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A weak El Nio event in 2002 detected by the astronomical observation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the length-of-day (LOD) data series derived from astronomical observations made by various modern space techniques, southern oscillation index (SOI) and anomalies of sea surface temperature (SST) in tropical Pacific Ocean, the inter-annual components of these data series are obtained by the technique of band filtering from January 1962 to October 2002. It is found that a new ENSO event has already occurred in 2002 and been detected by the interannual LOD. It is shown by the wavelet analysis that the component with a period of about 4-6 years and the quasi-biennial component are out of phase during 2001-2002, which consequently suggests that the new ENSO event cannot be a strong one.  相似文献   

In early 1997, one El Nino event occurred. The change of the sea surface height during the event was monitored with TOPEX altimetric data, and this is helpful to the study on the formation and development mechanism of an El Nino event and its impact on the global climatic change.  相似文献   

A statistic model of predicting El Nio based on the multiple regression analysis is developed by using sea surface temperature anomalies in the NINO3 region (5°S-5°N), 90-150°W) as a predictant and the Asian meridional circulation index as the predictors. This model cannot only simulate most of El Nio during 1950-1980 (except for El Nio in 1965), but also hindcast 1982/1983, 1986/1987, 1991/1992 and 1994 El Nio and predict 1997/1998 El Nio six months in advance. At the same time, three different sample series (periods of 1950-1969, 1970-1989, 1950-1989) are used to examine the stability and skill of the statistic model. The models have successfully hindcasted and predicted El Nio before and after the selected samples except for the 1965 El Nio. In addition, the forecast in the El Nio year is clearly superior to that in the following year. The model prediction reaches the lowest skill during March to April.  相似文献   

The stable isotope ratios of atmospheric CO(2) ((18)O/(16)O and (13)C/(12)C) have been monitored since 1977 to improve our understanding of the global carbon cycle, because biosphere-atmosphere exchange fluxes affect the different atomic masses in a measurable way. Interpreting the (18)O/(16)O variability has proved difficult, however, because oxygen isotopes in CO(2) are influenced by both the carbon cycle and the water cycle. Previous attention focused on the decreasing (18)O/(16)O ratio in the 1990s, observed by the global Cooperative Air Sampling Network of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory. This decrease was attributed variously to a number of processes including an increase in Northern Hemisphere soil respiration; a global increase in C(4) crops at the expense of C(3) forests; and environmental conditions, such as atmospheric turbulence and solar radiation, that affect CO(2) exchange between leaves and the atmosphere. Here we present 30 years' worth of data on (18)O/(16)O in CO(2) from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography global flask network and show that the interannual variability is strongly related to the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation. We suggest that the redistribution of moisture and rainfall in the tropics during an El Ni?o increases the (18)O/(16)O ratio of precipitation and plant water, and that this signal is then passed on to atmospheric CO(2) by biosphere-atmosphere gas exchange. We show how the decay time of the El Ni?o anomaly in this data set can be useful in constraining global gross primary production. Our analysis shows a rapid recovery from El Ni?o events, implying a shorter cycling time of CO(2) with respect to the terrestrial biosphere and oceans than previously estimated. Our analysis suggests that current estimates of global gross primary production, of 120 petagrams of carbon per year, may be too low, and that a best guess of 150-175 petagrams of carbon per year better reflects the observed rapid cycling of CO(2). Although still tentative, such a revision would present a new benchmark by which to evaluate global biospheric carbon cycling models.  相似文献   

