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The determination of melt distribution in the crust and the nature of the crust-mantle boundary (the 'Moho') is fundamental to the understanding of crustal accretion processes at oceanic spreading centres. Upper-crustal magma chambers have been imaged beneath fast- and intermediate-spreading centres but it has been difficult to image structures beneath these magma sills. Using three-dimensional seismic reflection images, here we report the presence of Moho reflections beneath a crustal magma chamber at the 9 degrees 03' N overlapping spreading centre, East Pacific Rise. Our observations highlight the formation of the Moho at zero-aged crust. Over a distance of less than 7 km along the ridge crest, a rapid increase in two-way travel time of seismic waves between the magma chamber and Moho reflections is observed, which we suggest is due to a melt anomaly in the lower crust. The amplitude versus offset variation of reflections from the magma chamber shows a coincident region of higher melt fraction overlying this anomalous region, supporting the conclusion of additional melt at depth.  相似文献   

Toomey DR  Jousselin D  Dunn RA  Wilcock WS  Detrick RS 《Nature》2007,446(7134):409-414
Mantle upwelling is essential to the generation of new oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges, and it is generally assumed that such upwelling is symmetric beneath active ridges. Here, however, we use seismic imaging to show that the isotropic and anisotropic structure of the mantle is rotated beneath the East Pacific Rise. The isotropic structure defines the pattern of magma delivery from the mantle to the crust. We find that the segmentation of the rise crest between transform faults correlates well with the distribution of mantle melt. The azimuth of seismic anisotropy constrains the direction of mantle flow, which is rotated nearly 10 degrees anticlockwise from the plate-spreading direction. The mismatch between the locus of mantle melt delivery and the morphologic ridge axis results in systematic differences between areas of on-axis and off-axis melt supply. We conclude that the skew of asthenospheric upwelling and transport governs segmentation of the East Pacific Rise and variations in the intensity of ridge crest processes.  相似文献   

McGuire JJ  Boettcher MS  Jordan TH 《Nature》2005,434(7032):457-461
East Pacific Rise transform faults are characterized by high slip rates (more than ten centimetres a year), predominantly aseismic slip and maximum earthquake magnitudes of about 6.5. Using recordings from a hydroacoustic array deployed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, we show here that East Pacific Rise transform faults also have a low number of aftershocks and high foreshock rates compared to continental strike-slip faults. The high ratio of foreshocks to aftershocks implies that such transform-fault seismicity cannot be explained by seismic triggering models in which there is no fundamental distinction between foreshocks, mainshocks and aftershocks. The foreshock sequences on East Pacific Rise transform faults can be used to predict (retrospectively) earthquakes of magnitude 5.4 or greater, in narrow spatial and temporal windows and with a high probability gain. The predictability of such transform earthquakes is consistent with a model in which slow slip transients trigger earthquakes, enrich their low-frequency radiation and accommodate much of the aseismic plate motion.  相似文献   

东亚经济崛起引起了学界对马克斯.韦伯提出的关于儒家伦理不利于资本主义发展假说的质疑,也引起了对儒文化的反思和对东亚儒学文化圈价值的重估。儒文化于不同时代蕴育新内容的同时,也为文化诠释经济的理论发展提供了一个有效路径。在经济全球化发展趋势之下,把儒文化提升为更加适应东亚现代化发展的价值认同无疑成为儒文化走向的最终归宿。  相似文献   

科学哲学和技术哲学都是首先在欧美国家兴起的,可是,工程哲学却是于21世纪之初在中国和欧美发达国家同时兴起和基本同步发展的。文章简要介绍了2002年以来工程哲学在中国和欧美国家发展的重要事件和已经发表的重要著作,最后,简要评论了东、西方工程哲学发展的主要特点。  相似文献   

Currie TE  Greenhill SJ  Gray RD  Hasegawa T  Mace R 《Nature》2010,467(7317):801-804
There is disagreement about whether human political evolution has proceeded through a sequence of incremental increases in complexity, or whether larger, non-sequential increases have occurred. The extent to which societies have decreased in complexity is also unclear. These debates have continued largely in the absence of rigorous, quantitative tests. We evaluated six competing models of political evolution in Austronesian-speaking societies using phylogenetic methods. Here we show that in the best-fitting model political complexity rises and falls in a sequence of small steps. This is closely followed by another model in which increases are sequential but decreases can be either sequential or in bigger drops. The results indicate that large, non-sequential jumps in political complexity have not occurred during the evolutionary history of these societies. This suggests that, despite the numerous contingent pathways of human history, there are regularities in cultural evolution that can be detected using computational phylogenetic methods.  相似文献   

