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用加速化学和电化学腐蚀实验(LSV)研究了一系列有机缓蚀剂在镍镀层表面形成的配合物膜的耐蚀性,结果表明,肉豆寇酸在镍镀层表面形成的膜耐蚀效果最佳。采用XPS和AES研究了配合物膜层的结构与性能,以及在金属表面的成键特征和波谱变化,探讨了配合物膜的组成、性能、结构、化学状态和形成机理。配合物膜由镍的氧化物和镍的肉豆寇酸配合物组成,其中Ni和O分别呈+2、+3和-2价。  相似文献   

通过加速化学和电化学腐蚀试验比较了长链脂肪酸和杂环化合物等一系列有机缓蚀剂在镍表面形成的配合物的耐蚀性结果表明硬脂酸形成的膜蚀效果最佳,采用XPS和AES研究了膜层的缓蚀机理。  相似文献   

在锌镀层表面,磷钼矾和铈硅钨三元杂多酸(盐)具有较好的配位成膜能力,获得多种具有金属光泽的不溶性彩色配合物膜,膜层有良好的耐蚀性能和装饰效果。加速腐蚀试验结果表明,Na6(PMo9V30Oo)xHzO和K15[Ce(HSiW9O34)2].xH2O与锌镀层反应时,形成两种新型的杂多酸盐金黄色配合物膜耐蚀性最佳。XPS和AES分析表明,Na6[(PMo9V3O40].xH2O膜层中钼在膜表面的价态为 6,而在膜内层则以 6、 4价共存,其它元素的价态分别为:Zn( 2)、P( 5)、V( 5),从其AES深度剥蚀曲线的组成恒定区求得膜的组成为:Zn 19.7%,Mo 29.3%,V21.2%,P16.1%,O 13.5%,膜层的厚度为160nm。K15[Ce(HSiW9O34)2],xH2O膜层中元素的价态分别为:Zn( 2)、Ce( 4)、Si( 4)、w( 6),组成为:Zn11.3%,Ce13.7%,Si 21.5%,W 26.9%,O 28.8%,膜厚230nm。  相似文献   

用含Mo、P的着色液对镍镀层进行阴极着色处理,得到兰紫、金黄、绿色和草绿色等多种不溶性的彩色配合物着色膜,膜层具有良好的装饰性能.XPS和AES分析结果表明,膜层的厚度分别为300、175、80和120nm,膜层中Mo以 4、 6价共存,P为 5价.从其AEs深度剥蚀曲线的组成恒定区求得了金黄色膜层的组成为:Mo26.6%、P11.8%、Na5.3%、O56.3%。  相似文献   

本研究了未见报道的含非配位阴离子(PF6^-)的镧系二乙基亚砜(DESO)配合物。研究了它们的组成、IR、X-ray粉末衍射精、XPS以及摩尔电导等性质。确定了它们的组成为Ln(DESO)n(PF6)3,术中Ln=La时,n=7.5;Ln=Ce-Lu、Y时,n=7。亚砜通过氧原子配位,PF6^-为非配位阴离子。  相似文献   

PbO_2膜被不完全电化学还原时,能够同时生成多种还原产物.X射线光电子能谱是鉴定这类复杂氧化物膜中元素的化学态及膜组成的有效工具.  相似文献   

双核镍(Ⅱ)配合物的合成、表征和性质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报道了八齿配体 N,N,N′,N″,N″——五 (2 -苯并咪唑甲基 )——二乙三胺 (简写为 DTPB)及其含镍双核配合物〔Ni2 (DTPB) (Cl O4 ) 2 〕· (Cl O4 ) 2 · 3 CH3 CH2 OH( )的合成。对 ( )进行了元素分析、摩尔电导、紫外——可见光谱、红外光谱、自旋共振谱和循环伏安研究。推测配合物中每个镍离子 ( )为六配位的八面体结构  相似文献   

将电化学方法合成的聚合漆酚 ( EPU )与氯化钴的异丙醇溶液作用 ,生成聚合漆酚钴配合物膜( EPU-Co2 + ) .采用 XPS、 FT-IR、 DMTA、 AES和 EPM等进行表征 ,确定该配合物的配位结构 (即每个钴离子与 EPU中二个链节单元的羟基发生配位 ) ,AES分析结果表明钴含量达 8.1 3% .配合物的电阻为1 .74× 1 0 1 1 Ω ( EPU为 7.9× 1 0 1 0 Ω) .由于存在着钴离子与 EPU的配位作用 ,并引起进一步交联 ,因此玻璃化转变温度和耐热性能均得到提高  相似文献   

