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Bacillus cereus is an opportunistic pathogen causing food poisoning manifested by diarrhoeal or emetic syndromes. It is closely related to the animal and human pathogen Bacillus anthracis and the insect pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis, the former being used as a biological weapon and the latter as a pesticide. B. anthracis and B. thuringiensis are readily distinguished from B. cereus by the presence of plasmid-borne specific toxins (B. anthracis and B. thuringiensis) and capsule (B. anthracis). But phylogenetic studies based on the analysis of chromosomal genes bring controversial results, and it is unclear whether B. cereus, B. anthracis and B. thuringiensis are varieties of the same species or different species. Here we report the sequencing and analysis of the type strain B. cereus ATCC 14579. The complete genome sequence of B. cereus ATCC 14579 together with the gapped genome of B. anthracis A2012 enables us to perform comparative analysis, and hence to identify the genes that are conserved between B. cereus and B. anthracis, and the genes that are unique for each species. We use the former to clarify the phylogeny of the cereus group, and the latter to determine plasmid-independent species-specific markers.  相似文献   

Species of malaria parasite that infect rodents have long been used as models for malaria disease research. Here we report the whole-genome shotgun sequence of one species, Plasmodium yoelii yoelii, and comparative studies with the genome of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum clone 3D7. A synteny map of 2,212 P. y. yoelii contiguous DNA sequences (contigs) aligned to 14 P. falciparum chromosomes reveals marked conservation of gene synteny within the body of each chromosome. Of about 5,300 P. falciparum genes, more than 3,300 P. y. yoelii orthologues of predominantly metabolic function were identified. Over 800 copies of a variant antigen gene located in subtelomeric regions were found. This is the first genome sequence of a model eukaryotic parasite, and it provides insight into the use of such systems in the modelling of Plasmodium biology and disease.  相似文献   

Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the world's most important non-grain food crop and is central to global food security. It is clonally propagated, highly heterozygous, autotetraploid, and suffers acute inbreeding depression. Here we use a homozygous doubled-monoploid potato clone to sequence and assemble 86% of the 844-megabase genome. We predict 39,031 protein-coding genes and present evidence for at least two genome duplication events indicative of a palaeopolyploid origin. As the first genome sequence of an asterid, the potato genome reveals 2,642 genes specific to this large angiosperm clade. We also sequenced a heterozygous diploid clone and show that gene presence/absence variants and other potentially deleterious mutations occur frequently and are a likely cause of inbreeding depression. Gene family expansion, tissue-specific expression and recruitment of genes to new pathways contributed to the evolution of tuber development. The potato genome sequence provides a platform for genetic improvement of this vital crop.  相似文献   

第三方支付网关,是一些和各大银行签约并具备一定实力及信誉保障的第三方独立机构在银行监管下提供交易支持的网关。从支付网关的安全性和支付网关的集成性对比较活跃的支付宝、快钱、财付通,易宝、银联在线等常用的5大支付网关进行了比较分析,并以支付宝为例说明第三方支付网关与ASP类型电子商务网站进行集成应用的方法。  相似文献   

Human-chimpanzee comparative genome research is essential for narrowing down genetic changes involved in the acquisition of unique human features, such as highly developed cognitive functions, bipedalism or the use of complex language. Here, we report the high-quality DNA sequence of 33.3 megabases of chimpanzee chromosome 22. By comparing the whole sequence with the human counterpart, chromosome 21, we found that 1.44% of the chromosome consists of single-base substitutions in addition to nearly 68,000 insertions or deletions. These differences are sufficient to generate changes in most of the proteins. Indeed, 83% of the 231 coding sequences, including functionally important genes, show differences at the amino acid sequence level. Furthermore, we demonstrate different expansion of particular subfamilies of retrotransposons between the lineages, suggesting different impacts of retrotranspositions on human and chimpanzee evolution. The genomic changes after speciation and their biological consequences seem more complex than originally hypothesized.  相似文献   

