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Zusammenfassung Theodoridis undStark 1 haben vorgeschlagen, dass der Informationsinhalt der Biosphäre ein objektives Kriterium des Evolutionsfortschritts schafft. In dieser Aufzeichnung prüfe ich diesen Informationsbegriff nach und schliesse daraus: 1. dass ein zuständiges Mass noch nicht vorhanden ist; 2. dass die Informationsbeweise in der genetischen Evolution irreführend sein mögen; und 3. dass wir vorerst die folgenden Parameter zu bestimmen und zu messen versuchen sollten: die Gesamtinformationen der Biosphär; die mindeste Obergrenze der Eingangsinformationen, die für jede besondere Lage der Biosphäre unentbehrlich ist; und die überholte Informationenmenge in dem Genom der einzelnen verschiedenen Spezies.  相似文献   

Résumé On sait que chez les vertébrés la structure moléculaire de certaines hormones, telles que les hormones thyroïdiennes, est restée sans changement pendant l'histoire évolutionnaire du groupe. L'auteur discute la fixation par les protochordés des iodures marqués, et la signification pour l'origine des hormones thyroïdiennes de la localisation des combinaisons organiques d'131I dans la tunique des urochordés et dans l'endostyle de ceux-ci et de l'amphioxus.Si on considère le groupe d'hormones avec molécules protéiques ou polypeptidiques, on trouve parmi elles des différences qui indiquent l'existence de quelques caractéristiques individuelles. Quant aux plus grandes molécules, elles diffèrent les unes des autres par les propriétés antigeniques et les poids moléculaires, peutêtre par rapport au développement de specificité protéique. Les plus petites molécules polypeptidiques, telles que les polypeptides hypothalamiques, montrent des différences en ce qui concerne les acides aminés. Ces variations sont accompagnées par des différences qui constituent en théorie une base pour l'évolution adaptive, mais il n'est pas facile de faire une corrélation entre elles et les caractères physiologiques des divers groupes.On doit donc admettre que le cours d'évolution ne dépend pas seulement des variations moléculaires des hormones, mais que des hormones déjà existantes sont utilisées pour établir de nouvelles fonctions. Pour comprendre alors la pleine signification des variations moléculaires des hormones, il faut chercher d'autres fonctions; on doit aussi étudier beaucoup d'autres espèces, surtout parmi les vertébrés inférieurs.  相似文献   

Summary Reticulate evolution between ancestral-descendant lineages can be critically tested for by investigating the relationship between out-group and mid-point roots on numerically derived cladograms. The western grass-snake provides a worked example for the theoretical test.  相似文献   

Summary Age and evolution of bacteria can be estimated, including facts and hypotheses belonging to morphology, biochemistry, paleontology, ecology and pathogenicity. The corresponding dates are summarized in the following.About 3.5×109 years: Origin of heterotrophic eobiontes.—About 3.0×109 years: The increasing lack of prebiogenic substances is due to the evolution of the respiratory pathway, that is due to the evolution of the photoautotrophy and now released O2 is due to the evolution of strictly aerobic cells. There is, simultaneously, a transition of spheres to long forms, development of an amoebalike motility, the evolution of spirochetes and the substitution of cholesterol for cardiolipin in the more evolved cells (i.e. strictly aerobic cells etc.).—About 2.0×1.0×109 years: Evolution of the eucyte by symbiosis of a great, primitive, anaerobic, cholesterol-containing cell with a little, strictly aerobic, cardiolipin-containing cell, with a spirochete and in some extent also with photoautotrophic cell.—About 1.0×109 years (maximum: 1.8–1.5×109 years, minimum: 7×108 years): Evolution of metazoa and begin of cell differentiation.—About 2.0–1.0×109 years: Evolution of the bacterial murein sacculus and then development of flagella mediated motility.—About 6×108 years (maximum:1.0×109 years, minimum: 4.5×108 years): Evolution of the gram-negative cell wall.—About 4.0×108 years: Evolution of the gram-positive cell wall.—About 5.0×108 years: Gram-negative, strictly anaerobic bacteria become the first enteric bacteria in coelenterates. About 4.0×108 years: gram-negative, microaerophilic bacteria become Enterobacteriaceae in vertebrates in addition to the strictly anaerobic organisms.—About 3.0–2.0×108 years: Consolidation of the Salmonella in reptiles.—About 2.0–1.5×108 years: Consolidation of Escherichia and other coliform species in mammals.—About 106 years: Evolution of typically human pathogenic organisms, transmitted in homogeneous-homonomous infection ways, i.e. N. gonorrhoeae, S. typhi, T. pallidum, etc.Dedicated to Prof. H. Habs, Bonn, to his 75th anniversary on 11 September 1977.Acknowledgment. I thank Prof. F. Müller, Hamburg, and Prof. P. Sitte, Freiburg i. Br., for stimulating discussions.  相似文献   