材料的电子结构是决定其电、磁、光等性质的关键因素,而能够直接观测材料电子结构的角分辨光电子能谱(Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, ARPES)技术是研究材料的基本物理和化学性质的先进技术手段之一.近年来,各种具有优异性能的二维材料被人们不断发掘出来,并有望成为未来光电、电子和自旋器件的基础材料.本文将对ARPES的构成和原理做简要的介绍,并总结了当前利用ARPES技术研究二维材料电子结构及其基本物性的前沿进展.本文所关注的二维材料体系主要包含以下四个部分:石墨烯、氮化硼、单元素二维材料、过渡金属硫族化合物.其中对石墨烯的ARPES研究成果最为丰富,对它的研究直接引领了对其他二维材料的ARPES研究.当前,对基于不同二维材料相互堆叠形成的异质结构的研究正方兴未艾,我们在文中也提及一部分关于二维堆垛异质结构的ARPES研究.  相似文献   

利用电化学及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对316L与316LN两种不锈钢在高温高盐环境中的耐蚀性能进行了对比研究,利用Mott-Schottky曲线研究了两种材料的钝化膜半导体特征,借助X射线光电子能谱(XPS)研究了316LN不锈钢的钝化膜结构以及N元素在钝化膜中的分布状态。结果表明:在高温高盐环境中,两种材料形成的钝化膜都为n型半导体;316LN不锈钢形成的钝化膜耐点蚀性能更好,其钝化膜内缺陷浓度更低,N元素会在钝化膜中富集。最后利用点缺陷原理对316LN钝化膜的耐蚀机理进行了研究。  相似文献   

A type of imidazoline inhibitor was synthesized using stearic acid and diethylenetriamine (DETA) as raw materials. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of stearic imidazoline (IM) were prepared on copper surface. The copper electrode modified by IM was detected by electrochemical impedance spectros-copy (EIS),Tafel polarization curves, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourial transform reflection spectroscopy (FTIR). The biggest inhibition efficiency for copper corrosion of IM was 99% in NaCl solution according to EIS results. The XPS results provided evidence that the IM was adsorbed on copper surface. The theoretical calculations of molecular simulation supported the experimental re-sults and showed that the IM molecules were tilted at an angle to the copper surface.  相似文献   

采用电化学聚合法制备了聚吡咯(PPY)/聚砜(PSF)复合膜,分别用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和红外光谱(FT—IR)表征了复合膜的表面形态和化学组分,并用循环伏安法和电化学交流阻抗法对其电化学性能进行了研究.结果表明,复合膜呈双层不对称孔结构,其内层(与工作电极接触的一面)是由黑色聚吡咯组成的带少量微孔的致密导电层,而外层(与溶液接触的一面)则是由白色聚砜组成的具有许多微孔的绝缘层;相同条件下所制的复合膜电化学重复性好,在酸性溶液中具有较好的电化学稳定性和电化学活性.  相似文献   

The preparation of SmOx/Rh(100) and CO adsorption on this model surface have been investigated with Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and temperature programmed desorption spectroscopy (TDS). The oxygen adsorption on the SmRh alloy surface leads to the aggregation of Sm on the surface. The thermal treatment of this oxidized surface induces the further agglomeration of SmOx on the Rh(100) surface. Compared with CO TDS on the clean Rh(100) surface, three additional CO desorption peaks can be observed at 176, 331 and 600 K on the SmOx/Rh(100) surface. The CO desorption peak at 176 K may originate from CO adsorbed on SmOx islands, while the appearance of the CO adsorption peaks at 331 and 600 K, depending on the oxidation state of Sm, is attributed to CO species located at the interface of SmOx/Rh(100).  相似文献   

Two Mn(Ⅱ) coordination supramolecules, [Mn2(C8HTO2)4(phen)2(p-H20)] (1) and [Mn2(btec)(phen)2(H2O)6]·2H2O (2) (phen=1,10-phenanthroline, H4btec=1,2,4,5-benzenetetracarboxylic acid), were synthesized by hydrothermal method. The crystal structures of the complexes were determined by X-ray single crystal diffraction. The result indicates that (1) and (2) are both binuclear Mn(Ⅱ) complexes. The existence of hydrogen bonds makes the binuclear complexes become further connected to coordination supramolecules, which possess 1D and 3D infinite structures respectively. The complexes were identified by IR, UV-Vis, surface photovoltage spectrum (SPS) and field-induced surface photovoltage spectrum (FISPS). The results of SPS for the complexes indicate that they both exhibit positive surface photovoltage response bands in the range of 300-600 nm. The SPS phase spectrum and FISPS of complexes indicate that they show certain p-type semiconductor characteristic. However, the intensity, position and number of the SPV response bands are different obviously. The difference of the SPV response bands is mainly attributed to the different structures of the complexes and the different coordination environment of Mn(ll) in the two complexes. This paper discusses the action of hydrogen bonds in the construction of the supramolecule and the change on the surface photovoltage of complex in different coordination environment.  相似文献   

