on the world map of corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

This short paper revisits Bertalanffy??s open systems theory and Luhmann??s theory of autopoietic social systems in order to highlight the linkage between systemic complexity and the carrying capacity of the environment. Being paradigmatically focused on biological complexity, Bertalanffy??s work shows this linkage to be relatively unproblematic. In contrast, Luhmann argued that autopoietic social systems are likely to develop excessive complexity which overstrains the environment??s carrying capacity. The paper synthesizes these conceptions into a framework of discretionary social decision-making aimed at preventing systemic complexity from becoming excessive. Rooted in the idea of balancing the system and the environment, this framework determines the optimal level of systemic complexity as that level which systems can maximally attain without incurring the risk of self-destruction. The system?Cenvironment balance is shown to be the general systems theory core of Ulrich??s critical systems heuristics and critical systems thinking more generally.  相似文献   

Is Hypermobility a Challenge for Transport Ethics and Systemicity?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Modern modes of transport, in the developed world, were designed to achieve higher mobility (or speed) and increased accessibility, all in the name of growth and human progress. However, in the course of providing for this higher mobility, through the rapid expansion of the transport system, we have ended up with a condition of imbalanced mobility, which we refer to as "hypermobility," particularly with reference to the automobile mode. Ironically, this very expansion of the transport network, with the objective of providing higher transport speeds, has resulted in traffic congestion that has drastically reduced mobility and accessibility, thereby lowering business productivity, increasing fuel consumption, increasing pollution, and robbing the public of billions of hours of valuable time. In light of the present unsustainable conditions, we examine and analyze the concepts of mobility through an inquiry of time, space, human freedom, and social justice from an ethical and systemic viewpoint. We conclude that if hypermobility is not dealt with both as an individual and as a collective responsibility, the challenge to transport ethics and its systemicity could be further impaired.  相似文献   

考虑环保责任的双寡头厂商新产品推出时机与定价策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着消费者环境与资源保护意识日益增强,包括新产品频繁推出在内的所有非环境友好型决策都将受到消费者的抵制和抛弃,因此厂商需要在考虑环保社会责任前提下重新审视新产品推出时机和定价策略.本文在考虑市场需求衰减和环保社会责任因素的基础上,建立了双寡头厂商三阶段竞争的新产品推出时机决策与定价模型,通过解析和数值仿真研究表明,环保社会责任惩罚因子,市场需求衰减指数和用户转移系数不仅影响各自厂商的新产品推出时机,同时对双寡头厂商新产品推出时机的纳什博弈均衡点有重要影响.同时,当环保惩罚因子和用户转移系数过大或过小时,两个厂商新产品推出时机不存在纳什均衡解,并且环保惩罚因子的大小决定了两厂商新产品上市间隔的长短.  相似文献   

从影响因子、传播方式以及影响程度三个方面改进了DebtRank算法并应用到银行同业拆借市场模型中.研究发现,不发生机构倒闭时,在改进的DebtRank算法下系统的损失等于各个机构对系统损失的贡献之和;不同的初始冲击造成的系统损失、机构损失相互独立.根据机构的系统重要性、系统脆弱性是系统内生决定的假设,给出了DebtRank算法下机构的系统重要性、系统脆弱性权值与次序的定义,证明了一般意义下机构的系统重要性次序、系统脆弱性次序分别由损失矩阵列向量与初始所有者权益向量、损失矩阵行向量与初始所有者权益向量决定.另外,对我国银行数据的研究表明机构的系统重要性与系统脆弱性不一致,而且随时间变化,最后对系统性金融风险的监管提出了建议.  相似文献   

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