Genome sequence of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
The Gram-negative bacterium Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of the systemic invasive infectious disease classically referred to as plague, and has been responsible for three human pandemics: the Justinian plague (sixth to eighth centuries), the Black Death (fourteenth to nineteenth centuries) and modern plague (nineteenth century to the present day). The recent identification of strains resistant to multiple drugs and the potential use of Y. pestis as an agent of biological warfare mean that plague still poses a threat to human health. Here we report the complete genome sequence of Y. pestis strain CO92, consisting of a 4.65-megabase (Mb) chromosome and three plasmids of 96.2 kilobases (kb), 70.3 kb and 9.6 kb. The genome is unusually rich in insertion sequences and displays anomalies in GC base-composition bias, indicating frequent intragenomic recombination. Many genes seem to have been acquired from other bacteria and viruses (including adhesins, secretion systems and insecticidal toxins). The genome contains around 150 pseudogenes, many of which are remnants of a redundant enteropathogenic lifestyle. The evidence of ongoing genome fluidity, expansion and decay suggests Y. pestis is a pathogen that has undergone large-scale genetic flux and provides a unique insight into the ways in which new and highly virulent pathogens evolve.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence and comparative analysis of human chromosome 5   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromosome 5 is one of the largest human chromosomes and contains numerous intrachromosomal duplications, yet it has one of the lowest gene densities. This is partially explained by numerous gene-poor regions that display a remarkable degree of noncoding conservation with non-mammalian vertebrates, suggesting that they are functionally constrained. In total, we compiled 177.7 million base pairs of highly accurate finished sequence containing 923 manually curated protein-coding genes including the protocadherin and interleukin gene families. We also completely sequenced versions of the large chromosome-5-specific internal duplications. These duplications are very recent evolutionary events and probably have a mechanistic role in human physiological variation, as deletions in these regions are the cause of debilitating disorders including spinal muscular atrophy.  相似文献   

Genome sequence of the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
Ralstonia solanacearum is a devastating, soil-borne plant pathogen with a global distribution and an unusually wide host range. It is a model system for the dissection of molecular determinants governing pathogenicity. We present here the complete genome sequence and its analysis of strain GMI1000. The 5.8-megabase (Mb) genome is organized into two replicons: a 3.7-Mb chromosome and a 2.1-Mb megaplasmid. Both replicons have a mosaic structure providing evidence for the acquisition of genes through horizontal gene transfer. Regions containing genetically mobile elements associated with the percentage of G+C bias may have an important function in genome evolution. The genome encodes many proteins potentially associated with a role in pathogenicity. In particular, many putative attachment factors were identified. The complete repertoire of type III secreted effector proteins can be studied. Over 40 candidates were identified. Comparison with other genomes suggests that bacterial plant pathogens and animal pathogens harbour distinct arrays of specialized type III-dependent effectors.  相似文献   

响叶杨(杨属)叶绿体基因组测序与比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究中,我们对响叶杨的叶绿体基因组进行测序和组装,并将其与杨属其他11个叶绿体基因组进行比较分析.结果表明,响叶杨叶绿体基因组全长158,591bp,其中两个反向重复序列区(IR)长度均为27,667bp,长单拷贝序列区(LSC)和短单拷贝序列区(SSC)长度分别为84,634和18,623bp.通过对杨属12个物种的叶绿体基因组进行比较,只发现了6个相对较大的插入缺失,因此整体而言,杨属的叶绿体基因组结构是高度保守的.系统发育分析结果显示,杨属中12个物种组成了3个具有高支持率的进化支,响叶杨与其他白杨组物种聚为一支,并且与银白杨的亲缘关系最近.本研究基于叶绿体基因组数据揭示了杨属的进化历史,将有助于进一步开展杨属植物基于叶绿体DNA序列数据的群体遗传学及其他分子生态学研究.  相似文献   

