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从烧结过程燃料用量、混合料水分、烧结矿碱度及混合料含硫量研究烧结工艺参数对烧结烟气中SO2排放的影响,发现烧结过程SO2的排放不受烧结工艺参数及原料含硫变化的影响,在烧结终点前始终存在一个排放浓度峰值区间,揭示烧结烟气SO2排放的自持性规律是由于烧结料层有选择性吸附SO2作用所导致,SO2的排放遵循硫化物、硫酸盐热分解生成-料层吸附-再分解-解吸的迁移及循环富集排放机理。  相似文献   

The iron ore sintering process is the main source of SO2 emissions in the iron and steel industry. In our previous research, we proposed a novel technology for reducing SO2 emissions in the flue gas in the iron ore sintering process by adding urea at a given distance from the sintering grate bar. In this paper, a pilot-scale experiment was carried out in a commercial sintering plant. The results showed that, compared to the SO2 concentration in flue gas without urea addition, the SO2 concentration decreased substantially from 694.2 to 108.0 mg/m3 when 0.10wt% urea was added. NH3 decomposed by urea reacted with SO2 to produce (NH4)2SO4, decreasing the SO2 concentration in the flue gas.  相似文献   

A new process called ‘NO x reduction by coupling combustion with recycling flue gas (RCCRF)’ was proposed to decrease NO x emission during the iron ore sintering process. The simulation test of NO x reduction was performed over sintered ore and in the process of coke combustion. Experimentally, NO x reduction was also carried out by sintering pot test. For sintered ore, the amount of NO x emission is reduced by 15wt%–25wt% at 400–550°C using 2.0vol% H2 or 2.0vol% CO, or reduced by 10wt%–30wt% at 560–720°C using 0.15vol% NH3. NO x reduction is around 10wt% by coupling combustion of pyrolysis gas and coke, or around 16wt% by recycling flue gas into coke combustion. By RCCRF, the maximum NO x reduction ratio is about 23wt% in coke combustion experiment and over 40wt% in sintering pot test.  相似文献   

应用Fluent软件对密相干塔模拟仿真,研究了烟气整流系统和链式搅拌器对烟气流场和湍流、循环灰轨迹及系统压力损失的影响,并在模拟工况下确定了烟气整流系统较优导流板布置形式.研究结果表明,链式搅拌器能够显著增大塔内附近区域的湍动能,提高转速不能明显提高整体烟气湍流强度,双层链式搅拌器可以增大高湍流强度区且减缓其衰减速度,该工况下安装双层链式搅拌器,转速为100 r.min-1较为理想,此时密相干塔能够实现烟气均布和气固充分接触,大部分颗粒参与内循环,少部分进入除尘器,系统压损约为200 Pa.  相似文献   

A new process, NOx reduction with recycling flue gas and modifying coke breeze, was proposed. The effects of modified coke breeze and recycled flue gas on NOx reduction were investigated by sinter pot tests. The results show that the NOx reduction rate is over 10wt% in the sintering of modified coke breeze, the effects of the additives on NOx reduction are: CeO2>CaO>K2CO3. The NOx reduction rate increases with the amount of recycled flue gas, and is 22.35wt% in the sintering with recycling 30vol% of the flue gas. When 30vol% of the flue gas is recycled into the sintering of CeO2, CaO, and K2CO3 modified coke breeze, the NOx reduction rates are 36.10wt%, 32.56wt%, and 32.17wt%, respectively.  相似文献   

The granulation behavior of iron ores is essential for subsequent parameter optimization and efficient granulation, especially under changing material conditions. In this study, the effects of surface properties and particle size were analyzed using a laboratory granulation method; an estimation of the granulation of sintering blends was subsequently conducted for the base ores. Circularity and porosity were observed to negatively affect the granulation of iron ores, whereas wettability positively affected the granulation and was the most influential factor, indicating that wetting of iron ores is desirable during granulation. When iron ores with complex size distributions were granulated, the equivalent surface area was the main influencing factor for coarse particles larger than 1 mm and the ratio of adhering fines to intermediates was the main factor for fine particles smaller than 1 mm. By combining the granulation of coarse and fine particles with their proportioning, we proposed a calculation method for estimating the granulation ability of sintering blends. Good verification was demonstrated with the designed schemes. The results suggest that the developed method is effective for predicting the granulation of iron ore mixtures.  相似文献   

铁矿烧结中燃料合理分布研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以我国某钢铁公司烧结原料为对象,对烧结过程的自动蓄热热平衡进行分析和计算,提出料层蓄热及燃料合理分布的计算模型,并按3层进行燃料分层布料烧结试验.计算结果表明,当料高为600 mm时,烧结各料层可利用蓄热率为35%左右;当焦粉配加量上层、中层和下层分别为4.9%,4.3%和3.4%时,在不降低烧结矿产质量的同时,固体燃耗降低3.69 kg/t.  相似文献   

