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The Metasystem Paradigm postulates a hierarchy of at least three inquiring systems: at the lowest level of abstraction, an inquiring system devoted to IMPLEMENTATION; at the object level, an inquiring system devoted to MODELING; and finally, at the metalevel, an inquiring system devoted to METAMODELING. System Design is incomplete without the intervention of these three inquiring systems, each of which plays a role in System Design. System Science draws its paradigm and its epistemology from the metalevel inquiring system. Furthermore, this inquiring system is dedicated to a methodology called METAMODELING which provides MODELING (at the next-lower inquiring system) with its source of knowledge and its reasoning methods. A design is incomplete unless it takes into account both MODELING and METAMODELING. METAMODELING is to MODELING what the Theory of Design is to Design, or what Decision Making ABOUT Decision Making is to Decision Making, or what Learning to Learn is to Learning. The consequences of using an obsolete modeling paradigm are explored in relation to the discipline of operations research.  相似文献   

We outline an epistemology to resolve dilemmas among conflicting imperatives which arise in management situations involving action programs which are “useful” economically and technically but which, at the same time, must satisfy, among others, aesthetic, ethical, and legal requirements. These “situations” occur in problem domains such as management science, environmental management, conservation management (the science devoted to the protection and preservation of our cultural and historical heritage), urban planning, government administration, and the like. Basically, these actions programs are designed to “improve the state of the real world” and take into account the inevitable conflicts and tradeoffs which inhibit maximization of objectives. In the end, the epistemological framework which is proposed leads to the formulation of a methodology to reconcile the economic, scientific, political, legal, ethical, epistemological, and aesthetic imperatives, in the context of a strategic and pragmatic framework.  相似文献   

基于时变Copula的金融开放与风险传染   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
利用时变Copula研究开放进程下中国大陆股市与国际主要股市间的风险传染问题.用AR(1)-GJR(1,1)-t模型描述各国股指收益率的边际分布, 以时变SJCCopula描述 股指收益率间的动态相依性,分析中国大陆股市与美国股市、英国股市、日本股市以及香港股市2000年1月至2010年11月期间的风险联动. 实证结果表明:在开放进程中中国大陆股市与美国、英国以及日本股市一直保持微弱的下尾相依关系,而与香港股市间 的下尾相依性则随开放程度增加整体上呈显著上升趋势;而与各国际股市的上尾相依性则一直保持较低的水平.  相似文献   

This Research Note shows that choice cannot be avoided by interpretive systems thinking and action. Interpretive systems thinkers must recognize the politicoideological element of choice in all aspects of their work-on fundamental philosophy, social theory, and methodology. Interpretive Systemology is the most advanced interpretive systems theory available. It is analyzed in these terms.  相似文献   

技术是人类的存在方式,其演进贯彻人类的简单性意向,技术对简单性追求的结果则是技术系统复杂性的不断增长,面对不断增长的复杂性及其困境的出路,在技术范式内可能仍归于简单性的寻求。  相似文献   

This paper outlines a diagnostic approach to quantify the maintainability of a Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS)-based system by analyzing the complexity of the deployment of the system components. Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) is used to demonstrate how ISM supports in identifying and understanding interdependencies among COTS components and how they affect the complexity of the maintenance of the COTS Based System (CBS). Through ISM analysis we have determined which components in the CBS contribute most significantly to the complexity of the system. With the ISM, architects, system integrators, and system maintainers can isolate the COTS products that cause the most complexity, and therefore cause the most effort to maintain, and take precautions to only change those products when necessary or during major maintenance efforts. The analysis also clearly shows the components that can be easily replaced or upgraded with very little impact on the rest of the system.  相似文献   

基于领导与关系(guanxi)的视角,采用问卷调查与情境实验相结合的方法,探讨了管理开放性和上下属关系对员工亲社会性规则违背(pro-social rule breaking,PSRB)的影响及其作用机制.针对187名企业员工进行的问卷调查结果显示,管理开放性和上下属关系对员工PSRB均具有显著的正向影响,而且二者之间的交互效应也显著.采用134名企业员工为被试的情境实验验证了上述结果,并进一步发现:(1)心理安全感在管理开放性、上下属关系及其交互效应与员工PSRB之间起中介作用;(2)亲社会性动机对心理安全感与PSRB的关系存在显著的调节作用,并进而调节了心理安全感对管理开放性、上下属关系与员工PSRB之间关系的中介效应.亲社会性动机越高,上述关系和中介效应越强.  相似文献   