The parasite Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for hundreds of millions of cases of malaria, and kills more than one million African children annually. Here we report an analysis of the genome sequence of P. falciparum clone 3D7. The 23-megabase nuclear genome consists of 14 chromosomes, encodes about 5,300 genes, and is the most (A + T)-rich genome sequenced to date. Genes involved in antigenic variation are concentrated in the subtelomeric regions of the chromosomes. Compared to the genomes of free-living eukaryotic microbes, the genome of this intracellular parasite encodes fewer enzymes and transporters, but a large proportion of genes are devoted to immune evasion and host-parasite interactions. Many nuclear-encoded proteins are targeted to the apicoplast, an organelle involved in fatty-acid and isoprenoid metabolism. The genome sequence provides the foundation for future studies of this organism, and is being exploited in the search for new drugs and vaccines to fight malaria.  相似文献   

【目的】报道柳树痂囊腔菌(Elsinoë murrayae)的全基因组序列,与甜橙痂囊腔菌杨树致病型的基因组进行比较分析,为阐述柳树痂囊腔菌的致病和适应性机制提供参考。【方法】采用Illumina HiSeq 2500 测序仪对柳树痂囊腔菌的全基因组序列进行测序,预测蛋白编码基因,筛选与致病相关的碳水化合物活性酶基因、小分泌蛋白基因和次生代谢产物基因簇。根据痂囊腔属真菌基因的直系同源关系,筛选柳树痂囊腔菌和甜橙痂囊腔菌杨树致病型之间共有特异性的基因和二者之间差异基因,并进行GO富集分析。鉴定柳树痂囊腔菌的交配类型位点,使用特异性引物进行PCR,检测分离株的交配类型。【结果】组装获得了1个20.7 Mb基因组,完整度99%;预测出8 256个蛋白编码基因,其中包括486个碳水化合物活性酶基因,193个小分泌蛋白基因和16个次生代谢产物基因簇 (GenBank登录号:NKHZ00000000)。系统进化和共线性分析显示柳树痂囊腔菌和甜橙痂囊腔菌杨树致病型亲缘关系最近,两者之间具有12个在其他痂囊腔菌中没有的共有特异性基因。两个真菌的比较基因组分析,筛选出752和1 746个差异基因,主要参与碳水化合物代谢和毒素代谢的生物学过程。已有分离株的交配类型均为MAT1-2。【结论】获得柳树病原真菌-柳树痂囊腔菌的基因组,筛选出痂囊腔菌中负责寄主适应性的候选基因,分析了柳树痂囊腔菌交配系统,这可为柳树病害防治和柳树-病原真菌相互作用研究提供关键信息。  相似文献   

Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites infesting many animal groups. Lacking mitochondria and peroxysomes, these unicellular eukaryotes were first considered a deeply branching protist lineage that diverged before the endosymbiotic event that led to mitochondria. The discovery of a gene for a mitochondrial-type chaperone combined with molecular phylogenetic data later implied that microsporidia are atypical fungi that lost mitochondria during evolution. Here we report the DNA sequences of the 11 chromosomes of the approximately 2.9-megabase (Mb) genome of Encephalitozoon cuniculi (1,997 potential protein-coding genes). Genome compaction is reflected by reduced intergenic spacers and by the shortness of most putative proteins relative to their eukaryote orthologues. The strong host dependence is illustrated by the lack of genes for some biosynthetic pathways and for the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Phylogenetic analysis lends substantial credit to the fungal affiliation of microsporidia. Because the E. cuniculi genome contains genes related to some mitochondrial functions (for example, Fe-S cluster assembly), we hypothesize that microsporidia have retained a mitochondrion-derived organelle.  相似文献   

SARS coronavirus is an RNA virus whose replication is error-prone, which provides possibility for escape of host defenses, and even leads to evolution of new viral strains during the passage or the transmission. Lots of variations have been detected among different SARS-CoV strains. And a study on these variations is helpful for development of efficient vaccine. Moreover, the test of nucleic acid characterization and genetic stability of SARS-CoV is important in the research of inactivated vaccine. The whole genome sequences of two SARS coronavirus strains after passage in Vero cell culture were determined and were compared with those of early passages, respectively. Results showed that both SAPS coronavirus strains have high genetic stability, although nearly 10 generations were passed. Four nucleotide variations were observed between the second passage and the llth passage of Sinol strain for identification of SARS inactivated vaccine. Moreover, only one nucleotide was different between the third passage and the 10th passage of Sino3 strain for SARS inactivated vaccine. Therefore, this study suggested it was possible to develop inactivated vaccine against SARS-CoV in the future.  相似文献   