铁矿石烧结性能预报模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了铁矿石烧结性能的评价指标及其主要影响因素, 提出了误差修正的带动量项的线性再励自适应变步长BP神经网络算法, 建立了铁矿石烧结性能预报模型. 模型预报结果表明, 用拓扑结构为12-34-4的BP神经网络训练6 700次后, 神经网络训练误差为0.000 187, 模型预报命中率均达83.5%以上, 模型具有很好的泛化能力和自适应能力.  相似文献   

应用压团、焙烧方法,结合矿相分析,研究燃料配比、焙烧时间、焙烧温度、铁矿化学成分和铁矿粒度等因素对铁酸钙形成的影响。研究结果表明:随着燃料配比增加、焙烧时间延长及焙烧温度升高,各铁矿与氧化钙生成铁酸钙的量先增大后减小;适宜的燃料配比为0.5%,焙烧时间为13min,焙烧温度为1250~1280℃;当铁矿粒度较大时,SiO2含量越高,生成铁酸钙的量越多;当铁矿粒度较小时,SiO2含量越高,生成铁酸钙的量就越少;粒度范围越宽的铁矿,生成铁酸钙的量越多。  相似文献   

通过可视化高温实验装置观察了七种不同类型常用进口铁矿粉试样的熔化流动过程.在所测定的熔融曲线上定义了T30、T55、TR以及SR等表征其熔融特性的评价指标,并以此考察了不同类型铁矿粉的烧结熔融特性.研究结果表明:澳大利亚褐铁矿最容易产生液相,但其液相形成过程中温度区间窄,温控性差,安全性低;澳大利亚半褐铁矿在低温烧结条件下有效液相量不足,而温控性则略好于澳大利亚褐铁矿;澳大利亚、南非以及巴西南部的赤铁矿熔融特性较为适宜,但前者易形成液相而后两者温控性和安全性更好;巴西的南部精粉、北部赤铁矿在低温烧结下很难生成液相.通过对各种铁矿粉熔融特性的研究,提出了基于铁矿粉熔融特性的烧结优化配矿原则.  相似文献   

聚酯漆稀释剂是一种常见助燃剂.利用热解析仪、气相色谱-质谱联用技术对其在纯棉布料、的确良织物、地毯以及三者混合物上燃烧的烟气进行GC-MS分析,比较不同载体上烟气的特征组份,找到烟气特征组份的分布规律.此项研究成果为火灾调查工作提供了一定帮助,同时为火灾现场助燃剂燃烧烟气的鉴定工作提供了技术支持.  相似文献   

各种铁矿粉的同化性及其互补配矿方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对来自巴西、澳大利亚、南非以及国产的19种铁矿粉的同化性进行了实验测定和考察分析,在此基础上研究了基于铁矿粉同化性的互补配矿方法,并设计了九组烧结优化配矿方案.结果表明:(1)不同类型铁矿粉的同化性存在显著差异,巴西赤铁矿和国产磁铁矿的同化性低,而澳大利亚含结晶水的赤铁矿的同化性高;(2)铁矿粉的烧损含量、气孔率和Al2O3含量等与其同化能力呈正相关关系;(3)SiO2和Al2O3以黏土形式存在的铁矿粉呈现出同化性较高的特征;(4)铁矿物晶粒小的铁矿石有相对高的同化性;(5)采用本研究的配矿方法,当劣质铁矿粉用量达50%水平时,仍可获得烧结技术指标和冶金性能优良的烧结矿,显示出基于同化性的互补配矿技术的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the reduction of phosphorus from high-phosphorus-content oolitic iron ore via coal-based reduction. The distribution behavior of phosphorus (i.e., the phosphorus content and the phosphorus distribution ratio in the metal, slag, and gas phases) during reduction was investigated in detail. Experimental results showed that the distribution behavior of phosphorus was strongly influenced by the reduction temperature, the reduction time, and the C/O molar ratio. A higher temperature and a longer reaction time were more favorable for phosphorus reduction and enrichment in the metal phase. An increase in the C/O ratio improved phosphorus reduction but also hindered the mass transfer of the reduced phosphorus when the C/O ratio exceeded 2.0. According to scanning electron microscopy analysis, the iron ore was transformed from an integral structure to metal and slag fractions during the reduction process. Apatite in the ore was reduced to P, and the reduced P was mainly enriched in the metal phase. These results suggest that the proposed method may enable utilization of high-phosphorus-content oolitic iron ore resources.  相似文献   

模拟研究O2、SO2和HCl三种烟气气体与飞灰存在状态对汞形态转化的影响,并探讨温度对其转化的作用.结果表明:在不同气氛中,反应温度升高有利于汞的氧化,但N2--SO2的烟气体系则相反;O2、SO2和HCl单独存在于烟气中时,对汞的氧化起到不同程度的促进作用,其中HCl的效果最好;烟气中含有O2和HCl将使汞的氧化率明显提高;当SO2与HCl同时存在于烟气中时,SO2会通过与HCl反应抑制汞的氧化过程.飞灰为氧化反应提供反应介质和催化剂,促进烟气中汞的形态转化.  相似文献   