Chang P  Fang Y  Saravanan R  Ji L  Seidel H 《Nature》2006,443(7109):324-328
El Ni?o, the most prominent climate fluctuation at seasonal-to-interannual timescales, has long been known to have a remote impact on climate variability in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, but a robust influence is found only in the northern tropical Atlantic region. Fluctuations in the equatorial Atlantic are dominated by the Atlantic Ni?o, a phenomenon analogous to El Ni?o, characterized by irregular episodes of anomalous warming during the boreal summer. The Atlantic Ni?o strongly affects seasonal climate prediction in African countries bordering the Gulf of Guinea. The relationship between El Ni?o and the Atlantic Ni?o is ambiguous and inconsistent. Here we combine observational and modelling analysis to show that the fragile relationship is a result of destructive interference between atmospheric and oceanic processes in response to El Ni?o. The net effect of El Ni?o on the Atlantic Ni?o depends not only on the atmospheric response that propagates the El Ni?o signal to the tropical Atlantic, but also on a dynamic ocean-atmosphere interaction in the equatorial Atlantic that works against the atmospheric response. These results emphasize the importance of having an improved ocean-observing system in the tropical Atlantic, because our ability to predict the Atlantic Ni?o will depend not only on our knowledge of conditions in the tropical Pacific, but also on an accurate estimate of the state of the upper ocean in the equatorial Atlantic.  相似文献   

The El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) system during the Pliocene warm period (PWP; 3-5 million years ago) may have existed in a permanent El Ni?o state with a sharply reduced zonal sea surface temperature (SST) gradient in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. This suggests that during the PWP, when global mean temperatures and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations were similar to those projected for near-term climate change, ENSO variability--and related global climate teleconnections-could have been radically different from that today. Yet, owing to a lack of observational evidence on seasonal and interannual SST variability from crucial low-latitude sites, this fundamental climate characteristic of the PWP remains controversial. Here we show that permanent El Ni?o conditions did not exist during the PWP. Our spectral analysis of the δ(18)O SST and salinity proxy, extracted from two 35-year, monthly resolved PWP Porites corals in the Philippines, reveals variability that is similar to present ENSO variation. Although our fossil corals cannot be directly compared with modern ENSO records, two lines of evidence suggest that Philippine corals are appropriate ENSO proxies. First, δ(18)O anomalies from a nearby live Porites coral are correlated with modern records of ENSO variability. Second, negative-δ(18)O events in the fossil corals closely resemble the decreases in δ(18)O seen in the live coral during El Ni?o events. Prior research advocating a permanent El Ni?o state may have been limited by the coarse resolution of many SST proxies, whereas our coral-based analysis identifies climate variability at the temporal scale required to resolve ENSO structure firmly.  相似文献   

Siegert F  Ruecker G  Hinrichs A  Hoffmann AA 《Nature》2001,414(6862):437-440
In 1997-98, fires associated with an exceptional drought caused by the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) devastated large areas of tropical rain forests worldwide. Evidence suggests that in tropical rainforest environments selective logging may lead to an increased susceptibility of forests to fire. We investigated whether this was true in the Indonesian fires, the largest fire disaster ever observed. We performed a multiscale analysis using coarse- and high-resolution optical and radar satellite imagery assisted by ground and aerial surveys to assess the extent of the fire-damaged area and the effect on vegetation in East Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. A total of 5.2 +/- 0.3 million hectares including 2.6 million hectares of forest was burned with varying degrees of damage. Forest fires primarily affected recently logged forests; primary forests or those logged long ago were less affected. These results support the hypothesis of positive feedback between logging and fire occurrence. The fires severely damaged the remaining forests and significantly increased the risk of recurrent fire disasters by leaving huge amounts of dead flammable wood.  相似文献   

Predictability of El Niño over the past 148 years   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Chen D  Cane MA  Kaplan A  Zebiak SE  Huang D 《Nature》2004,428(6984):733-736
Forecasts of El Ni?o climate events are routinely provided and distributed, but the limits of El Ni?o predictability are still the subject of debate. Some recent studies suggest that the predictability is largely limited by the effects of high-frequency atmospheric 'noise', whereas others emphasize limitations arising from the growth of initial errors in model simulations. Here we present retrospective forecasts of the interannual climate fluctuations in the tropical Pacific Ocean for the period 1857 to 2003, using a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. The model successfully predicts all prominent El Ni?o events within this period at lead times of up to two years. Our analysis suggests that the evolution of El Ni?o is controlled to a larger degree by self-sustaining internal dynamics than by stochastic forcing. Model-based prediction of El Ni?o therefore depends more on the initial conditions than on unpredictable atmospheric noise. We conclude that throughout the past century, El Ni?o has been more predictable than previously envisaged.  相似文献   

