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鼠耳蝠属染色体研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文根据作者分析的安徽5种鼠耳蝠核型和文献报道的45种鼠耳蝠核型,对该属染色体组型及进化机制进行了讨论。该属染色体基本上相同,有四个共同特征,仅出现一些微小变化,我国绒鼠耳蝠是该属染色体数最多的一个种,2n=48,NF=54。通常认为,在同一个分类阶元中,染色体数目多,具有较多端部着丝粒染色体的为较原始类型,反之则为较进化类型。因此,绒鼠耳蝠可能是现存鼠耳蝠属动物最原始的种,该属的演化将主要遵循罗伯逊易位和衔接易位。在进化中是否伴随小染色体丢失,尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

近年来,一般住宅的建筑标准有了大幅度的提高,而其结构标准未能相应提高,有的反而有所下降,面临着加固或改造。鉴于此,提出今后住宅的结构安全度应适应市场经济而相应提高。  相似文献   

J B Clegg 《Nature》1987,329(6138):465-466
A new member (theta 1, or psi alpha) of the alpha-globin gene family has recently been identified in a number of species. In higher primates the theta 1 gene has all the structural features apparently necessary for expression, and it appears to have long been under strong selective constraints which suggests that it could still be, or recently have been, a functional gene. No corresponding 'globin' has yet been identified, however. In some other species, galago and rabbit for example, the theta 1 and psi alpha genes have accumulated enough inactivating mutations for them to be considered genuine pseudogenes. Horses also have an alpha-like gene (psi alpha), in a 3' position identical to the other species in relation to the functional alpha genes, and this also appears to have the elements required for a functional gene. The predicted amino-acid sequence, however, suggests that any 'globin' product is likely to be non-viable because it has a number of seriously deleterious amino-acid replacements. Some of these amino-acid changes are shared with the rabbit and primate sequences, indicating that they predate the mammalian radiation, and that if indeed any of these genes are still functional, they are unlikely to be making haemoglobin.  相似文献   

证券自律规则法律属性的判断取决于证券自律管理权系公权力抑或私权利的认识。证券监管部门的审批不会使得自律规则成为规章,但经证券监管部门审批的规则具有了准行政规范性文件的属性,应经证券监管部门审批而未审批的证券自律规则不具有法律效力。无需审批的证券自律规则具有民事规则的属性,但实践中哪些自律规则需经审批还需进一步界定。  相似文献   

在图书馆工作的图书馆人,都应具备良好的心态,认可自己的工作价值,并具备广博的知识面和不断学习的能力,在工作中勇于创新,更好地为学校教学科研服务,为社会服务。  相似文献   

70分以上的学生无论是开卷还是闭卷都能取得较好成绩,40分以下的学生无论是开卷还是闭卷都不能过关,开卷对40分到70分之间的学生显出绝对的优越性,因而从卷面成绩看,数学开卷考试是可行的。  相似文献   

机电企业开发各种实用的电器产品,产品品质问题难以避免。采用现代分析仪器,可以为企业产品品质问题提供解决方法。以显微红外、X射线能谱仪(EDS)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)3种分析仪器,对一些不良品进行检测,成功分析出品质问题形成原因。  相似文献   

Brodholt JP 《Nature》2000,407(6804):620-622
Although aluminium is the fifth most abundant element in the Earth's mantle, its effect on the physical properties of perovskite, the main mineral phase in the lower mantle, has largely been ignored. It is becoming clear, however, that many properties of MgSiO3 perovskites are remarkably sensitive to small amounts of aluminium. In particular, perovskite with only 5 wt% Al2O3 has a bulk modulus 10% lower than that of the pure magnesian end-member. The increased compressibility may be due to the high concentrations of oxygen vacancies required to balance the charge of the aluminium; if so, this would have important consequences for the mantle, as aluminous perovskites could be weaker, have lower seismic velocities and be hosts for water. To test whether oxygen vacancies exist in aluminous perovskites, I have calculated the compressibility of end-member defect-bearing perovskites using ab initio methods. The results show that perovskites with oxygen vacancies do have significantly greater compressibilities than those without such vacancies. But the results also suggest that oxygen vacancies become unfavourable at high pressures, in which case only the physical properties of the shallow lower mantle would be affected by aluminium-with the deeper mantle retaining properties similar to those of aluminium-free perovskite.  相似文献   

模因作为文化基因,靠复制、传播而生存,语言是它的载体之一。语言本身也是模因,通过各种媒体不断地复制和传播。语言模因是需要传播的信息,当代媒体则是信息传播最有效的载体。语言模因与当代媒体相辅相成、紧密联系。当代媒体因日渐具有全媒体的特点而成为语言模因最有效的传播工具;语言模因也对当代媒体的发展壮大起着强大的助推作用,是不折不扣的“媒体推手”。  相似文献   

本文结合矿山探采实际情况.根据理论分析与实践经验.总结概括出确定矿井断裂带垂向导水性的九种方法.利用单一或多种方法的结合,结合具体条件.可确定或推断矿井各断裂垂向是否导水或其导水性程度.并用实例说明了这些方法的可行性及有效性.  相似文献   