The relationship between the anomalous East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) activity and the tropical Pacific SST anomalies has been identified using the results of 40-year integration of the IAP CGCM1 model and 10-year observational data. In the strong EAWM year, the western and central Pacific are dominated by positive SST anomalies while the eastern Pacific is negative ones. In the weak EAWM year, the SSTA pattern is quite different and shows El Nino-like SST anomalies. The strong EAWM activity tends to create extra easterly flow to the east and extra westerly flow to the west of the warm SSTA region over the equatorial western and central Pacific, thus leading to the enhancement of convergence and convection of the flow in this region and favorable to the maintenance and development of such an SSTA pattern. On the other hand, the warm SST anomaly over the western and central Pacific, as a forcing, may lead to a specific pattern of the northern extratropical atmosphere, which is favorable to the strong EAWM activity. The tropical Pacific SSTA pattern related closely to the strong EAWM activity differs significantly from that of the La Nina year.  相似文献   

为了在高速网络中实时、准确地识别多种协议产生的分组流,首先分析现有的识别方法,然后从应用协议有限状态机角度出发,提出使用完美有限状态机统一描述不同识别方法的思想。在此基础上,提出了基于流序列的分组流识别方法,利用协议有限状态机中状态变化特征识别特定协议产生的分组流,并提出了一个状态特征聚合算法,以构造协议状态特征集合。通过识别基于UDP的Skype语音流,说明此方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

Although as one of the major constituents in pelagic sediments, clay minerals have not been used unambi guously to determine the origin, provenance, and envi ronments of deep sea sediments due to their poor crys tallization state, chemical complexity and …  相似文献   

以小波理论为基础来进行赤道东太平洋海表水湿变化的多层次结构特征分析,结果表明,赤道东太平洋海表水温的变化表现十分明显的多层次演变结构和突变特征,一级保留信息能较好反映从191年以来的历次厄尔尼诺事件和反厄尔尼诺事件,并对这些事件的强度,层次结构和突变等重要信息给予良好的表现,二,三级保留信息则分别反映了赤道东太平洋海温在另一层次里演变的结构特征,是对一级保留信息的增加和完善。  相似文献   

复杂高层建筑结构体系是随着经济增长而发展起来的一种结构体系,这种结构体系能满足较高的空间利用率,其中较为特殊的是一种底部带有大底盘、上部是塔楼的的结构形式。为了对此类结构形式进行更好的研究,对大底盘双塔结构和大底盘双塔连体高层的结构进行地震响应分析,利用有限元模型sap2000建立大底盘双塔结构模型和大底盘双塔连体结构模型,对上述模型分别进行模态分析和线性时程分析,得出二者之间的周期、质量参与系数和顶层位移的数据,进行对比分析。结果表明,在一定情况下,连接体对大底盘双塔高层结构有影响作用,对于高阶振型而言其平动和扭转的耦合作用有所加强,使扭转振型更加明显;用不同的地震波激励结构模型,对结构的极限状态也有影响;对于大底盘双塔连体结构,在一定条件下如何输入地震波对大底盘双塔连体结构的地震响应影响不大。  相似文献   

在过去的20年中,巴西的科学论文产出量和影响力一直在不断提升。作为金砖四国(BRIC)的一员(BRIC分别是巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国的缩写),这种提升与其国家地位是相一致的。在许多人看来,具备资源和经济潜力的金砖四国在未来10年将对世界经济增长做出重要贡献。  相似文献   

为提高体积法测量多相流参数的准确性,提出了一种基于K-medoids聚类分析的多相流相态辨识方法研究.分析K-medoids算法,研究多相流相态特征,建立可除掉脏数据影响的K-medoids多相流相态识别模型,有效提高多相流各组分分相流量测量的准确性,并进行了实验验证.实验结果表明,该多相流相态识别模型能克服脏数据,有效提高多相流各组分分相流量测量的准确性,可提高多相流测量精度0.054 m3/d.采用该模型可准确识别多相流相态,提高多相流参数测量的准确性,从而为测井提供可靠的流速和相持率数据.  相似文献   