Donnelly JP  Woodruff JD 《Nature》2007,447(7143):465-468
The processes that control the formation, intensity and track of hurricanes are poorly understood. It has been proposed that an increase in sea surface temperatures caused by anthropogenic climate change has led to an increase in the frequency of intense tropical cyclones, but this proposal has been challenged on the basis that the instrumental record is too short and unreliable to reveal trends in intense tropical cyclone activity. Storm-induced deposits preserved in the sediments of coastal lagoons offer the opportunity to study the links between climatic conditions and hurricane activity on longer timescales, because they provide centennial- to millennial-scale records of past hurricane landfalls. Here we present a record of intense hurricane activity in the western North Atlantic Ocean over the past 5,000 years based on sediment cores from a Caribbean lagoon that contain coarse-grained deposits associated with intense hurricane landfalls. The record indicates that the frequency of intense hurricane landfalls has varied on centennial to millennial scales over this interval. Comparison of the sediment record with palaeo-climate records indicates that this variability was probably modulated by atmospheric dynamics associated with variations in the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation and the strength of the West African monsoon, and suggests that sea surface temperatures as high as at present are not necessary to support intervals of frequent intense hurricanes. To accurately predict changes in intense hurricane activity, it is therefore important to understand how the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation and the West African monsoon will respond to future climate change.  相似文献   

In this paper,the sea surface height and the heat content of the upper ocean are analyzed to retrieve the relationship of interannual variabilities between the tropical western Pacific and eastern Indian Oceans during the 1997~1998 El Ni(n)o event.In the prophase of this El Ni(n)o,the negative sea level anomalies (SLA) occurred in the tropical western Pacific (TWP) firstly,and then appeared in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean (TEI).The negative heat content anomalies (HCA) emerged in the TWP before this El Ni?o burst while the SLA signals developed over there.During the mature stage of this El Ni(n)o,two kinds of signals in the TWP and TEI turned to be the maximum negative sequently.Due to the connected interannual adjustment between the TEI and TWP,we adopted a method to estimate the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) transport by calculating the HCA budget in the TEI.The indirect estimation of the ITF was comparable to the observation values.Therefore,the anomalies in the TEI had been proved as advecting from the TWP through the ITF during the 1997~1998 El Ni(n)o.  相似文献   

The relationships between the evolution of two types of E1 Nifio events and the subsurface ocean temperature anomaly (SOTA) in the equatorial Pacific are compared in this study. The results show that both types of E1 Nifio are negatively correlated to the SOTA in the equatorial western Pacific, but relationships are different in different phases of E1 Nifio. Furthermore, the occurrence of different types of E1 Nifio is related to different features of the equatorial thermocline, e.g. its zonal gradient, significant variation area, amplitude and duration of thermocline oscillation. The propagation of SOTA in the equator plays an important role during the evolution of both types of E1 Nifio, but shows dramatic differences in intensity, duration and phase reverse of warm SOTA. Moreover, the pathways of SOTA signal are different between these two types of E1 Nifio. The dominant pathway in the life cycle of Eastern Pacific (EP)-E1 Nifio lies on the equator and to its north, but there is no loop to the south of the equator. In contrast, the dominant pathway in Central Pacific (CP)-E1 Nifio is located on the equator and to its south, and the propagation signal of SOTA to the north of the equator is very weak. The relationships between the zonal wind anomalies and the two types of E1 Nifio are also preliminarily discussed. It is shown that EP-E1 Nifio is more likely to respond to the westerly anomalies over the equatorial central and western Pacific, while CP-E1 Nifio is more likely to respond to the westerly anomalies over the equatorial western Pacific and need the cooperation of easterly anomalies over the equa- torial eastern Pacific to certain extent.  相似文献   