西部水电工程存在大量滑坡堆积体,部分滑坡堆积体前缘堆积物未分解,结构完整,形成坡体前缘的层状岩体。由于这些层状岩体处于滑坡堆积体底部前缘,分析其对上部堆积体,以及整个坡体的稳定性影响有着重要意义。利用某水电工程的滑坡堆积体实例,计算其在水位下降工况下前缘块状岩体稳定性;同时分析其对上部堆积体的稳定性影响。通过分析计算,该滑坡堆积体前缘层状岩体对滑坡堆积体有阻滑作用,可以当作天然挡土墙处理,不需要稳定加固处理。论证了将这些滑坡体前缘层状岩体当作挡土墙处理的可行性。  相似文献   

中国产业专利密集度统计报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计显示,中国高专利密集度产业集中分布在第二产业和第三产业,对经济增长的拉动作用日益突出;产业创新要素聚集,外贸竞争优势明显;与美相关制造业竞争态势初现,但劳动密集型特点仍然显著。同时,产业研发经费投入强度不高,产业创新效率仍然较低,政策扶持力度有待加强。  相似文献   

民国时期,帮会在全国各地都有一定的发展,形成了一股不容忽视的势力。到了上世纪三、四十年代,这些帮会又开始向社团化、政党化的方向发展;虽然政党、社团之类的名称不同,但有其共同的特点。众多社团的产生和存在,不可避免地对帮会的组织体系和制度造成巨大的冲击,对帮会的发展产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

锚杆支护理论适应性探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同的理论有不同的适应条件,不同的条件就有不同的力学形态,不同的力学形态就应该用不同的锚杆支护理论去解释,不能一概而论。详细分析了各种锚杆支护理论的适应情况。  相似文献   

The magnetic susceptibility in the Chinese loess is considered to have recorded the history of pedogenesis or land-surface stability, and has thus been used as an acute proxy of the summer monsoon intensity. With regard to pedogenesis, most authors failed to appreciate the complexity of weathering processes. Specifically, not acknowledged are local redox conditions, carbonate concentration and leaching. Pre-depositional pedogenesis may be another factor undermining the legitimacy of using the susceptibility as an acute proxy of the summer monsoon intensity. These factors may not necessarily reflect the degree of pedogenesis although they have definitely affected the susceptibility signature. Some contributors to the susceptibility are demonstrated to be inorganic iron and other organically complexed iron. The organic iron associated with decomposed plant litter is proven to be the most important contributor to the susceptibility in modern loess. But, magnetotactic bacteria are believed to be the major generators of the ultrafine ferromagnetic particles responsible for the susceptibility signature in the Quaternary loess and paleosols. The factors affecting susceptibility signature may well be site- and time-dependent even within the Chinese Loess Plateau. Therefore, a more comprehensive model and a more comprehensive approach are needed to address the relationship between the paleoclimate and the proxy.  相似文献   

北京的博物馆具有很大的发展潜力,为更好地利用北京丰富的文化资源,提出了几个方面的建议,包括博物馆的展出内容,展出形式,场馆布局,经费来源信健全相关法律等,特别建议应建设北京民俗博物馆以继承传统文化,并对这种博物馆的形式提出了建议,对于近年来出现的私人博物馆也作了评述,并建议在政策上给以支持和完善相关的法律。  相似文献   

作为一个领袖,首先要有德行号召力,得众人尊崇;其次要有凝聚力,能宽容手下的缺点并为我所用;最重要的是要有将集体引向某处的方向感,以免没有奋斗目标。宋江并非英雄,却是一个好的领袖,梁山泊金交椅非他莫属。  相似文献   

人类在长期的实践过程中,形成了不同的认知思维方式。而语言是人们相互交流的思想工具,思维和语言之间有着密不可分的关系。中西化在哲学和人们思维方式上的不同,使得两种语言在造句、表情达意时的用词、结构以及排列顺序方面都存在差异。这种差异的对比,对我们的翻译教学会有所帮助。  相似文献   

Passier R  van Laake LW  Mummery CL 《Nature》2008,453(7193):322-329
The potential usefulness of human embryonic stem cells for therapy derives from their ability to form any cell in the body. This potential has been used to justify intensive research despite some ethical concerns. In parallel, scientists have searched for adult stem cells that can be used as an alternative to embryonic cells, and, for the heart at least, these efforts have led to promising results. However, most adult cardiomyocytes are unable to divide and form new cardiomyocytes and would therefore be unable to replace those lost as a result of disease. Basic questions--for example, whether cardiomyocyte replacement or alternatives, such as providing the damaged heart with new blood vessels or growth factors to activate resident stem cells, are the best approach--remain to be fully addressed. Despite this, preclinical studies on cardiomyocyte transplantation in animals and the first clinical trials with adult stem cells have recently been published with mixed results.  相似文献   

规范会计行为 提高信息质量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前,假帐、假报表、假成本、假利润、假亏损等虚假会计信息的大量出现,主要是由不规范的会计行为直接导致。因此,会计行为必须规范化和法律化,通过对会计行为的立法,以规范的会计行为来约束会计信息的制造者、检查者以及使用者,提高会计信息的质量,保证市场经济秩序的正常运行。  相似文献   

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