The heating sources over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), the East Asian plain, and the western North Pacific (WNP) form a terraced thermal contrast in the west-east direction. Over East Asia and the WNP, this zonal thermal contrast contributes as high as 45 % to the seasonal variance based on the EOF analysis and exerts a significant impact on the seasonal transition of the East Asian climate through the enhancement of the year-round southerly to the southeast of the TP in late March and early April. This effect is investigated in this study using a high-resolution regional atmospheric model by doubling the surface sen- sible heat flux, respectively, over the TP, the East Asian plain, and the WNP in three sensitivity experiments. Comparisons among the experiments reveal that doubling the surface sensible heat flux over the WNP has little upstream response over East Asia. The increased zonal thermal contrast between the TP and the East Asian plain due to doubled heat flux over the TP would induce anomalous northerly over the region with year-round southerly to the southeast of the TP and weaken its seasonal enhancement. Doubling the surface sensible heat flux over the East Asian plain decreases the zonal thermal contrast and leads to southerly anomaly over the region with year-round southerly to the southeast of the TP and South China, which is favorable for the enhancement of the year-round southerly and its eastward extension.  相似文献   

对东太平洋结核区6个站点沉积物样品进行细菌培养和数量统计,发现各个站点间的细菌总量变化幅度较大,站点E2003-01的细菌量最多;细菌量纵向分布规律基本是从表层到深层逐渐递减.对所获得的菌株进一步用RFLP和16S rDNA基因序列分析,发现所获得的菌株主要来自变形菌门(Proteobacteria)的α、β、γ亚群和放线菌门(Actinobacteria),厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)等类群.此外还发现了与已知细菌菌种相似性在97%~95%之间的有12株,它们可能是新种;与已知细菌菌种相似性小于或等于95%的有4株,它们可能是新的属种.  相似文献   

对东太平洋结核区6个站点沉积物样品进行细菌培养和数量统计,发现各个站点间的细菌总量变化幅度较大,站点E2003-01的细菌量最多;细菌量纵向分布规律基本是从表层到深层逐渐递减.对所获得的菌株进一步用RFLP和16S rDNA 基因序列分析,发现所获得的菌株主要来自变形菌门(Proteobacteria)的α、β、γ亚群和放线菌门(Actinobacteria),厚壁菌门(Firmicutes) 等类群.此外还发现了与已知细菌菌种相似性在97%~95%之间的有12株,它们可能是新种;与已知细菌菌种相似性小于或等于95%的有4株,它们可能是新的属种.  相似文献   

利用计算流体动力学的数值模拟来研究超临界水操作条件下,用于纳米材料合成的连续热液系统中的逆流反应器的性能.入口流量和温度是关键过程变量并在仿真过程中发生变化.预测的温度与取自相同的设计和在相同操作条件下的实验室测量数据相吻合.研究发现反应器中物料的快速混合可以通过超临界水的高流量与高入口温度,和使用非平衡的入口流量条件即超临界水的流量不等于反应物流量来实现.对比仿真还显示内管插入长度是一个反应器性能的关键控制因素,当前反应器配置下其必须小于72.5mm,以达到令人满意的混合效果.  相似文献   

P2P流检测技术研究综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
P2P流量已经占据了整个网络流量的60%—70%,HTTP、EMAIL等传统的流量已经受到P2P流量的影响,同时伴随大量非授权内容的传播和安全问题。网络运营商、企业网和校园网为保证传统应用的性能,需要对P2P流量进行有效管理。要完成这一目标,首要工作是对P2P流的检测,把它和传统的流量区分出来。该文对P2P流检测主要方法进行了总结,将当前的检测方法分为基于报文层面、流层面和节点层面3大类,针对各类中具体的方法,分析了各自的优点和缺点,并进行了比较。提出将多种方法结合使用有效对P2P流进行检测。最后分析了P2P流检测技术进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

用OSU的两层大气环流模式进行了热带西太平洋冬春海温异常对东亚初夏(5月)季风环流影响的数值试验.结果表明:①海温的负距平引起西太平洋副热带高压脊南落和西伸,东亚热带季风环流减弱,我国西南和华南地区的降水增加;②海温的正距平引起西太平洋副热带高压明显减弱,西太平洋的赤道西风加强,我国西南和华南地区的降水减少  相似文献   

 采用了后向轨迹方法,利用臭氧混合比ρ3和风场资料,来探讨东亚和西太平洋地区上空Hadley 环流对对流层臭氧分布的影响,文中对所研究关键点上7月份对流层高、中、低三层的轨迹进行分向统计后,计算方向概率与ρ3的相关系数,得出了东亚和西太平洋地区Hadley 环流水平平流作用对臭氧分布的影响.结果表明:①青藏高原地区上空对流层低层Hadley 环流水平平流作用将会使臭氧混合比减少,而对应的高层南半球Hadley环流下沉支,其总体效果则是使臭氧增加;②在西太平洋地区上空对流层低层,北半球Hadley环流上升支其作用是使臭氧混合比减少,对应的高层南半球Hadley环流下沉支,其影响较弱;③另外,东亚季风的水平平流作用似乎和臭氧的分布也有联系,这还有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

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