Although the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation phenomenon is the most prominent mode of climate variability and affects weather and climate in large parts of the world, its effects on Europe and the high-latitude stratosphere are controversial. Using historical observations and reconstruction techniques, we analyse the anomalous state of the troposphere and stratosphere in the Northern Hemisphere from 1940 to 1942 that occurred during a strong and long-lasting El Ni?o event. Exceptionally low surface temperatures in Europe and the north Pacific Ocean coincided with high temperatures in Alaska. In the lower stratosphere, our reconstructions show high temperatures over northern Eurasia and the north Pacific Ocean, and a weak polar vortex. In addition, there is observational evidence for frequent stratospheric warmings and high column ozone at Arctic and mid-latitude sites. We compare our historical data for the period 1940-42 with more recent data and a 650-year climate model simulation. We conclude that the observed anomalies constitute a recurring extreme state of the global troposphere-stratosphere system in northern winter that is related to strong El Ni?o events.  相似文献   

Continental-scale rivers with a sandy bed sequester a significant proportion of their sediment load in flood plains. The spatial extent and depths of such deposits have been described, and flood-plain accumulation has been determined at decadal timescales, but it has not been possible to identify discrete events or to resolve deposition on near-annual timescales. Here we analyse (210)Pb activity profiles from sediment cores taken in the pristine Beni and Mamore river basins, which together comprise 720,000 km2 of the Amazon basin, to investigate sediment accumulation patterns in the Andean-Amazonian foreland. We find that in most locations, sediment stratigraphy is dominated by discrete packages of sediments of uniform age, which are typically 20-80 cm thick, with system-wide recurrence intervals of about 8 yr, indicating relatively rare episodic deposition events. Ocean temperature and stream flow records link these episodic events to rapidly rising floods associated with La Ni?a events, which debouch extraordinary volumes of sediments from the Andes. We conclude that transient processes driven by the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation cycle control the formation of the Bolivian flood plains and modulate downstream delivery of sediments as well as associated carbon, nutrients and pollutants to the Amazon main stem.  相似文献   

Cobb KM  Charles CD  Cheng H  Edwards RL 《Nature》2003,424(6946):271-276
Any assessment of future climate change requires knowledge of the full range of natural variability in the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. Here we splice together fossil-coral oxygen isotopic records from Palmyra Island in the tropical Pacific Ocean to provide 30-150-year windows of tropical Pacific climate variability within the last 1,100 years. The records indicate mean climate conditions in the central tropical Pacific ranging from relatively cool and dry during the tenth century to increasingly warmer and wetter climate in the twentieth century. But the corals also document a broad range of ENSO behaviour that correlates poorly with these estimates of mean climate. The most intense ENSO activity within the reconstruction occurred during the mid-seventeenth century. Taken together, the coral data imply that the majority of ENSO variability over the last millennium may have arisen from dynamics internal to the ENSO system itself.  相似文献   

Turney CS  Kershaw AP  Clemens SC  Branch N  Moss PT  Fifield LK 《Nature》2004,428(6980):306-310
The El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon is believed to have operated continuously over the last glacial-interglacial cycle. ENSO variability has been suggested to be linked to millennial-scale oscillations in North Atlantic climate during that time, but the proposals disagree on whether increased frequency of El Ni?o events, the warm phase of ENSO, was linked to North Atlantic warm or cold periods. Here we present a high-resolution record of surface moisture, based on the degree of peat humification and the ratio of sedges to grass, from northern Queensland, Australia, covering the past 45,000 yr. We observe millennial-scale dry periods, indicating periods of frequent El Ni?o events (summer precipitation declines in El Ni?o years in northeastern Australia). We find that these dry periods are correlated to the Dansgaard-Oeschger events--millennial-scale warm events in the North Atlantic climate record--although no direct atmospheric connection from the North Atlantic to our site can be invoked. Additionally, we find climatic cycles at a semiprecessional timescale (approximately 11,900 yr). We suggest that climate variations in the tropical Pacific Ocean on millennial as well as orbital timescales, which determined precipitation in northeastern Australia, also exerted an influence on North Atlantic climate through atmospheric and oceanic teleconnections.  相似文献   