合成了6-(咪唑-2-基)-1-己硫醇(IHT),在金电极表面形成纯的自组装膜及其与1-己硫醇(HT)的混合自组装膜,并将这些自组装膜在溶液中与铜离子进行界面配位.应用电化学循环伏安法和交流阻抗谱法探讨了各种自组装膜修饰电极界面配位铜离子的电化学行为.实验结果表明,IHT与HT以1∶4比例进行界面组装得到的混合自组装单分子层最致密,自组装膜的铜离子界面配位浓度最高达到2.3×10-11mol/cm2.界面形成的IHT-Cu2+配合物在不同的pH值溶液中测量结果表明该配合物在pH 6.4时是可以稳定存在的.  相似文献   

在电化学体系研究和分析中,电化学阻抗谱的拓扑结构是一项十分重要的内容。把灰土的的电化学阻抗谱性质和其抗剪强度指标联系起来,可以得出一定关系,这为灰土的力学性能测试提供一个新的方式和途径。通过对不同龄期的灰土电化学测试,得出Nyquist图和Bode图,用相应的等效电路模拟其电化学阻抗谱并得出其参数;结合灰土的内部反应机理,分析参数变化过程,以及与相应龄期灰土抗剪强度指标的关系。试验结果表明:灰土的硬化过程可以分为前期和相对稳定期;其阻抗谱在前期呈现准Randles模型,相对稳定期呈现非Randles模型;通过等效电路模拟,得出其电路的参数:灰土溶液电阻Rs、灰土内部双电层CPE、电荷转移电阻Rt以及扩散阻抗ZW。随着龄期的增长,Rs、Rt、ZW在不断增大,CPE不断减小;通过灰土内部反应机理与等效电路参数的分析,灰土的黏聚力c、内摩擦角φ可以用参数α,β表示出增长的关系。  相似文献   

The preparation of SmOx/Rh(100) and CO adsorption on this model surface have been investigated with Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and temperature programmed desorption spectroscopy (TDS). The oxygen adsorption on the SmRh alloy surface leads to the aggregation of Sm on the surface. The thermal treatment of this oxidized surface induces the further agglomeration of SmOx on the Rh(100) surface. Compared with CO TDS on the clean Rh(100) surface, three additional CO desorption peaks can be observed at 176, 331 and 600 K on the SmOx/Rh(100) surface. The CO desorption peak at 176 K may originate from CO adsorbed on SmOx islands, while the appearance of the CO adsorption peaks at 331 and 600 K, depending on the oxidation state of Sm, is attributed to CO species located at the interface of SmOx/Rh(100).  相似文献   

Surface modification of biomaterials has been adopted over the years to improve their biocompatibility. In this study, aiming to promote hydrophilicity and to introduce natural recognition sites onto poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) films, chitosan and its derivatives, carboxymethyl chitosan(CMC) and N-methylene phosphonic chitosan (NPC), were used to modify the surface of PLLA films by an entrapment method. Radiolabeled (^125I) proteins were used to measure the amount of protein adsorbed to PLLA surfaces. Fibronectin (Fn) was used to study the protein adsorption on the modified PLLA surfaces, including isotherm adsorption and adsorption kinetics of single protein, competitive adsorption of binary proteins system and serum multi-proteins and the desorption behavior in serum solution. The results showed that in the isotherm adsorption, Fn had a larger adsorption capacity on the CS-modified surface at lower concentrations, but had a high adsorption capacity at CMC-modified surface at higher concentrations. In the study of absorption kinetics, Fn had a fastest adsorption equilibrium and a highest equilibrium adsorption capacity at the CS-modified surface, while it was opposite at the PCS-modified surface. When BSA and serum were added, it had the greatest effect on the adsorption of Fn on the PCS-modified surface. After 6 hours soaking in the desorpUon study, Fn had reached desorption equilibrium on all the modified surfaces, which had different effects on the desorption rate and the remaining percentage of Fn.  相似文献   

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