The apicomplexan plastid and its evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protistan species belonging to the phylum Apicomplexa have a non-photosynthetic secondary plastid—the apicoplast. Although its tiny genome and even the entire nuclear genome has been sequenced for several organisms bearing the organelle, the reason for its existence remains largely obscure. Some of the functions of the apicoplast, including housekeeping ones, are significantly different from those of other plastids, possibly due to the organelle’s unique symbiotic origin.  相似文献   

信息技术和信息产业及其发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息作为当今社会三大资源(材料,能量,信息)之一,对国民经济的发展正在起着越来越重要的作用,本文对信息,信息技术,信息产业的基本概念,应用与发展趋势作了论述,指出当代信息技术的发展趋势可归纳为:高速,大容量,综合化;数字化和个人化。同时,信息产业可分为三大类,即信息服务业,信息装备制造业和信息咨询业,从专业角度看,又分为通信业,计算机业,声像业和元器件业,通信业既包括服务业,也包括通信设备制造业和  相似文献   

Square ZnO nano-columns have been manufactured by molecular beam epitaxy on p-type Si (100) substrate. The morphology and the evolution sequences after thermal annealing were investigated by in-situ scanning tunneling microscopy. We associated the morphology and microstructure evolution with the cubic Si (100) substrate, large lattice mismatching, the coexistence of wurtzite and zincblende phases of ZnO, and the thermal effect.  相似文献   

Optimization of energy use by evolving organisms, predicted by theoretical extensions of the neo-Darwinian theory, i. contrasted with that of irreversible thermodynamics, which predicts an increase in orderliness and thus an increase in energy consumption per unit of biomass. We compared this index with estimates of social complexity among ant genera and species. Our results show that simple optimization models cannot explain experimental data, and that social complexity correlates differently with negentropy at different levels of analysis. Comparing the genera among Formicidae, workers (not colonies) from genera with highly social species are less negentropic than those of socially primitive ones. At the sub-generic level, social complexity correlated positively with negentropy among species, for major workers inAcromyrmex and for minor workers inAtta. The results illustrate the complexity of thermodynamic criteria in the study of evolution but also hint at their usefulness. In this case, they show that two different evolutionary routes to the complex Attini ant societies may exist.  相似文献   

Repetitive DNA motifs are abundant in the genomes of various species and have the capacity to adopt non-canonical (i.e., non-B) DNA structures. Several non-B DNA structures, including cruciforms, slipped structures, triplexes, G-quadruplexes, and Z-DNA, have been shown to cause mutations, such as deletions, expansions, and translocations in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Their distributions in genomes are not random and often co-localize with sites of chromosomal breakage associated with genetic diseases. Current genome-wide sequence analyses suggest that the genomic instabilities induced by non-B DNA structure-forming sequences not only result in predisposition to disease, but also contribute to rapid evolutionary changes, particularly in genes associated with development and regulatory functions. In this review, we describe the occurrence of non-B DNA-forming sequences in various species, the classes of genes enriched in non-B DNA-forming sequences, and recent mechanistic studies on DNA structure-induced genomic instability to highlight their importance in genomes.  相似文献   

Ribosome-catalyzed peptide bond formation is a crucial function of all organisms. The ribosome is a ribonucleoprotein particle, with both RNA and protein components necessary for the various steps leading to protein biosynthesis. Evolutionary theory predicts an early environment devoid of complex biomolecules, and prebiotic peptide synthesis would have started in a simple way. A fundamental question regarding peptide synthesis is how the current ribosome-catalyzed reaction evolved from a primitive system. Here we look at both prebiotic and modern mechanisms of peptide bond formation and discuss recent experiments that aim to connect these activities. In particular, RNA can facilitate peptide bond formation by providing a template for activated amino acids to react and can catalyze a variety of functions that would have been necessary in a pre-protein world. Therefore, RNA may have facilitated the emergence of the current protein world from an RNA or even prebiotic world.Received 4 December 2003; received after revision 13 January 2004; accepted 15 January 2004  相似文献   

Summary Constant evolutionary rates are possible only in verylarge populations, where natural selection does not exhaust varition because mutation supplies fresh variability. In a small population where a small number of genes influence an integrated system like brain and body size which have an allometric relationship, variation is removed rapidly under natural selection, This occurs even when the final fitness of the population is not optimal.  相似文献   

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