Moy CM  Seltzer GO  Rodbell DT  Anderson DM 《Nature》2002,420(6912):162-165
The variability of El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) during the Holocene epoch, in particular on millennial timescales, is poorly understood. Palaeoclimate studies have documented ENSO variability for selected intervals in the Holocene, but most records are either too short or insufficiently resolved to investigate variability on millennial scales. Here we present a record of sedimentation in Laguna Pallcacocha, southern Ecuador, which is strongly influenced by ENSO variability, and covers the past 12,000 years continuously. We find that changes on a timescale of 2-8 years, which we attribute to warm ENSO events, become more frequent over the Holocene until about 1,200 years ago, and then decline towards the present. Periods of relatively high and low ENSO activity, alternating at a timescale of about 2,000 years, are superimposed on this long-term trend. We attribute the long-term trend to orbitally induced changes in insolation, and suggest internal ENSO dynamics as a possible cause of the millennial variability. However, the millennial oscillation will need to be confirmed in other ENSO proxy records.  相似文献   

In this paper, the sea surface height and the heat content of the upper ocean are analyzed to retrieve the relationship of interannual variabilities between the tropical western Pacific and eastern Indian Oceans during the 1997 - 1998 El Nino event. In the prophase of this El Nino, the negative sea level anomalies (SLA) occurred in the tropical western Pacific (TWP) firstly, and then appeared in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean (TEI). The negative heat content anomalies (HCA) emerged in the TWP before this El Nino burst while the SLA signals developed over there. During the mature stage of this El Nino, two kinds of signals in the TWP and TEI turned to be the maximum negative sequently. Due to the connected interannual adjustment between the TEI and TWP, we adopted a method to estimate the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) transport by calculating the HCA budget in the TEI. The indirect estimation of the ITF was comparable to the observation values. Therefore, the anomalies in the TEI had been proved as adv  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of radiolarian and diatom fluxes in the central South China Sea during 1993–1995 were overwhelmingly controlled by monsoon climate. Radiolarian and diatom increased obviously during the Northeast (from November to February) and Southwest (from June to September) monsoons and decreased during the periods between the monsoons. The change of circulation driven by the monsoons improved water exchange in the different areas that brought rich nutrient materials for the surface microplankton, thereby enhancing radiolarian and diatom fluxes. Variation of radiolarian flux coincided with organic carbon flux, surface primary and export productivities. High radiolarian flux corresponded to high surface primary productivity. Radiolarian and diatom fluxes raised abnormally during 1994–1995 could be attributed to the El Nino event during the period.  相似文献   

The relationships between the evolution of two types of El Ni?o events and the subsurface ocean temperature anomaly(SOTA) in the equatorial Pacific are compared in this study. The results show that both types of El Ni?o are negatively correlated to the SOTA in the equatorial western Pacific, but relationships are different in different phases of El Ni?o. Furthermore, the occurrence of different types of El Ni?o is related to different features of the equatorial thermocline, e.g. its zonal gradient, significant variation area, amplitude and duration of thermocline oscillation. The propagation of SOTA in the equator plays an important role during the evolution of both types of El Ni?o, but shows dramatic differences in intensity, duration and phase reverse of warm SOTA. Moreover, the pathways of SOTA signal are different between these two types of El Ni?o. The dominant pathway in the life cycle of Eastern Pacific(EP)-El Ni?o lies on the equator and to its north, but there is no loop to the south of the equator. In contrast, the dominant pathway in Central Pacific(CP)-El Ni?o is located on the equator and to its south, and the propagation signal of SOTA to the north of the equator is very weak.The relationships between the zonal wind anomalies and the two types of El Ni?o are also preliminarily discussed. It is shown that EP-El Ni?o is more likely to respond to the westerly anomalies over the equatorial central and western Pacific, while CP-El Ni?o is more likely to respond to the westerly anomalies over the equatorial western Pacific and need the cooperation of easterly anomalies over the equatorial eastern Pacific to certain extent.  相似文献   

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