Protein structure: a new strategy for sequence analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
W R Gray 《Nature》1968,220(5174):1300-1304

Since the recognition of prokaryotes as essential components of the oceanic food web, bacterioplankton have been acknowledged as catalysts of most major biogeochemical processes in the sea. Studying heterotrophic bacterioplankton has been challenging, however, as most major clades have never been cultured or have only been grown to low densities in sea water. Here we describe the genome sequence of Silicibacter pomeroyi, a member of the marine Roseobacter clade (Fig. 1), the relatives of which comprise approximately 10-20% of coastal and oceanic mixed-layer bacterioplankton. This first genome sequence from any major heterotrophic clade consists of a chromosome (4,109,442 base pairs) and megaplasmid (491,611 base pairs). Genome analysis indicates that this organism relies upon a lithoheterotrophic strategy that uses inorganic compounds (carbon monoxide and sulphide) to supplement heterotrophy. Silicibacter pomeroyi also has genes advantageous for associations with plankton and suspended particles, including genes for uptake of algal-derived compounds, use of metabolites from reducing microzones, rapid growth and cell-density-dependent regulation. This bacterium has a physiology distinct from that of marine oligotrophs, adding a new strategy to the recognized repertoire for coping with a nutrient-poor ocean.  相似文献   

The genome sequence of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-assoclated virus provides essential information for the identification of pathogen(s), exploration of etiology and evolution, interpretation of transmission and pathogenesis, development of diagnostics, prevention by future vaccination, and treatment by developing new drugs.We report the complete genome sequence and comparative analysis of an isolate (B J01) of the coronavirus that has been recognized as a pathogen for SARS. The genome is 29725 nt in size and has 11 ORFs (Open Reading Frames). It is composed of a stable region encoding an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (composed of 20RFs) and a variable region representing 4 CDSs (coding sequences) for viral structural genes (the S, E, M, N proteins) and 5 PUPs (putative uncharacterized proteins). Its gene order is identical to that of other known coronaviruses. The sequence alignment with all known RNA viruses places this virus as a member in the family of Coronaviridae. Thirty putative substitutions have been identified by comparative analysis of the 5 SARS-associated virus genome sequences in GenBank. Fifteen of them lead to possible amino acid changes (non-synonymous mutations) in the proteins. Three amino acid changes, with predicted alteration of physical and chemical features, have been detected in the S protein that is postulated to be involved in the immunoreactions between the virus and its host.Two amino acid changes have been detected in the M protein,which could be related to viral envelope formation. Phylogenetic analysis suggests the possibility of non-human origin of the SARS-associated viruses but provides no evidence that they are man-made. Further efforts should focus on identifying the etiology of the SARS-associated virus and ruling out conclusively the existence of other possible SARS-related pathogen(s).  相似文献   

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a newly identified infectious disease[1—5]. The global outbreak of SARS has been threatening the health of people worldwide and has killed 353 people and infected more than 5462 in 27 countries, as reported by WHO on April 29, 2003 (http://www.who.int/csr/sarscountry/en). Although it has been recognized that a variant of virus from the family of coronavirus might be the candidate pathogen of SARS[1—5], its identity as the unique pathogen sti…  相似文献   

We have applied the newly developed hierarchical structure theory for complex systems to analyze the multi-scaling structures of the nucleotide density distribution along a linear DNA sequence from the completeEscherichia coli genome. The hierarchical symmetry in the nucleotide density distribution was demonstrated. In particular, we have shown that the G, C density distribution that represents a strong H-bonding between the two DNA chains is more coherent with smaller similarity parameter compared to that of A, T density distribution, indicating a better organized multi-scaling fluctuation field for G, C density distribution along the genome sequence. The biological significance of these findings is under investigation.  相似文献   

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