A program can be analyzed and studied by dividing it into elements and subelements. Graphical presentation of the driver power and dependence of the subelements of the identified elements assists in their classification in categories representing the nature of the role each subelement plays as a variable in the program. This paper presents methodology for the hierarchy building of subelements, graphical presentation of their driver power and dependence, and classification in categories such as autonomous, dependent, linkages, and independent variables. The paper further presents a case study of energy conservation in the Indian cement industry to determine the hierarchy of program plan elements and to classify them in categories. Key variables of the program are also highlighted.  相似文献   

Information systems have been increasingly used in all aspects of organization's business activities. These systems will inevitably evolve over time. The system development knowledge is a key to the understanding and evolution of these systems. As such, the system development knowledge is a part of the corporate knowledge that needs to be properly managed. In particular, the system requirements and architecture design are the most important system development knowledge. An XML-based tool for managing system requirements and architectures is introduced. The use of the XML technology allows the system requirements and architectures to be easily shared across the organization. The issues discussed include a conceptual model, a logical model and a physical model for the management of system requirements and architectures. In fact, this three-step development process provides a typical methodology for the development of XMLbased systems.  相似文献   


This paper explores the relevance of the action research for design of technological solutions that lead to both systemic sustainable development and active involvement of the community. The paper shows how this idea was implemented in a project for water resource conservation with educational institutions of rural areas in Colombia. Through the use of technology, a reduction in water consumption increases in awareness about the use of this natural resource, and the active involvement of the community were sought. Additionally, social processes related to the conservation of natural resources were addressed through a socio-technical approach for analysis and design. During the application of the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), the participants and researchers created technological prototypes that allowed to: 1) give visibility to the community’s initiatives, and 2) save water in the households. This paper focuses on the importance of the design process of innovative solutions for social and environmental issues through the participative approach of action research.


A new sufficient conditions for the global exponential stability of the equilibrium point for delayed cellular neural networks (DCNNs) is presented. It is shown that the use of a more general type of Lyapunov-Krasovskii function enables the derivation of new results for an exponential stability of the equilibrium point for DCNNs. The results establish a relation between the delay time and the parameters of the network. The results are also compared with one of the most recent results derived in the literature.  相似文献   

The existing recognition algorithms of space-time block code(STBC) for multi-antenna(MA) orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing(OFDM) systems use feature extraction and hypothesis testing to identify the signal types in a complex communication environment. However, owing to the restrictions on the prior information and channel conditions, these existing algorithms cannot perform well under strong interference and noncooperative communication conditions. To overcome these defects, this study i...  相似文献   

Most of the recent approaches to support evolutionary learning communities have offered tools to support agreements on a shared vision. Few have explained how to effectively implement the agreed actions from such a shared vision. From a cybernetic perspective, the present paper explains why the development of structural conditions for democratic involvement is a necessary condition for the effective implementation of evolutionary development at the societal level. It offers insights from cybernetic theory on how to encourage increased participation and social consciousness. Finally, it presents an example of how to design and develop local Agoras, following these criteria. Roger Harnden is an independent researcher.  相似文献   

河南省持续发展系统动力学模拟与调控   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
区域发展的动力来源于区域人地相互作用,区域的持续发展有赖于区域人地系统的合理结构和优化模式以及人们对该系统的有效调控。本文以河南省为实例论述了区域人地系统的模拟和调控等有关问题.  相似文献   

基准图制备是雷达景像匹配制导的一项关键技术,其中制备方法的选择决定了景像匹配制导系统的总体性能。详细综述了目前雷达景像匹配制导基准图制备的研究现状、存在问题及研究展望。目前,人们主要从特征模拟及信号模拟两方面模拟雷达图像来制备基准图,还没有一种制备技术能完全满足雷达景像匹配制导的要求,各种技术都存在各自的优缺点和适用范围。制备基准图参考源的挖掘、基准图分辨率的提高、寻的目标模板的有效生成等依然是目前和今后一段时间内雷达景像匹配制导基准图制备的主要研究问题。  相似文献   

An insurance-package is a combination being tie-in at least two different categories of insurances with different underwriting-yield-rate. In this paper, the optimal insurance-package and investment problem is investigated by maximizing the insurer's exponential utility of terminal wealth to find the optimal combination-share and investment strategy. Using the methods of stochastic analysis and stochastic optimal control, the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman(HJB) equations are established, the optimal strategy and the value function are obtained in closed form. By comparing with classical results, it shows that the insurance-package can enhance the utility of terminal wealth, meanwhile,reduce the insurer's claim risk.  相似文献   

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