平焰燃烧与蓄热式燃烧技术一起使用时火焰温度较高,热力型氮氧化物生成量较大。采用烟气再循环技术是降低蓄热式燃烧过程中热力型氮氧化物的生成量的有效途径之一。文中采用蓄热式平焰燃气试验炉、综合烟气分析仪、热电偶等设备,对比研究了采用烟气再循环和不采用烟气再循环2种工况下平展流火焰特性、炉顶温度分布和烟气中NO生成特性。结果表明:采用烟气再循环使平展流火焰面暗区变小,燃烧区域扩大,火焰面温度分布更加均匀,烟气中NO浓度明显降低,火焰面峰值温度降低9℃,谷值温度升高37℃,NO浓度最大降幅为20%。  相似文献   

采用恒温量热法,针对实验室煅烧的各种生石灰试样,研究其所含SiO2、Al2O3、MgO等杂质对消化性能的影响规律,并选用烧结现场使用的五种生石灰对研究结果进行验证.研究发现:生石灰的消化放热量与其CaO含量呈正相关关系,并随SiO2、Al2O3和MgO含量的增加而下降;SiO2、Al2O3和MgO杂质对生石灰消化速率有重要影响,当SiO2质量分数增加至1%水平时,生石灰消化速率的降幅较大,之后则缓慢降低;少量的Al2O3对生石灰消化速率影响较小,但当Al2O3质量分数超过2%时生石灰消化速率急剧下降;随着MgO含量的增加,生石灰消化速率显著降低.  相似文献   

以提高烧结矿性能为目标,对国内两种铁矿粉以及国外三种铁矿粉进行了同化性能、液相流动性能、粘结相强度三个方面分析研究,并据烧结矿各项性能指标制定出配矿方案进行优化实验,探寻最佳配矿比例。结果表明,五种铁矿粉中自产矿的各项性能最优,其他四种铁矿粉的各项烧结基础性能优势各不相同。其次,根据实验结果制定出优化配矿方案,对比混合矿的各项基础特性,得出最优化配矿方案:自产矿为50%,鞍千矿为20%,巴西B为15%,澳矿为10%,巴西A为5%,为现场烧结生产提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

针对铁矿石烧结过程中存在的自动蓄热现象,建立了一个烧结料层的蓄热模型,并研究了燃烧层厚度、蓄热量在料层中的分配比等参数对烧结蓄热的影响.模拟表明:燃烧层厚度增加,料层蓄热量下降;预热层中蓄热量分配增加,料层蓄热量也增加.高度为300 mm的料层均匀分为上、中、下3层时,计算得到各层蓄热量比为1∶1.08∶1.13.实验室条件下将模型用于烧结燃料的合理分布,燃料的使用量有所降低.  相似文献   

在烧结烟气脱硫治理取得成效之后,烟气脱硝迅即摆上钢铁企业的环保治理议程.在尚无经济有效的末端治理脱硝工艺的前提下,有必要在烧结生产中进行工序过程控制,从而保持烧结烟气NOx排放质量浓度处于较低水平.本文通过统计解析的研究方法,系统分析了2013至2014年宝钢实际烧结过程中原燃料条件参数、工艺条件参数对烟气中NOx排放质量浓度的影响规律.研究结果表明:适当降低赤铁矿的使用比例,提高烧结粉、返矿的配比,提高钙质熔剂中石灰石的使用比例,降低镁质熔剂使用比例,保持烧结矿较高的碱度水平,强化制粒提高料层透气性,坚持厚料层烧结等措施均有利于抑制烧结烟气NOx的排放质量浓度水平.  相似文献   

本文通过热重实验研究了烧结矿作为载氧体的H2还原反应特性,将其与通过溶解法制备的Fe2 O3/Al2 O3载氧体进行了氧化还原反应性比较,在500~1250℃范围内研究了温度对于烧结矿还原反应过程的影响,在950℃下进行了30次循环反应实验,采用四种模型进行了反应动力学分析.结果表明,烧结矿的H2还原转化率大于80%,可以完全再氧化,并具有良好的循环反应性能.在500~950℃范围内,随温度升高还原反应速率及最终转化率都显著增加;而当温度高于1100℃时,在反应后期还原反应速率和最终转化率有下降的趋势.在500~950℃范围内,对烧结矿的还原过程第一反应阶段( Fe2 O3-Fe3 O4/FeO,还原转化率<25%)可采用二阶反应模型( M2)拟合,得到表观活化能为E=36.018 kJ·mol-1,指前因子为A0=1.053×10-2 s-1;第二反应阶段(Fe3O4/FeO-Fe,还原转化率>25%)采用收缩核模型(M4)拟合,得到的表观活化能为E=51.176 kJ·mol-1,指前因子为A0=1.066×10-2 s-1.  相似文献   

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